47 of 1940 - Vacating alley running north from 27th South Street to a point 137 feet south of Stratford Avenue ly Rec.108 100 -2 37 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, __ P 19 194 193• VOTING «� Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser • _� Matheson - - - - McConkie ' . Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN OHOINANCE VACATING alley running north. from P7th South a. Street to a point 1057 feet south of Stratiord .^-,venue, lying between n Chadwick and Dearborn Streets. N Be it ordained by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, TJtah: SECTION 1. That alley running north from P7th ,'outh Street to a point 157 feet south of Stratford ".venue, Lying between Chadwick and Dearborn Streets, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Lot 1577 Highland Park Plat A, a subdivision of part of Secs. 20 and 21, 1. 1 S., k, 1. Y., S. ' L. & M.; running thence north 804.67 feet, thence N. 45° W. 7.07 feet to toe north • line of Lot 1608, said Highland Park Plat A; thence east 25.00 feet; thence C . 45° ' 7.07 feet to the west line of Lot 1619, said Highland ParkPlat A.; thence south 804.6,P feet; thence west 12.00 feet to the Point of beginning, being part of the south-Pest 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. L S ., R. 1 C., S. L. T . & A. be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub- lic property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedectr4.an way. Said vacation is made exbresslp subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the 1'iioun- tai.n .States Telephone & Telegraph Company accuired under franchises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the elec- tric transmission, distribu.t.ion of telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto for the support of said electric telephone and telegraph lines, wires and distribution circuits as now crectea Ana maintained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed, during the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any extensions thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the -board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt ;sp* Take City that this ordinance become eitcetive ii.,, iately. SLCTIOT1 ''. This ordnance snail take ei'-'ect iron its first publication. / / Z` -u,,, ...);k-t Syr,/ Passe°. L,y the boa.ra o1 Commissioners of celt ,a,-e City, . TTtah, this Jg(aay of ag ' '..:, L940. i Mayor. City RecctTOr. Y 47 z 7 • tomiodtothe Bond of Comniedenel AND PASSED NOV 91940 tr lAteP744460,714011 First Publication in Ji-t2-1340 art 901474,18"4k CITY RECORDER • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake_ • Legal•Notice • AN UHDTNANCRfiI Leo He Young AN north ORDINANCE 27thC Sorth Streettun. ta n aotnting RetteweenuChadwick craand Deer. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- .born it .: vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Be [ ordained by the Board U4 h Conn. 01 Salt Lake City, m$EC 2t b L That alley to a mg t 137 -Nolotli a7th south Street e a Point 13 Seep South f Stratford Avenue,lying be. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State twenn `Chadwick and Dearborn Streete, more particularly described as follows: Commenng t the southeast rner f ' Commandos of Utah. Lot 1677 Highland Park Plat A, sub. ' division of part S.ofLSecs:20 Mandr 1,.g ,1 S., R. 1 it, •thence north.804.87 feet,.thence N. 48 deg, W. .07.i feet to the north line 1 That the advertisement Ordinance.Bill - PIn...47..,. Lot.1908, said Highland Par¢ Plat A% thence east e 22.00ot feet: tlincaof 8.45 d819. Vacating Allay: Northof 27th s.otrth.naar.Strat£tlmel-Avenues W. Highland Park Plat line thence`south 8 804:88 feet: thence west bein880mfeet to the t of the Point of beginning, g,1„Ee Shiv. ,�of sae.21, ,Ti s., Salt Lake City Corporation - City-Recorder. •doe and the Ma a 1s hereby vacated and be cclared no longer to be publicalley roperrty' street, avert destr an way. Said...cation is made nd l9 ablest to the rights of Y 'easements of the Utah Light&Traction Company d the Mountain states Telephone & Telle• was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the graph Company 4uired under franchisee •atom Salt Lake City to maintain.repair. sitarand utiaca the,ed iricaflia adBadtele' 22 day of November A.D. 19-4A.... itribution pt wires an.and'4sIM •Phone circuits, Rues,e, fired and a ne o. Nar companies, arms l the e4oDand other r th- �, time Nary attach- ments thereon ralectr thereto for the and was published sport of aid electric telephone and (¢1 uits ]i nee, wine and maintained c ttsn as now erected'and 4nteints tcircuits be sed,durinportion' the lifelof the inn- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Co be Hosed, said comPadl9s or any en bites held bye tensions thereof. sEd TofN 3. eo the pin lop of the day of A.D. 19 !Board of Commissioners,so It is pet this too the Peace, health d atet9 1 the 9 ordinance f Salt Lake City that this grd�nance become effective immediate. Y• effect SECTION_ upon its first Publ cation haD take Ad ertising Clerk ragged by the Board o1 Commissioners I • 1 SasthLake City.Utah,this lath day of • ',I:ovember, A.D. 1840.AB JENRINS, Msews. ETHEL MAty B000ALD,ILL City'R der. ` • -BILL NO.47) a i$ Pobliahnd_Np bet oath 1*. 26th day of •Uuusce tueu per r�satrrrr Co before me this November A.D. 19.40.-- Notary P •c. -- ,------_—— ----- "•.,._, t ,--__J ,.-.--, •ha , ' (‘ *Op c. '\-•--s-: -- i, -__ :., -V. mo• • - C..- ro .i• v..r It:, [ ,. -...:2 1 L L %), \ '''