48 of 1938 - Amending Section 4709, Building Code, 1933 Edition, relating to zoning. ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, August 30 , 193 8
Goggin I hove that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson - - - - "-�-----
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - --- AN ORDINANCE
An Ordinance amending Section 4709 of the Salt Lake
City Building Code, 1933 edition, as amended by Bill No. 50,
an Ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners November 21,
1935, and as further amended by Bill No. 26, an Ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners on June 25, 1936, and as further
amended by Bill No. 9, an Ordinance passed by the Board of
Commissioners on March 16, 1937, and as further amended by Bill
No. 17, an Ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on
the 24th day of February, 1938, relating to zoning districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Section 1. That Section 4709 of the Salt Lake City
Building Code, 1933 edition, as amended by Bill No. 50, an
Ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners November 21, 1935,
and as further amended by Bill No. 26, an Ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners on June 25, 1936, and as further amended
by Bill No. 9, an Ordinance passed by the board of Commissioners
on Match 16, 1937, and as further amended by Bill No. 17, an
Ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on the 24th day
of February, 1938, relating to zoning districts, be and the same
is hereby amended by adding in and to Paragraph "B" thereof one
new paragraph designated as Item 14, which shall read as follows:
Item 14. The following described real property in the
unrestricted district as shown on the "Use District Map" is hereby
changed to Residential B2 District classification, and the "Use
District Map" described in Paragraph "A" of this Ordinance is
hereby amended and changed accordingly.
Lots 9 to 23 inclusive, Block 5, bi.2hland Park Addition;;
li Lots 13 to 23 inclusive, Block 6, Highland Park Addition; Lots
34 to 48 inclusive, Block 6, Highland Park Addition; Lots 33 to
43 inclusive, Block 7, Highland Park Addition, all of vthich is
located within Sections 2 & 3, Township 1S Ranpe us, S. L. B.& M.
That said "Use District Mop" is hereby changed and
altered to show the above described tracts of land as a part
f i
of Residential BP District.
If Section 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners
it is necessary to the peace, health and: safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this Ordinance become effective immediately.
Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its
I' I
first publication.
Passed by ilthe Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
/ f
Utah this 0 day of -/e'p 1968.
Temporary C h q
y '
e ...1 6, d Cofrri5k5ria
A ri 13 PASSE D
AU g2:3o 1g38
First Publication in
(in 1Jz1
WI, -1938
proof of fithltration
Mittel*Wm ofAnterito
An OrdinanCe amending Section
4709 of the Salt Lake City Building HARRY WOLFF
Code, 1933 edition, kis amended by
r Bill No.50,en Ordinance passed by
.thelhierd of COMMIMionera NoVern-
-—bee 21,1935,and as further amended
by Bill No.26,an Ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners on being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of
June 25,1936,and as further amend-
ed by Bill No.9,an Ordinance passed
by the Board of Commissioners on
MarchMor0ii6. 1937, and an further THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake
amended by Bill No. 17, an Ora-
nance pissed by the Board of Com-
miesioners on the 24th day of Feb-
ruary, 1938,relating to,zoning dis-
tricts. City,State of Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners Of Salt Lake City,
Section 1. That Section 4709 of That the Notice AN ORDINANCE,_AMENDING.SECTION
the Salt Lake City Building Code,
1933 edition,as amended by Bill No.
50, an Ordinance pawed by the
Board of Commissioners November 21,1935,and as further amended by 4709 OF THE SALT LATE CITY BUILDING CODE
Bill No.26,an Ordinance passed by
the Board of Commission..On June
23..1936, and as further amended 1933, ETC.
by Bill No.9, an Ordinance passed
by the Boafd of CoMmissioners on
March 16, 1937, and as further
amended by BIU No. 17, an Ordi-
nance passed by the Board of Com-
missioners on the 24th day of Feb-
ruary, 1938.,mating to zonIng dis-
tricts. be and the same is hereby
emended by adding in and to Para- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
gre,M1 "B" thereof one new para-
graph'designated as Item 14,which
shall read as follows:
Item 14. The followling described 31e t
real property In the unrestricted paper in its issue dated the
trict an shown on the"Uee District
May"Is hereby changed to Reelden- 8
OM B2 District claasification, end August
the"Use District Map"described In ,
Paragraph"A"of this Ordinance le day of 193
hereby amended and changed ac-
Lots 9 to 29 Mewl., Block 5, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
Highland Park Addition;Lots 13 to
23 ineluelve.Block 6.Hichland Park
Addition; Lots 34 to 48 inclusive,
Block 6, Highland Park Addition; for
Lots 33 to 43 Occlusive,Block 7.High-
land Park Addition,all of which is
located within Sections 2 and 3,
Tocciship 1 8,M.S.'1 W.B. B. 1 Time
&m. thereafter,the full period of
That cold "Use District 26ap" le
'hereby changed and altered to show
the above described tract, of land
as a part of Residential B2 district. the last publication thereof
Section 3. in the opinion of the
Board of Commissioners It is neces-
sary to the peace,health and safety
of the inhabitants Salt
that this Ordinanceof become effecLakeCity 31sttive being in the issue dated the day of
Section 4. This Ordinance shall
take effect upon Its first publication. 8
Passed by the Board of Commis- August A.D.193
Sinners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this ,
30th clay of August,1938.
Temporary Chairman. '
(Seal) ETHEL MacIDONALD, Al(4C1-11, 4;
Bill No. 48.
City Recorder, telA,
Published August 31st,1938,
)rn to before me this day of
., A. D. 193.ef.
Notary Public.
My commission expires
Advertising fee$
#alt 'Cake Zetegrant
Entry No