48 of 1926 - Paving Extension No. 202-2nd and final ROLL CALL VOTING AYE :NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, r@ a..._..i..z..._1. 3 .. , 192 I Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr Finch Moran Mr.Chairman - - - __ Result AN ORDINANCE JUt O'.3DI iA1 CE L ETYI;:'C A 'PAX and for the u,,cess._1ent of .n operty in Paving District No. CC ( .avij,no :_.tension Co. 202) for the purpose of grading, installing .-rater services and sewer connections to back of corb, constructin.a, Drivate. driveways and paving 17th East Street from Yalecrest avenue to 131.71 feet south of Yale Avenue. Be it ordained by the hoard ofCo-Jnissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the hoard of Coaoaissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving Dis- trict No. 32 (Paving Ea'tension No. 202) for the purpose of grading, installing; water services and sewer connections to back of curb, constructing private driveways and daving with Jarrenite Citulithic thereof, to-wit: Lot 1 of Bib. 2, Yclecd cst Park_ Sub.; Lots 29 and 30 of U:0er Yale lad., blb. 28, 5-Acre Plet "C"; Lot 7 of 81k. 28, 5-Acre Plat "C"; Lots 10 to 19 incl. of 31k. 3 and. Lot 31 of 1 ,. 5, U.00e, Yale Park sub. of Sib. 29, 5-Acre Plat "C"; - i purvey; abutting on both sides of 17th 7ast 2troot from Yulecrest enue to 1b7.71 feet south of Yale Avenue, in . _.-t Lake ity, Utah. This tax is levied to defray the el_cense of grading, 4 48 I installing :r;ut.y .,.,_ -ice_ r 3011n00ti0 o curb, onst_;uctm orivate driveways a7: ya,,iu ; arith jirronite -'tulith- is 17th _ ..,st 5treot from _tiecrost (vsnue to i;7.71 foot w,ut - o- Yale .::,nue, said )ov ... nt to Le too (2) in. : , r_.�nito ;ul uliti-ic concrete ; $iu: eurface on i._ ( ') inch :.o_tin11 comcnt:ease, said road- way to ee thirty-elm ('Oe) fact -ito: (cure -.n tter built) ; the . 7ortiono of said 0t20.0t.; o o;it, . F'.v _ro_Jert ii )`-..y aCla .rcinatter dencriood to u- o do la'_ly afdected and i0ncfiU.;r by soid Uu rovement, and it IL. 4u:'euy adjuiaed, determined and ou ae- tit::!:ed that said croc rty ;•till u s Joclolly OcndfitoU t!: Joy to the full amount of t o t_.., c ;.,,I, eviod, . na . is, fatrocle s_' land are ;c?o.�of as „, sod at an e- u_.1 ,_, _ uniform nrra rate in accord:sac wi t . tno lin oar foot,fron to e can and to t_o ntirc do A nc: ere- • from, •cit the tea h-r c,; _- itd. _..i.,_ to :;. .�L.s. eJ ui?ou s:.i3 ,l_.rcols of land is dlliht ll oesau - _our 7undral fifty- 'i ,o ..nd 0:1/1O0 ('.,)03,40j.03) Dollars; bevel, Thoe.daui Levan Tiuna2oe h , 'y-ol .ht and 45 j7.o0 ( ,[7,70S.43) Dollars or eim 'U 03j1.,0 ( .05) loll: os )or front or linear foot of oldl'ctin; )r.o,)ert„ for t.1rt si_ (00) foot roadway, there 'vein, 1, `..:1.111 ftet r:.)u ttin,_ id .,onion 0 -.id lm)rovement; sour Dunared to! t;.` .five and a0/i.0 (:) 3.1.JC) Di11ss for ,trivt.te driveways, there uUin. ono (I) ri _.te .1 at -'our Fundrod Eig.ht,y-five ($4t0.00) Dollars dor drivevvv; One hun- dred i'enty and 00/100 ( iF0..0) Dollars for sewer laterals, there being four (4) sewer latorals at "[irty :nd .0j160 ( is50.00) for each sewer 1 ate r .l; uiaty one ,and 0u/t00 (t;?'ol.JO) Dollars for water services, there being four (4) Jater services at fifteen ai'd 40/10C ( 15.4.0) Dollars for o oh. too service, the cost of In;.trling ,which water services Etnd sewer l,.torals and '.e cast of con,tructicn of which driveway, and the _,ro;:o t„ Dencfited thercev :is _,.inafter .sot out, ana all within the boundaries the lots, otoc..s .).rid s.troe is aove ,.cntion.:.d in n-id district, ;•-itich i., t'-,: toy 2_L _.L)uttcrs' cost _,r.d cost der trout foot of s.aia biro e eat, ooao .-.t to the wi.ttr:act ontered into 1'or tie aa,a'or-ance of .-id ii,: find. f.U-)Lirltr -'i L 111111 . -8- b'dd improveme Lit '..:fith frLbpons ,73 'keed. '',)o., Con traet or, a :tad tie JrC. of Mo voineer,, 1'226, a ml t he: 0.1.ty fro 'roc IL here oy ..roi t ho ri zed ond directed to assess in L.C.:02:a_..i.:IC::: ::./itil the orovision,- 3.7 this ordi- nance for the ..)urpose heroin mentional: :LYTIR,5778“ 2'00T ROAD3Ay (,:;urb ,73 Gnttor_ouilt) . The oast side of :Lots 10 to 19 incl. of 61k. .7.., the cost bide of Lot 31, 1311:. 5, tiler 'Yale 2,-...r2 cub. of .In:. 29; tile -Jost nide of Lot 1, ''',1k. 2, Yeleoroot 2ark nub. of M:L1:. 28; the west ;Ale of Lot 7 of all:. 26; 5-2..3r,3 flat "C''; aig ...:Iiela survey; „ond beginning at the Nil cor. 08 Lot 80, Uoper ''..!".-221.0 z.,e:d. o1r. 1 . 28, 54Acre Plat "C", ''im '',.'ield ourvey, t 0113 0 -.r2'-.)u.th. 73.11,,.. thence around a. curve to to. loft RL:d. ;:,:.5 ft. a distance of 19.62 ft.; and beainning at the Southwest Do:'. of Lot 29, Uiper Yale 1.2. 28, 5-Acre 21-p1; "0",• ''.ic: Iield ..arvey, t:enee north 11.0.9',. ft., thence ar ound a curve to th o r i.gbt '_--.,:-,,a. .'35 'A. ::. .j.hi tfit,1'30 '3 Z , ft. PROP0RTY .4.6212.o.= FOR :',-2,':11A2 Lot DREAD is :LI/DITION _ dp d'I-I.L' It0C-ITLI.:: 'I:.30881... ..rT. The went side ..o.2 8ot 1, Ilk. 2, Y0lb,3-.7..aL- h, n'Lric_ ,cub. of ',11. 22; the wont side of Lot 7, 'alr._. 28; tho Jost side of lot <IC , 1.12oper Yale All. of 211::. 2.3; 5-.".c.:-.2e :21et "0", ' '_ins':. L'ici1 ,..cave;. PROPRRTY .A.J85,:n--,118 -...01-Z 'I2:7212 ;:n'227ITC,`'.',S •Ch :',8LITI03,2 TO TI7E 11E0U1.,,k, AnSES,222f.';T. T he ':;a S t S i ile. of Lot 11, 71;',1. U, UI..032 Ado '2,ario. Oub. of vi iII. n9; the west sido of _Lot II, 2'1k. 2 Ysles2ost .2,:rie ...do. of ...: the west side of Lot 7, T311t. 26, :1.k. -.:8; 54 Acre Plat "I,`", LAE ndelf. ..1,ii.".VOLT. PROPERTY 4.-2211LCED 7OR l'f1I7ATE ORI"TE'."[AY. IN .07)ITION TO 170 :ECU:AR .0e28.033172"T. The ).vest side o At 7, ilk. 28, 5-.Lire Flat "Cr.,. 0i0 .i'ield 5urvey; as the same are shown upci) the official plats of said city to the entire de,.)th Act: :Loin aid ntroet, and to collect said ., tax. II -4,- SECTION II. That the assesement list _Jade by- the it Treasurer as corrected, a.?proved and i;omplotod by the Cr• Lic,. of Equalization and. 1...-ar,rics.v of the r)roacrty- Cried in so Ito,, I of No. th-b-_, ,ordinance in Paving Cmtonsion202, of ,.:ralt Toa'oe City, for the purpose of grading, instal:lin::: -arater servia;en and se::lor connections to tact of curt, con: tfocting :,-arivato ariver.vay and :saving Hrith • warrenite bitulithie: theroof, lo hernaoy •,_:onfirmecl ant" thc anoons- • Llents made and returner in said aromfieted lists, and the report of - the :Mara of Equ.lization and. lie,eiew '6 0 t LC ".',oar d of Commisoionors. • ! of Salt Lake City, -.,re hereby rotiide ., a•Joroved o.nci confirmed. SECTION III. SE-Lid ta-m shall je •)a-yable in ten cc ual ' yearly installments no Dro-s,riact -)y law and 0 rkil flan(0C '..vit h intoreot on Ito whole sum unpaid at the rota of ;Am: or cent 2er •orinUM, joy- ahle at the time each. inntallaient is lea. In the event any in- stallment or the interest .afrosait Linot ,2.'_:if on the, aay the Saice' bi030L10 ; due, the whole amosn'6 of the s.'eel al 'GOO: Ill it t?.-L the time it installment .and isi Lor an t are toe, LC.al 1 Oooaie duo and La-,•-,:aile, ...Lid ohall draw interes'I .,_-.t 'LI e rate of twe lye .)er C:':11 I .je I' ,,Lli!llill antil the sale of the ,:iro:?orty assessed. SECTION IV. This ordini-n_le oholl taac al:'too . ,one day after i In L.:)ubli cotton. <-7------ -- '-- ,c=:?--...."-------------G---?-------e--"-- PaoseC-,, by the '„oard of Comolissioners of aalt TaC•ic City, Utah, thin Il day of Ira..43,x4As-- __, .t. -- •:-4 4or 4y . . ___,<-_-_,---,c0,:.,,,......•,..... v,„=„:::.„,,:ter.ion „,.. 302, 211 .''; Pinal Estimate. ,.. II I 1 A. t e1 c) G y , r, ^i . A CI. , .t . . . _ . • . , r. . , _ . ,. _ _ „ . ..., . , r k . 0 4