48 of 1939 - Annexation Extending the limits to include property in Lot 2, block 14, F.M. lyman, Jr's Survey of S ROLL CALL / `'y' DEC -6 1939
AY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193
Coggin ✓,' I move that the ordinance.be"-passed.
Keyser � l �, ,,./ ;,,,,.6. \ r
Matheson - - - -
Murdock - - - ,
Mr.Chairman - - AN ORDINANCE
WHEREAS, on May 10, 1939, John M. Whitaker,,,and others,
• 1•.(being a majority of the owners of real property situate in the
tract of land hereinafter described) signed and filed with the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City,' Petition No. 388, tand on November 24,
1939, said John M. Whitaker, and others, signed and filed with the
City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 1161, supplementing
Petition No. 388, requesting that said tract of land be taken within
the limits of said city, and also caused an accurate map to be made
and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City
Engineer, to be filed with the City Recorder; and
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake
City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to
and made a part of said city; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after
examining said petitions of said owners of said tract of land, and
considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all
members of said board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt
Lake City, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance mak-
ing and declaring said annexation:
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt :take City be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the follow-
ing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Commencing at the N.W. corner of Lot 2, Block 14, F.M.
Lyman, Jr.'s survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.
L. B. & M., and running thence N. 89° 48! E. 186.29
ft.; thence S. 16° 31! W. 78.68 ft.; thence S. 19° 46!
W. 227.19 ft.; thence S. 89° 48! W. 122.30 ft.; thence
N. 0° 00' 20" W. 2.88.94f .; thence N. 89° 48' E. 35.27
.r- 1
-2- 1
ft. to point of beginning and containing 1.15 acres,
more or less.
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as
shown upon the map.
And be it further ordained and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall
thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City,
and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per-
taining to said Salt Lake City:are extended: over and made applicable
and pertinent to the said tract of land, .andthe streets, blocks,
3 alleys and ways of said tract shall be costs lled and governed by
the ordinances, rules and regulations of 9ajd city-in. that behalf,
-;and the monuments of the City Engineer slalOheneeforth be taken
therein as the standard of locations and distances •
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and she is hereby directed
to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the
map and plat above mentioned, duly certified and acknowledged as
provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days
after its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lakcity,
Utah, this 4 a day of , A.D. 1939.
. ' City Recorder
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Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake 11
the.Doeid of Commlaalpnm;O1 Belt yaks
City Ulan: -
Bt Make !!,, That nd he name re
Galt lake hied ba and the name e
�,. hereby extended and entsrgedi noae o
include the following'deearthed tract
land-i Salt Lake County tita 1'. orn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
C Bede, e at the-N. W.corner
Lot.1, TIC 14,
;utyey of Se elWi THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
L E.'& Tf end _that g t.ionro N
88 deg.e8 E' 10g lD ft.; men.
9.1 deg.31 min.dP.a 10 1t then.
•t S. 19 deg-ne ndn, 9W. a ake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
r theatre S. SD deg, It min. W. n.. ..
ft.: thence B det.BD In.2.en ad
Pt..188.9 1t to,.N tD deg..
la' E. 3507 ft.lb:,Aoint BY •
ing and Obtaining'x,14 Minn 011
that the ama has•been carrd�:, Ord lI]P370? No. 4
• t d out.Molt the.ground an oho vertisement a
• (upon the map
• l And.-b t fume ordained and do.
rimed tot hen thin Ordinance tante ,^,al. Lake City (Salt Lake C i.ty
effect thesaid tract f•lend More de- +
AN ORD1XT ti fl.Ib d hall eha eeferth,•b IMAM the
AN- ORDINANCE DBTENDIN6 xRle rp rat B 1te Of eatd Salt Lake City,
ESS on into,Rii.CITY.
1D38. John M. d tl rdihao a lhri dt bane rule;
'Whitaker.had other., (being a mau,rlt1 i obligations i of Y perided to end
of the Ownnhe Of real'Property shunts'md Lake City and
extended o and
the tract of land hereinafterdaebrlbeal o land. and file streaks,
to the mid
signed and filed with the Clv R00ord00 tram of land, and tol trerta, l be
f Salt Lake.City Petition No. 3te and non n r and ago of 61d,tint hail be
N ember!a 1010,Bald'ante M.7fd h ta+Inlet d and governed by the Or e,tte In
1 a' al eul t ne Of u eNd'clef the
k attd the 'elk01 end ftike w g. th t b half; d tk mOnimir e o
m City RaeerCBC o1 halt Lake Oity. C l E ghee ball tbnnrsferth be Lean,
;P SltiOpp NO•dlaa1,eltPdlam0ntm8 Peti616n therein an me standard oY.lboa`t10ne and 1 said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
2 15L0 re¢ueee{ng thpt eafd trnOt Of land yS ath i
to 44kBn Wlthlk the` its Of said eitli SECTION'1 .Uponmeanie,of_,45510
.and dab 4a an ta�. ate.maP t0 be 9 elinanen theC ty R cord 1 Milt'ake December 9
e and .e tt ea t,. _<, -ee. g. t clef file
like and he le hereby direct. A.D. 193
••r' Pi fil with theCounty Recorder of
el tin be filed wit the City Re. Salt Like County copy of-the mat
add i •and I and plat above Mentioned, duly cern. 1 time
WREREAS, the Bald tract 0 land is feed'and acknowledged ae certified'
o e gu e a to Salt Lake City and there h ,bee, together with a MPS•
• ie am'Proper reanon why'it. should not•of this ordinance..
'b0 m d toad.made a part of said SECTIO 3. Thin ordinance shall take
illy ;ml f .c, thirty days after its first puwica.ion thereof being in the issue dated the
WR RE S, 6h E'and f Ci t rr Hens -
ere Sett L k City afterexamining Panned by the Board Of C miesidni•
I,ohid aetland,tl,a a'of considering id owners
of said-the sit t day of Decembre of Salt er,A. D.,Utah.•1930 this nth
e33lan fe•threof, ted'by Inanim n to 3011N el. WALLACE, it of A.D. 19
of all •members 0 said board 1n favor Mayor.
E annexing said tract of land to Salt ETHPEL MACDONALD;
.L ke City. and directed the City Mimi. City Recorder,.
denytar3nn eatl tofiII�4katfonane0 making.and
SHOW, THE.EPORE Be 1t ordained bf Pµbllnbefl, D tuber 76b, 1D3D, Adve`' ing Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of
December A.D. 1939
4 / -
tart'Przblic. ,
d I