48 of 1944 - Amending Section 6116 of the Revised Ordinance 1944, by amending subdivision section (b) relating t KOLL . . VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake Chy, Utah, '94 Affleck t.--' I move that the ordinance be passed. -, Matheson . . . ,-- - Romney -- ( -Tedesco -- 4-- Mr. Chairman . . . L... ____ AN ORDINANCE Result . • .- __..,,. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6116 of the hCVibk_-L Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by amending sub-sech,loh (b) thereor, relating to traffic and travel on streets. go it ordained by the 'Board of Comissioners of bait bake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 6116 of the bevised Ordinances of baIt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended by amending sub-section (b) thereof, relating to traffic and travel on streets, which shall read as follows: (b) The chief of police of said city shall establish, with consent and approval of the Board of Commissioners, and plainly mark in convenient -places a:fadp the curb in any of the above streets, or any other streets in the business dis- trict or congested area, zones to be known as truck zones, loading zones or safety zones. Truck zones shall be used solely by the drivers of trucks or delivery vehicles for the oar- pose of making deliveries between the hours of 9 o'clock a-m. hic.1 5 o'clock p.m. on any day other than a legal holiday. The 4 driver of person in charge of any truck or delivery vehicle shall not park or allow any such vehicle to stand in any truck zone longer than fifteen minutes between the hours of 9 o'clock a. a. and 5:00 o'clock p.m. on any day other than legal no* days. The driver or person in charge of any vehicle shall not park or allow any such vehicle to stand in a loading zone longer than fifteen minutes between the hours of 91clock a.m. and ' 6:30 o'clock p.m. on any day other than legal holidays. It shall be unlawful t -ark a vehicle in a safety V zone. LkCTJuI[ 4. in the apinion e: thu LOr( ci ;,o,thnitsiolicrs, L'..t is ne(,,esry to the peace, health anu sLretyt tree ih's_bitunts of wait Lake City teat this oTaihsncs, oucn,,,e eiT:ctive bECTION ..). This ordinance shall take effuct upon its first publibation. Passes by the OeaPd, f t,eniiissionurs oi Lait Cake City, pus , s , t.4-4) - . City he C r r;.17-3- 17. ; C..`• i 11:, . ...t ::::' 1 ... .. , , Z ,... C;;;174 • Ci.- - • ". LND 12 . •-••;1?.....Z '-s-§.... , •'0`;- 0 t . :.:: ..... . . a. t, w - rk- . L „ k .. Proof of Publication 3nifeb etntes of America STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN TION 811118INA of]the RevisedDOrtl n nEC.ces 1I1•CONNOR of Salt Lake City,Utah,1944,by amend-' � ubsectio_n (b)thereof,relating to glc and 0 streets. -$ It ordalh 'S a Board \\ lesioners of h cc t@G3. being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk SECTIO%N¢,r* Se 41 or theR /. 4'• 'Ha. it Lake City LIMN d,the a6Me+s hereby .a`nendTpg..+r;n ec- of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, do (bU latt traffic and t s ff• .,wiall read A9 Ion yyR��9 said elt khan stablf h.o •`'and apt' Salt Lake County, State of Utah. grovel oyth'' • ".0-�� .4,+ssloners, • 'And Plainly nIikr , eat laces along the cull In �t``�1•s the above i+ L streets, or any of l reefs In the That the Notice AN ORDII�:NCE—BILL L #48 bus(ttess dlstrtet or congested area, ZOnes to be known as truck zones, zones loading safety zones. Truck kites shall be used solely by the drivers of trucks or delivery vehicles for the purpose of making deliveries between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p.m.on any day other than a legal holiday. The driver or person 1n charge of of any truck or delivery vehicle Shall not park or allow any such ve- hicle,to stand in any truck zone longer fifteen'than between Ours of 9 o'clock a.mi.. 5 o'clock p..m. on any day other thanlegal holidays. The driverr person in charge of of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper suallokve icle vehicleall not to Standr in all loadingw any lone longer than fifteen minutes be- 26TF. t0leen the hours of 9 o'clock a.m.any in its issue dated the 8:30 o'Olock p. In. on any day other than legal holidays. It shall be unlawful to park a ve-Set to 44 SECTION 2` In the opinion of the ne. day of QCTOEhR ' Board of Commissioners, it 1s neces- sary to the peace, health and safety Of the Inhabitants of salt Lake city and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on that this ordinance become effective Immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall OCTOB9.N 26TH for take effect upon its Iirst publication. Passed by • •,,ard of Commissioners Of Salt e ot,Of Oetob , , .hi.-,2y44ttth.day 1 TIME thereafter, the full period of ($BILL No.48. r the last publication thereof Published October 26th,1944. • being in the issue dated the 26TH day of • OC"'OBER , A. D. 19 44 4.i Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27TH day of OCTOBER 44 ,A, D. 19 /\l A Notary Public My commission expires Nov.25,1945 Advertising fee $ 41 t't / PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM MIrt Ottlt Enke tplrgrain 9 1 County Entry No