47 of 1926 - Sewer Extension No. 456-1st and final ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, See.
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE LEVYI.Na A TAX and for the assessment of pro-
perty in Sewer District No. 2 (Pacer Extension -o. -e5u) for the pur-
pose of constructing a sewer. .
be it ordained by the foaru of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the 1Thard of Commissioners of Salt Lake
:ity,does hereby levy the tax and >rovid_e for the essessaent of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in Sower District :To.
2 (Sewer Extention No. 4,56) for the purpose of oonst2i.cting; e sewer,
Lot 9 of 31k. 5, 5-Acre Dlat "$", Dig field Sur-
vey abutting on both sides of Coatsville Avenue from State
Street to 2nd East Street.
This tan.. is levied to defray the expense of constructing
a vitrified pipe sewer eight (3) inches in diameter a distance of
672 feet, including mahholes, flush ten_. and Yts for ruse connec-
tions, all complete, upon the portions of said street os;osite the
oroperty herei-ribefore and hereinafter described to be especially ir-
Tected and benefited by said. improvement, and U, is he2obby adjudged,
determined and established that said procerty `:Fill be especially bone-'I
fited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said par,
eels of land arc hereby assessed at a uniform rate in accordance with
the linear Loot frontage upon said portions of said street fronting
upon and to the entire death of said pa-aels of land back lu efr n,_andj
the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of landr'
i 47 .k
I iK
_3_ I
is Orue '? ousend Your . u:,._rod .ro:,ty ,. rc and "V1o0 (D1, tt.05)
Dollars or. One and 107100 (;%1.10) Dollars ?F r front or inoar ,'hot
of aSuttinE. proporty for holt rote, there baisp I,SOI 'est :1u.t-
tiny, said improvement, which hs the total abuttors' coot all coot
per front foot of ao.id setter, acaorJiliff to the ,:.:t_ :ct (_nttefOft
into for the )e :'orlsei.oe of soil won a d makin ; sold, _ .,iro:,ou it
with J. L. Griffith '"o., ')o::tr_.ctor, tote the Lath day of October,
1928, and the Ore_isurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess
in accordance t°rith the orovisioi.n of thin r.'.i: or the iur-
)o ses herein mentioned:
The south side h' tho north 118 ft. o:_ the aist 'sf5 ft.
of the east 726 ft. of Lot 9 :_s.,1 the north sia of t's south 110
ft. of the west 573 ft. o;' the oust 666 ft. af mot 9, Dlk. 5,
-acre .Plat ".1", Lit -hold Survey, as the .game ._.,.., „h0.rn .;ion the
o.:-'iei_.l plats of so id city to the :ntire _,th of Loid. )eccols
of lend and to collect said tole.
SECTION 2. That t; .T. assesileest list mode 'Sy lit;-
Sr.,,urer as corrected ).o .'o o, :.. ' .or.:meted , tho Thou of
eu.alizotion rtc_ '_tevie a of the ero? rt" descri5ed in !,cotton 1 of
this ordinance in Sewer i'i;.S tot t11a. 2 (so,i.:i' _,'t,;.^_Sio:! :.o. 406)
of Salt Laic Dity, for the ,airposo of don i octiu : a se nor a;fon
said portions eta-ill :,t .,ot, is hereey confirmed, and the a,iess-
�.ten15 ;jade and returned ii: s icc com,21e'ted 1n.cs aad the re )ort of
the Toard of ' ousla.s .tion ^:1c 7i to the Doard of on:,ii s..io Hers
of salt Lake City arc heroey rotiried, i)roved amd eor-ir.aee..
Ss,CTIOf S . Said ton shall bc )o auks, in fir uol yearly
installments as advice+. i)y lo and ordinance, aelth the interest
on the whole sure undid at the rotes. of :i,_ :or cost ee .nnum,
yaSle at the time each inathllent is ..co. In the . vent o.L in-
stsilment or the interest5 -ofo_es ,id is not ailt on the day tho same
becomes due, the whole smeuat oh' tho o2ecil al unea10. et tf. 1,irne
said in;,tailsient and. i tu, ..:.;U :re . a iue shall eeoome Due sled. 6.3i'l.e,
ndF ] drawiitsrsitt nt t;-e rtt 0-• tmJlw: ocn-Jt )er mw
csA;Ll the sale of tie 2ro)ortz,
SECTICV Drdinan:30 takd sner
its cwldiention.
Passed 1)::7 tH3 ';otilsslosor DZi e;
Utah, Lhe
a..tension 0. 456.
1st Yinal Estimate.
n.Dfq • t'
C7 . ,