47 of 1905 - Ordinance 47 of 1905 – Franchise to Oregon Short Line Railroad Company to construct spur track in 1 , Ar 11f,T.A1C1-. k . t An ordinando 3ranting l'ormisslon t,J tho lrgon Ilca,t Lino Y.nilroad (aisny, itr vaccossoro and. et:aligns, to conztret a slAxr traci ro OLt : trest of fhlt Lso City. 4. ) ---olo--- 7i1.17:N74A f tho 7!. J. ghar-1,4 Coal Consny han ixactIred for itn aso us e cool yard, the :forth seven and ono-hair by twont/ (7 1/;„ x 4'.)) rods In Lot ;t1Rht (3), flock forty- fawn (ill), Piat IA." of fait LL',Lo City, ant dooiron tho cdnotion of a si:Alv trdoM trcoi tho =in lino of tho 2roon `,Thart Line Pelirood in 3rd it troot botua,m jra 4md 4th !.,oath troots for t'.inJ imoso of cdrryIng . on and c4mdmiating sla cool yard basinoan. Ar7; ,ITITT/In tho stUA. Orm,om '.',hort. Line railroad. Co: . .. las .petitionoa tho City Comnoil of said city for tntthority to con- , '', utroct a car track fro4-.1 said ;lain lino into tho said r1cou 4'. of the said f. J. 7.1.1tAri., Cori CoL.,,,any. T:ffhla.IT-:, in ensidoration ',' tho 12;.-0..'.itiQ*, bo it ordained by the AS:ity Ceoil -,.f the City of '4Etit 17,ao, to of Utah, cc followot 1. That tho as:id. ') a4;on Chart Linn Pailrona Comvsny, its and consent lessees, enccensurs and assigns, havo the anthorltyAof the ssio ;tity COnnoil, and ,oariallxion 10 ho4. by grsdated it to conatruct a soar track boginniv at a :coint on ott wdaitorly :-.1.ein lino in Ord 7est At "Itrest10J root Lao-re or lent fos.th 6f the foth lino of 6r6 fodth treat una :1,:x.tendinr, thonco by- as curve to the ri,,ht across tho •- ^ torly portion of saij ire ,!ast root and Lho la* alidelk on the !tootorly sido thereOf and ontering selZ. Lot :t.iiht in nald block at a r• (i4 rpoint 12.6 root -,noro or 1o1; foth of t.l.o , :.rthert., rnor of said lot. .:,0„ 3. Durin the t,,,,r:,1 ...1! this fronohiso the to f;4'.. tou ,itt nuccescru and asolf,na shsil has tathlact to, the foiowinl; condi- tions: 1: Trio seld railroad trunk nhaii. 7f) *upon, und ounfrm to, tIto established grade of tho a3t.L ercet and If said grodu is • aftvdti changud bv tno Council, the said ruutoo Uhull chnso tho pain GlAx truck co az to conform to tho came, and tthial pvevida nnd Itsol? in roi,air u arousing far tuorU and all vehicles noad Oflsnid street and kot, e:;reachee to 8t2.1 trsed: chola, tho oo..w crosses the Testeri," oirtlen of said street and tho Uosterly zido waik thes ,f :oreperi i;radod and graveled co that tho oo truce oLLL nut mntodialij. into fere with Vas, .inblic travel nvon sold. u.vrect and oldslk. The said reetee uhail raise 2,nt in and maintain u good and sdffialnt box or or wai or co nenr the ourb lino of said stroot to per:lit uf the free ;..ats;;ilgu of water flowing along the said sTel) line. %a. 6. The rif:hts and, franchises hob;; crentod und confirmed re for the torL1 of fiftv (6)) years from and or tho iltuadge of this ordinsnae. o. 4. This ordinance abuii taho ffact s;)on orovai. Puc-F,d by tl-E, :T,7:17-77skE Cjty,Ut Ju ,-'Et 0.205 2,vet r6forrd'to l'ikvorlo717777117.7 1, T777:---- _ 611"11111411°.41644 54.400146610 ffrigA" t h ‘'` • — .i.16...,,-,,, :.: 1'.'' _ -........ , . .i -.., -5 ' 2 — , • '-' : 4. c...., . l'' ,::_>, t: .,- . ,:3- " t: ,-• N.. ' : tzt 0 j, 0 V_ c) .1. 0 § 14 sa IS, ......0 13 572 0 0 . 1••• 4-0 lIA * , e , .... — A , \ ' ,