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47 of 1956 - Vacating streets and alleys in Avondale Subdivision, Scott Street to 2nd and 3rd North Streets; ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, v e o 195
_ V VOTING I Aye Nay `I
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . .. C
I%>�etcEeit,� r-----
Romney . . . . !� _
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING the following streets and alleys in Avondale
Subdivision in Salt Lake City, Utah: Scott Street - 2nd and 3rd North Streets,
Hyams Street-Simondi Avenue and 3rd North-Simondi Avenue-Scott Street &
Hyams Street-Alley 2nd & 3rd North Streets & Scott Street & Hymns Street; all
abutting property owners having petitioned for the vacation.
Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION I. That the following streets and alleys in Avondale Subdivi-
sion: Scott Street-2nd and 3rd North Streets, Hymns Street-Simondi Avenue
and 3rd North-Simondi Avenue-Scott Street & Hyams Street-Alley 2nd & 3rd North
Streets & Scott Street & Hyams Street, more particularly described as follows:
1: N
� Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 19, Block 3,
v Avondale Subdivision, a subdivision of part of Sec. 33, T.1N., R.1W.,
y S.L.B.&. M; running thence South 475 feet to the southwest corner of
w Lot 1, said Block 3; thence west 66 feet to southeast corner of Lot
-C 1, Block 2, said Avondale Subdivision; thence south 66 feet to the
m northeast corner of Lot 11, Block 1, said Avondale Subdivision; thence
O\ West 140 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 11; thence South
to 228 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, said Block 1; thence west
15 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 2, said Block 1; thence north
• 0,-i 228 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 10, said Block 1; thence west
U m 140 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 10; thence south 228
ty S feet, to the southwest corner of Lot 2, said Block 1; thence west 33
a:a feet; thence north 769 feet.; thence east 33 feet, to the northwest
4.1.1 ., corner of Lot 20, Block 2, said Avondale Subdivision; thence south
`a 475 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 2, said Avondale Sub-
division; thence east 140 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 2,
thence North 475 feet, to the northeast corner of Lot 20, Block 2,
• o said Avondale Subdivision; thence east 15 feet to the northwest corner
+i of Lot 21, said Block 2; thence south 475 feet to the southwest
corner of Lot 1, said Block 2; thence east 140 feet to the southeast
corner of Lot 1, said Block 2; thence north 1{75 feet to the northeast
corner of Lot 21, said Block 2; thence east 66 feet to pint of beginning
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property
for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way.
Said vacation is made expressly subjedt to all existing rights-of-way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located
- a -
in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property;
and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose
of inspecting, maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, alter-
ing or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
SECTION II. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately'
therefore, this ordinance shall take effect upon its first
pUblication. <
Passeaty the $oard of Commission,ers_ of Salt Lake City,
Utah this 6 day"'of -dcyrik, 1956.
( SEAL )
BILL NO. 47 of 1956
Published June 8th, 1956
11487705 y -
olc, 8 PAd772
) following streets and alleys In Avon-
' dale Subdivision in Slt Lake City. -4
Utah:Scott Street-2nd and 3rd North
a 3rdH North Sfmondim Avenue•-Scott
I andreet and Hyams.Street-Alley 2nd and
a 40 3rd North Streets nd Scott Street a d
•� r.Y \ Hymns Mcccl,.. 1f ubutting panty
w Pt J� Hers having betiHoned 107 tilE thec-
m.7 Lion.
Be it ordained by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City, tah.
f7 SECTION I. That the following
• U streets and alleys in Avondale Subdivi-
sion: Scott Street.2nd and 3rd North
}� treets.Hyams StreetSmondi Avenue
d 3rd North-Simondl Avenue-Scott
cd N m o Street and Hyams a Street-Alley 2nd and
f4�J t 3rd North Streets and Scott Street d
m Hyas Street, more particularly de-
S scribed as follows:
Ey u •p Beginning t the northwest n
^�- s'\ of Lot 19,Block 3.Avondale Subdivll
a son subdivision f t of Sec.33.
I I• T. IN.. R. 1W., SL.B.&M.; running
thence south 475 feet to the southwest
M CO N \.Jw, con f Lot 1,said Block 3; thence
Poi Kti iN C( 1,eBl66
kf2 t aids Avondalec Subdivision;
In thence south 60 feet to the rtheast
f Lot 11.Block 1.s id Avon-
7i • dalecorner Subdivision;'thence West 140 feet
wl C ei N thenhce South 228.feetet tithe s thwest
of Lot 1;'said Block 1:nthence
N+ P.1 west feet to the southeast c f
N O Lot 2, d Block 1; thence north r228
Fri N SI 0 feet to the northeast corner f Lot 10.-
O FTt id Block 1; thence west r140 feet to
O 0 the northwest n f Id.Lot 10,
4'1 thence south 228 feet,to the southwest
4N�N 64 01 cone t Lot 2.said Block thence
F� west 33 feet; (hence north 769 feet:
hence'east 33 feet, to the northwest
daleer of Lot 20,Block 2, said Avon.
Subdivision: thence south 475-
feet to the thWest corner of Lot 2
Block 2. said Avondale n Subdivision;
thence east 140 feet to the southeast
corner of said Lot 2,thence north 475.
feet, to the northeast corner of Lot
20,Block 2,sold Avondale Subdivision:
corner ohence f Lot st 21,esaid to the
ck 2:thence
south 475 feet to the southwest cer
Lot 1,said Block 2:othence east 140
said Block 21 thence north 4 of 75 feet to
the northeast c of Lot 21, said'
Block 2;thence e st r66 feet to point of
beginning y
and declared5 noe longer to bev public
pr00Orty for use or pedestrianas street, avenue,
alle\N—\"-I sub-
ject o vacation
existing adghta-of-war au d
andants of all public utilities of a
e y description now located n
under orr the confines of the
above describede property: and also
ubl t to the rigts of entry thereon
for the p of inspecting,maintain.
g,repairing,e re➢lacing, noving,al.
tering or pouting said utilities and all
of them.
SECTION IL In the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners itis
necessary to the peace,health and safety of te
L Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this
ordinance heroine effective immediate-
ly: therefore,this ordinance shall take
effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commission-
ers Salt Lake City. Utah this Sth
day of June, 1956.
City Recorder,
Published June 6,1958. (C•38)
4-/ 7
City and County of Salt Lake,
Bessie Judges, Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating the following streets and alleys in Avondale Sub-
diViatOn in Salt Lake City, Utah: Scott Street - 2nd and 3rd North
Streets, Hyams Street - Simondi Avenue and 3rd North - Simondi Avenue-
Scott Street and Hyams Street - alley 2nd and 3rd North Streets and
Scott Street and Hyams Street, all abutting property owners having
-petitioned- for the vacation"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 6th, 1956
as appears of record in my office
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
13th June, 1956
said City, this day of AlkoiX
(SEAL) •.,
• De ty r City Recorder
BILL NO. 47 of 1956 June Sth,_
published 1956mx
% ;*<.• •
';';`"Z., -EA / ci
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ohllINANE f
t Ilot streets and
alleys i, Avsnd 1
dale Scott sion in ::all Lake CILv,
Utah::Scdtt Stroctsend and'rd Ni ,rt
Stets,Bn,ms Sun0iSimondi Avenue 1,) Pa I)r1'.G
and 3rd North.Slmondi Avenue Scott r�
Street and Ilvains Street-Alloy 2nd,and
3rd North Streets and Scott Street and
Hymns Street;naall abutting the Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver-
owners vaca-
tion.Be It ordained by the Board of Com. tisin clerk ofTHE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a dailynews-
of Salt Lake City,Utah. 9
m SECTION I. That the following
eloi, and alleys d Avondale gnNorth paper published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,in the
S . sense sheetin d 3rd North
treets.Ilyams Street-Simonds Avenue d 3rd Ndrth-Simundi Avenue-Scott State of Utah
Street and Hymns Street-Allen 2nd and
3rd North Streets and Scott Street and
Ryams Street,.m1e particularly dc.
scribed as follows '
Beginning .t the orthwest r
of vat 19.Block".^°nnl of Sec. "` That the advertisement of which a copy is attached
bBlock h earl E Sec.33.E
T.1N., R. IN.. S.L.B.&M.; running thence south
47.1 s t to the
southwest I hereto
f corner of fag t tl B {Lot
-I H.nek a ill A I s l i1; 1,C,1eC Gl1',a allL I ;to I
thence south ih 99 feet to the n rthealt-corner of ' S 4 f e
Cain northwest
Subdivisions'Met .h r Wesbrner of t 140 f Lot/'fit
thence South 2ot 28 feet
t411 the 1 u thence. till Gr().flc!1;ITt. '<J�.CCLLLi lt' ten ttl-I1 "ureets i1.1,1
eOrw st 15 feet to the said
southeast cornea f
Beet to said the northeast thence north ot 10
id Bloni,I,thence w st t140 met to-
the northwest net of said Lot 10:;'
thence south 226 feet,to the soutfitvest
coy f Lot 2,said Block 1: thence
eet�t33 £cat; thcnee a-th.7lffl tent:.1
1 thetlen ct Lott310.Bloc t2 n s.oldrt1vo,,''
-dale to the southwest
th core r q th 175
feet t the ill t co t LCl-2.
Al k,2, d Aeond aa...tI,C brit 13Jµ t:i1
,.thence at ll I'41 L 0,i5'3�.A ia tt'4 4(f5 i�
feet, to the n rthepg sue.S0r'ofi.,jsot;
the Bock 2t laidfcetn dtllihOnottb jar5,:
Lot 21, Id Blnak 2;ten@ was published in said newspaper on
southk475 feet to the se thwest eoider
sf Lot 1,said Block 2c thence t 190 • ,.-, t) .t IDU e
said Blochce 2so thence north rd75o f ct to
Block 2 t thence cast 99 tent to;taint o
' be and the some me hcrahy vacated I /4,
and declared no longer to be public
Story £n,use. at, alI (
Said`. t m xmceemt sub- // "/� -e. s,
t t pedestrian
1 i. e1ot f f -
eased every
f all ration no confines l o athey
Advertising Clerk
,on,under or over the above desesibed mrtr; and also
subject to the rhehts of entry thereon
for the mn'nnse of inspecting.maintain.t-
ing,repairing.replacing,r ovine,al-nair
of thepr rerouting said utilities and all
•offSECTION II, m are n inton of me 2 tb'before me this -i31't; day of
Board.of Commissioners It is necessary
It of pea h 1th s f t f the
h b't rats F S It tt Cityth t this '/1
11 dill efob tl d tntn t.1 ' kn A.D.19>G
ff t f t hti
B.'-Salt tl tl p t et C I.'n-
ers of hat Lake City, Utah this Otn
day of Juno. IEl \
ADIEL E. 5]'I;WARIyo',,
ItET.MAN J 1trcooa'lr':N,
Published1NJ.1, naa It.,o.3,. ,_/� i i '
•.,_ Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nth 75 .1 57