47 of 1936 - Amending Chapter LXIII new section 979 providing penalties for use or manufacturing of tokens, slugs F{VLL GALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 193 Coggin move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser / Murdoch ffiEttIV/i8xx Lee Y Mr. Chairman - - -i AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XLIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 979, providing penalties for using, manufacturing, selling or giving away tokens, slugs or other spurious devices for the fraudulent operation of vending machines, coin box telephones or other receptacles designed to receive lawful coins of the United States of America. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter XLIII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 979, providing penalties for using,manufacturing, selling or giving away tokens, slugs or other spurious devices for the fradulent operation of vending machines, coin box telephones or other receptacles de- 4 47 signed to receive lawful coins of the United States of America, which shall read as follows: SECTION 979. Any person who knowingly places any token, slug, false or counterfeit coin, or any other similar device whatsoever, not authorized by the owner, operator, lessee or licensee thereof, in any vending machine, coin, box telephone, or other receptacle which is designed by such owner, operator, lessee or licensee so that the use or enjoy- ment of property or service is to be secured by the deposit therein of lawful coin of the United States, for the purpose of securing such property or service, shall be punished by a fine of not more than Two Hundred Dollars ( 200.00) or by im- prisonment in the city jail for not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and impri4sJoinment. Any person who manufactures, sells or gives away any token, slug, blank, disk, tag or false or counterfeited coin, or any other similar device knowing, or having good reason to know, that the same will or may be used in any vending machine, coin box telephone, or other receptacle which is designed by the owner, operator, lessee or licensee thereof so that the use or enjoyment of property or service is to be secured by the deposit of lawful coin of the United States, shall be punished by a fine of,.:not more "than Two Hun- dred Ninety-nine Dollars 0299.00) or„py imprisonment in the city jail not exceeding six (6) months:, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 2. in the opinion of the $_oard'.Qf Commissioners it is necessary to the health,.' peace and: safety"oi the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this `� day of , A.D. 19','. ! Mayor. City Recorder. 11 li NC / I I1EC 1A ia36 1644 wrrNiciciaoar First Public tion in 7 DEC 11-1936 iA 77444lSALL. CITY RECORDER Proof of 11nbltratton ltuitritMates of Amerira STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE - r - AN-ORDINANCE- 'AN ORDINANCE AMEN I)INO CRAMER ALIII, Revised,or-' H. P. THOMPSON 1934,es of Salt.Lake N91k Vteh, 1, - 1934,by adding ish td to id:Gtato ter•a`new Sodden t ba 110, Idr. Seaton 670,providing,ifehaRi ',Idr rin using,manufactug selling,-or Sir. being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of Ina"away tokens, slugs Or.other, epurtouo devices for the fraudulent -operation of vending.machines:coin. des telephones Or other receptacle THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper, deafened!t States receive her r come O� published at Salt Lake the United states of America. ' Se.it ordained by'the Board-' f Commissioners-Of Salt Lake City„ UsomioN'I. That Chapter xL11S, City,State of Utah. • Revised.'Ordinances of-Salt•¢eke, •City.'Utah;1934;be and the-lame ' 1s hereby amended'by:addipg ID slid That the NatictN ORDINANCE to:Bald Chapter a new section to'be known es Section. 9791-providing penalties for',Using;manufacturing, welling.orgiving.away tokens,slugs BILL NO. 47 or- toter,spurious. devices for.the fraudulent, Operation of vending • machine.. l 9dpoaeferreceptee desiix gned to reoeiv lawful coins,Of the United States,of SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION. U Amends, which;shall read as fol- lowE: SECTIONly979, Any,,person knowingly places.'.any'then, dug. false similar counterfeit device hats, 'e ant other thldd the wher,over.not authorised bY tho owner, operator, l e di see r machine.licensee twin bo%n to le- phone; of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- phone,or other,receptacle which',io designed, e.u by'such ovmei, operator, llth lessee Or'lioensee;so that the Ilse or. enjoyment'of property or service is paper in its issue dated the.to be secured by the deposit therein I of lawfui-ooin of the United States, for the purpose-of seething,Ouch property or service,shall,be p Wished day of_ December , 193.8 by. ed.Dollars: not_more then Two - - ' Hundred'Dollars.($290.00)..er by im- prisonment 1n tie.eity,.lail'for not _exceeding oe sixty:(BO)days,or by both and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on such fine;and imprisonment: • Any.person who%manufacturers, sells or gives away'any token,slug, blank,-disk.:tag Or other Sr°Minter- December llth. for felted coin,or another similar.d'e vice,knowing.or having'good oeasOn to know,that the:same will or may be,used'In.any vending meohlne, to sbbox:telephone.I new by her re✓i- thereafter,the full period of_-.One--insertiOA er,Operator,lessee or licensee there- of•so that the-use or'enjoyment.of jp- property.or,service.is.to be seethed. the last publication thereof '$i by•the deposit of lawful'Coin of the - - .United States:shell be'punished by., • a fine-of not Oiore!than Two Hun- dred,Ninety-nine Dollars-($7f19.90) 11th or by,imprisonment in•tne ettyiart being in the issue dated the day of troth exceoing six'ICY months:or by ouch both ouch fine and imprisonment, SECTION 3..In the opinion of the Beard of conimiseionsra; n it laces-_. December 6 eery to,the health,pease and Islets.. A.D.193 of the lnhabitapts of Salt Lake City that this•ordinance take effect'1m-• mediates: " 'SECTION 3. This ordinan9e.shall' - Mate effect upon its first publics- Peeled bv.the Lake CIO,Utah: this toners.of,Halt reOt r:d'•Utahr this sinners day or December.A.D.•ls3e. to before me this - 12th ', day of E.B.$Rwill, (SEAL) May Mot or, BTHEL.MACDONALD Bill 130.ReoOr9er., -_..._. 6 • pllblished December llth, 1930. , , A. D. 193 • • Notary Public. fly commission expires ///)2 - 37 Advertising fee$ 47 7 x PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM Ottit 3iak ilegram County Entry No