47 of 1944 - Amending Section 4502, 4522 and 4554 of the Revised Ordinance 1944-relating to plumbing KULL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Romney 1 �l Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . A INANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 45044522 and 4554 of the Revised. Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating, to plumbing. De it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 4502,4522 and 4554 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to plumbing, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 4502. DEFINITIONS. For the interpretation and purpose of this ordinance the following words and terms shall be defined as follows: (a) ?person" shall include any natural person, firm, com- pany, partnership or corporation.. Singular shall include plural. Masculine gender shall include feminine gender. (b) Plumbing Ordinances5 or "This Ordinanee,v wherever the terms are contained herein, shall be construed to mean the plumb- ing ordinance of Salt Lake City. (c) t"plumbing" shall include the installation, alteration, cleaning of stoppage, change, repair, renoval,Amaintenance and use in buildings or on the premises thereabouts of the pipes, fixtures and fittings for bringing in the water supply and removing liquid and water carried wastes and every connection discharging direct or indi- rect into the building drainage system and shall include the water supply distribution pipes, fixtures and fixture traps, the soil, waste and vent pipes, the building drain, roof drains where installed inside the walls of a building, settling traps and connections to septic tanks and cesspools, with their de- vices, appurtenances and connections. (d) "Building drain'' is that Bart of the lowest horizon- tal piping of a drainage system which receives the discha i,e from the soil, waste and other drainage pipes inside the wal'a of any building and conveys the discharge to the building sewer located not less than 3 feet outside the foundation walls of the building. (e) "buiid.ing sewer'' is that part of the piping of a drainage system extending from the building drain to its con- nection with the main sewer, cesspool ur septic tank. (f) "hoof drain" is a pipe which conveys the storm water from the roof of a building. (g) "Soil pipe" is any pipe which conveys the discharge o ' water closets with or without the discharge front other fixture'• to the building Crain. (h) "paste ,pipe" is any pipe which receives the discharge from any fixture other than a water-closet and conveys the dis charge to a soil pipe or the building drain. (i) "vent pipe" is any pipe and fittings so installed as to prevent trap siphonage and back pressure and to ventilate a drainage system in whole or in part. (j) "l;oil vent" is a pipe which receives the discharge fro' one or more water-closets and serves as a combined soil and ven .ripe. (k) "Circuit vent" is a ripe so installed as to vent a serie of fixture traps connected to the same horizontal soil or waste branch. (l) "Wrap" is fitting:; or device so constructed as to pre- vent by moans of sufficient water seal passage of foul air or sewer gas through the trap without materially affecting the flo of sewage or waste water through it. (ra) "ti tures" are receptacles intended to receive and dis charge water, liquid, or v.ater carried wastes into a drainage 1"" system with which they are connected. (n) "iulain" of any horizontal, vertical or continuous pipin: is that port of such system a; ch receives the wastes or vents' -3- (o) nu anchv of thy system of piping is that part of the system \thieh e :ten.us horizontal., with or witiluot lateral or vertical extensions fro,+i, the main so receive outlets not di- rectly coinectso to the main. (p) n`;tacnn Is a general term fur a vertical rifle of soil, waste O1' vent piping. (y) nneveloued length+, of a pipe is its length along the center line of pdpr and lit Lings. (r) It,ia.metern us a pipe is the lnlerlur diameter in all cases except tubing. (s) nbewagen is any liquid caste containing annual and vegetable v+asLes in so-at.ion .:and incinues wastes from labora- tories and industrial institutions. (t) nheptic tank++ us a watertight receptacle so conntruct- ed as to promote seaiiuentatlon anal aecua1iposition of sewage. (u) nuesspooin is a pit raving porous vvai,s which ,_ermit secpafte iiltu the ground. (v) nlnairect connection++ is any waste pipe wnien dis- charges into an open fixture. (w) nLicensed plumber++ is any person silo has procured a license in accordance with the reoa.reinents of this ordinance and such license Is in full force. (x) nownern shah appiy so tn.e person in whose ,lame owne_- snip rests. (y) INlumbing inspectors is any ropre.,entaLive ui the di- vision of plumbing flissection duly authorized to make such in+- spections. SECTION 45ff. ri.lu i4iYabiALtb. main or branch soil, baste, drain, vent ails water supply pipes within the building shall_ be cuss iron, galvanizes broupnt Iron, i t_d, brass or copper, provided , rought pipe shall not be used for s.;iL or so, tt ell,es in OI oliaerr,rol.iiiu. xco1)t ruin- drains, all cast iron soli or v oste pipe a.nd l i btingS within the OUIleing and to a point nut less ball 3 feet uutsiae the foundation walls shall be of the grade hereini def'lneu as extra Heavy. 0oof drains and vent pules Hay be constructer of standard cast: ifo pipe and fittings. 1'he use of the tile or cement pipe for drainage within the v,ails of the buiit-in0 shall be _Limited to subsurface urainaoe. No the or cetllent buiidin sewer snail be permi-ttoo 1;hin 5 feet, horizontal ;teaeure, from any buil - ing and every type ui porch construction or audition snail be codelacres a par° of the buliulilg. A Cabe .iron. hulloing set tor may be con:CrucLeo ur: either s iandar°, medium or e.tra heavy w oibiit 'lie.,„ L CECTION �554. V`Ai'. .:-CLOSJI$ PDAbTAUhINAn. 'P1t1,.P STAb!'i D Ok' ;'INKS. c ie,t, of lto cas Alipar.k314 be made by means o'I 1 i a Heavy bras c1 i d�au fi e,j ecur y �soiderec to lead w+ pipe and bully* tas > ture 4lt11 bl "t oits. k Heavy case !R 114 6^i brass or iron ilZa be ecfi Lti c�{+li i ction i,:itn screw K pipe. pure ii: seed of ty m" `o '1#"er all veu material must � A se used to assure a watertight joint Between f-Lan,e aria f .?;.- Lure. SECTION 2. This ordinance snail take '" ect on January gnu, 1945. -/ Passed by the Board of Commis on 's of bait Lake City, Utah, this /0 a-. ciaY of , 19w�. 1 1A1- City iiecoruer. , . . , . . . , , , . , G\ I N r s c;,,, r, , ,, ., .. . . ' ''' ' .„, ,,, . ..., r 'o &, N i . Proof of Publication Minch etafro u#America STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE f._CQNNQR being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. That the Notice N ORDIN\NCE-BILL j 47 of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper in its issue dated the 13th day of OCTOB9R , 19 44 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on OCTOBER..lath for thereafter, the full period of L TIME the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 13th day of OGT6BLR , AD."l9 44 427. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17TH day of OCTOBESt A. D. 1944 Notary Public a.._ My commission expires No19.25,1945 4 Advertising fee $ 9 a. direct into the building drainage st-ljait gKitR Telegram tern end shall include the water supply I Friday Evening '.25 distribution ipes,fixtures and fixture g October 13. 1944 L traps,the soil.waste and vent pipes,i the building drain,roof drains where' installed inside the walls of a build-Icontaining animal and vegetable wastes ing,settling traps and connections to m In solution and includes wastes fro septic tanks and cesspools,with their i laboratories and industrial i nstltu- devlces, appurtenances and tonne bens, lions. (t)"Septic tank"is a watertight re- d)"Building drain"in that part of tentacle constructed as to promote the lowest horizontal piping of a sedimentation.and decomposition of drainage system which receives the s0 wage. discharge from the soil, wasteand g (u) "Cesnow"is a pit having por- other drainage pipes inside theewalls: s wens which permit seepage Into n of any building and conveys the dls-, the grounn charge to the building sewer located (y) "Indirect connection" is any not less than 3 feet outside the Cello-'1 waste pipe which discharges into an datlon walls of the building. open fixture. (e)"Building sewer' is that part of (w,)"Licensed plumber"Is any per- the plying of a drainage system x- n who has procured a license in at- tending from the building drain to its dcc with the requirements of this connection with the main sewer, ordinance ordinance and such license is In full pool or septic tank, ich force. Pets conveys the storm water'froof drain.. Is a om the hoof yx�"Owner" shall apply rehip otesdr. of na building. •so ." t (y). live of the division rls any ren- (g) 'Soil disc" is y Pipe-Whichinspection of the uthoelo of plumbing e conveys the discharge of leg closets inspection duly authorized to make with or without the discharge from such Inspections. other fixtures to the building drain. SECTION 9522. PIPE MATERIALS. (h)"Waste pipe"is any pipe which All mein or branch soil,waste,drain, receives the discharge from any fixture tent and water supply pipes within the other than a water closet and co building shall be cast iron,galvanized the discharge to a soil pipe or conveys wrought iron, lead, brass or copper, building drain, provided wrought pipe shall not 144 (I)"Vent pipe"is any pipe and fit- used for soil or waste pipes 1n or fin` tunas so installed as to prevent trap dergroond.Except roof drains,WI coat siphonage and back pressure and to h.en soil on waste pipe and fittings ventilate drainage system in whole within the building and to a point or In part. not less than 3 feet outside the fours= (I) "Soil vent"ispipe which re- datlon walls shall be of the grad1 r es the discharge from one or more herein defined as extra heavy Roof water closets and serves as a combined drains and vent pipes may be • soil and vent pint. strutted of standard cast iron pipe • AN ORDINANCE �— (k) "Circuit vent"is a pipe so in- and fittings. The use of the tile de An ordinance amending sections 4502, stalled as to vent series of fixture cement pipe for drainage within the 9522 end 4554 of the Revised Ordinances traps connected to the same horizon- walls of the building shall be limited 1 Salt Lake City,Utah,1949,relating tau soil o waste branch, to subsurface drainage.No tile or c to plulnbing,',-y• 'ids (1)"Trap' is fitting or device so con- meat building sewer shall be measure) it or•da d byL_}}g Hoard of Cam- strutted .s to prevent by mean' of ted within 5 feet,horizontal measure) misslonerti malt L9Rle City,Utah: sufficient water seal passage Of foul from anybuilding and every type of SECTION aaTh'a4@.9@etlons 9502,4522 air or se gas through the trap porch strjctlon r addition hall nd:9554 qp'Be.RBNT&MS 4,relating of of sewn materially affecting the flow be consitlered piss of the bbe co s Said Lak t Utakl[s'�,099,relating er to of sewage or waste water through it. A cast Iron building sewer may he cony �'s- ( 1 'Fixtures" a receptacles s in- strutted of either standard, medium plumbing', •d the -:me are hereby tentled to receive and discharge water, or extra heavy weight pipe. amended ECT yej•'• 8.vsil o ITIONS. For liquid,or water carried wastes Into a SECTION 4554. WATER CLOSER; theEntcept•. � pose of this drainage system with which they are PEDESTAL URINAL. TRAP STAND, p y ...fleeted' ARD SLOP SINKS,Connections to cast ordinancet s ds and terms shall beq "} p s: (n) 'Main"of any horizontal,verb- iron shall be made by means of a (a)"Pete- ' e• any nat- cal or continuous piping is that part heavy brass hard lead flange a s unit p m partner- of such system which receives the ly soldered to lead pipe and bolt, ship or es 4 .Sin shall wastes r ei vents. d to the fixture with brass bolts A Jude'plur; uline gentler shall (o) 'Branch"of any system of pip- heavy cast brass or iron flange shish Include fern",; .Haney. . log is that part of the system which be used In connection with screw pipe. (b) Piu • - tet,n nee" or"This extends hueetre sal, with or without Pure linseed oil putty or other ask Ordinance,"(.;¢ever the terms are lateral or vertical extensions from the proved material must be used,to assure contained he9rglg¢'gI o ) be construed to main to receive outlets not directly watertight joint between flange an mean the fawn g ordinance of Salt connected to the main. fixture. Lake City, rat) Stack"is ageneral term for SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take "Plumb�T� shall include the vertical line of soil, waste or vent effect on January 2nd,1945. Installation,a9 ion,change,repair, piping. Ensued by the Board of Colls 10t onerS removal,ole 050-=of stoppage, main- (q)"Developed length"of a pipe fs of Salt Lake City,Utah,this loth dell to ante and u96eab buildings oron its length along the center line of of October,A.D.1944, the premises thereabouts of the pipes, pipe and fittings, EARL J. GLADE, Mayor.K fixtures and fittings for bringing In ()-"Diameter"of a pipe is the In- (Seal) IRMA F. BITNER, the water supply and removing liquid terfor diameter in all cases except tub- City Recorder. and water carried wastes and every fag. BILL NO,97. connection discharging direct or in- (s) "Sewage" Is any liquid waste Published October 13,1949. .._ z :.-. 0 E g to 2.* ••, tZ1 .-1., co , 1Z4 . ratl P4 t klii c,_). ..... -.4• --.. MI 4-1 Z 0 74 . . . , r•14 w 0 . . ., --,..... C4 ca,