48 of 1930 - Amending Chapter 47, relating to radio broadcasting ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, Dec..--8, , 1930...
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Finch .Y[/
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to public offenses, by
adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Chapter XLVII, Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, relating to public offenses, be and the
same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new Sec-
tion to be known as Section 1582X, which shall read as follows:
wi tP i•n%itiaii 8hgeheied trs�r -
SEC. 1582X. It shall be unlawful/for any person to c
maintain, operate, connect or suffer or permit to be maintain-
48 ed, operated or connected any caliope or radio apparatus,
sound device or any palying machine or loud speaker attached
theretonin such a manner that the loud speaker or amplifier
shall cause the sound from such radio apparatus or sound de-
vice or talking machine to be projected directly therefrom
outside of any building, vehicle or out of doors. Provided
that the Board of Commissioners may grant a permit to/broadcast
any important current events or happenings of public interest.
Every person desiring a permit to/broadcast shall make applica-
tion to the License Assessor and shall with his application file
a statement showing the st eQet and house number of the place ''
where he proposes to broadcast, the times and probable dura-
tion, and the nature, topics or titles of said broadcast.
The application for such license together with stat
ment of applicant shall by the license Assessor and Collector
he referred to the Chief of Police for inspection and report.
The Chief of Police forthwith shall make report to the Board
of Commissioners of the traffic, fire and congestion hazards
of the location and he shall add thereto his recommendation as
to the granting or denying of said application. Upon receipt
of said report the Board of Commissioners shall act upon the
application as it shall deem fair, just and proper in regard
to the granting or denying of the same. The fee for the per-
mit provided for in this section shall be $1.00, which fee
shall be paid to the License Assessor and Collector at the
time the application for permit is filed.
Nothing herein contained shall be constructed to pre
vent the operation of a radio apparatus, sound device, ampli-
fier or talking machine used in a reasonable manner by any per
son within any building, vehicle or structure even though the
sound therefrom may be heard on the outside of such building,
vehicle or structure, provided that the said radio apparatus,
sound device, amplifier or talking machine shall project the
sound therefrom directly outside of any building, vehicle or
out of doors, and provided further that no such radio apparatu.,
sound device, amplifier or talking machine is in any way faste,-
ed to or connected with any outside wall or window in any built-
ing, vehicle or structure sO that sound therefrom is projected
outside of such outside wall or window.
SECTION 2. Any person violating any provision of this
I•rdinance shall be punished by fine in any sum not exceeding Two
undyed Ninety-nine ($299.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the Cit
Dail not longer than six months, or by both such fine and imprison--
ent. the court may, in imposing the fine, enter as part of the
judgment that in default of the payment of the fine the defendant
may be imprisoned in the city jail for a period not exceeding six
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately..
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
Passed by the Board of Commissloklers of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 9thday of, Ile c e.1b er , A. D= 1930.
City Recorder.
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Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake.
C�ad TEIt XLVII Revise Ordinances
ofabaIt Lake City ut'db .a92D r@@lat
ing;�y1r o public Chapter
a.'evi Section
'to ], g�
and no sale chapter a 582X4 ctton to-, ' I Milo 6 W being first duly
U0 known asSection 1A82X, '
Be it ordained by iha`B'oars of,".
Commisslonera; of Salt iM city,..Utah: sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE
SECTION I. That Chapter XLVII,"
Revised Ordinances'of Salt Lake City;'',
Utah, 1926, relating to public f TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day
tenses, be and the same is,hereby;
amended in and to said Chapter a
new Section to be known as section at Salt Lake City, State of Utah.
1582X,which shall read s follows:
SEC. 1582X. It shall be unlawful;;
within the congested dietrlet,for;aby,•,.
Hereon to maintain, operate, connect.:,
or suffer or permit'to be Maintained,.
operated or connected any.callow, That the notice .OxAlnat 8.bill.#..48
radio apparatus,.souhd.device orore, 'any '
talking'machine or loud speaker at-.
taohed thereto 1n such a manner than,
the loud speaker or amplifier shall'
celiac the sound fromliuch radio at,,,'p000t0
pa the or-s nd dedlve or talking
machine to be projected directly
tlllSaretram'outside of any building,'ve-
NVc"ie br'"out'of doors.- Provided that
the Board of misaioner m y,,,
grant a permit so broadcast any,.
IMPertant,current events pr -happen ..
Inns of Panne sate it. E dry person.,
deslriag &,,p mi to so,broadcast,
hall make app11Cat n to the License.
As edsor and shall,` -'1th hie anon,.
cation, file a statere t shOwi g the.
street,and house num r of the place' of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news-
where he proposes to''- 0adcast,.the '
times and probable der ion and the
nature,topics or titles o said broad-
caThe application for such license to-
paper in its issue dated the ipth,, day of .pe.4®mbei... 1930••,
'nether With statement,'et applicant..
shall by the License Aeees. and col.
"lector be referred to the Ohl t of Po.lice for Inspection and repo . ,The and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
Ch lt-of Police forthwith 'make,
report to the Board-a Con e
l thetoo th fire and co *******i, for *#akrkik**-Wklk
aid 11s (the location and he , a ''
add thereto his reoolunendatio, ,ag.
to tratla.b ranting or denying of i6.
apblloon•'upon receipt,epf said d,
Pert the Board of Commissioners s 1.
act span the appncation all_it sir l' thereafter, the full period of inai".Sneertl0n.
detain,fair,.lust and proper In rgga •"
to the granting or denying'.of th
v same.forhinfee this1section erviit altellDr MC_
81.00,which fee shall be paidelo the', the last publication thereof beingin the issue dated the ,X0.44,
License Assessor and Collector at the,;,
time the appllcatlori.for permit is,.
filled.,, da of December. A. D. 19.49..
t Nothing.:.herein ventafnea shall be Y
constructed to prevent the operation �, L/
oe a radio atl stud, sound device,'
,'talking machine used in
,a reasonable..manner hi any Hereon �
,within any though
vehicle or tt re. I
,tpF,e even tli ugh the-.�iV, erdC i
e�p m mays, aeq s
e 4oh etl"t t.the
said r a r.;h;
rotas,sound device,'the dais fiery appk- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...12th. day of
rates;achin all, 00 b rNet talk-
ing Inn d therefrom
avail not p o18ct the
sound therefrom clraetly outetde dof
and building,vehicle or out or doors: December. A. D. ....
cad Htroylded farther ,that no ouch
radio ar taatue sound a le,i smt /
wayor talking or c ono as 1n any8, ,
way fastened to or connected In.
11ily utslve wall r w'mdow 1n any.,; r ��c-C-
*.•tilldlhe vehicle pr,Proje Projected,
so thdt, \`
ouna th'eretrmn to grojecgad otitafaky - Notary Public.
.t'msuteh outside wall nor,wind
SECTIONppro 2 Any person ie ehsgg
airy p o i Ion et this Ordinance&laity pp
be punt she Li 11y fine In any sum'not- ' }VD4 a RA, 4�
...Speeding TWO $unfired Ninety nine' My commission expires '1'lVlr$ to p on Ofthe
d,0} Dollars or by t menu„ Beard of C fimleal It ✓:
r h City or.:rail not longer than tin. oars to the ppeace,`
in ntha, or. . both such .' and'.' l01 the fh abtpbntg-: If- 1
imprisonment xen court may to the Advertising fee, $ that this ordllnanedkv *Me a o ve':
the fine,'enter'ae part of ay-,- Immediately. .
iuou t oft that ne d P,b lt of the g00p SECTION 4 This ordinance'shall4
tint Ir ttre`;.fi,but p limy: take effect upon.its,publication., 1'
•a Ubi'teonefl dlo 1 tar'art Massed b' S Beard of Lom e e
period note nfebet„4.,,, f51. ',,,?Fll t]ing� � gtonth�rot-Ba#b
9th day 0f DecOpibep,A.S#�J,$„50. (
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