46 of 1935 - Amending Section 1396, relating to traffic and travel on streets-pedestrian crosswalks. Rer os ROLLCALL -. C.}.. 1!135 VOTING AYE NAY Lake City,Utah, 193...._ Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser \t Knight @•;" I _ ��ss Lee Mr. Chairman - - ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1396, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to traffic and travel on streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1396, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to traffic and travel on streets, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 1396. PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS. The Chief of Police of Salt Lake City shall cause such pedestrian cross- walks to be designated in Salt Lake City between intersec- tions as will best promote the safety and convenience of pedestrians in crossing the street. Such cross-walks shall be marked with painted lines extending from curb lines across the street. Outside of the business districts where no pedestrian cross walks are marked or designated as herein provided, pedestrians may cross the street half way between intersections. �0.• It shall be unlawful for pedestrians to cross the street in the business districts of Salt Lake City at any other point than at marked cross-walks or within any marked or unmarked cross-walk at the end of a block. Every pedes- trian shall keep to the right of the sidewalk or cross-walk and shall not obstruct or prevent free use thereof by others. The driver of any vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at the end of a block, except at intersections where the movement of traffic is being regulated by police officers or traffic control 46 it 1 ,1 -2- si nals or at oint where a I g , any p pedestrian tunnel or.over- f head crossing has been provided. IIi Whenever any vehicle has stopped at a marked cross- 11 walk or at any intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross 1 1 the roadway, it is unlawful for the driver of any other vehi- Icle approaching from the rear to overtake and pass such stopped vehicle. [ f Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point11 other< j.an with a marked or unmarked crosswalk shall yield !i the right of waxy to vehicles updrlthe roadway. CTION-72. °.. In the'opinion:of the Board of Commission- ers, it is }ecessary t'b' !.he 'peace, health and safety of the inhabi.f I tants of Salt Lake City thatthis,1orditance become effective immed - I ately. I 1 SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 11 "7"/ , h 1 ____ Passed by the Boar o Commissioners\cL t Lake City, I Utah, this day of �U- -:„=-A.� D. 1935. II J Mayor. '43 .E'1 ty ecor er. 1 s III I d i ii �f I li !I II II i I °f3 E . • First Publication in OCT"/O 1935 CITY rIE Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED O C I 8 1955 c • CITY RUCOROER f � �yY Proof of 11nbliration Inited States of Auttrira STATE OF UTAH SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE. An ng Section 1396,Reordinance ised O dinances o1 Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to traffic and H. P. THO1 SON travel on streets. Re It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: vls dtOrdinan eetes salt Lake'Ciitty; being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk Utah,relating to traffic and travel on streets,be and the same is here- by amnded to read as Sece 1398. PedestrianolloCro swalks. of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in The Chief of Police of Salt Lake City shall cause such pedestrian crosswalks to be designated in Salt Lake City between intersections as Salt Lake Citr, County, will beet promote the safety and oalt Lake State of Utah. convenience of pedestrians In cross- ing the street. Such crosswalks' extending Corn curb with plines aced rnes oss That the Notice AN ORDINANCE. the street.Outside of the business district where no pedestrian cross- walks are marked or designated as herein provided, pedestrians may SALT LAKE CITY..CORP.ORATION cross the street half way between Intersections. pedes- trians shall cross s thee street sin a the business districts of Salt Lake Cityat crosswalks other point than at marked r within any-marked or unmarked crosswalk at the end of a keep too the Eck. ight ofdtherisi wall] ewalk or crosswalk and shall not obstruct or prevent free use thereof by others. The driver or any vehicle shall of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- yield the trian crossing the ra ede g odway within anany narkd ed crasswalk or osswalk at the within d 10th of a block,except at Intersections paper in its issue dated the where the movement of traffic is being regulated by police officers or October traffic control signals, or at n , 193 5, point were a pedestrian tunnel or day of overhead crossing has been pro- vided. Whenever any vehicle has stopped and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on markedat a crosswalk intersection p t ermit a pedestrian t is unlawful for tto he driver of any s the roadway,lother vehicle Octo for ber t, approaching from the rear to over- -�Otll. take and pees such stopped vehicle. Every pedestrian crossing aroad- way at any point other than within Onei insertion a marked or unmarked crosswalk thereafter,the full period of shall yield the right of way to ve- ---- hides upon 2 In the the roadway.opinion of the Board of commissioners,it Ls neees- the last publication thereof ofrtheeInhabitants of Salt Lake eace,health and Citythat this ordinance become effective immediately. 10th day of Section 3. This ordinance shall being in the issue dated the take effect upon its first publication. Passed y the BoardCommis. stoners ofbSalt Lake City,fU Utah,this 8th day of October,A.D.1935. October ,A.D.193 5 (Seal) ETREL IdACDONALD rCity Recorder, BillBill No,48. No, October 10,1838. — Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of October ,A.D.193 5. Notary Public. Advertising fee $ 4f PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM #alt IE ak �rtltl nr • County Entry No