47 of 1980 - Amending section 25-5-5(c) providing uniform allowances for City Clerical Unit employees. / ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-5-5(c) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to uniform allowances for City Clerical Unit employees. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-5-5(c) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to uniform allowances for City Clerical Unit employees, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: Sec. 25-5-5(c). The following personnel in the Clerical Unit, when required to wear uniforms in the execution of their duties with the City shall receive the sum of S40.00 per month as a uniform allowance: Police clerical and civilian personnel; Fire department clerks. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication and shall be retroactive in effect to April 1, 1980. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 6th day of may , 1980. HAIRMAN ATTEST: CITY RECORD Transmitted to Mayor on May 6, 1980 Mayor's Action: /2, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY BECOME (SEAL) BILL NO, 47 of 1980 Published May 15, 1980 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake OffEIN NCAMENS. Shang D. Conaty AN O Aeviseo.Ordinn aicessCl'of so's the Lake City,Utah,1985,Telaifn to unlferre ellowance0Or Cite Clerical Uultoote CIE/ Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal eeacil of Salt Lake �Utah. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily SECTION the RelSecn�P3- (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English nonce of ftSalt Revised .City, N„°;�a'n°°d;rir°c�,r 27er9rnk language with general circulation in Utah, and Uaii IT 1p�I,na,nen ne published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the came' State of Utah. 1°paws:99•�rr hh n',Ilennn-Hllne 8 CIe.calr Collt, Enquired That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto forms in ihC execution of their curve:Wil the Cite ah,sIt.rar celve t1'..u1l..f ren.!!0 ni. marefi uniiocm aunv:r apse Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to Police-tlerlcal:and civil- ian personnel: ,, Fins department clerks.. uniform allowances for City Clerical Unit em- 5Eq'dON 2'tm At. r I Cl isle Cit✓-Cnuhcil 0 Snn all: Lake Cl1n,Utah,If f no e sk Ifm the he Iris and ployees iiarea�df'the ltneh��h i rots f, Nce4econre afflfctlVe Us= aiolelr • . Sll take l r(fteyYelk T'ki p blicaSoh oiled hall bilk rctro a tive'In efiee In /writ 1, 198tlflasseC,hy 1hq C•NY faunrll of Sall Lake C�tv,U(ale Ihls 6111 day of May,1980. RONALCt J.WHITEHEAD 1J, 1980 CHAIRMAN was published in said newspaper on May ATTEST: MIL TIREO V.HIIiHAM C I'IY RE'COROER Transmitted to Mayor on Man ls IwoM.-vor's Action: �[I�s\\ ^ /'�� \�\� _.,/\...�, . TKO L.fMVOR J.1,.'Y 1s.12..'L_�\.�i..,A)\ .t..�'-. __.-01. ,� AiMST: ' I Legal Advertising Clerl MIL]OR O V.1115ISAM CITYRECORf)CR 41Ei.LINdi of 19.00 Publicised MGy 15,Ivou 11,73�rn to before me this 21st day of May A.D. 19...80.. Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb. 11, 1982