46 of 1956 - Ordinance 46 of 1956, Amending Section 51-11-2 of Revised Ordinance 1955, relating to zoning Adding Salt Lake City,Utah, I95
I move that the ordinance be p-:: `
Burbidge . . , • 1
Christensen . . . •
is es
Romney ....I
Mr.Chairman . r.•- AN OR J ANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to Zoning, and fixing the boundaries of
use districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 51-11-2 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Zoning and fixing the boundaries
of the use districts, be and the same hereby is, amended by adding in and
to said section four (4) new paragraphs to be known as Items 18, 19, 20
and 21, as follows:
"ITEM 18. The following described real property in Residential
"R-6" district as shown on the Use District Map is hereby changed to
Commercial "C-1" classification and the Use Map is hereby amended and
changed accordingly:
"Commencing at the northeast corner of 7th South Street
and 2nd East Street, thence north 495 feet, thence east
165 feet, thence south 495 feet, thence west 165 feet to the
place of beginning. Being a part of Block 19, Plat "A",
Salt Lake City Survey. "
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show
the above described tract of land as part of Commercial "C-1" District
"ITEM 19. The following described real property in Reoidential
"R-2" and Business "B-3" districts as shown on the Use District Map is
hereby changed to Commercial "C-1" classification and the Use Map is hereby
amended and changed accordingly:
"Beginning at the southwest corner of the intersection of
13th East and 21st South Streets, thence west 125 feet more or
leas to the existing Commercial "C-3" zone, thence south 1140
feet more or leww along the existing Commercial "C-3" boundary
to the north line of Simpson Avenue, thence east 125 feet more
or less to the west line of 13th East Street, thence north
along the west line of 13th East Street 1140 feet more or less
to the place of beginning."
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show
the above described tract of land as part of Rinc±RmaRxa.± "C-1" District
"ITEM 20. The following described real property in Business "B-3"
district, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to Residential
"R-2" district classification and the Use Map is hereby changed and amended
"Commencing at a point at the northwest corner of 9th North
and Colorado Streets, thence west 141 feet, thence north 165
feet, thence east 141 feet, thence south 165 feet to the place
of beginning, being a part of Block 1, Amos Addition, Section
26, MN,' R1W."
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to show
the above described'tract of• and as part of Residential "R-2" District
"ITEM 21. The following described real property in Residential
"R-2" district, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby changed to
Business "B-3" district classification and the Use Map is hereby changed
and amended accordingly:
"Commencing at a point at the northwest corner of 9th North
and Catherine Streets, thence west 135 feet, thence north
165 feet, thence east 135 feet, thence south to the place of
beginning, being a part of Block 4, Amos Addition, Section 26,
TIN, R1W." i
That said Use District Map is hereby changed and altered to ,show
the above described tract of land as part of Business "B-3" District
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
5th day of June, 1956.
�,yy,�� //�� ,n, n ,,,. y o
CiEy'Re 'de \ N1,,1 \
( S E A L )
BILL NO. 46 of 1956
Published June $, 1956
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake ,
T •
f Salt5Lake City,of the Revised
toaLon- ,
and fisine the bouedxlles of rise) D. e OC�Ct35r
'Be It ordained by the Board of Com-I
Ta�ssloncO of Salt La1ae City.Dtah
'the Revise'Ordina'nces Salt L ke Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver-
c;ty,Utah,1955,relating o t Zoning d using clerk of TILE SALT'LAKE TIIIBUNE,a daily news-
City. the 19 5,rel ti f the airs..
' nets, he and the same hereby i
amended by,'adding in and to saki n atl°n fend t, rapes to be' paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the
known-as Items 18,-19,r20 and 21 p 1' y y
- follows'
"ITEM 18. The following described State of Utah•
• real property lit Residential"RE" dig" t] V
trict as shown on the Use District Map
iseberebY charmed to Commercial"C-1"
dlae'siflcation and the Use Map Is hereby
emended and changed accordingly:
"Cemmenchrt at the northeast cor- That the advertisement of which a copy is attached
r of:9th South Sheet and 2nd East
'Street,thence north 495 feet,,thence hereto
east 165 feel,thence south 495 feet,
• thence west 165 tees to the place of 11 /
, "Plat A'e Salt L k etY Surve,a part of Block 19. ;,al.L Lake :i�y T2.i J_�. no„ l;.U� U.I� �f�i)�J il.i
That said Use District Map is hereby
changed and altered to show the"hove.
-.described tract of land as part of Coin
be t- 1 C-1"DI t e W s ql J.i':it itdiii j "I a t-].m.
,�:M le. Tho m¢owas d.riDed ! > '•2 0:'' ]r,t-urged Oa_11.Pe,uces
teal property in Residential"ILO"and
Business. U a1RtrIct Map districts
hereby.b gad
.1 Commercial cl"classification and rela s.n' o ZO11I
the Use Map is hereby amended and
chapped'cc rdingly:
'Beotnelne at the outhweE em'nee
of the Interstreet of 13th Fast and
- feet South Street,ts, thence west 125'
feet moor or less to the thence
• tmercial Total "C-3" thence oath
iM feet m ic'less alone the
existingCommercial I"C s bound yI
tothenorth 11 f e Avenue.
D east 125 feet more m less 1l}
'to.the st line of 131A East Stied),
1D ran 1 tt h t u 9t was published in said newspaper on
less East St et 1149'4eat b-••
I s to id Use
rtt')le gao eke
{ch •
anged hat and altered
ddtto show ts theh'lrobyqq Jule 11 1956
described tract of land as Dart o'r'CODS. 3
mercial"C-1"District Classification.
-ITEM 29. The following detedtb¢d'�
cat property in Business.933"-dtsteict,
os shown on the Use DI t rot-Mae.
hereby hn8d to Residential Ft �L!
•district classification and the Use Map I
is hereby h d and amended -cor
d Commencing at e v t ,t the' l—
• o-tnwest corner of 9tpoint
North and ;-°Advertisin Clerk \l
Colorado Streets, thence wet 141
g )
•fact, thence north 166 feet, thence
east le]feel,thence south being
g a
to the puce of boos Addition,
port n£H`IN 1,Amos Addition,Sec-1
26, TUN. lstite
That said Use red tot Mani hereby 1efore me this day
2 actl of eland show
part of above ul.l of/
denticl"R-2"District Classification.
"ITEM 21. The following described {{/
eel property in Residential"R.2"tlls� A.D.19...2'1.
trot, as shown or the Use District
Mae, is hereby changed to Business t
A"3"district classification and the Use
Map Is hereby chanced and amended ac- •cordingly:
"Commencing at a Point t the /
northwest corner of stir North and /
Catherine Streets, thence west 135 ' y )
' feet, thence north 165 lee, thence feet.
t 1 thence (
'is l n t u r NotaryPublic
placef b;so t •
BlockA,A Addition,Section 26,
That said Ilse District h0,0 15 hereby
' detred and altered to show the a
described tract of land a art of Bust,I
"B-3"District Classification.
"'11CSECTION 2. In the opinion of the
• Board of hesstonetsd it is necessary
to the health and safety of the
nts of Salt Lake City that this
ce become effective immediately..
SECTION i3,t This ordinance shall take
Itfect ice epee Its first r bof Com
Prized It the Beaty of Commission-
da o£salt 19e City, Utah, this 5th,
ay of.tune,,1956.
Adieu F.Stewart
HermanitRe S.Ifogensen
City ISRecorder
BILL Published
June P,1952