46 of 1929 - Vacating Jefferson Street from 13th South Street north in Block 3, Holland Subdivision of Block 23, ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Dec. 9, 1929
Burton - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr - - -
Moran - - -
Mr.Chairman -
Result - - -
Street north to the south line of first alley north of 13th South,
and alley in Block 3, Holland Subdivision of Block 23, 5-Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Jefferson Street from 13th South Street
north to the south line of first alley north of 13th South,and
alley in Block 3, Holland Subdivision of Block 23, 5-Acre Plat
A, Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah, and more particularly
described as follows:
Jefferson Street from 13th South Street north to the
south line of first alley north of 13th South:
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3,
"I' r Holland Subdivision of Block 23, 5-Acre Plat A, Big Field
7 ,
Survey; thence north 273.0 ft.; thence east 66.0 ft.; thence
south 273.0 ft.; thence west 66.0 ft. to beginning.
Alley west of Jefferson Street running north from 13th
South Street to south line of first alley north of 13th
Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 3,
Holland. Subdivision of Block 23, 5-Acre Plat A, Pig Field
Survey; thence north 273.0 ft.; thence east 17.5 ft.; thence
south 273.0 ft.; thence west 17.5 ft. to beginning.
IBe and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer public
property for use as streets, alleys or pedestbian ways.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to the right of
Tway of the Utah Light & Traction Company acquired under franchise ! _.
from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the
electric transmission, distribution and telephone circuits of the
Utah Light & Traction Company and poles, together with the necessa.iT
,stops, cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto !
for the support of said eircuits;;'pas now erected and maintained
along and upon the streets or eU eys to be closed during the life
of that certain franchise heretofore granted by—Salt Lake City to
'said Utah Light & Traction 'Company on the 2lst day of December,
1914, or any extensions thereof:
SECTION 2. In the 0p1`nion of the Board of Commissioners,!
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants !
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.!
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
1Utah, this _10th day of December , A. D. 1929.
II Mayor.
City ecorder.
61 1
). A . • A
I CO.. 3 ro 6: 9W j.: ,
i!- u
]Innnf of ]Inbr1trattnn
1Lnited*tern of.Anterira
An ordinance vacating Jetter,on
heel from 13th South street north to;
the e south line'of first alley north-of'.
lead Stsbd,bloc ofy 11 Block 3 A01-
land ;BiElleid r Block 23 3.ily,
t A.Blg`Fleld Burvey;.Balt Lake.City,
ae It ordainetdyty tfie.loam of Com. ' being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
misaioners of lmt Lake C1ty.Utah '
Section 1."That Jeffereon'atreet from
/Stn.:South''Street berth,to,the ouch'1
line.Of Klrbt alley north of/3th Sbutin •
end'a/ley in Block 3,xonana$ubdt- of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in
vhiion of-Block 23,'5-Acre Plat..A,Big
Plaid Survey,Salt Lake City,:Utah,abet
more•partieuiarly.deseribed ae'follnws:
Jefferson street from".13th:.South Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
street north.to the south,lime Ctirst"
alley north;of 13th'South: .•
ast ooTrnn •
o•.1,Block 8 7tollan4 d'ubdtvislon'bpi" AN ORDINANCE. BILL NO 46,
Sleek 43,'S-Acre Plat A,B;g.Pleld'y;,t That the Notice s
ehencenerth 273.0,ft.:theaee'east
58.O ft.;thence south'.273.0 ft.;thence
west 66.0'ft.to beginning, SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION.
Alley west of Jefferson street Mining.
north from 13th South.streethtoaouth
'line;Of first alley north.Of 13th'sbuth:
LoBeginning,Block" HoollandhSubdivisWitol OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER.
•Block 23i:5-Acre Plat A,.>lg Field Our-
.vey;..thence north 273.0 ft1;thence east
17.5"ft.;thence eouth.273A ft.;thence
-west 17.5 ft.to beginning: Be1 and the
same-are hereby vacated,and declared
-no longer public property for'Me as
'streets,alleys or pedestrian ways.•" -
Said vacation Is made expressly sub-i of which a copyis hereto attached, first published in said news-
,lect tie,the right of way of,the Utah was
Light f Traction company •acquired
-under franchise/rem Salt Lake City to
maintain,repair,alter and distribution
j.ele0 00•t:cti'o 1180°n, distribution end'; paper in its issue dated the
teiephone'clroults of the Utah Light do
Traction Company and,.poles,together'
with the-.necessary stops, crass-arms
and other,attachments thereon or,at-;' dayof Dec ember , 192 9,
fixed.thereto.for the support of llaid.'i
circulte es now.erected.end maintained
along.And upon the.streets or alleys l
to be,elOsed dining the life Of',that and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
certain' chile heretofore grants by
Salt Lakeke City to Bald Utah Light
Traction•¢omppany on the 21st day Of December 11th December, 1014, or any,'exten6lOns .for
thereof.- ..
•Section.2. In the opinion of the
'Board of Commie, heal, lt"is'n9ces-
ot the inh to abitants of Saltand Lake pity thereafter,the full period of One insertion.
-,that this,ordinance become effective
Immediately.' •
Bastion 3. This ordinance shall take
effect upon its fi�st phbneation` last Passed by the,card of Co IhisBion- thepublication thereof
ers of Salt.Lake City,Utah,this.10th
day of December,A.D.1929.' - '
Ethel MaCcdonaid,City R cordF.BOWMAN.er yor. 11th
Bill No.46. being in the issue dated the day of
•Published.December 11,'IND:"
December ,A. ,192 9
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ^ 11.th day of
Dec ember ,A.D.192 9 lf7 ajjd€'''tA4ee'L"'"'
Notary Public.
Advertising fee,$
MIR Oalt Ealt ributte
hva 17...."i-e4A-14;14.4.
C-3k4' 1' -Ai
Entry No