48 of 1907 - Ordinance 48 of 1907 – Repealing Section 3 of an ordinance repealing Sections 825, 826, 827, 828 a .11
All 0 P. DIaA
An ordinance repeline 2oc1;ion 3 ae an ordinance repealing 3eo-
Ltions 325, 826, EM, 628 and 32,J of the Ordinencw: of Cult
rhe City of 1903, RAI ,rovidinF ,t,ocednro concerning wr,tor exten-
,73ions in lieu th. -,..eef, ;ioLlsoa by ho LLity Jouncil of 6:41t uhe City
October 9, 1906, and L„ proved 1;:v. thP Owtober 11, 197,5, and
ddinL: five new :.ectione to or is nec, to be k ,ov,n so .•eotiono
4, 5, 5 and 7.
Be it ordained by the City Coencil of :;;..it 10 City, Ut,h:
UECTIOE 1. Chat Sec ion of ,n ova mince root ' ections
8135, 826, 827, 823 tni 829 a C t e 'ovi.;ed Oit$
or 1903, and ,yrovidinL •,-,roceduro c.,ncernine, wf,tor e.2,-.tenoions in lieu
thereof, ,vtsed by the City Council o' .Dity October 9, 1905,
and 14- ,Je 341yer October 11, 1905, be, ,na hl3aoo is here-
by repealed.
t=131:, 2. That five new soctiol,..; are hereby enacted to be
' to seid ordinance, to be known es riections 3, 4, 5, 6 cad 7, to read,
folio 75: 4
SECTI2N 3. Any .Prl..an, Ciro or cororation def:"rior: to
.b. ve the 'cotter t')6) City extended, and bein
to pay the whole e- on, e of inch extend on, end take water soripl
therefor, may make r-.p.•311., tion to the City Council by c)etition
containing a description of such proposod extension, accom)anie0
with a map showing the loo°tion thereof, vihrl.ob petition shall
also contain an offer to ppy toe whole cost end ex nine et! such
proposed extension as be certified by the City
r_nci to receive the a,,onnt ti:erePf in ,, tec ne!-Ir: to
bo i;,1-luod and received Jr ,r7,- nt of warr rates an bre-Pinrfter
39iCPIOE 4. non tic 7.eoeLbt of such petition, before
the same is granted, the City GetinCii shall obtain from thfr-aity
Engineer a certified st&te-Pnt snowing the whole cost rant 01c
pence of making such proposed extension.
SECTION 5. If the Council shell grant ouch petition, be-
fore any work shall he done on such extension, and r ithin thirtT
days, or such other time es the Council shall indicate, after '
the granting thereof, the o.r,:ount of the cost and expense of
making suoh extension as certified by the City Engineer, shall
be deposited with the City 'Tre€a,surer of t is Oity.
SECTION 6. Aft,,r the r,3e9osit of the amount of the cost and
expense of makingsaid extension, the City Treasure-. shall ,
when authorized or directed by resolution of the City Council,
issue to the person, fin oW cor/soration proscautirr sold peti-
tion, and depositing tho amount of the cost end expense of mak-I
ing such extension, wfter scrip in such amounts as shell ell be
provided in c:ueh resolution. Said water scrip shall be in the
form of a certificate sliheed by the 'Ci ,y Treasurer, in:, shell
show on its face t;.ie cnoun.t for which the scrip is leaded, the
date of issuance, the person, firm or coror*stion to whom is-
sued, and shell .,ontein an adeeu,ato description of the extension
on account of which the a,me is iscued. It shall also state
upon its face tht;.t it is not assignable, and will be received
only in :ayrent of ester rotes for water used upon premises
owned, occupied or „>oses ed by the person, Pirm or corporation(
to whom the same is issued.
SEOTTC7 7. The .< tsr scrip to he ly.sued und.sr the pro-
visions of tb _s orclirw.nce oh 1.1 not he e.ssi?noble, or beer in-
terest, or be received in aagnent: of any fine, toll., tax, fee,
a:,ceocaent or debt d.ne Suit ".rke City, and cl'tall be received
only in payment of cater rates for water used upon premises
owned, occupied or sossessed by the person, firm or corporation
to whom the same is issued.
SECTION 3. All ordinances and ?arts of ordintnces in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed to t%e extent of such conflict.
SECTION 4. Thie ordinance shall take effect upon ap rovtal.
Pa sand by the Ctfyr C'onne,.i trP 5s�(r,� R pi*,,Irtah 611,T A,
79n7, and r.Pfax,el to the Dravor for h 9 ro 7.
. Re 0 fta 'y,
9 �
ApprovRd +.hi.g any of J 11,ys 1907.
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