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47 of 1909 - Ordinance 47 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Sections 241, 256, 258 and 267 relating to duties of
An ordinanoo amending and r'•-enuctioo .lectior1e 241, 2f Cf.1, `.6s ion 2, of the revived ordinances of `alt Lake City of 1903, as a,..cac uti by dinano0 passeeo by Zi:e dity l:ounoil .;uly 16,19'7. r_ Be it ordained by the City Council of malt y:.ke City,ilta,.: Section 1. lhat :section 241, 256. 258, .nd 267 seo.2 of the koviood d. Qrdinanecaa of .rit a,;a:,ce City of 19u3, es amended by an ordinanoo ;,a by 1* the City Council July 16,1907, and approved by tie :.yor July 26,1O:7. be, eiloolhnd the same ii- hereby naenoce and re-enacteo so au to read an follows, at, ,00tion 241. li1ii_5 OF +�A. _ ..oT fi. , it shall be the duty of said 6. 'tYemmiocioner, and he is he:caby invested with the poser., to t r.;'o 'u within + 7. salt Lake City, all ordinances thereof. and all laws of the dtatc of :Stab S. that now eNist, or that may hereafter be enacte, . regarding the _-,r,, luct;5.on, 9. manufacture or sale of dairy and creamery products. or the .adult'::.;tion of 10. any article-. of lo"d, and regarding the use oi aki::s."ed or adulterated .milk, 11. and the feeding of unwhol.et:otee food to anttic .,00 the kefping of cattle 12. saving infectious or oontagious dicaees; s.nd as id ComiAssionor shall 13.14040oolly inspect any article of food made or Offered for male withic tie 14. City, 16441 he may on fleet or have reason to believe is impure, unlie,1':11 , 15. adulterated, or eeu*terfoit. lie shall ;also visit and inspect the r:,rtouo 16. dairies, ohe*e,e and b*t actories.of\the City, and shell have oowrr to 17. enforce proper sanitary rognlations int their r�.�, ,�, ct t d ourroi;o, inge. 19. Said Comoisoi.anrr a}:al1 personally. when complaint is made oofft h< rto;utioa 19. of any law relating to the feedin; of anyunwholesome iTod ipt r tt1e, or 20. keeping upon the premised any cattle afflicted 7-ith any oonta.;ioo:a or i,n+) 21. feotious di:reasco, immediately investii;ate said nhrtr:,o, :,nd may proaoertte 22. any person, firm or corporrt:ion ?iclatina; any orciina.nacs of some .!sty, or 23. laws of this Ctato, :-.:rich it is the duty of said o:;,..:issioner to enforce y s,e 24. lie shell perform sash ether duties as are or say be prescribed lay err' - N obey ,0 25. and he shall all ordersand resolutions of i''c horsed ef' hc�za' a ��.� 26. Health Qom:denier i in re::t_tion to the inspoptior or previsions .-;nd _t,i V 27. o > matter, r,crtainirg to tr_e health dc-ars:ment of .::o City. s 4 1. Section 256. tI,Ly, ?iE:. 4 rC','. '1 . It Ote.1S i i u:a f't 'i. `'or 613;t 2. person to bring o: send into ;alt 'Ake City for sale either at w:'-Ooleaae.lo or; 3. retail, or to offer for sale. or have in his possession with intent to sell 4. therein, any Milk'nevinol obtained from the said Commissioner. annually. "c A by 5. pormit in w1-1t,1.so so to do. uoh remit shall only be given sold ;oatisnioner 5. after inupeotion-of the r,rll ises where cows are kept. ittapontion of the 7. vessels aced to hold cuoJi millrJ. and)cfter test of the milk. if it 8110.1 a. appear that :,aid rrcoiden and Vessels are kept in good sanitary oonditio:, ' 9. that the milk Meets the iegnirnnonts of the ordinancee a td rules of the '10. Toord of -c tit of ...: i,i it,;, zind uprs the t.zrthel nunoltica th t, non(, but 11. -urc, unaduiteroted and onOiluted milk shall be sold b;i the ho rlor of suoh 12. permit. ' 13. 7 :estion"2. 71 person firm or oornoretion shall bring into the City 14. for sale, or shall sc:ll or offer for sale, or have to hlu or .;:.air pocsnsnion' 15. with intent to sell. eny Mtlir r•hieh has he-n obtained drom an;; milk dealer, 16. dairymen'or Other psrsthi not having a permit from the Feed and 'airy cem- 17. miseiomer of ~alt Lake City. 18. seotion:713. Any_dairpmen, milk dealer or :thor person, '.:non 19. applioetion to the Food and Dairi Commissioner for a permit to sell or 20/ deliver milk shall file a sworn statement giving his name and address, the 21. number of cows he owns or has oher a of, the average amount of :::ilk, . 22. ( estimated )'whioh he sells eaoh day. the nemee. addressee izn permit 23. iiumberq of all oorsonn from whom he buyo milk, the average auoott of milk 24. ( estimated ) sold by each of them eaoh day and the number of oows owned by 25. or in missysidmi the oherge or eaoh. 26. Section 4. :'het all groeere, bakers, eheleeale dairyrea. sad other 27. persons having a stationary place* of buaincas keeping and offerrin•; for sale 25. milk in Salt Lake City shall at all tines keep the names andkaes of the 29. dairyman from whom the mil on sal* shall have been obtainerl,c,rrot e}-fn ,a - 30 ..119nEp414114s vim►,•© end Z4'.vx 11-1 eR_le 31. motion f. it shall be the duty of the Lairy and FoodOemmis:;ieuer 32. to visit or cause to be visited ea frequently as ho deems necessary, all 33. dairies supplying : ',.lt Lake City with milk. and inupeat and :wore thte j 4. a000rding to the me re card authori.r.e“' i,; the „=t: '! � - -%tyre.:.� ..f ..I:°oa..'� .3. 1. the United States Department of "grioulture. A copy of the score card shall 2. be left with the owner, and such information given as will assist the 3. produoer to improve the sanitary conditions or remedy suok defects as the 4. score card indioates. ♦ copy of the score ward shall be kept on file in the 6. Commissioner's Offiee. 6. ( ♦ ) Milk or ersiim from dairies falling below forty-five ( 45) 7. in the rating as indiosted by the seer. card will be exolud.d from sale in 8. Salt flake City during 1609, milk er cream from dairies falling below fifty 9. (504 will be excluded from sale in Salt Lake City during 1910, or thereafter 10. Section 6. 11. Bvery person using is the sale or distribution of milk a delivery 12. wagon or other vekiel., shall keep the ease all all times Olean and free from 13. any substanee liable to contaminate or injure the purity of the milk. 14. Station 7. 16. Bray person using in the sale or distribution of milk a delivery 16. wagon or other vehicle, shall from May lst to September 30th inclusive, have 17. and keep over said delivery sagon or other vehicle a covering of canvas or 18. other material, so arranged as adequately to protect the contents thereof 19. from the rays and the heat of the sun. 20. Section 8. 21. No person sahil bottle say milk upon a delivery wagon or vehiel' 22. or in any other place than a milk house, dairy or other building where milk 23. is.sagiitltt regularly stored and sold. 24. Seotios 1ST Milk vendors must not under any oiroumstanoe whatever 25. wash their empty cans in any of the streams or ponds within the limits of 26. malt Lake City, and the rule under utensils, concerning the washing of the 27. same, must be stri.tly adhered to. 28. Sootiest 1U No person firm or corporation shall give, furnish, self, 29. or offer for sale, or deliver any milk. butter-milk, whey, sour milk, 80. skimmed milk or cream in quantities less than one (1) galleon, except in 31. sanitary bottles, sealed with a suitable cap or stopper, except where milk 32. is sold at a milk house or dairy, when the same may be dipped. But the milk. 23. house, dairy or other plane in which such milk is sold shall be located no • ..4- 1. less than 15 fifteen feet from any water closet or privy vaalt or eeesnoal 2. or any horse or cow stable or any chicken or poultry yard or coop, and 3. the milk house, dairy or t .sr other place shall be a room which is not 4. used for an:r other purpose than the handling and sale of milk. • 5. Section A. ho person shall transfer any milk intended for sale .• 6. from one can, bottle, or receptacle to another on any street, alley or 7. thoroughfare or open any delivery wagon or other vehicle or in any exposed • 8. place in the City of Salt make Cfter, except in a creamery, milk depot, or 9. in the enclosed premises of a customer. 10. Section 11I/ Any person, firm or corporation who receives milk • 11. or cream in bottles, cans or vessels or over any rail road where void cans, 12.bottles, or vessels are to be returned, before returning the same shall • 13. cause the said bottles or vessels to be thoroughly washed, cleaned ant • 14. aired, and when possible to stand inverted in the sun. 15. Section. l2y i:o person shall remove from any dwelling in adioh 16. exists any corn unieable disease, any bottles or other recepto.cies which 17. have been or which are to be used for contain*ng or storing milt., except 14. by permission of the Commissioner. 19. Section 144 ho person shall use any paper mil', ticket more than 20. once. 21. Section 1t�. ho person shall keep more than one cow without • '22. permit from the Food and Dairy Commissioner. '2 r Section 11i7 ho person or dealer shall sell, offer for sale or i24, have in his possession with intent to sell or deliver any mild, betterminn 25. whey, sour milk, chimned milk, cream, Dutch cheese or other milk eroduct in '', • 126. quantities exceeding one gallon anless the can or receptacle containing 127, the same is securely sealed by lock and chain wire or other efficient • 20. contrivance, provided however, that the persons or dealers engaged ex • — 29. elusively in the wholesale delivery of milk, butter milk prat is t from • 30. wagons not carrying milk bots.les, may deliver the same from unsealed cane 1. or receptacles; and provided, further, that said wagon or wagonsshall have 32. inscribed oons,peicuously thereon in plain leteee, not less than three ' 33. ( ) inches in height, the words; " Jholesale only.' 4 1. /\ Section 258. QUALITY OF BUTTER BUTTEI4 ta1ILi ,CLF.AM, CE CRF.r_°.t,^KIMT R;P 2, MILK AND EEC. 3, Butter of standard purity shall be butter made from normdl 4. milk or,cream, free from all kinds of additions except salt, and harmless 54 coloring matter, and shall contain not less than eighty per Dent butter 61 fat. I1nd_on each paokage of butter manufactured and offered or exposed or 7�, jalej n dity of salt La shall be stamped upon t e wra o or �I Cv I�+. f ! Esc �F �{ do e� �' c� e., the name of the maker th. of with the dddrees of same, end i oas is e,. name_-w34h appears upon the label is not that of the actual manufaot*aer .: lq. or producer-or the name of the place of the manufacturer, the words 11. " Packed f or "ecnV Dietributod by, " shall appear on the same. 12, (A) l(1.. I. shall be unlawful for any poreon,firm or corporation, t0 ett ' ` 14,,(or expose tA sale, or hay' 4 his or\t it posseesirzn ; ,,1+ intent to e 7L1 e lb. reworked Batt or:pix. , nutter unless e same it ainly marked "lad* , "Procees butter, a> it shall be unlew for/e', person to offer of VI" ::D: :lc ' . ' a:E5E:EE°1 is plainly mark "tub tter re. remolded''+� tter, and to :'\ ce or print ,aaid butter with be stamp of ezy creamery or with the word creamery butter." 22. (B) r �All . tte t hall been n sold—stor cge'tor tbir , i ..,ys ,or $4, sate shall )r eta i'pl n lett s. and. :'i � s ,izre ` � r� v . 1,hc date when $to4 1 1 ed.. IC) , No perpon or persons, firms or corporations, by themoelvesOr e8_. their agents or emplOyeee, shall sell, offer for cal°, or expose forttf0e, ' ee. or have in his or their possession with intent to sell in Salt Lake 3:4ty, $0. any renovated butter, Unless the same shall have prin*ed upon each a i U. package, roll, print, square, mr any container of such renovated butler , ,4, the words "Renovated Butter," in letters not lesu than one-half inch , ; 3e. height, or shall not have seo*red.a license from the :Mate Food and jai, ,4 .g. 1. Commissioner, as provided by the laws of the State of Utah. 8. Section 1. Ho milk adulterated, reduced or changed in nay respect S. by the addition of water or ether substanoe, or by the removal of cream, 4. shall be brought into the City of Salt Lake or held, kept sold, offered 5. for sale; nor shall any one keep, have, sell or offer for sale or have d. in his or their possession with intent to sell, an said city and such 7. milk. 8. The words " adulterated milk and cream", when used in this 9. ordinance, means; 10. MOO. Milk oontaining more than eighty-eight per centum of 11. water or fltids. 12. SECOND. Milk oontaining less than twelve per oentnm of milk 13. solids. 14. THIRD. Milk oontaining less than three and two-tenths per 15. oentum(a.a) of fats. 16. Fourth. Milk drawn from animals within twenty days before or 17. five days after parturition. 18. FIFTH. Milk drawn from animals fed on distillery waste, or 19. any substance in a state of fermentation or putrefation, or on any un• 20. wholesome food. 21. SIETH. Milk drawn from cows kept in a crowded or unhealthy 22. condition. 23. SEVENTH. Milk from which any part of the cream has been removed 24. EIGHTH. Milk which has been diluted with water or any other 1 25. fluid, or to which has been added, or into whioh has been introduced, any 26. foreign eubatanee whatever. 27. NINTH. Milk the temperature of which is higher than 55 degrees 28. Fahrenheit or which oontainsn an excessive of baoteria, provided the 29. provisions of this section relating to temperature shall not become 30. effective on or before Oot.lat, 1909, signs after that date all milk found 31. to have a higher temperature than 55 degrees Fahrenheit the Commissioner 32. or any officer of the Health Department may niece and confiscate and " 33. destroy the same. -7. 1. 7!--zTH. _ire: having a speciflo gravity of less than on e cad twonty.. 2. niac'thoomandthr.( '1. 29 ). 3. Containin; c4ty boracic or salicylic. formalechydc or other 4. foreign chemical, or any preservative whatsoever. i Si. c,oatniflin any pathogenic bacteria. 6. Coetainirsr„ bacteria of any kind, more than five-hundred 7.thouoand • ) per cilia centimeter. 8. Section 2. 'A'awA from any cm, having a comonicuble eiseane. or from 9. a herd which contains any diseased cattle, or from a herd the attendants 10. of which are afflicted with or have be, n exposed to any comnunichle diseas 11.. Section d. frr11kraa, dairyman, being afflicted or any tm.mber of 12. Whose family is offlistel. with a communiond)le disease, ehall rcport the outao to the Comalocioner within 24 hours after he knows or has reason. to • 14. anerect ,stich co=unissble ditouse, an: said CommisAoner shall tttkc such 1E. :Aeps, as arc prescribed by the State l!tojdh lor thc p-evendlon of the 16. spread of said commlmicoble distant, by the said milk ma, dairyman, his 17. family, hirod help or their family. 18. ',.rection 4. Co ,111-k or oreum shall be sold or dispensed as food froc 1411 19. any house, store. shop, dairy or other place, lo ihloh there itl•a case of 20. contagious or inirstious disease as aforessid, '.1nttl all dangcr of con.- 21. tagion has bci.n rcntr:yec'. anipr:;riiriol In writia,r, is obtaine irom the 22. Commissioner, authorizing the sale of milk or cream frox cold hoos. shop, 23. or Irom eaf.6 dairy or other place. 24. Section C. 7) r.erson, firm or corporation shall store any allk in 2E. any basement, (lunar, mI1d house, dairy or other place inlesE such place 26. is well lichteu and ventilated, and if such room or space is a cellar or 27. sub-collar or is located in a cellar or sub-oellariax the same shall -be 25. properly concrete- . zutterto ,,,on drained. 29. otica S. So A11.0.13 htors in; in any bastmnt. ,,lieN/ cC. rofri6'erattor, milk how.c, ,jairy, or ot'ner viblob Is within fifteen 31. (15) feet ot any olot or vfvlat OT cosr-.*pol or coy horse or cow $2. stable or zily or ocalltry ,ard or ctr. '-,ection 7. Sato Lultc A.ty for sale or/9 OF o8- 1. or sell or offer for rale, or have in his or thoir posocaoion with ineent 2. to sell, milk from which the oream has boon remove6, either in whole. or 3. part, onleco sold as nkimmed milk, and onloro on both sides of tot vehicle 4. ffom which such milk to sold there is displayed in letters not lea o than E. four inches in height the words "Okimmed iik ". Tf not aold from a 6. vehicle upon each and every vessol from which auoh milk is sold, there be 7. painted at least two inches in height or dioplaoo6 in plain and leoible 8. mannor, the words "Acimmed oilO ". 9. Sootion 8. No person shall bring into the. City for oalc, or orll or 10. offer for sale, or have in his or their possession with intent to oell, any 11. so-Called skimmed milk containing leoo than nine, and five tenths per nent 12. of milk solide, and not to exceed an acidity corresponding 30.% of normal 13. 1/10th solution of soda per ]. h cubic oentimetora of milk, and moot be 14. delivcred to ourohaoers'at the same temocoature as provided in ¶his or- 16. dinanoe for.sweot milk . 16. i;eption 9. joanufanturerors who make uifidavit in the form to be pre- 17. scribed by the City Chemist that the skinned milk they handle will not be 18. sold at retail as milk, but sololy used for manufacturing ourpooco, ohall 19. be exempt from the foregoine provisions. 20. Section 10. Any person who shall hnve in his possession with intent 21. to sell, exchange or , cliver simr.cd milk, in any munnor other than au 22. above prescribed, *hall be nubje3t to the oame penalties as arc provided 23. for the sale. of whale, milk la quality contrary to thin ordinance. 24. ;.;ootion 11. :To cream shall be brought into Oalt Loko City or held, . 2E. kept, cold or ollorod for sale, or huvc in his or their pooscsoion with 26. intent to sell to which any foreien oobhtnnoo hmu bcu odded and lontainino 27. loos than 18 per cent butter fat, and obon sold to any oerson firm or 28. corporation, must be truly represented, rs t$ its being "Coffoo" or "'Ihipo- 29. ing Cream " with.tho acidity not rcater than 14 de-roes. 30. (The term orcom, means that portion of milk represented in hill: fat whit 31. which rises to the surface of milk on standing or is neonrated iron it by n2, oentrifugal force and which is fresh end olonn.) Al 37). '.3ection 12. A.1 campler of oll:O or .tre,)m t:PKen or brought to the -.9. 1. office of the City Chemist by the City Food and i•uirj Commisuloner or bie . 2. deputy, shall be ©nalyzcd or othcrw1ce rsetiefaetoril:i tested; and whenever 3. said cream or milk co toeteG or analysed shall be found violative of any of 4. the ,provieionea of this ordine3nee, the nocea3eary steps shall be taken for b. prosecution of persons violating the same. . n accurate rsoord of the results; 6. of all tests or analysis shall be kept and shall be accessible as a matter ' - 7, of publlo information. O. :Action 1:',. IC . All ioe cream manufaoxxsst tuned and sold in 9. Salt 14zke City must conform to the following standards as regards purity. 10. 1. Ice cream is a frozen product made from orcam an6_asgar, with or with.- 11. out a natural flavoring and mustnontain not le:.s than fouttcrn (14) per con a 12. of milk fat. 1Z. 2. Fruit ice cream is a frozen product from orems, augur. and sound, , 14. Olean mature fruits, and shall contain not lees than twelve (1.2) per cent Of lb. milk fat. 6. Z. Nut ice cream is a frozen product made from cream, sugar, line, round, *7. a::n-rancid nuts, and shall o'.ntain not long than twelve ( 12 ) per cent 8. of milk fat. 9. Provided. That the sale of ice cream, d,,fihee as above, when mixed with O. gelatin not to exceed three ounces of gelatin to ten gallons of ice cream, 1. or ,with tragucanth or other vegetable gum, or with eggs, will be allowed if 2. the same is labeler and sold as "gelatin ioc cream ", or " gun ice cream." . or " egg ice cream " as the cone may he and provided that the butter fat 4. shall not fall below the atanderda as stated above. b. ( A ) Zoe oream must be made and stored in sanitary premises. 6. ( D ) It must not be made or stored in living rooms. 7. ( 0 ) dtriot pronuutiona-oust be taken ac to protection from contam1Iatio,.. 8. ( D ) Oases of infectious disenac cot be i'cp rted. 9. ( E ) The name and address; of the maker must ap-ear on ntrc:ct barrow* . or ice cream carts. X sootion 14. It shall be unlawful to fill or refill, with milk, cream, or • . Other milk product, any glans jar or bottle havin;; the name of am/ person, 3. firm or o0 oration blown th<.'r'ein 'cr sn p.riv to me►rk or marks reupert a . F" I 1 S. _10- x, [J 1. b .rnded, mpe4 etched or blown therein, provided,that the , rovicsions of 2. this section shall sat.ent not extend to the person, firm or corporation a 3. whose name 'or mark is biotrn in such 71 ..ems *max jar or bottle, or a duly j 4. authori.od aFeni or em,,10 ree thereof. 51 Section 1E. It shall bo unlawful for any person or persons other than I 6. the in ulfo'.,ne ' or owners, to use, pure h se, sell, dispose, or to detain, 7. r0 °: yrfuse 8. '�.ny dr,rtl' cii, .A0Q2: b . jar or 9. bot le itYouC a pe:rc�iss enoi Qigins t• : vv ,ottiner or oti;ners tam a. the eo o� us i.h;:ret a .1 raaroe 1Oeen a `'A: ' ae re,4s terms of any 11,, su 4 sslja or hottle e ,14ive 7c i of t4rnt contained therein, 12. o sud pet's64x' persons : c-�; aid ot•Zgiha1 ovr ,.; a y person so convicted 12. shall4cf cox fiction be it( d a r�ilt;r of a mis emea�or to. be punished by 14. a fine not o.-; cd:in;p 10.0. for each and every offence. 15. %c Section 16. n11 dam•men selling milk or cre"<am in the City of Salt y ti 16. Bake shall furnish the Food and dairy Commissioner a certificate from the -17. State Veterinarian or U.,S.Covernmeiit Inspector showing that the cows 18. furnishin3 milk or cream brout within the City lir.its to se soli: or 29. otherwise dis o;.-4 of for human food are free from tuberculosis or other ,., . danrcrcue disease. 21. Section 267. 22. :estion ;. The _card of wealth shall have and is beAa.U;r , ivon 23. power to make ouch further rules and re ulations as shall be (:cease 24. necessary by ouch Board for the prover carryir;,a° out and enforcement of this 25. ordinance, and 4. 2A. 511 of,the l vrs or ordin>.nc, s Jelatin^ to the ; o it health M1� ,z,--/ct ---4,-,--. 4,-,-,y..a..` " is . , A,,-' _ 26. in connection wit!restanvants�hotles, bakeies,/ eoitectiorcr;y s arse 27. cream plants or any • lo:cc where any food or Grin':,: -.rocucts ,ore manufactured 20i stored, donosited, sold or offered for sale. ;9. Section :>. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts otC ,,.;�innn3Oa f 30. and resolutions in conflict. `,.erevith are hereby repealed to the o-;'..eat of . 3 31. such Conflict. a 32. Section. 4. This on:l n:ales shall take effect on nne after June tut, 2,. 1909, ¢n sss otherwise nrovi6ed fur. , - - - - sr s' p; --- a !t' t'. . ... •.. .. 999.�. r t:_ a k ..` .. .: .,.... i, e .. .-, r- I IL , ! _;;„ ::;. :_,. ..i:„„ ,.,. ..i...? , . . ,.. c6, 6.t,i) .„,,t. .. r�r _ p G .? iS 7 _ ,ZY.1-;13"-• .. t; . .,'. Z;..t3 't.eltis,'..i..,,,T7't,"...? :0'3' - 3 t ;,.- li. \ C7 n ((SS .'t. . to ._ . •t' ;-1^ ;r ., w AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 241 and 256 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinanoe passed by the City Council July 15, 1907, and approved by the Mayor July 26, 1907; amending and re-enacting Section 258 of said Revised Ordinances as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Coun- ! I oil December 9, 1907, and approved by the Mayor December 10, 1907; and amending and reenacting Section 2 of an ordinanoe amending, re-y vising and re-enacting Chapter 19, Sections 240 to 267, inclusive of 1j said Revised Ordinances. relating to food and drink, passed by the ;City Council July 15, 1907, and approved by the Mayor July 25, 1907. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 241 and 256 of the Revised Ordinances ' Hof Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council July 15, 1907, and approved by the Mayor July 25, 1907, i be, and the same are hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: 241. DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER. It shall be the duty of said Commissioner, and he is hereby invested with the power, to en- foroe in Salt Lake City, all ordinances thereof, and all laws of the State of Utah that now exist, or that may hereafter be en- acted, regarding the production, manufacture or sale of dairy and creamery products, or the adulteration of any article of food; and regarding the use of skimmed or adulterated milk, andi the feedin5of unwholesome food to cattle, and the keeping of cattle having infectious or contagious diseases; and said Com- missioner shall personally inspect any article of food made or offered for sale within this city, which he may suspect or have reason to believe is impure, unhealthy, adulterated or counter- feit. He shall also visit and inspect the various deirios,ohee e and butter factories of the city, and shall have power to en€orce proper sanitary regulations in their management and surround igs. 1 I Said Commissioner shall personally, when complaint is made of the violation of any law relating to the feeding of any userhol.some food to Battle. or keeping upon the premises any Battle afflicted with any contagious or infostious diseases, immediately investi- gate said charge, and my prosoowte any person, firm or corpora- tion violating say of the ordinances of said City, or laws of this State wlieh it is the duty of said Commissioner to safer... Hs shall obey all rules sad regulations of the local Board of Health relating to the iaspeetioa of food produets and drink. He shall perform seek other duties as are or may be prescribed by ordinanes. 258. MILK. INSPECTION 07. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or oorporstion to bring or seed into Salt Lake City for sale, either at wholesale or retail, or to offer for sale, or have in hie*flair, or its peasossioa with intent to sell there.. in, any milk without having obtained from the said Commissioner, annually, a permit in writing se to do. Such permit shall to given . by said Commis*ieaar whom upon inspection of the premises where cows are kept, inspection of the vessels used to holt such milk, and test of the milk, it shall appear that said promises and vessels are kept in good sanitary condition, that the milk moots the requirements of the ordinances of the City and rules of the Board of Health, and upon condition that none but pure, unadultera ated and undiluted milk shall be sold. All dairymen selling milk or cream in the City of Salt Laks shall furnish the Food and Dairy $$Commissioner a certificate from the State Veterinarian or Unite , rernment Inspeotor, showing that the cows furnishing milk or oream brought within the pity limits to be sold or otherwise disposed of for human food, are free from tuberculosis or other dangerous disease. No parson, firm or corporation shall bring into the City for sale, or shall sell or offer for sale, or have in his, their or its possession with intent to sell, any milk which has been obtained from any milk dealer, dairyman or other person not having a per- mit from the Food and Dairy Cormniaoionor of Salt Lake City. • Any dairyman, milk dealer or other eeruon, firm or corpora- tion, upon application to the Food and Dairy Commissioner for a permit to sell or deliver milk, shall file a sworn statement giving his, their or its name and addreus, the number of cows he,• they or it owns or has charge of, the average amount of milk (es- timatedl sold by him, them or it eaoh day, the names, addressee and 'permit numbers of all poreaona from whom he, they or it buys milk, the average amount of milk (eatimeted) eol,l by oech of them each day, and the number of cows onned by or in charge of each. That all wholesale dairymen and other persons having a stationary place of business, keeping and offering for Bele milk • in Salt Lake City, shall at all times keep the memo or names of the dairyman or dairymen from whom the milk on sole shrill have been obtained, posted in a conspicuous place where such milk may be sold or kept for cs<le. It shell be the duty of the Food. end Dairy Commissioner to visit or cause to be visited as frequently as he deems neeeesary dealers& consumers in all dairies supplying^salt Lake City with milk, and inepeot end score the same according to tho score card authorized by the Bureau of Animal Inauu try of the United Staten Department of Agriculture. A copy of the score card shall be left with the owner, and such information given cc will omelet tho producer to improve the sanitary conditionaa or remefy such dofeete a.:; the score card indicates. A copy ce toe score card shell be kept on file in the Comniesioner'e oPies. Milk or cream failing from Palriee felling below forty-five (45; in the rating as indicated by th� eoo e a rd. will be ex- hyar eluded from sale in Salt Lake City during(\1909; and milk or cream from dairies falling below fifty (60), will be excluded tke year from sale in Salt Lake City during_1910 and thereafter. -d- Every person ueieee in the sale or distribution of milk a delivery wegon or other vehicle, shill keep the seine at all time clean and free from ray eubet ,nco 1i0le to oontnriinate or injur the purity of the milk. )veyy person, firm or corporation uein;"" in the solo or dis- tribution of milk a delivery oegon or other vehicle, ehel1 from ley let to September 30th, iuelunive, each yceJr, have end keep over said delivery wegon or other vehicle a covering of canvas or other materiel, no err€nged no adequately to protect the con-II tents thereof from the reyo and heat of the run. No person, firm or corporation shall bottle any milk upon a delivery wegon or vehicle, or in any other piece than a milk house, dairy or other building whore milk it regularly stored • and sold. Milk vendors must not under any circumotences whatever, wash t zeir empty ()ens in any o" the otreirne or ponds within the limits of Salt Luke City; nod the rule under utensils, concern- ing. tee waehine of the came, meet bo strictly adhered to. No person, firm or corporation shall give, gurniah, sell 0 offer for eale,or deliver any milk, butter-milk, whey- , sour mill , skimmed milk or cream in quantities lee than ono gallon except in sanitary bottles, reeled with F. suitable cap or rstopeer, ex- 1 cept where milk is sold et a mill: house or dairy, Alen the same may be dipped. But the milk hnuao, dairy or other place in whi such milk is sold, eholl be located not loot then fifteen feet from any water olooet,or privy vault, or cesspool, or any horse or cow stable, or any chicken or poultry yerd. or coop, and the milk house, dairy or other pines shall be v. room which 19 not used for any other purpose then the doodling and sale of milk. No person shall transfer any milk intended for sale from one can, bottle or receptacle to another on any street, alley o• thoroughfare, or upon any delivery regon or other vehicle, orK 1 alp expesed place in the City of Solt Lake, eaoept in a orsamsry milk depot or in the enelsssd premises of a customer. Any person, firm or corporation who reoeives milk or cream in bottles, sans or vessels. or over any iSLlreal where said oana, bottles or vessels are to be returned, beaks returning the same shall cause the said eans, bottles or vessels to be thoroughly washed, MOOS cleaned and aired, and when possible, to stand inverted in the sun. No person, firm or corporation shall remove from any dwelling in which exists ally oommuniesble disease, any bottles or other receptacles which have been or which are to be used for containing or storing milk. except by permission of the Commissioner. So person, firm or corporation shall use any paper milk ticket more than once. It shall be unlawful fa fill or refill with milk. Dream or other milk product, any glass jar or bottle having the name of any person, firm or corporation blown therein, or any private mark or marks respectively branded, stamped, etched or blown therein; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not extend to the person, firm or oorporation whose name or mark is blown in such glass jar or bottle, or to a duly authoriz ed agent or employee of such person, firm or corporation. -E- person, firm or corporatioe shall keep more than one cow without a permit from the good and Dairy Commiseionor. No person, firm or corporation shall sell,offer for sale, o• have in his, teeir or its possession with intent to sell, or de- liver any milk, buttermilk, whey, sour milk, skimmed milk, cream, Dutch cheese or other milk product in quantities exceeding one gellon unlese the con or receptacle containing the sere is seourp- ly sealed by lock and chain, wire or other efficient contrivance a provided, however, the ins person, firm or corporation engaged exclusively in the •wholesale delivery of milk, end milk products from wagons not carrying milk bottles, may deliver the same from unsealed cans or receptacles; and provided further that, said wagon or wagons oh€3.11 have inscribed conspicuously thereon in plain letters not less tlisn three inches in height, the words "Wholesale only" ,CTI Ti 2. That Section 258 or the Revised Ord.inences of Salt take City of 1903, as amended. by an ordinance passed by the City Coun cil December 9, 1907, end Approved by the Mayor December 10, 19€07, be, and the same hereby is aeanded end re-enacted so a,s to read as follow : 256. :TAUT! O:� �i TCTR, fi ti{. leY.IMMD MT7.k, 0r ''D, ICE- CREAM, &o. Butter of standard parity shall be butter made from normal milk or cream free from all kinds of adeiti.ons except salt end harmless coloring chatter, ere_ shell contain not less t--inn eighty per cent butter fat. And on each. package of butter menef',ctured and offered or exposed -for s le in Se it reeee City, ehr1.1 be stamped upon the wrapper or hecka.ge tee name erd elere sr of the maker thereof, and the actual number of ounces contained in said wrapper or package at the time of its manufacture, and in case the name which appears upon the label is not that of the actual manufacturer or producer or the name of the place of the man}- r. -7- facturer, the words "packed for", or "Distributed by"7 shall appear on the same. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to offer for sale, or have in his, their or its possession with intent to sell,'"re-worked butter or mixed butter, unless the same is plainly marked " Reworked butter "; and it shall be un- lawful for any person firm or corporation to offer or expose for sale any tubAtpaoking stook or ladles re-molded into prints, rolls or squares, unless the same is plainly marked " Reworked butter";'and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to offer or expose for sale re-worked, mixed or re- molded butter, and to mark or print such butter with the stamp of any creamery, or with the words " creamery butter ". All butter that has been in cold storage for thirty days or more shall have stamped in plain letters and figures on each box the date when stored. No person, firm or corporation, by him, their of itself, or by his, their or its agents or employees, shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in his, their or its possession with intent to sell in Salt Lake City, any renovated bitter, unless the same shall have printed upon each and every package, roll, print, square or any container of such renovated butter the words "Renovated butter", in letters not less than one-half inch in height, or shall not have secured from the State Food and Dairy Commissioner, a license, as provided by the laws of the State of Utah. No milk adulterated, reduced or changed in any respect by the additiont he pr otheir,. sdubstances, or by the removal Of oreaffi��'hasisl be roueitag r iter hrto'Salt Lake City, or hold, kept, sold or offered for sale; nor shall any person, firm or corpora- tion keep, have, sell or offer for sale, or have in his, their or its possession with intent to sell in said City ant such milk Milk and cream, as used in this ordinance shall be deem to be one ed^adulterated in any^of the following oases. -8- it (a) Milk containing more than eighty-eight per cent of water or fluids. (b) Milk containing less than twelve .,jar cent of milk solids. (c) Milk containing less triso three and two-tenths per cen of fats. (d) Milk drawn from animals within twenty days before or of ex five days after parturition. (e) Milk drawn from animals fed on distillery waste, or an. substance in e state o1 fermentation or putrefaction, or At any unwholesome food. (f) Milk dr.awn from cows kept in a crowded or unhealthy condition. (g) Milk from which any pert of the cream has been removed (h) Milk which has been diluted with water or any other fluid, or to which has been added, or into which has been intro- duced any foreign substance whatever. (i) Milk the temperature of which is higher than 55 degree Fahrenheit, or which contains an oscess of bacteria; provided, that the provisions of this subdivision relating to temperature shall not become effective before October 1, 1909; after that date, all milk found to have a higher temperature tdan 55 &agree Fahrenheit, the Commissioner or any o-ciicer of the Health Depart mont may oeize,uz confiscate and destroy. (,j) Milk having a specific gravity of less than one and. twenty-nine-theseandthe at Go degrees. (k) Milk containing any )athogonio bacteria. (1) :ilk conte.ini*gin. any boracic or salicylic acid, formal- dehyde or other foreign chemic 1, or any ,preservative whatsoever. (m) Milk containing bacteria of any kind, more than five hundred thousand per cubic centimeter. (n) Milk drawn from any cow having a communicable disete', -9- or from a cow or cows in a herd which contains any diseased cattle or from a cow or cows in a herd the attendants of which are afflicted with or have been exposed to any eowunioable disease. Any milkman, dairyman, being afflicted or any member of whose family is afflicted, with a communicable disease, shall report the same to the Commissioner within 24 hours after he, knows or has reason to suspect such oommunicabie disease, and said Commissioner shall take such steps as are prescribed by the local or State Hoard of Health, for the prevention of the spread of said comnunlcnble disease by the said milkmen, dairyman, his family, hired help or their family. No milk or cream shall be sold or dispensed as fcod from any house, store, shop, dairy or other place, in which there is a case of contagions or infectious disease as aforesaid, until all danger of contagion has been removed, and permission in writing is obtained from the Commissioner, authorizing the sale of milk or cream from said house, shop, or from said dairy or other place. No person, firm or corporation shall store anymmilk in any basement, cellar, milk-house, dairy or other piece unless suoh plane is well lighted and ventilated, and if such rood or space is a cellar or sub-cellar or is located in a cellar or sub-cellar, t)e. same shall be properly concreted, guttered and drained. No person shall store any milk in any basement, cellar, refrigerator, milk-house, dairy, or other place which is within fifteen ( 15 ) foot of any closet or privy vault or cesspool or any horse or cow ©table or any chicken or poultry yard or coop. No person shall bring into Salt Lake City for sale or sell, or offer for sale, or have in his possession with intent to sell, milk from which the cream has been removed, either in whole Or part unless sold as skiwed milk, and unloas on both sides of the vehicle from which such milk is sold there is displayed in letters not less than four inches in height the words " Skimmed Milk." If not sold from a vehicle upon each and every vessel from which such milk is sold, there be painted at least two inches ./ -10- height or displayed in plain and legible manner, the swords "Skimm4l Milk." No person shall bring into,u he City for sale, or sell or offer for sale, or have in hie or their possession with intent to sell, any so-called ekimned milk containing less than nine and five tenths per cent of milk solids, and not to exceed an acidity correspondin:,• 3 C.C. of normal 1/10 solution of soda per 100 cubic centimeters of milk, and must be delivered to i rohasers at the same temperature as provided in this ordinanoe for sweet milk. Manufacturers who make affidavit in the form to be pre- scribed by the Food and Dairy Commissioner that the skimmed milk they handle will not be sold at retail as milk, but solely used for manufacturing purposes. shall be exempt from the foregoing provisions.. Any person who shall have in his possession with intent to sell, oxehange or deliver skimmed milk, in any manner other than as above presnibed. shall be subjeot to the same penalties as are provided for the sale of whole milk in quality contrary to this ordinance. No person ftrm or oorporation shall bring into Salt Lake City or hold. keep, sell or offer for sale, or have in his, their or its possession with intent to sell any cream to which any foreign substance has been added or containing lees than 18 per cent butter fat, and when sold to any piDreon firm or corporation, must be truly represented, as to its being " Coffee" or " Whipping Cream " with the acidity not greater than 14 degrees. The term cream, means that portion of milk represent ed in milk fat which rises to the surface of milk on standing or in separated from it by centtifugal force and which is fresh and clean. All samples of milk or cream taken or brought to the office of the City Chemist by the City Food and Dairy Commissioner or his deputy, shall be analyzed of otherwise satisfactorily test- ed; and whenever said cream or milk so tested or analyzed eha -11- be found violative of any of the provisions of this ordinance, the ! necessary steps shall be taken for prosecution of persons violat- ing the same. An accurate record of the results of all tests or analysis shall be kept and shall be aooescible as a matter of public information. ICE CEEA . All lee cream manufactured and sold in Salt Lae City must conform to the following standards as regards . purity All ice cream not conforming to the standard hereinafter , set forth shall be doomed to be adulterated. Ice cream as contemplated in this ordinance is a frozen product made from cream and sugar, wit': '..out a natural flavoring and must contain not less, than fourteen ( 14 ) per cent of milk fat. Fruit lee cream as contemplated in this ordinance is a frozen product from cream, sugar. and sound, Olean mature fruits, 1 and shall contain not less than twelve ( 12 ) per cent of milk fat, Nut ice cream as contemplated in this ordinance is a frozen product made from cream, sugar. and sound, non-rancid nuts, and shall contain not less than twelve ( 12 ) per cent of milk fat, Provided, that the sale of ice cream, defined as above. when :nixed with gelatin not to exceed three ounces of gelatin to ten gallons of ice cream, or with tragacanth. or other vegetable gum, or with eggs, will be allowed if the same is label- ed and sold as " gelatin ice cream," or " gum ice cream," or"egg ice cream" as the case may be and provided that the butter fat shall not fall below the standards as stated above, and provided further that all persons selling ice cream in any form at retail shall place sawasissaill conspicuously within plain view of custom ere a 1e=;isle sign. indicating the quality of ice cream in accordance with the above standards so sold or dispensed in said establishment. Ice cream must be made and stored in sanitary pram es. pi - 12- .iii41, ?::' o , 4 v� . It must not be made or stored in livinc rooms. J x Strict precautions must be taken as to protection from f3 antam .anon. . Cases of infectious disease trhere ice cream is sold or manufactured must be reported. The name and address of the maker most appear on street barprws,,or ,#'rye cream,cart. y� �? ,Sict �` j j � *t of 11rh;���7}Nvo gfrld:i,� '�Y G- l_ givi prey to make ,a4i f, 1rtn ':#'1es x, guru ci "y t `� /- j u . /( +fall 8 . �. �L:, s7 t3,e,7 h. r deed ne ary by°:,1t311;Board the w ,� , --/ b ', �' r$-o raa q men$f f rthi ord.«nazz�' � ��l -c �: �'�� :. f ` 5y i+ ix�' the �a nor�z41i l it /1 toG le pubs fn hoalth tit • or4c;ti n with:, ' 'a;± y h, ii r- \ba hies, e iuvhtor h'�7,ir s, pact. n plant ,"Conir 6itci' s ice: ,1� �� a or m p? or any 'i e where:f ani"- d. c .ii_ .1*^o nuts ar� , t _•cd st ored,r�� . o od, deposited, sold ��x� or offered s, t .creel for sale. le. Seoti gJ 3. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ;.. ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby re- ,, g pealed to the extent of such conflict. 3eotion .4. This ordinance shall take effect on and after ' ' June lit, 1909, unless otherwise provided. 4 ',LA) ,a(a--(-1( Passed by the City Council of Salt Luke City, Utah, April 2n, 1909 Lnd referred to the L7 jor for his approval .l.tr Recorder ���dTOy r - . f G/c� e CGS I i • : ig 4 0 :.,;c 22 " II g . is „„,..... , . . .: ... .0.)...,.,- 0 11.,:t: 1:.1"' •%, :.: I Ir. r• ' :K - , ."*-4'-e"'".:14-.."- \•—fl" *J.J#V:k li.t% — 4.'"' ':'-lt ..c,. ' - -\.:N,t C1-• • '-,, ' ,, A :,...... ..., 1,. 71%,_..,,i,.,9?..„ -,._ ,f i 1 ir , ?,'' •: -,:--Aliv--'"G,'': ''lf., 0, , ,,,,A ...... :, , 8 c4,, , ,,,,,, ... 8 52 •0..) .......,„..'''' ''.\ 4"' 8 4;7•4•, ;c4 - ; IV- A •,. ,,...,k:.r,•..i.P.: n. ?a '''r ., A , : : • i\sj) 3 NA 1,, ,'i, ,,,,,..;: • i 11, ,i, 1 ,.: .1, 4, . - ' .` . i•.,„ ,,, :•s,, -, ., .c.,,,, i , . . 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