48 of 1929 - Paving Extension No. 225-2d and final estimate I .\ • - . , ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah,112) '5 ,r, 192 Burton 1f I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - Finch - - : aiIna: ran • - _-- - AN ORDINANCE Result - - - AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Paving District No. 32 (Paving Extension No. 225) for the purpose of grading, constructing curb and gutter, private driveways and paving Coatsville Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets, (said pavement to be Portland cement concrete six (6) to eight ( ) inches thick), said roadway to be twenty-four (24) feet wide; grading, constructing drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections and paving Sego Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets and Hazel Street from 4th South Street to a point 345 ft. south on the west side of Hazel Street and to a point 326.4 ft. South on the east side of Hazel Street and thence southeasterly on said east side 5.09 ft. to the center of Blk. 33, Plat "B", (said pavement to be Portland cement concrete seven (7) inches thick), said roadway as above described to be ten (10) feet wide; and grading, constructing drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections and paving Hazel Street from a point 345 ft. south of 4th South Street on the west side of Hazel Street, thence east 16.2 ft., thence southeasterly 7.74 ft. to the west line of Hazel Street, thence south 310.5 ft. to 5th South Street, and from 5th South Street to a point 330 ft. north on the east side of Hazel Street, thence west 28.9 ft., (said pave- ment to be Portland cement concrete seven (7) inches thick, said roadway as above described to be fourteen (14) feet wide}. Be it ordained by i§e Board of Commissioners of Salt Ii ,III 1 -2- ILakw City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake 1 City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of thei, same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District No.! 32 (Paving Extension No. 220 for the purpose of grading, construct- ing curb and gutter, private driveways and paving Coatsville Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets, (said pavement to be Portland cement concrete six (6) to eight (8) inches thick), said roadway to be twenty-four (24) feet wide; grading, constructing drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections and pav- ing Sego Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets and Hazel Street from 4th South Street to a point 345 ft. south on the west side of Hazel Street and to a point 326.4 ft. south on the east side of Hazel Street and thence southeasterly on said east side 5.09 ft. to the center of Blk. 33, Plat "B", (said pavement to be Portland cement i I concrete seven (7) inches thick), said roadway as above described to be ten (10) feet wide; and grading, constructing drainage systei to carry water across and along streets and intersections and pav- ing Hazel Street from a point 345 ft. south of 4th South Street on • I � the west side of Hazel Street, thence east 16.2 ft., thence south- easterly 7.74 ft. to the west line of Hazel Street, thence south 310.5 ft. to 5th South Street, and from 5th South Street to a point 330 ft. north on the east side of Hazel Street, thence west 28.9 ft., (said pavement to be Portland cement concrete seven (7) inche thick, said roadway as above described to be fourteen (10 feet wide; to-wit: In Lots 3 and 8 of Blk. 20 and Lots 3 and 6 of '31k. 33, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey; and Lot 14 of Blk. 4, 5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey; abutting on both sides of Coatsvilli .Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets, both sides of Sego Avenu4 1 from 4th to 5th Last Streets,and both sides of Hazel StreBC from 4th to 5th South Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah. This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, , constructing curb and gutter, private driveways and paving Coatsville -3 Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets, (said pavement to be Portland cement concrete six (6) to eight (8) inches thick), said roadway to be twenty-four (24) feet wide; grading, constructing drainage system to carry water acrosss and along streets and intersections and paving Sego Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets and Hazel Street from 4th South Street to a point 345 ft. south on the west side of Hazel Street and to a point 326.4 ft. south on the east side of Hazel Street and thence southeasterly on said east side 5.09 ft. to the center of Blk. 33, Plat "B", (said pavement to be Portland cement concrete seven (7) inches thick), said roadway as above described to be ten (10) feet wide; and grading, constructing drainage system to carry water across and along streets and inter-1 sections and paving Hazel Street from a point 345 ft. south of 4th lI1 South Street on the west side of Hazel Street, thence east 16.2 ft}, thence southeasterly 7.74 ft. to the west line of Hazel Street, iIi thence south 310.5 ft. to 5th South Street, and from 5th South Street to a point 330 ft. north on the east side of Hazel Street, thence west 28.9 ft., (said pavement to be Portland cement concrett seven (7) inches thick, said roadway as above described to be I fourteen (14) feet wide); the portions of said streets opposite thl property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby ad- I judged, determined and established that said property will be es- i pe'cially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby 1 levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal j i and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot, frontage uponl j and. to the entire depth back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied 1 and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Twelve Thousand, 1 One Hundred eight and 60/100,( 12,108.60) Dollars; Three T iousand Seven Hundred Thirty-eight and 22/100 ( 3,738.22) Dollars or One and 92/100 01.92) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for ten (10) foot roadway, there being 1,946.99 feet abut(- ting said portion of said improvement; One Thousand Six Hundred {. Forty-three and 22/100 01,643.22) Dollars or Two and 37/100 ($2i317) -4- Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for fourteen (T4) foot roadway, there being 693.34 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; Six Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-seven and 16/100 1( 6,287.16) Dollars or Four and 33/100 ($4.33) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for twenty-four (24) foot road- way with curb and gutter, there being 1,452.00 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; Four Hundred Forty and 00/100 ($440.00 Dollars for private driveways, there being twenty (20) private driveways at Twenty-two 022.00) Dollars per driveway, the cost of construction of which driveways and the property benefited thereby { is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the 1 total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, 1 according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Christensen, Jacob & Gardner, Inc., contractors, dated Sept. 26, 1929, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned: TEN FOOT ROADdAY. Tie north side of the south 74.25 ft. of Lot 3, the south side of the north 74.25 ft. of Lot 3, the north side of the south I 74.25 ft. of the west 82.5 ft. of Lot 8, the north side of the south 66 ft. of the east 247.5 ft. of Lot 8, the south side of the north 74.25 ft. of the east 132 ft. of Lot 3, the south side of the north; 74.25 ft. of the east 148.5 ft. of the west 181.5 ft. of Lot 8, all' of Bik. 20; the east side of the west 27 ft. of the north 15 ft. o£ Lot 3, the east side of the west 27 ft. of Lot 6, the west side of 1 the east 128 ft. of the north 326.4 ft. of Lot 6, of Blk. 33; Plat "B"; and beg. at a point 124.4 ft. west of the SE Cor. of Lot 6, if thence northwesterly 5.09 ft. to the east line of Hazel Street, being a part of Lot 6, of Blk. 33, Plat "B"; Salt Lake City Survey. 1.1 -5- FOURTEEN FOOT ROADWAY. The east side of the west 53 ft. of the south 165 ft. of Lot 3, the east side of the west 49.5 ft. of the south 145.5 ft.� of the north 165 ft. of Lot 3, the north side of the south 315 ft. of the east 16.2 ft. of the west 43.2 ft. of Lot 3, the west side of the east 95.5 ft. of Lot 3, the south side of the east 28.9 ft. of the west 69.5 ft. of Lot 6, of Blk. 33; and beginning at a point 43.2 ft. east and 15 ft. south of the NW cor. of Lot 3, thence southeasterly 7.74 ft. to the west line of Hazel St., being a part ! of Lot 3, of Blk. 33; Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, TWENTY-FOUR FOOT ROADWAY with curb and gutter. The north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the east 726 tft. of LOt 14 and the south side of the south 102.45 ft. of the I ' north 103.7 ft. of the east 726 ft. of Lot 14, of Blk. 4, 5-Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSMENT.$22_00_Fer_dri1ewaE. The north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the east 103 ft. of 1tdt14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the east 143 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the east 183 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the east j223 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 50 ft. of the east 273 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 50 ft. of the east 323 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 50 ft. of the jeast 373 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of 1 the west 50 ft. of the east 423 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 50 ft.. of the east 473 ft. of Lot 1 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 50 ft. of the east 523 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 of i the west 50 ft. of the east 573 ft. of Lot 14, the north side of the south 117.4 ft. of the west 50 ft. of the east 623 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the south 102.45 ft. of the north 103.7 ft; -6- of the east 108 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the south 102.45 dt. of the north 103.7 ft. of the west 40 ft. of the east 148 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the south 102.45 ft. of the north 103.7 ft. of the west 45 ft. of the east 193 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the south 102.45 ft. of the north 103.7 ft. of the west 45 ft, of the east 238 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the south 102.45 ft. of the north 103.7 ft. of the west 45 ft. of the east 283 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the south 102.45 ft. of the north 103.7 ft. of the west 45 ft. of the east 418 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the south 102.45 ft. of the north 103.7 ft. J! of the west 44 ft. of the east 506 ft. of Lot 14, the south side o$ the south 102.45 ft. of the north 103.7 ft. of the west 44 ft. of the east 550 ft. of Lot 14, of Blk. 4, 5-Acre Flat A, Big Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth back from said streets, and to collect said tax. SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of this ordinance in Paving Extension No. 225, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of grading, constructing curb and gutter, private driveways and paving Coatsville Avenue from 4th to 5th East Streets; grading, constructing drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections and paving Sego Avenue from 4th to 6th East Streets and Hazel Street from 4th South Street to a point 345 ft. south on the west side of Hazel Street and to a point 326.4 ft. south on the east side of Hazel Street and thence southeasterly on said east side 5.09 ft. to the center of Blk. 33, Flat "B"; and grading, constructing drainage system tol carry water across and along streets and intersections and paving' Hazel Street from a point 345 ft. south of 4th South Street on the thence _southeasterly 7.74 ft. to the west lin€ of Hazel St., west side of Bagel -Street, thence east 16.2 ft.,/thence south 310. ft. to 5th South Street, and from 5th South Street to a point 330 ft. north on the east side of Hazel Street, thence west 28.9 ft:,•' ,' -7- as provide in Section I with Portland cement concrete/.:hereof, is hereby confirmed and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists, and the re- port of the Board of Eggalisation and Review to the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and con-i firmed. SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent: per annum, payable at the time each installment is due.;''provided, 'however, that one or more of such installments in the` drder payab , or the whole tax may be paid without interest .within fifteen (15) days from the dat: this ordinance becomes effective In the event any installment or t-hOnterest aforesaid isrnot paid on the dap the same becomes due the hole amount of the,special,ttxunpaid at: the time said install- ment and interest are due shall become due and payable and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its publication. r Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th day of December , A. D. 29. nr Mayor. ill 5metitAmtA4,6 City Recorder.- Paving Extension #225. end & Final Estimate. I; -,T;; '; 4'7. • • f;1•.., ...c.c r;:ic ();; • f()';1.,-;-• J " 5 flPTTT • • 'i"A• S. j j iL j•jrC ,' 061. ••••., !! IJ cuq ••• C. •EV.2C '••••%It • r•'-2,t-:•;";• • • V"f‘'• ••• • :i3136). . 41J plic, ' ••) 0 tt t11 ,C1fr p ••••T-.1'- ••• 1 •.• oc, " " • " ;•, 4, • • 0 "11 Z:14 , de. r, • :'.j-”,-J"):1r2 .:""?.`1T 1,,1 r',4;JJ rj•• f-I 47LO 01 i..11C.1.1 ji;?“..11:E4;11. : ) , ,3I.) :;• f-•,-;;,;;v- fi 11( r•••1 LI ;;;;;;. 14 CD -A :/.1,0A qC;j,„p'.4 •V•IJC:1 05,41-LIETIJGC 1",•it. • • .iijOi " •`. j j•• ,DC" ;L;,--(J ; •••): (;; "f, j'•• ,Jr," '' .' C j••:•.% r• ;. • 1( -... f(: C•1.1, 71. r • •••• ••_•",. . ". • Frinif of rtthltrtt#tntt 3hnttril dates of.Amerind STATE OF UTAkt• ss. COUNTY OF SAL',t'VAKE ��-AD}ORDI • An ordinance levy a tax and for ,the assessment of rty In Paving ' of No.32 tlta gg Eat pion No. -223)225)for the purpose-Of'grading,eon- -etrueting'cub. and gutter. private HARRY t�/CLFI('f to rlvettays a paving dle,avenue from.'4th 5th Rest at streets (said . venteirtcrrete six(66)toe eight l(8)dinches thick),';'cement con, c said roadway to be twenty-fur (24)., beingacross and along-Streets and mtereectione and• paring Sego•Avenue.from 4th to 5th bet tri ear).tinda Hazel street ttr s inn Quin', of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in on the west side of Hazel street and to j a-point 326.9 feet south on-the east side ofrly Hazelion street d east'a d and throee,so But s- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. _ to the',ceater of Sleek 33,Plat.^B,"(said pavement to be Portland cement con- Crete.wren way (7)inches thick),said • .a abovedegcbed to ben, 1 That the Notice...AN QED. T uic,L BILE, NO. 48. feet-wide; and.grading, constructing drainage system to carry water across and Akins streets and intersections.and i feet paving lazel,street h of 9th South nstr point the k'A-vlll�t--' T.Ni.I .AQ2�--1�QA--- �r• •a west side'of Hatel street;thence east, 16.2 feet,thence southeasterly 7.74 feet to the west une of.ITezel street,'thence SALT LAIC& C IT''Y CORPORATION. 'South 310,5 feet to 5th South street, :bed: ,i 5th.South'sheet to a point 330'Seeeett north on the east side oI Hazel Street,.thence west' 28.0 feet (said o ete ssevent(7)inches thick,said road C)EFICS--DF.-TH1L.-C-ITY--REGORD.`EF{.. way.as above described to be fourteen: C14).feet wide). •Be It ordained by the Board of Com- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said tiews- ailesloners of Salt Lake City,Utah: 'Section I. That the Board of Com-1 mieslonera of Salt Lake City does here-j by:levy-the Lax and provide for the paper in its issue dated the 26th assessment of the same upon the prop- arty hereinafter described 1n.'Paving I District No.32 (Paving'Extension No. 225) for the purpose WI grading,cos- Dec ember 9 •trusting curb and gutter,private drive-, day of , 192 , ways and paving Coatevllle avenue from 4th to 5th East.streets,.(said pavement • to be Portland cement concrete,six(6) and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on to eight(8)inches thick),said roadway to be twenty-four(24p feet wide;grad- 1ngr constructing drainage system•to dare), water across and along streets December 26th for intersections and paving Sego Ave- 'for ip�us from 4th to 5th East streets and ' :o street from 4th South.street to point 345 feet south on the west side -of Hazel-street to a point 326.4 foot I thereafter,the full period of One insertion. South on the east side of Hazel street 1. {end thence southeasterly,on said east- bide 5.06 feet to the center of Block 33, Plat"13,"(Bald pavement to-be Port- land cement concrete seven(7)inches the last publication thereof thick),said roadway as abbve described to be ten(10)feet wide; e grading, gonatrueting drainage eyslem-to carry tersteot arns ss anndd pains trlieatzelansstreeet being in the issue dated the 26th from'a point 345 feet south Sc 4th day of Routh.street on the west aide•of Hazel eke..thence east 182,Seat, thence southeasterly 7.74 feet to thewest line j December 9 of Hazel street,thence south 310.5 feet .D.192 to.5t11 South street,and from 5th South I ptreet,t6 a point 330 feet north on.the eaSa'alde of Hazel street,thence west 38:8 feet (held pavement to'be Port- land Cement concrete seven(7)inches '- - - - --thick,said roadway as above described to be'fourteen(14)feet wide;to-wit: - In.Lots 3 and 8 of Blk.30 and Lots 3 and 9»e;k and Lob Sh of Elk.n sa and sworn to before me this 26th Acre Plat A,Big Field Survey,abutting.. day of on both'sides of Coatevllle avenue from ' 4th'to 5th East streets;both sides of Sego Avenue from 4th to'5th Haat..'(1 streets,and both ides of Hazel street. en emberA.D.192 9 from eth to 5th South streets,1n Salt Lake City,Hash. Notary Public. Advertising fee,$ • - into tax to levied to defray the ex pens°of grading constructing curs and gutter avenue from ate driveways to 5thaEast - streets(said pavement to be Portland tioned cement concrete six (6) to eight (8) TEN FOOT ROADWAY Inches thick) said roadway to be The n rth aide of the south 74 25 feet twenty four (24) feet wide grading of Lot 3 the oath Ide of the n th constructing drainage system to carry 7425 feet of Lot 3 the north aide of water across and along etreete and in th s uth 7425 feet of the we t 825 tereections and paving Sego avenue f t of Lot 8 the north Ide of the from 4th to 5th Eget streets and HaZel south 66 feet of the east 2475 feet of street from 4th South street to a point Lot 8 the south old of th north 345 feet outh on the west aide of Hazel 79 25 Y et of the east 132 f t of Lot 0 street and to a point 326 4 feet south the south side of the north 74 25 feet on the east side of Hazel street and of the east 1485 feet of the west 1815 thence southeasterly on mid east side fe t of L t 8 all of Block 20 the east 509 feet to the Center of Blk 33 Plat aid of th wet 27 Y t of the north a tl n II That the ee element list B (said pavement to be Portland ee 15 feet of Lot 3 the east side of the made by the City Treasurer as oar •-finent concrete eaten(7)inches thick) t 27 fe t of Lot 6 the w at aid of rested pp cued and completed by the said roadway as above described to be the e at 128 feet of then rth 3264 feet Boa d of Eglfalization and R view of ten (10)feet wide and grading con of Lot 6 of Block 33 Plat B and the p operty described,In Section I.. structmg drainage system to carry b ginning at a point 1244 feet west of this ordinance in Patina Extension N water acrooeand along streets and 1n th SE corn of Lot 6 then e n rth 225 of Salt Lake City for the purpose tereeetlone and paving Hazel street west ly 5 09 feet to the t line of of grading con truot ng curb and gut from a point 345 feet south of 4th Hazel nt Oct being a pa t ofs Lot 8 ot ter private driveways and paving South street on the west side Of Hazel B1 k 33 Plat B Salt Lake City Coats ille avenue from 4th to 5th Beep street thence east 162 feet th nee Sur,Y t is grading constructing drainage southeasterly 774 feet to the west line FOURTEEN FOOT DRIVEWAY ay tem to carry water across and along of Hazel street thence south 3105 feet Tb east fde of the west 53 feet of tee to and Int rsectiona and paving to 5th South street and/rota 5th South the outh 165 fe t of Lot 3 the east S go avenue f om 9th to 5th Peet street to a point 330 feet north on side of the we t 49 5 feet of th moth streets and Hazel street from 4th South the east side of Hazel street thence 145 5 feet of the north 165 fe t of Lot street to a point 345 feet math on the went 289 feet (said pavement to be 3 the north aide of the south 315 feet west aid of Hazel street and to a point Portland cement concrete seven (7) of the :pc,;,, ' f et of the west 432 3264 feet oath on the east aid of Inches thick said roadway as above '. set alas oP the east Haz I street and thenaq southeasterly described to be fourteen(14)feet wide) Q.,s' -3 the south side of on said a st Me 509 feet to the center the portions of mid streets opposite the $ I of the west 69 5 feet of Blo k 33 Plat B and grading con property herelnbefore and hereinafter 33 and beginning at at acting drain ge system to Carey wa deceribed to be especially affected and -` to afro a and along streets sad 111ter benefited by aid improvement and 1t `' - - m .t 3 thence sect]a od pa bag Hazel Btree0 from Is he by adjudged dot°mined and = aotrlly 774 feet to the w at line a point 345 feet south of 4th South established that mid property win be of Hazel street being a part of Lot 3 of Mr I on the west aide of Hazel street especially benefited thereby to the full Si k 33 Plat B Salt Lake City th n a t 162 feet thence southeast amount of the tax her by levied and S ey et rye?74 feet to the west t10 5 line of Ha to ci (said parcels n of land are tier as TWENTYTH FOUR FOOT CDRB AND GUTTER ROADWAY Bouts t e t and f ore 5th South street passed at an equal and uniformarfoot r te`m The north aide of the oath 1179 to a point 330 feet north on the east accordance with the linear foot front i t f to ¢oat 26 fe t o age upon and to the entire depth back- the uth fde of the south 102 45 feet Lot 14 and id of Haz 1 street thence west 289 therefrom and the tax hereby levied h feet with Portland cement concrete as pod to be assessed upon Bald parcels of th north 103 7 fe t of the east 726 Provided in Seetlon f hercot 1s hereby i'-land la tw lye 09 (012 one hundred feet of L t 14 of Block 4 5 A re Plat a coral med and the aeeemements made eight and 60 thousand on dollars A mg F Id Eu y and r turned in said completed n ta Wee and e thousand seven pROPERTY ASSESSED FOR PRIVATE and the repo t of the Board at B Equal!' t eighte and 22 100 en hundred) thirty or DRIVEWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE noon and Review tO the Board Of one and 92 100($192)dollars per front REGULAR ASSESSMENT $22 PER hereby e of salt Lake Pity Me d or linear of abutting property for DRIVEWAY hereby ratified approved and con v ten (t footott roadway Chore befog atT no Co Me 0f the south 1174 firmed t 194699 feet abuttin said portion t feerib oidhe o tie aflett eet o1 Lot 17kf14 et Oi Section HI Said t shall be payable veld improvement one thousand six014008 equal yearly instants the west 90 feet o1 t east 193 feet of aided b hundred forty three and 22 100 Lot 14 file net ae f the moth wipe at tali, (51643 22) dolmas or two and 37 100 117 4 feet oY th we 40feet of therarest nth P nor a b($237)donate per front or linear footeast 183 p et m Lot the north eltle cote of ff e p r cant,perpnnof abutting yroDerty for fourteen fee able at the time weatheve installment)s foot og said there being 69334 feet f th Lh 1179 fe oO the W st 4pdu p OVldetl hoWhver that one err abutting cold pgrtlori oY n 1d 1m rovefeet of thast 223 ft of LOt14them 0 lofe each installments in the drder' itf P north fde f th soh 117 a feetofDayable or the whole tax may be Dald ment six thousand two hand edto w st 50feet oYth without Interest within flfteeeighty seven and l6 100 ($628716)dot east273 feat of ¢ (15)o I L t 19 thenorth I oftheMuth days from the date this ordinance be v per or four and 33 100($433) dollars1179feetofthewen50 feet of. to acmes effective In the event any in e per frost or linear f of of absstt ng east 323 f at lip:t 19 the norm side staltment or the Interest aforesaid le 1 property for twenty toile(24)foot road of th °oath f t of the west 50 not paid on the day the Same becomBe 1 Way with curb and gutter there being Chet t th east 373 feet of Lqi 14 due the whet amount of the special 1 1452 feet abutting said portion of said the north e14e of the oath 1179 feet too unpaid attl a time mid Installment I Improvement four hundred forty and of the west 50 feet of the east 923 feet and late t ark due shall become due i 00 100 ($44000) dollars for private t Let 19 the no th de m the soot end payable and shall d aw interest at 1 driveways there being twenty(20)p 1 117 4 feet of to west 50 feet OI the east the rate of twelve net cent per annum ) vote driveways et twenty two ($2200) feet of 473 feet Of Lot 14 the north aide of and to ale of the l d awti assessed a dollar_Der driveway the cost Of o n Lhe moth 1174 feet of the West 50 Section IV This ordinance shall take struproperty benefited thereby driveway's of whith 8 herei and n the north the neat 523 feet of Lot 1¢ U effect one flay after its publ0ratlon side of the 51 S 1 of P sued by th Board of COmmisslo 1 after set out and all a!thin the boon to west 50 feet Of the Bast 573 feet Of era of Salt Lake City Utah this 24th above ea of the Iota blocks and Bleats 1Lot 14 the north aide of tfte moth day of Sacemb r A D 1929 above mentioned tal eh saidtore district coot 2 of et the went 50 feet of the JOHN P BOWMAN Mayor wCost per frontich Is the rofcota01 teald ate and oat 623 feet of Let 14 the south side Ethel Macdonald City Recorder ppee oath a sae 10et feet the north BillEthel No 48 m nt according to the contract en red 30 su¢et of the seat 306 Peet of Lot 19 P ving Extension No 225 }nm eo th performance of�nt work t south side of the south 10245 feet Second and Final Estimate and making said lmprovemeat Pith. fe the north 303 7 fe t of the west forty Published Decemboe 28 1929 Chrtatensen Jamb Se Gardner Inc Peet of Lhe°set 398 feet of Lot 14 the contracture dated Septavrer sober her6 eby' u mutt Bide of the moth 102 45 feet of and the City Tr seater is hereby u the north 303 7 feet of to Wont 45 feet cerdancs)act t tithe Bprevisions o as ess f tine el29 fleor tj e�epfeet of Lot 14 t e mutt] f ue,for the purpose herein ma's Wort 103 7 f et of t o Weateet feet 10 nti east 238 feat oP Let 14 to mutt] orth 1037de of hfeet of ty W feet or the the east 283 feet of a west 9S feet Of Me of to 9uth 302 95 feet ofmat sort 103 7 feet Of to west 45 feet Of Bide eaft 418 the feet of Lot 14 the south, out f0245 feet of the` the�tW506ifeet of .of the t Wed°fret Of side of to south 10246 feebrofeOUtyh the ear 550 recent ff LOt 14 o Block 9;5 Ace Plat e( Big Vista survey ae the same are blown upon the offielti _ back;ref masaidietreatstenee itpp depth Bald tax egSeOC - •- r • • 04 IT : 113 tat sr 44 0 r:4 0.4 11111_ Y‘.1% - -