48 of 1928 - Granting franchise at Salt Lake Terminal Company in 1st West between 4th and 5th South 11/ Burton _ as amended Fehr V. . I move that the ordinance/be passed. Bch Finch 4, _l 2ien lie Moran Mr.Chairman - - - Comma of Streets & Public __ Improvements Result • An Ordiruhumticheatiag to the SALT LAME TIRMINAL COMPANY, its suseesser"s ai* aligns, a Lbaasbies and Wight of way to sonatruel,lsaiatain and operate a single apse t __ask from aad beIehen its aaia line on Sleet West street in Walt Like City to the property line upon the east side of said 'trust. We it ordained by the Beard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Stab: Se4$ion 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby granted to the Salt Lake Tetsainal llenpaay, sad its sueosssose and assign, to eenatruat, maintain and operate a single spur track from and between its main line ea First West Street in Salt Lake City to the prspesty line upon the east side of said street as fellow 8ea�lutag at a pain is the Oeaterliaae of ills; Bain track Alf the t Teaks lsrnimal..Oospaay, said point being 4..32 first feet and 234.49 Bret Worth from the street monument at the later- soeti•a of Fifth South and Piret West Streets, and rimming *hates s ly en a ewe to the right with a radium of coS loot toe 1Q'i, thence tangent for 67.6 feet; theses on anoiket curve to the right with* radiumof 200 'fret to the west property its of Let 4, 11iook 41, !la* A, Salt Lake City Sera!sy. Said spur trash being mere partieslasly shown in red on the attached blue print shieahh is hereby side a part •f this ordinance. section 2. Salvias the teen of this franchise the grantee shall Up subject to the following son44tioasia a ,T That said spar trash shall be laid cosh and and oonfoxn to the establish d geed. of.said street, and if said grade is after. surd by er4i,aanes of .the Isard of Osaniesiewsane, the 1 es s , a$ its 404 e7fpsase, ehauga the obscene* of the • as to ssatosaa.te that Barr. of) _fir.ma tk.Ar st"SS1111111Ca3SL.tsf5f a s' o• (b) The said &antee, its successors and assigns, whenever.so re- quired by the Boars of Commiee"ioners so to d'o, shall pave`,' re- • " pate, resurface or repair between t"he tails nand for a-space of two (2) feed on the outer side of each rail V teOt said: track is constructed with such material and in such a manner as may be approved by the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements and all ties shall be laid upon a concrete base of such thickness as shall be directed by said commissioner. In the event the said grantee shall fail to pave, repave, resurface or repair any surface or area as herein required for a period of thirty (30) days after notice from the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements so to do, the City shall have the right to pave, repays, resurface or repair said surface or area and the grantee agrees to reimburse the City for the total cost of said work, labor and material. 48 with the name or such other material +as shall be ordered by the Board of"Commissioners and shall replace wash sidewalks and cuoh curbs and gutters to the satisfaction of the Supervisor of Streets and shall so construct the gutters that they will allow the free passage of water and to the eatiufautiun of eu:xid Supervisor of Streets. cation 3. Nothing in this grant shall be construed so as to prevent Salt Lake Oity or its authorised ..,gents, contractors, persons, or corporations to whom a franchise may have been,or nay hereafter be grunted, from wiring, oewering, laying gas or water* mains or pipes, altering, repairing. or in any canner improving said streets, but all such ia,prowse,ents shall be saute with as little Injury as practicable to said spur trek and the operation thereof. Seotioa 4. The weld er ntee herein, it : :;uou©oaur:r :Lnd assigns, obeli, este by the e0oeptanoe of the erivilz eu end fr ,n- chi+ee herein. rrantt+ct, end in. c000iuler: tion of the erame, aces itoelf, its eugueoebre :"nd :u'a1-'no, upon its -io a pt..nce of tell frenc lee, to eeve tee city herarlese from a11 ,.uite, ulo.ime, umar:oi&do and jud;rnant:a eheteoevea, whether iu law or in equity, vn :lob .; 11 be aeeerted, found or re.edurea io any weetaaer eheteoever, aeeinet cauid uity for 1o,piry or demaea to ebuttine erot,orty or ot<hcrwiee, by reeeoo of the eruntiee of thla freacellee, or by re.l.uon of the operation of Bold apur tr.;aok; _anti t!iot tl>e er;ntee, its aeoueeeora ,ud oeeiene nil.t pay the emount of any ju:1eeent, •.Jeteorwieeta:.e. or adjudio,:ation v ieh in any suit or prooeecitingo may or :and.11 ue found n.Y,einat Salt L. ke City; erovided, ev aovor, •that eaid era.ntee, ito uuuc Ororra or uasienu, obeli. have had oo ioo of any euoh suite ens ea opportunity to eves ,r and defend the same; end wild ereetee, its euooeseoru :and easiene ohall aprveez in and ,.iefeee ell eutiune broueht .e < inet Galt L:ke City for any injury or &I aage by reeeen of the ooeutruution, operation or H:aintsn anoe of eeid ui.ar treok. Seat ion 5. This franchise ehrall extend until the 3 kT Trot ien of that freneei=e ereetod to the Galt Lake Terr trial Company on Deoe tuber 31, 1913, to wit, until the Trirut Day of January, 1964; provided, hoeever, that if for a period of nines ocuaeoutive menthe teerin the life of telei Prenohleo, t'ee ea.id emir ttr.auk 12 12)t o.o i for the express purpose for which this franohice to granted, thin frenu 1ee +shall be null end void; u.nd if uo ordered by !ho Board of aueeia- 1 :i<:,norn, said 40u.r tra.ok eholl within thirty ctay< thereafter, ee removed, and the atreet restored to the or.nditi_:n exiaatin< er.ior. eH the the eonetruotion of the owes. Seotion'6.. Unless this franchise and all the terms and con- ditione thereof obeli be aooepted in writing by the grantee, herein within thirty deaye from the p4ssito of this ordinenos, and anleua oa.iri brook be oonwtruoted eithin one year from the dote of uuoh i paime e, then th ie ordinances shall be null and void. Section 7. This onlinanoe phalli take eifeot u_en ito :fir.:.t pub1 ioe t ion. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. December 18th, 1928. Mayor City Recorder o II c -' l .,t ti s - ,, 1t !� trawzw ame rya II * 0 i I k �i},' Yw. tA3, j� ..y4,6�yy,: ] suekC 4. 4 t o r ►we r,t :.M c 14 a+ r 1 It 1;1: - -'" z 1 : / % ., - -1, 1\4- 4 z ,/ N 1 i r`�oo - ^; - V r i 1 1 +7 , r F '' 2 SKI; SLOCI 0 - - - - ? F I€ Fii}b $a1t4h.- �I II' , � : ' If ,.,. • •. .-,,.]...., j r a r li II • •Gc C.;i • • i oqf is L. Et a w I. 3. L. I iii iCH SHOWING PFt.OP. SPUR. To SERVE ROMJ�R 5 MARKET Ca. r K 41 PLAT"A", SALT LP.KE CITY SURVY' 'ALI'e. 1' GO' 1 Nov. 14 t92® t rye• tI i 1. : .., .. II . ! . ' . I . , . . t . 1 I. .. '....\ • • cl.st . , !s tlri t<•k 1 f-," f os' *,.111 ,C;;; :: . . f2 iN, 4: kyl ,74 t1/4 6•10 - '1::-...'I," ..< (r. c, f.. L, rz.... 1.1,' • ,., r, -,r' li . - . .... . .„. . . _.........._ __. _ . _ _ .. _ , , . . . . 1 , , . .. . r---.- ... --_____---......-.__-- • --. . --......-...-..-..-.----......_..- --...- . . , . . AIII- Prooi of Publication STATE OF UTAH, r County of Salt Lake) • AN ORDINANCE i An Ordinance granling t'the Salt ' .Lake T9 ML 1 comP4 Y 1t a eucce I :pn'd asZtre a franchise a cl right ttnd eof s as f ���� CR..;.ten co t Maintain IYL t 6 between Ice - -'- -'singes sP bin line First West'street 1n Salt • Lake City,tattle property line uPon trio being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the principal p tna P Y P Pa �`Missio tare of ed UY ke •City,U Of Com- mSeltion'1.of A Lake ee MO Vtrig way de hereby grantee to the ech`e eke clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in 5 ht of ndBashing aTerminal. g to ny.soa ana IM sane ;.operate 6eela to Sanam tr Maintain and II pdrate (Ogle ¢Dnr tr nn Y°° Skzlt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. a between itsIn 11 lritat West Street in Salt Lake City tootthe proetrett line L trtY l 'deaf Id said ,4 `°" the Beginning g t a D in In the.centerline line - -(�------ 0.��y,r of the1 track f the Salt Lake Ter- Inal tl p 28 (said point being 4,28 tee C/�� � i Peet West m nt'at feet notch t the ureh monument it the West, streetion d 't )wini South and First ng:thence northerly o ea cur;end ;i'hat /P1-- th Ylght wltri a radius Y 800 Yeat for :'thence oe;thence tangent for the feet; thence on another curve to the right • with a radius of 200 Block to the ea, `,Salt Lake'City Lot 4,Survey.B'Said 41.spur'track 'being more Particularly shown to red on the attached blue print which to hereby Made a part of this ordinance. Section 2. During the term of'thin -franchise the grantee shah be enbJeot olf which a copy is hereto attached,was first purled in said .to the'following conditions,viz: (a)That laid el/Ur track(shall!be laid ,l� gran anti norm to the eetabltread L/ day of grace of said en eft,and if Bald grad¢ newspaper, its issue dated the .( I.r..,a• ota C minis on ordinere ance grantee ttee �'Blralla et its own the the , D OO elevation of the track so ae change conform A. D. 192-Q--.. to the.same.said•grantee, its evceeseors fb)The.said and esiens.,whenever ea required by the Ind waspublished ALP Hoard o[vemeeurfane o so to do, rind i/ the r le an or a apace erepairtiv (2)w'.een et �x�C//� 1 there o and forside each of two(r)said en the oaten tde of each rail where said constructed R'Ath each.material t�ze last publication thereof being in the issue ed the_/ and track-Is lthe manner ee of tr et. • /1 d bte the Commissioner n o all bete and //,� "be laid improvements uo and 11 tie shalt //^,/`t/ //f}/„ (i th laid upon rate all ties h day of A.D.192.Q commiraa a shall be.glceoted by Bala - 'oomml he_..kr. t the q♦,re'av e.'resu ace o f hh11. lytt'.,'arty to nave,repave ea herein o eupired surface r athi ye herein required .�(not a from ° ornmrty (oe SaventStreets and efrom the ove ents so of.RtYehe a y Public the right to so to de,ahe city"shoe have or repair' said to pave,repave rea and thegrantee eg s to rehnbureeethe ! �-� city 10 th total -t of said - • 'lab and Material.to)Tlr said n i er aid e rk'shall b laid; / /� 0.%( < • and thed P u(_.�7" Id y impediment to thecommon e d r r Orr f said et G C pot whlhh It 1 Taal„ fve 6 bd a- et1 1 t e ,:1 convey water Shall be laid and a fed In& fl topdittan et trio e r ,ra—in gr'..t esto Il tes dtt�h i err ..ed by e e s tt enter a-. B of 1 D ge wee th -() 6 It Lan Ccty to airegulated control the Pled L 11 trains.enginesand n '/�/// ,t,�, S , th Ppur f a ta forasetd N 1t stain Y r O el Mil ah be D It,d s IL this stand on eats epue't`�atk do sires peat of 'Hreat,t m p / '' A.D. 192-0 • 1 • • / 'tarY Pu6le oi. 3 ; (f) That it In Putting in-said'spur track.said grantee.shall remove or in any manner tnterfete with the.pave- ep t.sidewalk.curbs or gutters o t.see 1. 1t shall-replace other pavement • with the sameor smaterial •ofCommissionersn d shayll place Buse Bare idowalke and such ncurbs'and gutters to the satisfaction of the construct the 6utter upervisor of 'Streets andhall Sr that they Will allow e the f satisfaction Passage as ageof water and to the o said SunerVisor of Streets. Section 8. Nothing In this grant stall ;'be co nstrued as to prevent Salt Lake City or its authcrla.d agents, contract- ane orsort/Gratin.,to wham.a fran It ice may have been.N may here after be granted from paving,eteerlbg. - leylno sae nr watermainne or rirer.lm- tering, repairing orInhatyatl such Im- ':proving said streets, as little Miley hticable to be dsaid th emir track it and rt as pracoeerntton thereof. e d tees o and 4.The said granteeherein, by the artept nc and tIre pa e cnee ace of theprivileges ensandcon ders- aion h theetp granted(l and In Itself, its auc of r, e do,b bind s accent- acf S and nechtle,to saves thec City aacce of this all salts t claims.demands an iud men all salts,claims. in and ivAnmenln which sshall be assert- , law or :20r rendered to anymanner w found or ateoever, against damage to.abutting aloha roperiv city rornoth- erwise by reason of the granting f this franchise orf the on- , ratlon of seed s r track:and that the grantee, it ue d as Ml ae-Rill Pay the B f an lrldg t'.'detet-, -tnatitn.,or „a-..ducat]tche"fn'pli- '—'b51fE`ag n--fir e may or found'agelnet Silt Sake Clty; prodded however,-thatBald hgran had notice successors r a muchany suits and an opportunity said appear and defend he mr and grantee,ire eurc ss a toad Petrone ehen •to gni e nd ke Cd elf ctlnnn torn net amar cby Lakes of the fornconstruction, r l by maintenance of damage axed spur operation or a urnen franchise shalt extend until the 6exniratlon of that franchise g to dhePon,I granted to the ter Lake 3,to Terminal Until pang On Dec y oft it.e913, ed,,the Fxe Day of:Tanner,It Ie0,64;preyed-' eio however.consecutive that of thsn duringriod life of t to acne n track Is. of this used for I thetrie, spursaid sspCrewe for ;net thin which ieethiefnl ll ie o1 Isyn Rraold ,If e hi shell WI a t nnid•and. ordered logr.the e SdpRTd-nr ItMn tie- inners 1d i rare e{� d fee',, ar t ecto.ed i t.. r On t oei a net r to tha'en ft a same' �9tB the o stet+hie Of the in e nd a to 8. Srdlco do f,theSsof heall the terms-andeitir i ac tthe g eaten h n within, In dills g:Dv theR0'eatse of herein ordlln nne'isad-finless ays from hsaidettr debe l vrted within oar v ^from the date then nthis nodtn- dnee t my, - can hall he F This and i void. •ft.et neon Y. Theo ordinance await take e} et nun its front e. of Co nm eulotere Pegged.1tay the Booed of t 1 t,unit Lake City.Utah,December 18th. scam,R.DOR MAN�yor. *tart MA^tIONA,D. CIly Tteoorder. �•• ao,39Eh,1998. 1 0 • *Fa 1-oa \ c77' •w, r:3 ow• Li