46 of 1930 - Paving Extension No.233-2d and finale estimate p .
Salt Lake City,Utah,t'` E/`/ ,193
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr a/
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of pro-
perty in Paving District No. 32 (Paving Extension No. 233) for the
purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter, drainage
and irrigation systems and paving with Portland cement concrete
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in =Paving'District
1(1 No. 32 (Paving Extension No. 233) for the purpose of grading, con—
structing concrete curb and gutter, drainage and irrigation systems
and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof, to—wit:
In Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26 of Blk. 5, Lots 23, 24, 25
and 26 of Blk. 6, East Park Sub. of Blk. 18; and Lot 16 of
Blk. 18; 5—Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey; abutting en and
adjacent tip both sides of Yale Avenue from 8th to 9th East
Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, con—
structing concrete curb and gutter, drainage and irrigsixo(67
nches to
and paving with Portland cement concrete thereof (said pavement to be/
eight (8) inches thick and said roadway to be twenty (20) feet wide);
the portions of said property hereinbefore and hereinafter describ
ed opposite said street. to be especially affected and benefited b
said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and estab-
lished that said property will be especially benefited thereby to
the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land
are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance wit
the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same
ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the tax hereby
levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Four Thousan•
Nine Hundred Thirty-seven and 59/100 ($4,937.59) Dollars or Three
and 894/1000 ($3.894) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting
property for said twenty (20) foot roadway, there being 1,268 feet
abutting said portion of said improvement; and the property bene-
fited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries
of the lots, blocks and street ' above mentioned in said district,
which is the total of said abutters! cost and cost per front foot
of said improvement, according to the contract entered into for the
performance of said work and making said improvement with Gibbons
& Reed Company, contractors, dated September 16, 1930, and the City
Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in accordanc-
with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein men-
The east 330 ft. of Lot 16, the west 157 ft. of the
east 553 ft. of Lot 16, the west 157 ft. of the east 726 ft. of Lot
16, of Blk. 18; Lots 23 & 24, 25 & 26 of Blk. 5, Lots 23 & 24, 25
& 26 of Blk. 6, East Park Sub. of Blk. 18; 5-kcre Flat "A", Big
Field. Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said
city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said stree
and to collect said tax.
SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of /2
this ordinance in Paving Extension No. 233, of Salt Lake City,
the purpose of grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter,
drainage and irrigation systems and paving with Portland cement con
crete thereof is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and re—
turned in said completed list, and the report of the Board of
Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
.SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearl,
installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the
whole sum unpaid at the rate of Six per cent per annum, payable at
the time each installment is due, providedy however, that one or
more of such installments in the order paf!able, or the whole tax,
may be paid without interest within fifteen ,(15) days from the date
this ordinance becomes effective. - In the event any installment or
the interest aforesaid?is not paid on the'i;.ay the same becomes due,
the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said install
:nnt and interest are due, shall become due and payable, and shall
draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the
sale of the property assessed.
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day afte
its publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 2d__day of December A. D. 1930.
�_ y(e� lo �� Mayor.
City Recorder.
Paving Extension No. 233.
`nd & Pinal Estimate.
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Proof of Publicati•
County of Salt Lake.
.AN OEDINA`NCE LE.VYING,A,TAX I, Mi.1o.Beele.i h beingfirst
and for'the assessment of property duly
In:Iaaelitg District.No. 32:(Paving
Ea(temiidn No:,283) for the purpose
er gradWg cenetrdoHng concrete curb sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
cad„getter, drainage and'Irrigation
eYstetna;and paving.with ,1?eftland
aemenit concrete thbreot. TELEGRAM, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, published every
Be it ordained by the Bags e. day
�,m,kegtonepa of Salt Laths C1ty,
a eTtoN i That the Board of at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
Co,t2e ,.
tionars of Salt;lake
•qe.hereby levy the tht and provide
ter the assessment of the same upon
het property hereinafter ddete}'ibed°In
eying. District No. 32 (Paving Ea. That the notice .An.0rdinanoe•13111•#46
ion NO,B88) for the purpose of
ding,.Constructing h concrete•curb
• gutterr,, drainage and Irrigation
terra and Paving with Portland.ce-
nt eoncrate thereof, to-wit: Paving.ifatension•#•233
n Lots'23, 24, 25 and 26 of Blk;
Leta 8, 26, 25 and 26 of BM. 6,
at Park 2$, `.of Blk. 18;.and Lot
of Slk.tg._6-Acre.Plat"A", Big
1,8 eat orveyj ab e.of"on and ad-
ant.to.bdfh:sides. Yale Avenue
•m 8th 'to 9th Fast Streets, 1n •
Mt Lake'Otto Utah..
fa.;gx,.Ie•=•levied to,defray the
'Mee of grading,'constr4 ring.con-
te'c4rb and gutter, drainage and
rrtgation system ,and paving .with
Portland'cement concrete thereof of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- i
I (said
eight(8)v enchea thick nda c and broad I
way to be twenty (20) feet wide);
the portions hereinafter said propertyddescribed herein-
before paper in its issue dated the ..$Td.. day of .Dec ember. . 1930.and street
be pe iall of- '
Ied said street to be especially m-
footed and benefited'hereby said im-
patemni nt,ed and'e tablis 'adat said
dfoptrt wIll'd^eataeelaibd.b00 11e0 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
D@rtg:twill'he especially beoenthe
t malty.'to the full amount of the
heresy levied, and said parcels **ah''*********
61'land lan are hereby eased at an for gial.** G.Y•a.+K**
%chat and uniform rate in accordance
With the linear foot frontage upon
and to the entire depth Of the-same,
ownerehfy back therefrom not ex-'
c:°ding.380 feet,and the tea hereby; thereafter, the full period of ,.One.I nB.ert ton
ed-and to be assessed uporsaafd'
eels of land Is Four Thbnsand-Nine'
i unfired Thirty-seven and 59-100
492759) Dolls or. Three and the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the r�rd.
4 3000 news) Doliara;per front or
t ear foot..( )foot g'�aPtwperty'for
t d twenty (20)iqo[rdadwaY,thefe'
f c leg 1288 feet abuttink aa'ld pertiOn 30.
Bald lmpr reme e;and the peep- day of �eC 6Ft�8T. A. D. 19..
ty benefited;thereby Is-hereinafter
out,and all within the bon,,
t77//&Isi ..
path tts,le thldiIir iv Iooh is .. .,(1?Z
a total,of said abutters' cost and'
OM per front,foot of said improve-
qqbt' a ytt.4 geto rho?tract en,
ms Bald f"t1710 Vittilli
Iwlth oilman,d:need40ompahr.cox- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...4.t~h. day of
tractor*, dated September 16, 1930,
and the'City Treasurer Is hereby "AlltAOrlzed.and directed tO asses.,in
accoriyepce-.with:the provisions of tine Deo emb$r. D.
.ordi ance, for the..purpose herein
The'-ettek.120 ft. f Lot 16,the west
'k,ft, Af,,ehe east 663 ft. of Lot
OMAnat.167 ft. f-the east 728� �-'�
,t e1'Lot116,Of Blk.18;Lots 22 and Notary Public. �`"
26-ang 26 of link. 5,Lots 23 and
teq said 26 of nut. 6, Fat Park
t91k•IN 5.A re Plat A'9 BI
abvey'Bath come are shown
Q'tg ai plate o1 said.city'
Vie.a a°' hot the same own- My commission expires .IsOv..26 q•1933•
t itt tt '' m said street and to
d Tec
E TION IL .That the assess- Advertising fee, $ -
nt het tlaad the-city meatier
the Butedr a eyed and completed
the klMted- quan¢atton and ate-
ytr th; party deaerlb -fir
etign 2 ordinance In id
eenli$it",Tfo 3,of Salt f
he 0pu 6e e(t
t...py. g 0a tQ fY{rb 6 te`
gatibtr eYefema.
t r w . 115[Yxlan& dement 711i4
1 t, 06 'Sergby-cbnfi eied
f" 3,
Q + enl}-b turn
rirl 'F liar ggad' e rsph
3, .,,,,,S tifi413a ) t . a. J
yy +. 0 4 31 r17t U /
-00 >Z ntlrmed.
x shall he
r •) ,i. )°t.a'11$ply )paten: ._.
Pt and_or f
i sC q ��
a 1 E- 1S p at ii S her AAit
l aerie ea
',i` e 0001,yd Wear ,
a of euoh Installments!
`�ln`1A rube ys Id withoutthe
?t"Ain Ift d days from'the
ltta tSliir�:lie 400lit any Installment
Or the interest aforesaid Is notPaid
n the; day:.the,Same h epees due,
}Ile,whole.amount of the special tan'
up atd at the time said installment.
atte Interest are due, shall become
ate-and p'cyablekand shall draw Inter::
t at the rate.t of twelve per cent
aT`anmm tuitllthe eels of the prop-
arty asaeasad:.
SECTION IV:-This ordinance shall
take effect one clay after its publi-
Passed by the Board of Commis-
Elo ere of Salt Lake-City,Utah,this
240 day of December,A.D.1830. '
-Bill•. t8.•. . City Recorder.'
Fag Brach No.233.
i° Mid
pa 'Fatimatc.
bli ed )nber ard,1930. '
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake Telegram
Entry No.