47 of 1922 - Licensing and regulating use of taxi cabs .-
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah,.... Sent. 1 9 ,192 2
r Burton
Green ..-
i In the matter of Bill #47 for an ordinance
04' regulating and licensing the use and operation
Stewart of taxi-ce:bn, presented to the Board of Commis-
s loners July 2C th, 1922, taken up and read and
Mr. Chairman laid over subject to call, I move that the matter
be again taken uo for consierati on.
•Passed b r amssioner o alt Lake City, a ,..
... , .
City Recorder Mayor
, . ..,11,m
Barnes Salt Lake City,Utah, July._..1 .3 ,192...2..
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Stewart /-7-f
Mr. Chairman --- —
tion of taxicabs and other public passenger vehicles.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. DEFINITION. Taxicabs include all passenger
motor vehicles plying for hire.
HIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any owner or person in charge of
any carriage, omnibus, taxicab, or other public passenger vehicle
to drive or operate the same upon any of the streets or permit the
same to be driven or operated upon any of the streets of Salt Lake
City unless he has complied with the provisions of Section 1337 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920.
TRICTS. It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of
any carriage, omnibus, taxicab, or other public passenger vehicle
used in carrying passengers for hire to allow any such vehicle
while awaiting employment to stand upon any street in the congested
district of Salt Lake City, as defined by ordinance, unless such
person shall have procured a permit in writing for such privilege
from the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City as hereinafter
provided, and such permit must be available for inspection by any
police officer at any time such vehicle is in use upon the streets.
The Board of Commissioners upon reoenmendation of the chief
of police is hereby empowered in its discretion to grant permits V'
the owners or persons in charge of carriages, omnibuses, taxicabs oi'
other vehicles used in carrying passengers for hire, allowing any
such vehicles while awaiting employment to stand at certain places
designated by the Board of Commissioners upon streets within the
congested district of Salt take City, which permits shall continue
in force until the end of the calendar year in which they are is-
sued unless sooner revoked by the board of commissioners, and at
the expiration of the calendar year such permits shall be void and
of no effect. No such permit shall be granted except upon written
consent of the occupant of the first floor of that portion of the
building in front of which it is desired that such vehicletmay
stand, or the owner of the real estate or of his authorized agent,
in the event there is no building thereon. It shall be unlawful
for any owner or occupant of any premises giving written consent
as herein provided, to charge, take or receive any money, benefit,
revenue or thing of value, as a condition or compensation for or
because of the giving of such consent for any such vehicle to stead
in front of said premises.
No more than ten such vehicles shall be permitted to stand
upon a street within the limits of one block in said district, and
not more than five such vehicles shall stand on one side of such
street/within any such block.
No such vehicle shall be permitted to stand within fifty
feet of any other licensed vehicle owned by another person, and no
such vehicle shall be permitted to stand within 30 feet from the
cross walk of any intersection, except at the west side of the
Hotel Utah on Main Street, nor in front of the entrance to a street.
or alley in said district.
Perms y be issnec€\in duplide so as £ok allow a ter-
nate car any one d •, when aid cars a,s owned bk-the sarhp
No such permit shall be granted except upon the written
application of the person desiring the same, filed with the board
of commissioners, stating the number and kind of vehicles for
which such permit is sought, and the proposed location of the star
for such vehiole4 together with the written consent of the occupan
of abutting property, as required by this section. ii-sepnee‘eqper-
mi-n-Lerherl-1-he-i-estaed-i-n-eltip14-eadveN-4a4k-aSen4aaaL4,-asai 411 permits
issued shall contain the name of the person to whom the same is
granted, the number and kind of vehicle, and the place designated
as a stand for such vehicle.'
POTS. It shall be unlawful for the owner, driver, or person is
charge of any carriage, omnibus, taxicab or other vehicle used in
carrying passengers for hire, while awaiting employment to stand
within 300 feet of the Oregon Short Line depot, or the Denver &
Rio Grande depot, except that taxicabs with an ordinary capacity
for not more then seven persons lioensed by the city shall be per
mitted to stand. in the said prohibited districts at a place pro-
vided by the city which shall at the Oregon Short Line depot be
the east side of 3rd West Street commencing at the north line of
the north side of South Temple Street and extending northward al•
3rd West Street, and at the Denver & Rio Grande depot shall be on
Rio Grande Street in a space equally between the north and seittk
sides of 3rd South and 20 feet west of the center line of Rio
Grande Street. No such taxicab shell occupy such stand. unless t•.
owner thereof shall have procured a permit in writing for such
privilege from the board of commissioners of Salt Lake City, as
hereinafter provided, and upon the recommendation of the chief of
police. l'he Board of Commissioners, upon the recommendation of
the Chief of Police, is hereby empowered in its discretion to gr t
permits for no more than fifteen taxicabs at such stations. The
order in which such taxicabs may occupy said stands shall be re-
gulated, controlled and directed by the Chief of Police. Such
taxicabs shall occupy only the stand assigned to them by the
Chief of Police in the Tacit marked and designated by him. Suck
taxicabs shall face the west while on said stands and shall not
stop nearer the depots that such stands, except for the purpose
of taking on and letting off passengers. No such taxicab shall
leave its stand for the purpose of taking on passengers unless
signalled so to do or under actual employment. Immediately upon
taking on or letting off a passenger all taxicabs must drive away
from the prohibited district as hereinbefore defined except such
taxicabs as are permitted to stand in the space heretofore desig-
nated, provided, however, that not more than three permits for
sight-seeing- cars may be issued for similar stands in said pro-
hibited districts at such places as the Chief of Police may desi
nate. No permit shall be granted except upon the written applica
tion of the person desiring the same filed with the Board of Com—
missioners stating the number and kind of vehicle for which such
permit is sought and the proposed location of the stand for such
vehicle. the owner or person in charge of any vehicle for which
permit shall have bean obtained pursuant to the provisions of thi
and the preceding section shall have such permit available at all
times and allow the examination of such permit whenever requested
so to do by any police officer. No such permit as is mentioned i
this or the preceding section is assignable except by permission
of the Board of Commissioners and for each permit mentioned in th s
section, or each permit and duplicate thereof mentioned in the pr
ceding section the license assessor shall collect the sum of $5.0
per year or gity part thereof, to be paid by him into the city
treasury, except that permits for stands already issued for 1922
may remain valid without further fee until January 1, 1923, unles
sooner revoked. xhe Board of Commissioners may in its discretion
revoke any permit, provided in this or the preceding section, of
any person who shall assign or attempt to assign the same without
permission, or who shall have been convicted of a violation of
ordinance of Salt Lake City, or law of the State of Utah, or for
any disorderly, improper or unlawful conduct while standing or
driving upon the streets of Salt Lake City, or for any other rea-
son which in the judgment of the Board of Commissioners may justi
fy such action. the final determination as to whether a permit
shall be granted or revoked shall rest absolutely with the Board
of Commissioners and the Board's action thereon shall be final.
It shall be unlawful for any other public or private passenger
vehicle tp parI im of th ro ibit districts�` {
laktaiaa s a\- a°-�6¢z n
�y ,
the Oregon Short Line Railroad omp and the Denver & Rio
Grande Wetter* Railroad Company, Sha— v{de ad
® railroad grounds for the parking of privatel
{i 4 Y"Q iG-i f
unlawful for any person while engaged as driver, chauffeur, so-
licitor or attache of a licensed public vehicle to leave his vehi-
cle for a distance of more than six feet, except for the purpose
of securing, when requested, the baggage of his patnona.
shall be unlawful for any person whomsoever to solicit patronage
for any licensed public vehicle or for any hotel upon any of the
sidewalks or public streets abutting to any railroad depot in Sal
Lake City.
ful for the driver, chauffeur, solicitor, attache, porter, or run
ner for any licensed public vehicle or hotel to enter into nr upo
any railroa d depot or upon any passage or landing leading there
while actually engaged in his employment as such, except such pe
sons as the railroad or depot company may permit and themioaly
under such roles and regulations as the railroad or depot qompany
to be a proved by the Board of Commissionerstta-Q-t
may provide/mad under the direct control and supervision of such
railroad or depot company; provided, however, that nothing herein
contained shall be construed to prevent the persons herein named
from entering in or upon any railroad car, depot or passage lead-
ing thereto for the purpose of getting the baggage of any passen-
ger arriving at or departing from the city after first having ob-
tained and exhibited to any police officer or person in charge of
such railroad car, depot, passage or landing the check or checks
} of such passenger for such baggage.
unlawful for the driver, porter, Chauffeur, solicitor or runner
of gay licensed public vehicle at may time or place when waiting
for or engaged in his employment,isto obstruct any street or side-
walk; make any loud or unusual noise, disturbance, or outcry; use
may indecent, profane or obscene language; or be guilty of may
boisterous or loud talking, or any disorderly conduct; or to hares ,
vex, annoy or disturb any person; or to interfere with, obstruct
or impede the Free passage of passengers or other persons to or
from any depot, theatre, hall, hotel, public resort, train or depo
grounds; or to seize, or grasp or interfere with,any person or any
J baggage carried by or belonging to said passengers or persons; or
while soliciting employment to stand on any public street or place
other than at a designated public stand; or to seek employment by
repeatedly and persistently driving his vehicle to and fro in a
short space before any theatre, hall, hotel, public resort, or
railway depot or other place of public gatherings.
license shall be granted to may carriage, omnibus, taxicab, or
other passenger vehicle until it has been thoroughly and carefull•
inspected and examined by the chief of police and found to be in
thoroughly safe condition for the transportation of passengers;
clean, fit, of good appearance and well painted and varnished; an.!
the Chief of Police shall at intervals in his discretion after th-
issuance of such license make regular and thorough inspection of
such licensed vehicles. the license assessor shall refuse a li-
The Chief of Police shall examine any taximeter attached to any
licensed public vehicle to see that the same is accurate before
a license for said vehicle may be issued.
upon blank forms to be furnished by the lioense assessor and such
application shall contain the full name and address of the owner,
the kind of vehicle for which the license is desired, the length
of time the vehicle has been in use, the number of persona it is
capable of carrying and the motor power thereof, t dJtxx 7 i
SECTION 10. LI :ILITY INSURANCE. t shall be unlawful
to operate any licensed pu.lio vehicle or per t such to be oper-
ated, nor ahall,any license be issued hereunder until and unless
the applicant fo a license ,ereunder deposits w th the City Re-
corder a policy o certificat- of liability insur ee covering
each vehicle for w,,,oh a liven=. is sought, accept ble and approve,
by the Board of Comm ssioners, demnifying the epp icant in the
sum of at least $0,601.00 for inj y to one person d $5,000.00
for injury to more th - one person ;^d 0500.00 proper y damage in
any one accident throng, the op erati. , of the vehicle f the appli-
cant. The said policy s : 1 further contain a clause o ligating
the surety company to giv- twenty days „ itten notice to the City
Recorder before oancellatio of the said .olioy, the said is enn se
shall expire upon the lapse termination .f the said poll y of
SECTION lA LICENSE CARD. If upon inspection a taxicab
or other public passenger vehicle is found to be of lawful constru -
tion and in proper condition in accordance with the provisions of
this chapter, and upon the payment of the license fees, as provid-
ed in Section 1337 aforesaid, the same shall be licensed by de-
livering to the owner a license card which shill contain the offi-
cial license number of the vehicle, together with the date of in-
spection of same and a statement to the effect that in case of co,
plaints the Chief of Police shall be notified, giving the license
number of the vehicle. The license card shall contain blank spac•s
upon which an entry shall be made of every inspection of the vehi
ole by the Chief of Police. The license card shall be a differen,
color each year and shall be numbered and conspicuously displayed
within the vehicle. Licenses granted under this chapter may be r
voked or suspended at any time by the Board of Commissioners upon
recommendation of the Chief of Police for any violation of the pr
visions of this chapter, or any other ordinance of Salt Lake City
or law of the State of Utah, or if such vehicle shall be used for
any immoral, illegal, disorderly or improper purpose, and license
so revoked shall not be r.:e-issued. Licenses granted under this
chapter may also be suspended or revoked by the Board of Commissio -
ers upon recommendation of the Chief of Polioe if the vehicle shal
not be in good condition, appearance, clean and safe. Licenses
when so suspended or revoked shall not be re-issued until the vehij.
cle and all its appurtenances shall be put in a fit condition for
use by the public.
SECTION : FARES .AND RATES. A mile as used in this
chapter, shall mean seven ordinary city blocks of 660 feet each,
or fourteen ordinary city blocks of 330 feet each, including stree s.
Every passenger upon any licensed passenger vehicle shal
be allowed to have conveyed upon sash vehicle, without charge
therefor, ordinary hand baggage.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or driver of any li-
censed passenger vehicle conveying passengers with or without
baggage, for hire, within Salt Lake City, to demand, collect or re
ceive a higher rate of fare for such service than is hereinafter
1. Sight-seeing automobiles, accommodating ten or more
passengers, shall not charge more than $1.00 per passenger per tri.,
and each trip shall not be less than two hours' duration, and shall
follow the route as advertised by the owner or driver of such auto
2. Passenger vehdeles other than sight-seeing cars:
(a) For carrying passengers to a hotel or place wit
the business district from a depot, or to a depot from a hotel or
place within the business district, or from one depot to another,
or from one hotel to another, for each passenger . . $ 5,
(b) For the first two miles other than as provided
in Subdivision (a), per mile .50
For each additional mile for each passenger .2-
(c) For waiting, for every ten minutes or fraction
thereof • • • • •2
(1) For carrying baggage, valises, or suit cases
other than ordinary hand baggage, each $ 20 '
(a) For carrying each small truak accompanying
a passenger .50
(f) No charge shall be made for carrying children
under five years of age. For carrying children between five
and fifteen years of age, not exceeding one-half the amount
specified shall be eha rged.
In carrying passengers from one point to another in this
city, the driver of the vehicle shall take the shortest and most
direct route, when charging by the mile.
Whenever the service rendered by any vehicle licensed
yonder the .,rovisione of this or dinance shall be measured by a
/taximeter, the fare for such service for one passenger shall be
not more than fifty cents (50c ) for the first mile and not more
than ten cents (lOy ) for each quarter of a mile, or fraction
thereof, thereafter and not more than twenty-five cents (25y)
for the entire tri* for each additional passenger, except for
passengers designated under (f) of this section.
The taximeter on any vehicle operating or licensed under
this ordinance shall be of a size and design approved by the Chiel
of Police. No license shall be issued until the taximeter attach
ad thereto shall have been inspected and found to be accurate. No
person shall use or permit to be used upon any public vehicle a
taximeter which shall be in such a condition as to be over 5% in-
correct, to the prejudice of any passenger. No taximeter shall
he operated from any wheel to which the power is applied. After
sundown the face of every taximeter shall be illuminated by a
suitable light, so arranged as to throw a continuous steady light
thereon. No person shall use or permit to be used, or drive for
hire, any taxicab equipped with a taximeter, the case of which
is unsealed, or not having its cover and rear intact. No -)erson
shall drive a taxicab to which is attached a taximeter that has
not been duly inspected and approved.
It shall be unlawful for any person to own or operate
any vehicle licensed or operated under the orovisions of this
ordinance and equipped with a taximeter unless and until such
taximeter has been inspected as required and complies with all
the provisions of this ordinance.
A taximeter is a mechanical instrument or device by
which the charge for hire ofa;taxicab is mechanically calculated,
either for distance traveled, or for waiting time, or for both,
and upon which such charges shall be indicated by means of figure .
same, a card with the name of the owner of such vehicle, the number
of his license written or printed thereon, and the rates of fare
fixed by this chapter.
-9_ •
ful for the owner or driver of any licensed public passenger vehi-
cle to demand, or receive by virtue of a demand, any fare in exee
of that provided for in this chapter.
driver of any licensed public passenger vehicle shall have the
right to demand in advance the minimum fare of any person employ-
ing him, and may refuse to convey any person who shall not comply
with such demand.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or driver of a ny licensed pub-
lic yehicle, when not otherwise engaged, to refuse to convey any
person for any lawful purpose, with or without baggage, upon de-
mand and tender of the lawful fare, or, having undertaken to con-
vey such person, thereafter wilfully to refuse or neglect so to do
SECTION 1 REFUSING TO PAY FARE. It shall be unlawful
for any person, having hired any licensed public passenger vehicle,
and having ridden therein, to refuse to pay his fare, not exceed-
ing the rate fixed by this chapter.
lawful for the owner or driver of any licensed public passenger ve-
hicle, upon being requested so to do, to refuse to give the number
of the vehicle and the name of the driver thereof.
SECTION tff. FRAUD PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for
the driver of any licensed public vehicle or for any person solici -
ing patronage for auy public vehicle, to induce or attempt to in-
duce any person to employ him, by knowingly or wantonly misinform-
ing or misleading such person as to the time or place of the arri 1
or departure of any railroad train or other conveyance, or the lo-
cation of any railroad depot, office, station or ticket office, or
the location of any hotel, public place, or private residence
within said city, or to practice any deceit, fraud or misrepresen-
tation in any manner whatever relative to matters pertaining to
his business. Iq
son driving a licensed public vehicle must be licensed as such.
Each applioant for a driver's license must:
(a) Be of the age of 21 years or over; an American citi-
zen or have declared his intention to become such citizen and a
bona fide resident of Salt Lake County for sixty days next preced-
ing the date of such application.
(b) Be of sound physique, with good eyesight and not sub
ljeot to epilepsy, vertigo, heart trouble, or any other infirmity o
body or mind, which might render hi* unfit for the safe operation
of a public vehicle.
(c) Be able to read and write the English language.
(d) Be clean in dress and person, and not be addicted to
the use of intoxicating liquors or drugs.
(e) Produce affidavits of his good character from two
reputable citizens of Salt Lake City, who have known him personal-
ly; and a further testimonial from his last employer unless in th_
opinion of the Chief of Police sufficient reason is given for its
(f) Pill out upon a blank form to be provided by the
Chief of Police a statement giving his full name, residence, plac-s
of residence for five years previous to date of application, age,
color, height, color of eyes and hair, place of birth, length of
time he has resided in the city, whether a citizen of the United
States, place of previous employment, whether married or single,
whether he has ever been arrested or convicted of a felony or mis-
demeanor, whether he has previously been a licensed driver or cha f-
feur, and if so whether his license has ever been revoked and for
what cause; which statement shall be signed and sworn to by the
applicant and . with the Chief of Police as a permanent recor..
It shall be unlawful for the applicant to make any fals
statement s.
driver's license under the provisions of this chapter shall be
examined by the Chief of Police as to his knowledge of the provi-
sions of this chapter, the traffic regulations and the geography-j ,;.
shall be unlawful for any licensee to deface, remove or obliterat.
any official entry made upon his license.
SECTION DRIVER'S BADGE. There shall b e deliveved
to each licensed driver a metal badge of such form and style as t e
Chief of Police may prescribe, with the driver's license number
thereon, which must under penalty of the revocation of the licens.
'be constantly and conspicuously displayed on the outside of the
left sleeve of the driver's outer garment when he is engaged in
his employment. Such badge shall be non-transferable and it shal be
unlawful for any person to wear any such badge or one so similar
s tgod ep eive any person, unless the same has been regularly issu-dd
Ato the person wearing it.
or each driver's license or renewal thereof to be paid to the li-
cense assessor shall be $5.00 per year, or any part thereof.
river's licenses may be suspended or revoked at any time by the
-oard of Commissioners upon the recommendation of the Chief of
i'olice for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter,
I•r any other ordinance of Salt Lake City or law of the State of
tah, or for say immoral, indecent or offensive conduct, or for
other reason the board of Commissioners deem right or proper, and
such decision by the board of Commissioners shall be final. Any
_uch suspension shall be noted on the license, together with a
statement of the reasons thereof and the driver shall thereupon be
.eprived of his badge, the badge to be returned at the expiration
I•f the period for which the license was suspended. A second sus-
I.ension for the same reason, or in anyccase a third suspension of
he driver's license shall revoke the license. -Na driver whose
license has been revoked shall again be licensed as a driver for
licensed public Vehicles in the city except upon the presentation
,f reasons satisfactory to the Board of Commissioners.
kept in ,the office of the license assessor a complete record of
each license issued to a driver and of all renewals and recovations
thereof, which record shall be kept on file with the original ap-
plication of the driver for a license.
SECTION kB: All licenses or permits maationed in this
ordinance Shall be valid only between January 1st and December 31st
of the year in which they are issued.
SECTION 24. PENALTY. Any person violating may of the
i.roviatonsof this Ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be pun-
ished by a,fine in any sum not exceeding $299.00, or by imprison-
neat in the City Tail $.or a period not longer than six months, or
by both sueh fine and imprisonment.
SECTION W. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
'I of said city that this ordinance become effective immediately.
II SECTION 311 This ordinance shall take effect upon its
k irst publication.
, /77/‘/:-i 7 ._."G':i-'1- -/--i -.1., ,
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
1 th day of November , 1922.
City Recorder.
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