46 of 1928 - Paving Extension No. 214-1st partial estimate ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah,November 27th 1928 Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - 'I Finch - - . Moran - - Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result - - - AN ORDINANCE DENYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Paving District No. 32 (Paving Extension No. 214) for the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter (where not already constructed), constructing drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections, private driveways, installing water services and sewer connections to back of curbs and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of `a.lt Lake City, Utah: SECTION L. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter des crib ed in Paving Dis- trict No. 32 (Paving Extension No. 214) for the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter (where notlalready construct- ed), constructing drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections, private driveways, installing eater services and sewer connections to back of curbs and paving -with Portland cement concrete thereof, to-wit: In Lots 1 to 28 incl. Harvard Park, Lots 1 to 29 incl. Blk. 1 and Lots 1 to 6 incl. 31_k. 11, Yalecrest Park, Lot 4, Pik. 28, 5-Acre Plat C; Lots 29 to 611 incl. D11k 19, Douglas Park of Dlks. 28 and. 29, 5-Acre Plat C, and. Sec. 9, 'T 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. D. & H.; Lots 1 to 32 incl. Upper Harvard Sub.4 vote; 1 to 28 incl. Upper r; E': ti Princeton Sub., Lots: ', _ ant. 19, 0lk. 'CS, 5- cre Plat C., f i3ig Field Survey, abutting on both sides of Michigan Ave. from 17th Last to I ePrnnd Street, 'both sides es of _ 1h :Ave. from 710.9 i't. east to 759 ft. ! cst of 17th inst dtrect, 'both side, of Prince-i ! ton Gvc. from 1.5th to 17th Fact "treats, both sides of Laird r'_vc. i ,from 15th East ;treat to 759 fee ast, both sire, of 17th iast -tr,cet from Princeton 6.vc.. to 11 0.55 feet north of '1 •v:__a __venue, 1 i In Salt Lake City, Utah. This tax is levied to defray the expense of ;r;:_in-;, con-; Htructing concrete curb and gutter (•.:here not c.lrea.d y constructed),A constructing drainage system to carry water acrose and e_long steed and intersections, ,riva to drive ays, installing aaatc_ services ond.i i cTer connections to hack of curbs and rain; l.th "ortlaa.nd cement i concrete thereof ( said lavument to be six (6) to eight (8) inches thick and said roadway to be thirty (`;0) feet wide (curb and. mutter; (built) on Princeton and Laird :-_venues, from 15th Fast ['treat to i:759 feet east; twenty-six (26) feet wide on Harvard _evcnue from _7th Fast Street to 759 ft. Nest; thirty (do) feet c::ide '.:0th f 1,-inch if roll gutter on Princeton '..venue from 17th fast't '?trot to 759 ft. v:esst; thirty (30) feet vide on it rvr:rd avenue from 1 7th ; ast :;tram: to r0.9 ft. east; and. thirty-six (-42) feet wide on Michigan =eve. from 17th East Street to LeGmand r.7treet, and 17th Aast Street rom Princeton Avenue to 110.55 ft. north of Harvard. , venue); the por- tions of said streets op osite the property ocreinbeforc and here- inafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby a.djudgec, determined ant e L p listed that said property will. be especially benefi.teo thereby to the full demount of -the tax hereby leticu, and said parcels of .land are heret'y '.sressed at an equal and uniform rate in actor.."encc: with the linear foot, frontage upon an.i to the entire dentg back therefrom, and the -tax hereby levier; and to be assessee upon said parcels of land is Forty-nine Thousand [:;ix hundred :•;enty-two and 09/100 (1,:c-9,6r✓Is.09) .Dollar.Dollars;.Dollars; Ten 'Thousand i:'ight Hundred Thirty-eight andd 52/100 1.. i• (0.0,8 8.52) Dollars or Three and 57/100 W.57) Dollars per front ' ' or linear foot of abutting property for thirty (ao) foot roadway (curb and gutter built), there being ",0Z-6.0 feet abutting said por I tion of said improvement; fix 'fhousr nd, 'Three HunCse:1 ,"ourt'en and. • j38/100 08,514.88) Dollars or Four end 16/100 (61.16) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for twenty-six- (D6) foot ! roadway, there being 1,518.0 fcct abutting eaia portion of said im rovement; Six Thousand dine _duncired ::'i fty-tv:o and 441100 (88,95 s.?() Dollars or Four and 53/100 (54.58) ! ollurs per _front or linear. foot; I ;of abutting property for thirty ( O) foot roa.dan.y with 24-inch roll: gutter, there being 1,513.0 feet abutting sail oo.otion.of scio _m- `provement; Seven Thousand c':o .n 0: /100 (`,?7.,OOi..0` ) %oll :rs or lour and 79/100 (St.79) bolia.rc ,per front or linear foot of abutting .oro party for thirty (s0) foot roatc.ay, there being 1,`:81.8 fact abut- ting said portion of said improvement; •vourteen Thousand seven and 1:4 /100 (814,007.43) ollers or five and 71/100 (;r1).71) Iollers per j,front or linear foot of abutting property for thirty-six (36) foot roadway, there being ,453.1, feet abutting said portion of sai¢ I'imorovement; Five Hundred Fifty-eight and 00/100 ('.-t53.00) collars for private driveways, there being thirty-one (.1) private drive^:a.y'r, at l ighteen and 00/100 ( 13.00) 5oli per .i ive';,ay; One dundred ;Seventy-one and 0`)/100 ( 171.00) colic.rs for. --rivat . (_riveeays, there tt,eing nine (9) private driveways at Nineteen and 00/100 (,d19.00) dollars per driveway; Nine Hundred Ei.ty and 00/100 ( 9c0 00) i)o1- Lars for private driveways, there being; thirty-tao private driveways at Thirty ant. 00/100 (`>30.00) I oil; r s ,se drives ay; :ifht 1Hundred Sixty-four and 00/100 N964.00) LoU ore for private drive- ,ways, there being twenty-four (t;4) private driveways at 'Thirty-six nand 00/100 ("�V`36.00) Dollars per driveway; One -'hoa a . 1.',;:o Hun8rad 2hirty end 00/l00 ( l,`sO.00) -ollers for sewer la.t als, there be- 1 0.ng eighty--two (82) sewer laterals a.t Fifteen end 00/100 (,:,15.00) I fol.lars for each se,rrer lateral; Seven -lu Lcrec -:enty three and 30/100 (;7t:s.80) Dollars for cater services, there being forty-,seven (17) I , afar services at Fifteen nc '_0/l00 ( zit '--0) Loilars for each i tee'. the cost of construction of which i .eway nc _ervica,/the cost of installing .hich water services and paver laterals I� 1 i, I. [c:nd the property benefited thereby is mere in<o cer. set out, and all t: ..thln the boundaries of the lots, blocks and ^cr:-e s above mention-; f jed in said district, `which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of su.id im >rovemont, according to the contrsct entered ''into for the performance of said work ,nd mahing slid improvement i with GLhbons & Reed Co., Contractors, dated Juno 23, l°28, sod the City 'Treasurer is hereby authorizes and cirecter' to a::sesc in so- j;.cordance with the provis.ons of this ominance for the purpose here- Ein mentioned: THIRTY_[?001 ROLD :L.Y (Curb end Gutter built.) The north side of the south 110.Gfl ft. of Lot C, the isouth side of the north 110.55 ft. of Lot ' , the north site of the L.� )south 110.55 ft. of Lot =, Ono the south side of the north 110.55 keet of Lot 4; of 131%. 29, 5-_-cre Plat C, Sir, r:icld purvey. -- . i1TY-S `_ POUTROP_D01iY. The south side of Lots 1 to 16 incl., and the north side II I;of Lots 17 to 1 incl., Tidier Harvard Sub. of <'9, 5 -.cre Plat ' ITC, flip Feld Survey. 1, THIRTY POUT T_O. 1 :AY= (with L^:-inch `•boll. Cutter) s Ij The south sloe of Lots 15 C 1 to 1;: incl.., the north side, of Lots 16 to 28 incl., of Ugoer Princeton Sub. of 81k. ,9; and the? north side of the south 110,55 ft. of the west 50 ft. of Lot 19, ;Plk. 29; 5-Acre Plat "C", big Field Survey. THIRTY SOOT ROAM:AY. The north side of Lots 1 to 14 incl., cnd the south maize i. !of Lots 15 to 23 incl., of Harvard Park, 711c. ,,B, 5-:-cre Plat "C", g Yield Survey. 0! The north side of Lot.. 1 to u9 incl. of 81k. 1, the northi 'side of Lots 1 to 5 incl. of "1k. 0, the north .side of the crest 1 ft. of Lot 0 of '31k. ', Yc.lecrent Park, : 1'-c. Cd, 5-:'acre ?lot C, lip Field Survey; the south side of Lots 39 to 6 incl. of 511c. !19, Louglds Pork, being a part of Glk . `✓8 g'n_ :9, 5 -cre Flat C, grnd Sec. 9, 'T., 1 S., h. 1 : ., s- 1.; the rest side of the 1 0 1 -3- 1 north 110.55 ft. of Lot 4, flk. 28; the west side of Lots lt an 15' Harvard Perk,, 711k. 28; the east side of Lots 14 and 15, T.1 ,or iPrinceton Sub. of Ilk. 29; the east side of Lots 1_3 und 17, Urmor Harvard Sub. of 'Ilk. 5-,:,cre flat "C", flig Field ,- arvey. PROP7aY_bS2.FfSEL, 201 PRIVi-\TF DRIVELAYS IN fiD1,ITION TO TNhREGUL3 6SCe-,,,M5111. ( 18.00_per diivewa3717) the south sin of Lots 1, 2, 5, 7, 3, 10, 12 2 the south side of Lots 7f., 4, 6, 9, 11, 14 and 15, thc north side of Lots 18, 19, 20 & 28, thc north side of Lots 21 & 22, 27, 2.3, 25, 126, 27, 29, 30, 31, and the north side of the east 50 ft. of Lot :32,, Upper Harvard Cub. of 'Ilk. 29, 5--dcre Plat "C", 'ig field Jurvey. PROPERTY ASSEffED FOR PRIVATE ShIV] INLraITKON TO TrT. J.'CUT,,,R [,,CS_ESSII.AT19.00 2er driveway.); The north side of the east 47 ft. of the south 110.55 ft.! of Lot 4 of Blk. 29; the south side of Lots 5, 6 & 15, 8 & 10, the :north side of Lots 19 & 22, Uaaer Princeton Bu5. of 29; the north side of the west 50 ft. of the south 110.55 1-a. or Lot 19, 9lk. 29; 5-Acre Plat "C", fig Field Survey. PROPP.iR.TY_A3Wfl2T_POL PRIV2TE aRIVE,:,LYS IN !,1%, TO_THE Ria,GUUR AS=BMLNT. ( fT,0.00 aer .BJ'iveway.,1 The south side of Lots 29, 33, 35, '7, -9, 41, 47,, 45, 47, 19, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 & 61 of 51k. 19, Louglas Park, beim-, a pPrt c.)r 31ks. 28 & 29, 5-4,cre flub C and dec. 9, T. 1 -., 1 E., B. L. B. & M.; the north side of Lots 4, (3, 8, 10, L., 14, 16, 18, 20, 2.2;, 2(3, 24, 25, 26 & 27 of 21k. 1, Yalecrest Purk, flk. ,8; the west iside of Lots 14 & 15, Harvard Park, 51k. 28; the east side of the north 55.55 ft. of Lot 16, Upper Harvard -u5. of ;12. 5-&cre Plot C, pig Field Survey. PRUE= .ASE,L) 20H PfI:,P,Td' TO Vih_HJBGULAP, LJUU . L23.00 _50 drivevay) The north side of Lots 2 to 11 incl., 12 & 13 , tlse south Fside of Lots 16, and 17 to 27 incl., Harvard Park, :=;12. 28, 5-Acre. I !Plat "C", Big Field Survey. !'d PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR SEt,M LA_IfTRALS IS LILITTON TO THE REGULAR 1.SCESSMENT. The south side of Lots 46, 48, 51, 57, 55, 56, 58, 60 & C32, .71k. 19, Douglas Pork, being a part of 61ks. 28 and 29, 5-Acre Plat C, and Sec. 9, T. 1 S., D. 1 'D., 7. L. .5. & :H.; the north sidel of Lots 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, is, 11, 16, 13, .(), 22, 01, 26 & 23 of Olk.i h_ the north side of Lots 1, 3 & 5 of ;ilk. 1, Yalecrest Park of "stlk. 28;. the north side of Lots 1 to 11 incl., 12 & 1 , the west side oe, Lots 14 & 15, the south side of Lot:316, 17 to 28 incl., of Harvard Park of 31k. 28; the west side of the north 110.55 ft. of Lot 4, hk. 28; the south sine of Lots 1, 0, 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 & 15, 8 & 9, the east side of Lot 14, the north side of'Lots.16 0 22 & 25 to 28 incl., 23 & 04, Upper Princeton Sub. of 29; rthe east side of Lot 17, Upper Harvard Sub. of 61k. 9; 5-Lcre Plati PT", Pig Field Survey. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR WATER SERVICES IN AIDITION TO THE REGULAR (-K5Es:4AENT. The north side of Lots 1, 7, b., 7, 9, 11, 1S-, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 25, 27 & 29 of Dlk. 1, the north side of Lots 2 & 4 and thei north side of the west 2.33 ft. of Lot 6, of 01k. 3, Yalecrest of Ulk. 28; the north side of Lots 1 to 11 incl., 12 & 17:, the nestl sine of Lot 14, Harvard Park, of blk. 28; the west side of the north 110.55 ft. of Lot 4 of Plk. 28; the north side of Lots 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27 & 23, 23 & 24, the east side of Lot 14, rUpper Princeton Sub. of Ulk. 29; the east side of Lot 17, Upper klarvard Sub. of 01k. 29; 5- cre Plat 'C", 13ig Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth badk from said streets, Mad to collect said tam. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of hEouslization and Review of the property described in Pection 1 of this ordinance in Paving IP:tension No. 214, of Salt Like City, for the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter (wherpd.. 1 -- A 1 ' j not already constructed), constructing drainage system to carry kater across and along streets and intersections, private driveways "'installing water services and sewer connections to back of curbs and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof, is hereby con- firmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, end the report of the board of Cqualiza.tion and }Review to the "Board of Commissioners of ;alt Lake City arc hereby ratified, "approved and confirmed. is f SECTION 3'.' Caic- tar shall be.;pay able in,ten equal yearly installments as provided. by Is and ordinance-with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the ,+ ttof five per cemt'perannum, payable at the time each installment id;due. In the eycnt any installment or the interest aforesaid is nat paid on the day the same becomes cue,j the whole amount of the s>.e44.a' tax unpaid at the time said install+ r I ment and interest are due 'shall become due and payable, and shall (draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the 1 sale of the property assessed. SECTION 4. 'this ordinance shall take effect one day after its publication. I 1 i.; Passed by the board of Commissioners of >alt Lake City, lUtah, this �- .L day of Y�i- _ , -._,. 1928. Mayor. City hecorder. Paving Extension No. 214, let Partial Estimate. - • iJ ' g • t Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake ' ' '') •://'___ ., _ • . , . poses and says that he is the principal , .., . . . ., ,... r NEWS, a newspaper published in • AN ORDINANCE. the south 11(165 ft. of Lot 4 of 1.1110F 29;the eouth efde'of Lots 5,;Teed 15, 8 and 10, tht north side ot Lots 39,2 AN dRDINANCE LEVYING A TAX County,in the State of Utah. end 22, Uppe Princeton Sub. of.Elkp and for the asoossmont of property In 29: the north'eido'Of the tWest 5o et: Paving Diatrict NO. 82 (Paving Eaten. ot the;south 10.55 ft.of Lot 19. 13114E7 .... . Mon No. 214) for the parPooe of gred- 29; 6 Acre Pi t"C" Bit,Itirlitliarx.17 ing,'conatructing concrete curb land gilt- PROPERTY MI 4,LK,t,ft(e4.ex. I -1141 - to (Where not already ctanotructed). DRUEWA 'TN'ADDITION TO 4.-- .- constructing drainage system to carry THE R CLAP/ ASSESSMENT "7 °tutor aoroo•and along streets and ht- (eso.o0 r.pR owykwAY) ,,,,L, ,f,C,a2,C, ,,C_ -.-/ CZ torseotidno, prlitate driveway:, install- The south ore of Loin 29,33,86.379. "log wator sorvioes and sewer connoctIone 39, 41, 48, 4.,47, 49, 61. 63, 66, 679 to beck of curho and paving with Port- IA and 61 o 731k. 19, Dangles Parke/ t land cement con c L ()O rote there a part go Elks.28 and 29,6 Acre' BO It ordained by the Board of Corn. Flat "C" and Soo. 9, T. 1 S. R. r P 4 , lilt Lake City. TRalm E. S. L. 11.'& M.; tile te no th Silk - nlitglrC7 'N°1. That the Board of Otto- of Lot. 4, 9 8, lo, le. 14, 18, 11yr- IniSetoner.of Salt Leko City does hereby 20. 22, 23, 29 M. 28 and 27 of 1319- levy the tax and prOVide fOr the aw L Yalecreot Park, 131k. 28: the wog% -mason:eat of the aanie uptm the Prop aide or Lots 14 andv 15.Harard Park9. erty hereinafter described in Paving Elk. 28; the,east oldo of the ;sortie DletrIct No. 83 (Paving Extenelon NO. 6958 ft,of Ldt 18,Lipper Harvard Stab.i 214) for the purpose of grading, con. of E1k.29;6!Acre Plat"C",Dig pmkt )atuwhed,wasfirstublished in said otructing concrete ourb and gutter 60,7711, (where not already uobotructad), con- 91ARATAtriVE12 FOR PRIVATX published atruotkag drainage system to carry we- mu „, „L„,„ Arrari___ro ter aorbas and along otreoto and Linter. 4"7 Eted the -- day of 93Ociion., private 417ov/toys, Mstelling ,,,,,.. (880.00 ,ER DRIVEMAY.) a, • :to,0 a ne north de o t Lots 2 to 11 incl.iveter Serviops'and aewor emnoottoriel „apd-18, t o south Old, of Lot lir• -.of onrbo and paving with Portland ..etlAto 27 tick, Harvard Park, Elk; 3 ,cement cOnoee thereof, to-wIt: A.D. 192.1 In Lots loot 29 incl. Harvard Park, ,,,.',„ ore Plat Big rigid Lyte 1 to,29 inol.131k.1 and lots 1 to 8 pAopEE,Er As, ,,,,, E . ,,.. 'Incl.BM.3,Yaloorest Paik,Lot 4,Elk. LATERALS 0EADE. Eo DITI-OH-Tcr-T --'7,' . • 28, 6.Aore Plat C; lots 29 to 88 incl. 131k. 19:Douglas Park of Elko. 2T and REGULAR ASSESSMENT .. oTha eathoetidel:zt.21.91,toin,46j9.0,33 6,;t .29, T.Aore Plat C,end Soc. 0,T. /Ii., It, 1 E., S. L. B. &AL; Lots 1 to 01 i4 rksr9..beit' ••Part'of Elks.'23 7nct 41/ Incl.tipper Harvard Sub..Lots 1 to 28 29, 6-Acre PIT C. and m. 9, . S-9 incI.El Upper Princeton 5.Aore Plat r.,Sub.,Lots,8.4 9n,s11 R. 1 E. g L )3 &3.1.•the north oldr of being in the issue dated the .,/ ... sp, , 22, C, EIS of '8'6'i O,'8, 10,'S 12, 4;T1 -Survey,abutting on'both sides of Mich. 20,Lots 22, 24;al&28 of Elk. 11 18, 189'the norteL Igen Ave.. Gobi 17th East to LeOrand side of 1,,ofo , s &6 of Bik. 3 Topo.r. aet....L'---' A D.192.d... Street,bOth side.of Harvard AV9 cr,9,p, crest Perk of 1111t 28:thb north e Of 730.3 ft. one/to 750 ft. went of 17tb Lots 1 to 111Inol, 12 & 18, the wok, East WOO.bOth«Ides of Prinoeton Ave. side of Lot o le,& is, the nouth Ode of from 11th to 17th East Streets, both Lots 18.17 to128 inci„,of Harvard Park Cldea of Laird Ave. from 16th East of Elk. 28;the went eldo of His nottb, '- Street to 780 f..t east, both old. of 110.68 ft: of I,bt 4, 131k. 28: the soul 17th Loot Street from prAve,Inceton A eide of L .ots A. 2. 3, 4. 8 7. 11. 19 1 to 110.55 feet mirth of Hervard Avenue. & 16, $ & %re,.eost side of Lot 1,- In Salt Lake Clty, Dtah. the north ai of Lotto 18 to 1401.80:. .Thle tax lo levied Co defray the ok- 36 to 28 biol. 28 & 24. UpPe22r Prince. ) er.- Perm of Nraalpg, con/0r:MU:1g ooncrete ton Sub. of lk. 20: the ea4t side ogI curb and gutter (where not alroade Lot 17, 7.1145e Harvard Sub. of Elk: : conotruoted),conotruoting drainage ove- 29: 6-Aoro Piet "C"._EIS•Pleld Surv.39 tom to carry water acme. and aumg rsorBvrr Asstsoo roB w.BTEB 9trooto and inters•otionc privet° drive- sErtvreze xN ADontoN ro THE • ways,installing water Orvieto and sate- REOTHAR ASSESSMENT • §......41.71— 2 - or cennoctiOne to back of curbs and The north 111416 of Lam 1. 8, 6, 7. 9 payfog with Portland cement venerate 11. 12, 15, 17, 19. 21, 28, 25, 27 & is tboreof (said pavement to he six (8) of Elk. I. the nOrth elde OP Lot. 2 •fe. to eight(8)Inch./tilt II and said road. 4 and the noith aide of the Weld 2.4 way to be thirty (30) feet wide (curb ft.of Lot 6, 8 Blk.2,Yalooreet Pall, and gutter built) on Princeton and of/dill 28% t• north old° of Loto 1 rdAvenues, fro m 15th East Street to 11 no/. 12 & 13, the nest Md. of to 769 feet eak; twenty-slz (28) feet Lots 1 HarVerti Park.of Elk.28; tlift wide on Harvard Avenue from 1.1tie West side of.the north 110.66 it. at East Str011t to 769(t.Weed:thirty 00) Lot 4 of illil ., 3% the no Oh ei 0 ot , • f"t wid. with er8(41 le l'It''.°4-1.005 14 'I 4. 'la side a,It.a,-. .,;,vrA.-.4...ttl itIg5+11(toiltrAeVA-IA--ri4.16-.' - 11.-It -al—i ,,,..--— - Ion HarVard Avenue from 17110.East eget olde of Lot 17. Upper ?Pervert% day of 1,root to,730.e ft. •Set; and thirty...1s Sub.of Elk IL. ,20; Aor• Plat .0'11,EIS tot ' s) toot piae toM g O,,ohi Ave. to,,,,,, rliBd Survey: as the sanie are e own, - 17th East Pt cot to LeGrend Street.and, uPon the elfiblal plats of weld cl to. 17101 East Street (Mtn PrinCeton Ave. the entire depth back,from said streets; nue to 119.56 ft.north of Harvard AVe. end to cnIloot sold tem 1 nue); the port;One of said streeto op- SECTION i, .rhat the aaa e a anent --->": 34910 the property hereinb / eforo an lilt Made b the City T su reerpr, of hereinafter degoribed to be Ospeelail corrected, e,p Mited and manpletcd bi offoctwit and benefited bY...14 improve. the floar4 oft,Equalleatlon and IleVie -4 , moat.and it it,hereby adJudeed,aeter- of the nr9porXY Aeeoribed In see ion mined and eetalgiehed that said prOplorty Of thle ornin nee in PeMite E.t.a. , Notary P ' , .111 te espeotallY benefited thereby to NO 311, of alt Lake City. Mr Deg the fuli amount of the tag hereby levlatl. Purpooe of tiding; conotructing ran- t 1 iiattidnehengr eeoetdaer,Coep ucfotrproroorpmdnea ano,natiaPonlnt4 addeton'"wttoioh.'t.T.he1ath 1 1hto6tohu1xa(41Wn1n:1t1d4"0i 1re0eiUn sf,rd ife1ko•pO oVrtMI,e4 °°Mssiadsrto:arlefyee.t.es,F,,ti ns 4 t s bC ku er gsropceor'silvn vlaoa ettudna edrT.adb Mld t b eOd PAT " t. 00,ing pit 91tiL0 01m/0t1nsrm o"rorisaao:vo. d0,bw/ejtl- 10 e dTWtytwnd 10 G496209) hr 9oy d h5 . 7-ade and rottlrritd In gal Dollarts Tan T14/404114 EVIIIS _Xt./ coraPlotod lie and She roport of tlfe dre{ .11,irt,..i6M sad '!"a Boag1 of TM alieatiOn end ne,riot to tigP!'2114aO 15111;; 1 II' , - 1 s e g au a0 feet BECTIOv$ e}I$_t r etrall bb p``g p ab4 Thig ea1P XtriAn !S Ilsld DnD p s I t !n sa T Y lY iq a lllh}nta ay p ens t dla Th8t.W is Soo Sid video by 1 and fill n0 0 with filter fvnrt ett and 88 l00 ($ 916.88) Dol. On the.Aito1e !urg.u*v}ala t.t@@ ea ie 'Four and 18 30 11410 DOI Pt.the per,pent pe apish }at�)1 toe p8r'ero t o Ilneat fnot of abut- thv S7 !, 44i' ltf {m t if. g Hs Derty Sas Sift iix (28) (0qqC in ;,'F. gale 'd d. y, 7 re Selo'h A t t abut fotriCe%1 p t npa(d roT ddY 7,t". oh, ho nil N a eud ar anent of !pomp du`,.;hp No{a g1 Si T4400 ( Nine lion sod Flf(y-tW et .ib gl PI a CS{C'd int1 at et Ante anttif 15 100' ($6.56) ) Flare r front acid t!Miff h Ond Inc e. etc Ant; or I kltfo (i4.58) FOB VI.ti per`troopp hau blaste dti� .t p iota and erg : r 1ly (8 feat t made. Smith 2ty fog FA. Inc Pet at.he date a heel thirty (e0S toot oadwn >tritrt 94.fnah t'!r !nt p a fj4nr until tb9 eels s'4tter, th ro th In i 618.0_.feet he'prpDarty paeeeae0.. ahVAtl s id p FRt E a1Q fAtyyrave- gEc'ISON 4 Tht:ordlgSPCe anapll lal myht 6gtit Tit UBadd it nil 02.100 effect,-0a4 day site It!publloatloM (8t 008 02) Do1I re FO d Y8<S60 passed by the Hard f botAplieel tM(il 78) Dollar.Per front r Bnea"foot ars to Halt W Cite, Utah, tins 8'1 Of abutting y p sty fa thirty (ab) day,of November.A.b mg. 4: rot oadway the bath 1,461.8.feet ,TORN F. BOW21416ii, -.. abutting sold portion f aid improve. 62aY r' ' foam; Fourt p Thouean Seven and ETREL MACDONA'L7), S,, 48=1W ($1400448) Douare Five ana OF'Becordei1 (near root?of abutting Napertyt for: BM No. 16. - thirty-elg (36) foot o dw y, there ha- tat t Partial Estimate.-gIJ. r ate, log'2,466.14 feet abuttingl id per- Published Boo. 1, 1978, t10n of eid improvement; Five Bun- tire& Fifty-ei and 00400 (8648,00) driv ays, Mors being Dollar. prlvat w thirty-one (81) Titivate dHve- y, at Eighteen.and 004100 ($18.60) Dollars per drlvew61; O e Hundred Seventy-one and 00-10D (171.00) Dol- lars for private driveways'there being ,Din (8) private driveways; t Nineteen and 00 100 (1111.00) Dollar per drive- WAY:-Nine Stondred SintY an& DO 100 (1960.50Y DoIlorm for prlva .:¢rIveways,, fhb a baits'chi ty t (6) q I ere, drl Y at Thirty.. ,d )0 100 ($n000 o118re par driveway; EI t Hundred 1 lore ffour and 00.100 ($64.00) Dol. lags for private driveway, there no. Jag twentg-roar (24) private driveways at Thirty-six and;00-100 (,boson) Dol- ar's Per driveway; One The d Two Hundred Thirty and 00.10 her, 0.00) Dollars for sewer r laterals. here being ieentyad two o0-100 sewer late ale Dollars t 8for each sewer lateral; Sett n Hundred ' Twenty-three and 80-100 ($23.86) Dol- t for w to[y� vines, here being 1 forty-seven'(47)' water v cos at Fif- teen and.40,100 ($16.40)r (liars for each water ae rules. the Spqec of eon- . etruetlon a 'w hlch driveways and the coat: of metalling: which water Services a n d snafu. laterals and the property benefited j thereby is out, hereinafter eat out, and all;within the oboe. Mentioned of the lots,blockelond'screech ihove Mentioned In said district, which s she total abutters'coat mil cost per front foot o8 said l stars ma t, cco d• lag to' the Contractentered lido fe the. pm rr4 ma e of said work d sa(d!m ep rash t with Bibb C. Contractors, dated uti '- $ ttf City;Tgo.seuror le ' ( - • and directed t aat with thep videos ;. ' e � I for the purpose It rein ;} foot Roaddway)(Ceeb iad Gutter rh110 north side of the south 110.65'ft. of 7,.)tt 8, the south aide of{the north 110.t56,ft of Lot 3,the rth Side o)the south'110.66 ft.of Lot 4 d'the south qpp r-eneh.W.66 4t:0r"�{1lt,4 L F B),1F: 8{ 6-Acre Play C;81g Field Bur 1 v Y. south sot Bo1dt Y. ( The en side of Lot a'1 t{Q8 16 incl., paand the north side 1 Lots 17 32,nob,! per.Iltvard Sub,of Elk. 9, 5-Acre ...Plat C. Big Field Survey, Thirty foot Roadway(With 24tlneh Roll, The south aide0of Lora 16 and 1 to 13 lost., the north side of Lots 16 to Si Incl.. f:-tIDper-Princeton Snli pf Dlk. 20; and the north side of of ho t Booth' 1/0.55 nil,.20; re 20;5-Acre Plot"C," Big Field Sur-19,l ley. Thipty Foot Roadway,1 The'.north eide of Lots 1 to}14 Incl., and the eouth a tie of Lots 06 to 23 logy, of Harvard Park, BIk. 2'pr, 5-Acre Plat'C.' Big Field Survey. The'mirtht tyside Foot Lottss a 1 d to29 incl.. of Blk 1,the north aide of L,tts 1 to 6 Incl. of Elk. 2, the north sidi of the apt 2.68 ft. 0f Lot 8 of BM. 3 Yale- greet Dark,Blk,.28, 6;Acre PI t C.Big t yreld.Survey;tee mouth side e$.Loth 29 tobeing- Id l., of.Bllr. 16, Dough e,Fork, bein5 part of.Bike.28 and 28 6.Aore Plat C,aNL Sec.2,T.1 S.,R.I 1 E.,'.S. L. B, & ; the west aide of. the north pp,1110.56--ft of Lot 4, Elk, 28; the Park,,Wes al,a$lk.e oY2g-{Lots the 4 a td side�of rva LOK 14w aOd'16, eper Princeton,Sub, of B1 '99 thh e4 t alai of Lota 18 and 17, Vpper:Harvard Sob. t lk. 20;; 6 he 2 Plat."C",'Big Field S rvey. B P AelfESSED FOR VAT/41 \ 41n MVO TO , ll 00 PER 0$1VEWA NT U etl d 01 t L 8.6 IA ; ttQ1�.IL l eh'line?:uI �. that t en 1ppGGs ,114{ Y. nil 22 2$,c. '.R'Afi$i ''e A sl. 0od tpla - north la qq,,..,, .¢ BC.60 ft. f Lyto, 32, U P tg- Bub. f ield rocs_ o 10, PRQ 2:',,t e s LD FOR PATE 'i t R A88FSS111/p;NT O ��`The lead- gtd$i'of thweast 47-ft. of 0 L 0 K: *Fa © I. w z 1.• - F _ _ _