47 of 1938 - Amending Section 721, Revised Ordinance 1934, licensing auto tourists parks. ROLL CALL !L �� i53F� VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193_ Goggin I move.rhat the ordinance be passed. Keyser Matheson - - - - !' , Murdock Mr.Chairman - - - s_-- N 0' •INANCE Result AN ORDINANCE ATIENDICC SECTION 721 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relatini to licenses. Te it ordained by the :tsoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 721 of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 721. AUTO 'TOURIST PATKS. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, maintain or offer for Public use within the limits of Salt Lake City any automobile tourist park, camp ground, or other public places for camping, sleeting or lodging whether in tents, automobiles, trailer houses, cabins, huts, or other vehicles or structures, or where automobile house cars or trailer houses may be parked or located, or occupied as liv- ing quarters, without first making an application to the License Assessor and Collector and obtaining a. license so to do. Applicants for such license shall file application in writing with the License Assessor and Collector together with a fee as hereinafter provided, which application shall show the plan nnd. location of applicant's proposed place of business, the number of rooms or spaces available to tenants or automobile house cars or trailer houses, and state in detail the source of water supply and the kind and number of toilet, bath and shower facilities available for use by male and female guests respective- ly. Such application shall by the License Assessor and Collector be referred to the Board of Health, which board shall within five days after such reference return said. application to the Board of Commissioners together with a. report of its findings and its recomendation as to the gy.antint. or denying, of said license. In making said report said- board of Health shall determine whether or not there exists on such premises ade- chia.te automobile house car or trailer house spaces for the number of such persons proposed to be accommodated in said application, adequate toilet, shower, bath, slop sink, gar- bare and seiup e facilities and a proper and clean supply of pure drinking water and in this connection shall proselgate rules and rerulations to enforce this ordinance. P. copy of such rules shall be furnished to each applicant. The license herein provided for,- together with a copy of the rules and regulations of the board of health shall be displayed by the licensee in a conspicuous glace upon said licensed premises. It shall be unlawful for any person to camp or place any trailer house or other vehicle while used for human habi ta.tion which msy be conveyed either on its own power or by an automobile from one place to ,.another place in .`alt Lake City except within premises licensed as herein provided. fdeoua.te toilet facilities shall de defined as one (1) water closet for each sex for every five (5) rooms or automobile trailer spaces, or fractional part thereof in ex- cess of five (5) such rooms or spaces in said camp ground, which toilet facilities shall not be more than one hundred (100),feet sway from any room, auto trailer or house car. It shall be the duty of the hoard of Health to in- vestigate and determine the necessary facilities reruired in every premises where camping or lodging in auto tourist r,r'ks or camp grounds is permitted to the end that same may be kept in a sanitary condition and free from infectious or contagious diseases and comply with the terms of this ordinance and the I rules and regulations of the 1_oarj of Health. Te shoal also be the uuty of the Licc C ie z l _ eer to Z.o ,-_: cc Ell such 1 emit•.e s to eeterminn that Licensees or 'beepers thereof have complied 1^;ith the le; s and ordinances of this city. P,vei'y licensee of such premises ahail keep a daily re€..aster of all guests or tenants of such premises, which register shall be available at all times and for one year thereafter for inspection by the police department, and a true copy thereof shall be forwarded daily to the police department on blan'cs furnished by it and which contain the date and time of the arrival of the tenant, his name, residence and next destination and the name, make and state.,registration license number of each vehicle, trailer, or trailer house., ' he yearly license fee for such parks shall be the sum of fifty cents for each sleeping room or trailer ,space lo- cated on said premises; provided, however, that no license shall be issued for less than ff 5.00 per year, or anypart thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the foerd of Commissioners, i.t is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ocCur.nce become effective immediately.' SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its firsjt publication. Passed by the Boa of Co missioners of Salt Lake City, � !�. . Utah, this /`fday o: _� � 1938 JriA444b6.4.aL--- Mayor. City , ecorder. ' �u lb A. „,..,,,,, , 1 tZ � c:, caLci :2- _,,, ,— . en. °° iv iL<--,1; U .,. ii rt prom III Iuu.lutil.lumA knifed'fatro of. inrrirtt STATE OF UTAH ss• COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDtN¢SEC- TIpN 721 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1934,relating ,�to He it Hmt� licenses.ordained by the Hoard of I, ��...Y.a-.-1HOMPSON Commissioners of Salt Lake City, v gOOT19N'•A:.- bat.Section 721.of, the Revised ordinances of salt Lake. being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of City,Utah,1934,relating to llcenees, be and the same is hereby amended, to read as follows: s2ulawufIaaypeo ' It shall be'tnfll for Person THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake to operate,maintain or offer for pub- lic use within the limits of Salt Lake- City any automobile tourist park, camp ground,or other public places' City,State of Utah. for camping, sleeping or lodging whether in tents,automobiles,trail- er-houses,cabins,huts,or other ve- hicles or structures,or where auto- That the NoticeAN ORDINANCE. BILL No. 47 mobile house care or trailer houses --- - may be parked or located,or occU- med aln ving application to the License Assessor and Collector and obtaining SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION, a license so to do. Applicants for such license shall file License Areeee•in writing with the License'Assessor and Collector to- gether with a fee as hereinafter pro- vided, - - which application shall how the plan and location of appllcant's num- berp of roed o ms or spaces s of s available lable to tenants-or automobile house care or trailer houses, and state in detail the source of water supply and the kind and number of toilet,bath and of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- chewer facilities available for use by male and female gusts respectively. Such application shall by the License 15th Assessor and Collector be referred to paper in its issue dated the the Board of Health, board shall within five days afterer such such ref- erence return said application to the - -' _-14osrd—i24.-Commlasionere--together , 193 8 with a report of Its findings the and its day of July recommendation as to the granting denying of said license. In mak- ing said report said Board of Health and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on eha11 determine whether or not there exist.on such premises adequate au- tomobile house car or trailer house per- sons proposed to beeaccommodn ed July 15th. for in said application,adequate toilet, shower,bath,slop sink,garbage sad, sewage facilities and a proper and clean supply of pure drinking water thereafter,the full period of One insertion and to this connection shall promul- gate rules and regulations to enforce this ordinance. A copy of such rules shall be furnished to each applicant. The license herein provided mr, - __the last publication thereof together with a copy of the rules ceensee inha11 be p place rd of snd regulations the B the of conspicuous upon being in the issue dated the 15th _say of said licensed premises. It shall be unlawful for any Per- son to camp or place any trailer house or other vehicle while used for July ,A.D.193..8... be conveyed either on its own poch wer orby an m one place to, another place ie n Salt Lake City ex- oept within premises licensed as herein provided. Suscribed and sworn to before me this - 16th day of July , A. D. 193 e Notary Public. My commission expires / 6/ —:.' a L.9.411 Advertising fee$_.. Adequate toilet facilities shall be defined as one(1)Water closet for each sex for every five(3)rooms o automobile trailer spaces, or frac- tional part thereof in excess of five (5) such rooms or spaces in said camp ground,which toilet facilities, shall not be more than one hundred (100)feet away from any room,auto trailer or house car. It shall be the duty of the Board - .of.'Health to Investigate and deter-, mine the necessary facilitles required In every premises where camping or lodging in auto tourist parka or camp grounds is permitted to the end that same may be kept in a sanitary con- dition and free from Infectious or contagious diseases and comply With the terms of this ordinance and the rules and regulations of the Board of Health. It shall also be the duty of the police department,the chief build- ing inspector and the porting engi- neer to Investigate and examine all such premises to determine that li- censees or keepers thereof have com- plied With the laws and Ordinances Of this city. Every licensee of such premises shall keep a deny register Of all guees, Whi ts of cch register shall be such availables at all times and for one year thereafter for Inspection by the police depart- ment.and a true copy thereof`sball be forWrded daily to the police de- partment on blanks furnished by It and which contain the date and time oftits name,the and next desti nation and the-name. make and state registration license number of -each vehicle,trailer,or trailer house. The yearly license fee for such parks shall be the sum of fifty cents for each sleeping room or trailer) space located on said preMiS S;pro vided,however,that no license shall be issued for less than$25.00 per year, oc any part thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion Of the Board of Commissioners, it is nec- essary t0 the peace,health and.safe- ty of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become ef- fective Immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the.Board of Commis- loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 14th day of July,A.D.1938. JOHN M.WALLACE,Mayor. ETHEL MACDONALD, City Recorder. (Seal) BILL NO.47. Published July 15th,1938. PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM Ohe Oait Eakr Eitegrant 1 County Entry No