48 of 1960 - Amending Section 30-1-1 of R.O., 1955, relating to Orgainization and Salaries of Officers and Employ 11,108 WU 1-W QY G,_
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, hi' , 196
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . L �/
Geurts . . . ea' r
Piereey . . . ✓ /
Romney . . . ;✓ 9 ,,°°�
/ Y r
Mr.Chairman . 4 AN ORDINANCE
Result .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to the
Organization and Salaries of Officers and Employees In the Police Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1 . That Section 30-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as heretofore amended, relating to the Organi-
zation and Salaries of Officers and Employees of the Police Department be,
and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 30-1-1. Organization and salaries. The police depart-
ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers and
employees and no others, who, except the chief of police, shall be
appointed by the appointing power subjbct to the approval of the
Board of City Commissioners from the certified list of the Civil
Service Commission of Salt Lake City for each such office or
position to be filled, and the annual salaries for each such officdr
or employee shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners at not more
than the amount hereinafter set forth, to-wit:
Chief of Police, who shall be the head of the Police
Department and the appointing power $ 10,000.00
Captain 6,180.00
Lieutenant 5,820.00
Administrative Secretary, Grade I 6,180.00
Radio Operator 5,340.00
Sergeant 5,520.00
Technician 5,520.00
Administrative Secretary, Grade II 5,520.00
Grade 1 5,280.00
Grade 2 5,040.00
Grade 3 4,800.00
Grade 4 4,560.00
Grade 5 4,320.00
Grade 6 4,080.00
Grade 1 4,980.00
Grade 2 4,740.00
Grade 3 4,500.00
Grade 4 4,260.00
Grade 5 4,020.80
Grade 6 3,780.00
Grade 1 3,960.00
Grade 2 3,840.00
Grade 3 3,720.00
Grade 4 3,600.00
Grade 1 3,540.00
Grade 2 3,1+20.00
Grade 3 3,300.00
Grade 4, Probationary and temporary 3,180.00
Meter Reader
Grade 1 3,660.00
Grade 2 3,480.00
Grade 3 3,300.00
Grade 4 3, 120.00
"In addition to the foregoing salaries, each officer and employee
,In the Police Department, as above set forth, except the Chief and
any other employee not required to own uniforms, shall be paid the
sum of $15.00 per month as a uniform allowance."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1t Is necessary to the peace, health and safety of
the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become
effective April 1, 1960.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect on April 1, 1960.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 21st day of March , 1960.
ii . .
( S E A L )
SILL NO. 48 of 1960
Published March 25, 1960
` s
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 30-1-1' 1 the rPevised Lc M. 0c ke
Ordinances f Salt fake CRY. Utah. 1935. heretofore amended. J y
relating o the a artment. ^d Salaries of as
and Emnloyees1;
the Police Department, i
Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah-• l
salt ti kalOxyl.vi at tetnona0nee-etottrhee�,A,ed'preealnanorati°I king first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
D°eoa t tt t b d d th i n°fr br la a Elpa n a N t P' iar'k of the DESERET NEW S AND SALT LAKE TELL-
S 30I.3 0.1 t d .-1 i - _ 7��7 T �'+
n ! S R I k Cil h II i t f th f 11 1 ff L RAM. a daily Sunda newspaper rinted in the En -
DI s a to, wn' t`fhb ht f f l (except y� P 9
a n b £ s d d> in itr at 1 1 _ rn esb �ht tnt ll 4I,h language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
oil f theci11 Service
in a 00tee Salt Lake
�i im aen 41t Lake City, Solt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
snc h,„fHcert notmmlor eCth than the
71red tb hereinafter dsetf forth.
tOi r ere a amount
Chief of Pelice,viho aH b=the heed of the Police I That
g i of 7 copy f hereto
Department rna the annD,ape Dew=r Al9.o°5.00' 1 hat the legal notice which a is attached n
Capfaln 6,SA0.°0 J
L�entenant 5,a20.00=
k500 fstrt sacra',',., Grad! 1 6aa°.0'11 Salt Lake City Bill No, 48 of 1960.
SrKfatneralr 6,340.00
technician - M,520.00�1
Administrative Secretary, Grade II ' 5.520,00 L
Patrolmen "520,°°- An Ordinance relating to organization
Garde1•.�- Garde 2 t6.2a0.00 t.".---- - -------. ---------------------------.."-.-------------._."---------_..--------
4,80(1.00 c
' trade z 4•1fi0"°t and salaries of officers and employees
Grade 8 4,3z0.00 7
1.'1 ag`1" 4,0a0.00 t
Grade 1 4.980.0011
2 • • 4,7400014 in the Police Department.
Grade 5 4.280.00 p
Grade° 4,02o.00IS
Stenographer :,78100,n
Glade 2 a,960.00 I b _
cOfrrae 3.600.001 March 25, 1960.
Clerk-Typists 3.600.00 d
gradeJ ____________ __________"---____..___.__..
3,'l20.00 3 r
r-� Grade 2 3�420.00 Hae published i11 said newspaper On-_
i Grade'4..Drobatrenaev and temporary Grade 3 0.leO.00�ir
Meter Reader
Grade] 3,060A0 Iv
Grade 2 3,aa0.0°S
_ Grade 3 • 0,300.00
i 'tie adhitlon to tDneaneaeoi salaries, se h Dfh.p end _
Ctenet o the POthe Department,o reeve d t forth,exec t If';. -
hlef nd ether a Dl10.0 nor meentre a to o uniforms,
ate II pe d th a [61600 Dec m nth a e vnf[orm II N /[ /‘:�
:S It LEkttC,2U1 rthe d f th theareaae heal[hlotl0 ref if t' - L -
f the Inhabitants f 5 It 1 1 City,Utah,that this Ordinan b
m tf tAthi 3 3969 Legal Advertising Clerk -\
Pot ed b 't Th d .hall take Elect Aplll 3 1 A
ihla list d y Oh YlaarrO, 100p ommissioners of Salt Lake City.Utah. h
City Recorder
'Publ,she 1,March1920, 1960
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of
March A.D. 19 60
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov., 25, 1961.