47 of 1917 - Providing for special election for $1,500,000.00 bonds ROLL CALL
VOTING I AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, May 24,
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Wells .. . l C...
_ 1
An ordinance providing for and ordering a special election for
the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Salt Lake
City, Utah, the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness to the
amount of 01,500,000.00 as follows:
0238,000.00 for paving of drives in City Cemetery and Liberty
0'durn B.Ba cL t_,cQ�
Park and City's portion ofnstreet paving; 08,500.00 for City's
portion of curbing and guttering of streets; 09,000.00 for the con-
struction of storm sewers; 05,000.00 for the purchase of new park
sites and the improvement of the same, and the improvement of a
park at the Warm Springs Bath House; 024,000.00 for the construction
of bridges; 0100,000.00 for the construction and furnishing of a
municipal bath house; 07,000.00 for the purpose of completing the
Main Trunk Sewer discharge outlet; 0443,500.00 for the purpose of
increasing, improving and enlarging the present waterworks system,
the purchase of water meters, the purchase of land and the construc-
tion of shops for the 4aterworks Department; and 0365,000.00 for
the purpose of extending, improving, increasing and adding to the
water supply of the City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for the improvement of the public streets and sidewalks of said
City and the drives of Liberty Park and the City Cemetery, and to
',i- 47
that end to pave sixteen miles of the streets of said city; to
pave twelve miles of sidewalks; to pave the main drives of the
City Cemetery; to pave the center drive of Liberty Park; to do
which in the manner required, and to pay the City's portion of
said paving of streets and sidewalks calls for and requires an
expenditure of $238,000.00.
SECTION 2. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for the improvement of the public streets of said City, and to
that end to grade and to construct curb and gutter in the streets
in the following districts: The district on North Bench between
H and N Streets and Third and Eleventh Avenues, and between N and
Virginia Streets and Third and Fourth Avenues; and the district of
Seventh nest Street between Ninth South and Fourth North Streets;
to do which in the manner required and to pay the City's portion
of said curbing, guttering and grading of said streets calls for
and requires an expenditure of : 78,500.00.
SECTION 3. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for increasing, extending and improving the park system of said
City, and to that end to purchase new park sites for public parks
and play grounds, and to lay out, plant and improve the same, and
to lay out, plant and improve the grounds surrounding the Sam
Springs Bath House, to do which in the manner required calls for
and requires an expenditure of $75,000.00.
SECTION 4. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for the construction of a bridge across the Jordan River at Fourth
South Street, a bridge across the Jordan River at Fifth South
Street, and a bridge across the Surplus Canal at the Redwood. Road,
to do which in the manner required calls for and requires an
expenditure of $p24,000.00.
SECTION 5. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for the construction and furnishing of a municipal bath house at
and upon the Warm Springs property owned by the City; to do which
in the manner required calls for and requires an expenditure of
SECTION 6. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for increasing, improving, extending and adding to the present
drainage system of said City for the purpose of carrying away the
waters that gather in and flow through and from said City, and to
that end to construct storm sewers in and upon the following
streets: Ninth South Street from State Street to Fifth East Stree ;
Ninth South Street from Fifth West Street to Seventh West Streetl.
Fourth Avenue from City Creek to Dry Canyon Creek; to do which in
the manner required and to pay the City's Portion of said Ninth
South Street sewer from State Street to Fifth East Street calls
for and requires an expenditure of ':99,000.00.
SECTION 7. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for improving, extending and adding to the present sewer system of
said City for the purpose of oaring for and disposing of the sewag>
of said City, and to that end to complete the construction of the
Main Trunk Sewer discharge outlet, to do which in the manner
required calls for and requires an expenditure of 07,000.00.
SECTION 8. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for increasing, improving, extending, enlarging, perfecting and
adding to the present waterworks system of said City for the
purpose of supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants of
said City, and to that end to construct feeder mains in order to
increase the capacity of the system; to construct and lay water
mains in various parts of said City; to lower and enlarge present
water mains and construct additional water mains in streets to be
paved; and to replace three inch water mains with larger mains in
streets to be cursed, guttered and graded; to purchase water mete s
for the measurement of water used, and for the purchase of a site
for and the construction of a work shop upon said site for the us-
of the Department of Water Supply and Waterworks; to which-in
-3- """\\\
the manner required calls for and requires an expenditure of
SECTION 9. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and
adding to the present water supply of said City, and to that end
to construct a high line conduit from B.arley's Canyon to the North
east Bench; to complete the extension and enlargement of the prese t
East Jordan Canal from Jordan Narrows to Big Cottonwood Creek; an.
to acquire water rights in the canyons and creeks adjacent to said
City, or other sources of water supply by exchange or purchase or
both; to do which in the manner required calls for and requires a.
expenditure of 365,000.00.
SECTION 10. That there Aoienot sufficient funds in the City
Treasury to defray said expense or any part thereof, and that in
order to defray the expense of making the proposed improvements
mentioned in Sections 1 to 9 of this ordinance, it is necessary
for Salt Lake City to incur a bonded indebtedness to raise funds
therefor in the following amounts:
1238,000.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 1 of this
78,500.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 2 of this
75,000.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 3 of this
24,000.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 4 of this
100,000.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 5 of this
99,000.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 6 of this
77,000.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 7 of this
443,500.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 8 of this
365,000.00 for the purposes mentioned in Section 9 of this
SECTION 11. That in pursuance of and under the power and
authority contained in Section 308 of the Compiled Laws of Utah,
1907, as amended by Chapter 4 of the Laws of Utah, -19A0., and
Section 309 of said Compiled Laws as amended by Chapter 3 of the
Laws of Utah, 1909, and Section 310 of said Compiled Laws, it is
hereby ordered that a special election be held in Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake County, State of Utah, on Tuesday, the 26th day of June,
1917, for the purpose of submitting to such qualified electors of
Salt Lake City as shall have paid a property tax in Salt Lake City
in the year 1916, the following questions:
(1) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of 238,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the City's portion
of the expense of the improvement of the public streets and side-
walks of Salt Lake City, and to defray the expense of paving the
drives of the City Cemetery and Liberty Park as set out in Section
1 of this ordinance, by the paving of sixteen miles of streets of
said City; by the paving of twelve miles of sidewalks; by the
paving of the main drives of the City Cemetery and the center driv.
of Liberty Park.
(2) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of 08,500.00 for the purpose of defraying the City's portion
of the expense of the improvement of the public streets of Salt
Lake City as set out in Section 2 of this ordinance, by the gradi -
and construction of curb and gutter of the streets in the followi •
districts: The district on North Bench between H and N Streets a •
Third and Eleventh Avenues, and between N and Virginia Strees an.
Third and Fourth Avenues; and the district of Seventh west Street
between Ninth South and Fourth North Streets.
(3) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of 05,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expense of
increasing, extending and improving the park system of said City
as set out in Section 3 of this ordinance, by the purchase of new
sites for public parks and play grounds, and the laying out,
planting and improving the same, and the laying out, planting and
improving the grounds surrounding the 'gam Springs Bath House.
(4) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of i124,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expense of
construction of bridges, as set out in Section 4 of this ordinance,
by the construction of a bridge across the Jordan River at Fourth
South Street, a bridge across the Jordan River at Fifth South
Street, and a bridge across the Surplus Canal at the Redwood Road.
(5) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum 'of $100,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expense of
building a municipal bath house, as set out in Section 5 of this
ordinance, by the construction and furnishing of a bath house at
and upon the Warm Springs property of said City.
(6) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of '499,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the City's portion
of the expense of increasing, improving, extending and adding to
the present drainage system of said City, as set out in Section 6
of this ordinance, by the construction of storm sewers in and upo
the following streets: Ninth South Street from State Street to
Fifth East Street; Ninth South Street from Fifth West Street to
Seventh West Street; Fourth Avenue from City Creek to Dry Canyon
(7) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of $77,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expense of
improving, extending and adding to the present sewer system of sai.
City, as set out in Section 7 of this ordinance, by the completion
of the construction of the Main kromur Trunk Sewer discharge outlet
(8) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of $443,500.00 for the purpose of defraying the expense of
increasing, improving, extending, enlarging, perfecting and adding
to the present waterworks system of said City, as set out in
Section 8 of this ordinance, by the construction of feeder mains
in order to increase the capacity of said system; the construction
and laying of water mains in various parts of the City; by the
lowering and enlarging of present water mains, and the constructio
of additional water mains in streets to be paved; to replace three
inch water mains with larger mains in streets to be curbed,
guttered and graded; the purchasing of water meters for measure-
ment of water used, and the purchase of a site and the construc-
tion thereolvf work shops for the Department of Water Supply and
(9) The question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of '4365,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expense of
increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding
to the present water supply of said City, as set out in Section 9
of this ordinance, by the construction of a high line conduit from
Parley's Canyon to the Northeast Bench; by the completion of the
extension and enlargement of the present Fast Jordan Canal from
Jordan Narrows to Big Cottonwood Creek; and by acquiring water
rights in canyons and creeks adjacent to said City, or other
sources of water supply by exchange or purchase or both.
SECTION 12. Said improved, additional and new rater system
and water supply, and said improved, additional and new sewerage
system shall be owned and controlled by Salt Lake City.
SECTION 18. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to
exceed four and one-half per cent per annum, which interest shall
be payable semi-annually; and said bonds shall hater be of such
denominations as the Board of Commissioners shall hereafter deter-
mine, and shall become due and payable as follows:
One-twentieth ttxxx of the amount thereof one year after the
date of-3■wime; one-twentiethof the amount thereof two years
after date of ; one-twentiMbh of the amount thereof three
years after date of h; one-twentieth of the amount thereof
Now-Ne.6.0p .
four one-twentieth after the date of ice; one-twentieth of the amount
thereof five years after date of imre4ee; one-twentieth of the
amount thereof six years after date of tmwertmew; one-twentieth of
the amount thereof seven years after date of j,agoiee; one-twentiet
of the amount thereof eight years after date of i��; one-
twentieth of the amount thereof nine years after date of la++siese;
one-twentieth of the amount thereof ten years after date of '414I
one-twentieth of the amount thereof eleven years after date of
sApiimeitilo; one-twentieth of the amount thereof twelve years after
date of ileg=e; one-twentieth of the amount thereof thirteen years
after date of ; one-twentieth of the amount thereof four-
, tea
teen years after date of« ,e; one-twentieth of the amount
thereof fifteen years after date of i„ aws; one-twentieth of the
I amount thereof sixteen years after date of i t ; one-twentieth
of the amount thereof seventeen years after date of ; one-
twentieth of the amount thereof eighteen years after date of
iwee; one-twentieth of the amount thereof nineteen years after
date of ; and one-twentieth of the amount thereof twenty
years after date of .;ire; and the Board of Commissioners shall
annually levy sufficient tax to pay the interest on said bonds as
i it falls due, and also to redeem and pay the bonds as they fall
SECTION 14. Said election shall be conducted according to
the statutes and laws of the State of Utah, and shall be held in
'manner and form as provided thereby.
SECTION 15. The Mayor and City Recorder of Salt Lake City
Dare hereby directed and required to make proclamation of said
special election by publication of a notice thereof in four daily
newspapers published and circulated in said City, for four weeks
prior to the date of said election.
SECTION 16. It is necessary that this ordinance shall become
operative immediately, so that the election provided for herein
may be held on the date specified, and the proper steps prepara-
tory thereto be taken as provided by law, the electors at such
election having the right and power to determine the issues raised
SECTION 17. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commi sinners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
May 24, _. 1917.
M a y o r .
City ec der.
„IL rnms
Prceentod to the 13081%1 of CommiasionEn -
MAY 24 1917
First Publication in
MAY:an 917