47 of 1908 - Ordinance 47 of 1908 – Providing for and ordering a special election for the purpose of submitting ',P
• An ordinance providing for and ordering a special election for
,the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Salt Lake City,
Utah, the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness to the amount
Hof six h ndred the sand ($60 ,000.00) dollars, as follows:
\ad housand ( 1l oce.$f) dollars for the
purpose of increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and `
!adding to the present w ter supply and wa er wo,rka system of distri-
o7vw.c d2ge( �u-ec�t (_$/Z.� avaV l
system of
bution of said City; and eighty-nine thousand {�p8�9,CO0.0O) dollars for
the purpose of completing, increasing, extending and adding to the
sewer system of said City, constructing a pumping station, and install-
ing pumps and machinery therein, and establishing and constructing
'main sewers in the northern portion of the City.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That there is an immediate and pressing necessity for
increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to
the present water supply and water works system of this City for the
-purpose of supplying and distributing,water to the inhabitants of said
City, and ,to that end to complete new water supply mains: niarge and •
extend the East Jordan Canal; oonstruot aqueduct on North Temple
Street from Fourth West Street to the Jordan River; construct distrib- ,
rating reservoir in City Creek Canyon; replace the present thr'ie and four inch water mains with larger pipes; extend water mains to various
parts of the City; improve the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal from •
Big Cottonwood Crook to Twelfth South Street; construct new tanks in
!City Creek Canyon; construct reservoir or reservoirs at the lakes in '
'!Big Cottonwood Canyon; acquire water rights in Big Cottonwood and
!Little Cottonwood Canyons; construct conduit in City Creek from State
;Street to Canyon Road; to do which in the manner required calls for
a,*1 regnor es fn expenditure of hundred and also a thousand
(((�4L-7•,i3 004.A01 tollars. � r
SECTION 2. That there is an immediate and pressing necessity.
for completing, increasing, improving, extending and adding to the
; present sewer system of this City for the purpose of providing means
•, of sewerage to the inhabitants thereof, and to care for and dispose
! of such sewage, and to that end to eonetruot an outlet pipe or conduit
ifrom the intercepting sewer at a point near Seventh North and Eighth
West Streets to the Gravity Sewer at a point near Ninth North and
Fourth West Streets; to construct a pumping station at or near said
Seventh North and Eighth West Streets, and install therein two pumps
with motors, engines, and other necessary machinery for operating
same for the purpose of pumping sewage from said intercepting sewer
' through said pipe or conduit into maid Gravity Sewer; to establish
and construct main sewers in the northern portion of this City, to do
M'w oh in thear required, calls_for and requires an expenditure
dlu I/.z.( - (b)
of a fie,thousand (tag e&.0 ) dollars.
SACTION 3. That there are not sufficient funds in the City
Treasury to defray said expense or any part thereof, and that in order
l, to defray the eppense of making the proposed improvements mentioned
in Sections 1 and 2 of this ordinance, it is necessary for Salt Lek
City to incur a bonded indebtedness to raise funds therefor in the
and constructing an aqueduct on North Temple Street from 4th West
Street to the Jordan River for the purpose of taking care of the
surplus water of City Creek.
For increasing, -improving, enlarging. extending, perfecting and
; adding to the present water supply an¢ water works systp ,A#4s�e hun-
i dred ands .0
eleme* thousand (;b11,700001 dollars.
Yor completing. increasing, extending and adding to the present i j
, sewer system, constructing pumping station, installing two pumps and
necessary operating machinery, and establish ng and cot ,eting main.
s era in they northern portion of the City, �se4tho5�sand
, .801 dollars.
SECTION 4. That in pursuance of and under the power and author
ity contained in Sections 308, 309 and 310 of the Revised Statutes of
Utah, 1898, it is hereby ordered that a special election be held?`; n
Salt Lake City, Salt eke County, State of Utah, on the _ Irr'
day of 1908, for the purpose of submitting to
such qu fled eater of said City as shall have paid a property tax
in said City in the year 1904, the questio of incurring abounded in-
ivdebtednees in the sum of Sdv�hundred anfl Atha aand�4611,080r 00
dollars, for the purpose of defraying the expense of increasing, im-
proving. enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present
water supply and water works system of said City, for the purpose of
supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants of said City, as
; set out in Section 1 of this ordinance. by laying msu pipes to com-
plete new water supply mains; enlarging and extending the East Jordan
Canal; constructing an aqueduct on North Temple Street from Fourth
West Street to the Jordan River; constructing a distributing reservoir
in City Creek Canyon; replacing the present three and four inch water
mains with larger pipes; extending water mains in various parts of the
City; improving the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal from Big Cotton-
wood Creek to Twelfth South Street; constructing new tanks in City
Creek Canyon; oonetruoting reservoir or reservoirs at the lakes in Big
Cottonwood Canyon; acquiring water rights in Big Cottonwood and Little
Cottonwood Canyons; and constructing conduit in City Creek from State,
Street to Canyon d•als� quest n ofno a bonded indebt4
edness in the sum.of� o sand t ) dollars for the
. purpose of defraying the expense of completing, increasing, improving,
extending and adding to the present sewer system of this City for the,
purpose of providing means of sewerage to the inhabitants thereof, and.
to care for and dispose of such sewage, as set out in Section 2 of
this ordinance, by constructing an outlet pipe or conduit from the
intercepting sewer at a point near Seventh North and Eighth West
Streets to the Gravity Sewer at a point near Ninth North and Fourth
West Streets; constructing a pumping station at or near said Seventh
North and Eighth West Streets, and installing therein two pumps with
(motors, engines and other neoeasary machinery for operating same, for'
the purpose of pumping sewage from said intercepting sewer through 1
said pipe or conduit into said Gravity Sewer; establishing and con-
jstruoting main sewers in the northern portion of the City.
Said improved, additional and new water system, and said improved
`1addltional and new eewerage system shall be owned by Salt Lake City.
'I • Said bonds Shall bear-interest at a rate .not `to exceed-4 2, "
'per cent per ennui, which interest shall be payable semi»annually,
and said bonds shall bagome due and payable at the end of<l-cum ,
lyears from the date ofiiesue, with the option reserved tothe City to
or refund the same at anytime after the a iration of,
pay ap ap
years after the date of issue, and shall be of.such denomination or
'denominations es the City Council may hereafter determine,; and the
net revenues from said water system shall be set apart for, and shall
be a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds and interest thereon.
4nd the City Counoitahall^aniznally levy a sufficient tax to pay the
interest on said sewer bondt, as it falls due, and<;also to constitute ;
la sinking fend for the payment. of the principal'thereof.
Said election shall be-conduoted according to the statutes and
taws of Utah, and shall be. held in manner and fort .provided thereby.
SECTION 6. The Mayor and City Recorder of Salt Lake City are
')hereby directed and required to make proclamation of said special
;election by publication of a notice thereof in three (3) daily news-
papers, published and circulated in said City, for four (4) sucoessive
'weeks prior to the date of said election.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Passed by the City Council sf.Saltsake City,Utah. June loth,
1908, and referred to the PLayor for his a rov .,
ty Recorder..
Approved t s .0 r day of June, 1908.
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