48 of 1964 - Amending Tile 18, relating to Health, by adding to Chapter 28, 'Meat and Food Inspection, Wild Game ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, July 22 , 1964 Christensen ✓ I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . Harrison -- / Smart ✓ + "�G.6.41 `�;f- c L` Mr. Chairman . ✓ AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . • -,/ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to health, by adding thereto a new Chapter 28 entitled, "Meat and Food Inspection, Wild Game and Fowl." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to health, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 28 entitled, "Meat and Food Inspection, Wild Game and Fowl," to read as follows: "CHAPTER 28. MEAT AND FOOD INSPECTION WILD GAME AND FOWL "Sec. 18-28-1. Permit required. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a commercial establishment for the processing of wild game and fowl without first obtaining a permit from the Salt Lake City health department to do so. "Sec. 18-28-2. Inspection required. No permit shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section without an inspection of the establishment by the Salt Lake City health department. Such inspection shall be made annually at the beginning of each processing season. "Sec. 18-28-3. Separate facilities for other meat required. No permit shall be issued to any establishment which sells, offers for sale, or processes, or has in its possession with intent to sell, any domestic meat or meat products inspected or graded by Federal, State or local health authorities, unless all receiving, storage and processing equipment are physically separated and are in fact separate facilities. "Sec. 18-28-4. Required construction and handling. All establishments for which permits are issued pursuant to the pro- visions of this chapter shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, and it shall be unlawful to handle any wild game or fowl in any such establishment without complying fully with all the conditions prescribed in this chapter. "Sec. 18-28-5. Sanitary conditions required. All establishments shall be so constructed that they can be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition as provided in Items 1, 2, and 8 of Section 18-4-4 of these ordinances, as amended. 48 - 2 - "Sec. 18-28-6. Impervious materials required. Tables, benches and cutting blocks shall be constructed of impervious materials and in such manner that they shall be easily cleanable. "Sec. 18-28-7. Sanitary equipment required. All tools and equipment at establishments for which permits are issued under this chapter shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. "Sec. 18-28-8. Racks required for carcasses. All establish- ments for which permits are issued under this chapter shall be provided with racks or rails for the hanging of each carcass and it shall be unlawful to pile any carcass on the floor or on benches, tables or shelves. "Sec. 18-28-9. Processing of certain carcasses prohibited. It shall be unlawful to process or accept for processing any car- cass that is spoiled, badly shot or contaminated. "Sec. 18-28-10. Refrigeration required. Refrigeration shall be provided for all carcasses received for processing and for all carcasses received for storage prior to processing, and all pro- cessed meat shall be placed under refrigeration immediately after processing and shall remain under refrigeration until picked up by the owner thereof; provided, however, that if no refrigeration is available, the carcass must be processed and returned to the owner within two (2) hours after being received. "Sec. 18-28-11. Required refrigeration capacity. All re- frigerators in the establishments for which permits are issued pursuant to this chapter must be capable of maintaining tempera- tures of 40°F. or less at all times and must be capable of chilling processed meat to 45°F. within one hour. "Sec. 18-28-12. Required procedure for wild game processing. It shall be unlawful for any operator of any establishment for which a permit is issued pursuant to this chapter to fail to comply with the following procedures for processing wild game meats: 1. The carcass shall be completely skinned and the head and legs removed. 2. The carcass shall be singed to remove all loose hair. 3. The carcass shall be trimmed and washed and all blood- shot areas and contaminated portions that are not fit for human consumption shall be removed. 4. No carcass that is not thoroughly cleaned shall be per- mitted to be placed on the cutting table or power saw." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. - 3 - SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of July, 1964. ) 4 'M A Y O R C I �'7h� . CO E R D E R (SEAL) BILL NO. 48 of 1964 Published July 28, 1964 48 eoen.aee Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 48 of 1964 An Ordinance relating to health, "Meat and rood Inspection, Wild Game and Fowl". was published in said newspaper on July 28, 1964. Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of July A.D. 19 64 1111 Notary Public My CommissionNExp res1965. 48 Legal Notices • AN ORDINANCE (. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TItle',18.of•the Revised Ordinances • of Salt Lake Cif?,'Utah,1935,roar- ing to health.-bY adding thereto a f.new Chapter 10 entitled,"Meat and 21.,,frscection, Wild Game and Be It ordained bY the Board of Commissloners of Salt Lairs City, • Utah: SECTION 1.That Tine 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Solt Lake City, p Utah, 1,55, relating to health, tx, the same hereby Is, emendAd by addinv therete a new Chapter 18 entitled, "Meat and Food In. spec/Ion,Wild Game and Fowl,"to read as follows: "CHAPTER 28. • MEAT AND FOOD INSPECTION o WILD GAME AND FOWL "Sec. 18-28-1. Permit required. It shall he unlawful for any nerson to operate a commercial establishment for the Processing of vwild game one fowl with.,first obtaining a permit from the Salt Lake CIty health de• partment to do so. "Soc. 19.-18-7. Inspection required. No permit shall he issued in accord• ance with ihe previsions of the pre ceding section without an inspection of the eslobliahment by the Sall • City health department.Such ironer lion shall be roads annually al Ihe beginning of each processing season. "Sec. 18.28-3. Separate faciliti, for other meat required. No perm shall be issued to a,establishment which sells,offers for sale,en pro cesses,or has in its possession with !Intent to sell, any domestic meat by'F'e'do!r'ra.l','U‘S'I'atie .7',odc:r'heath authorltins, unless all receiving, storage and processing equiement ate phyilcully separated end are in fact separate facilities. "Sec.18-28-4.Repuired construction and handling.All establishments for which permits are Issued pursuant otheprovelons of this chapter grail be constructed in accordance with the requirements c,this chap• ter, and il shall be unlawful to handle any wild game fowl in any such establishment without coin. plying fully with all the conditions prescribed in this chapter. "Sue 18-28 5. Sanitary conditions resulted All estabil5hnnents shall be so construc. 1. thcy can be maintained in Orion and sanitary condition as provided in 'terns 1, 2, ann 8 of Section 18.4.4 of These ordinances,as amended. "Sec.111-18-6.Impervious materials required.Tables,benches and cutting ,blocks shall be constructed of Ipervloos materials and in such man- ner that they shall be easily clean• able. "Sec. 18.28.7. Sanitary equipment required.Ail tools and equipment at establishments for which permds are Issued under this chapter shall be maintained in a cash and sanitary condluon. "Sec. 18.28.8. Racks required for carcasses. All establishments for which permit,are is,icel under this chanter shun b,providrri wiih racks or fells for the hangine of each• carcass and It shall be velawful ta any tnrCaSS on the floor or ce benches, lahEs or shelves. "Sec.18-2,Processing of certain carcasses prohibited.It shall be un• lawful to process or aCrept for pro. cessing any carcass that is spoiled, badly shet or contaminated. "Sec. 18.26.10. Refrigeration re- ,qUired. Refrigeration shall be Pro- ivided for all carcasses received for processing End for all carcasses received for storage prior to process- ing,and all processed meal shall be placed under refrigeration immediate- ly after processing and Shell remain under refrigeration until picked un by the owner thereof,provided,how- ever, that if no refrigeration is available,the carcass must Sr pro. ceaf.rd and returned to the owner within two (2) hours Mier being. received. ;idncn,n'a8C1I11;".A "ru;Treicg'erra'1" "?.t;1 the establishments for vinicn permits are isseed pursuant to this chapter meet be capable of maintaining tem- peratures of LO degrees F.or le, at all times and most be capable, en chilling processed meat to or degrees F.within one hour. 'Sec. 1648-12. Required procedure for wiid game processing. II shall be unlawful for any operator of any establishment for which a permit is Issued pursuant to this chapter to fail to comply with the foilowing procedures for processing wild game skirt„ed'acrCl One hood and 005 re° c rtioVed. 1. The carcass shall he singed to rernovo Inc.hair. end t/./aTheCri"I'''135 a 1'1'5000 0t,rtrnds 'nod contaminated partion,,harrare not fit or human consumption shall to reinoved. t.No carcass that is not thoroughly cleaned shall be permitted to he 'placed on the cutting table or power • SECTION 2.In the Opinion of the 'Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it Is necessary to the, peace,health and safety of the in• habitants of Salt Lake Cily that this ordina rue become effectiva imrne-' diutely. • SECTION 3. This ordinanrre shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commis- soners Pt Salt Lake city, Utah, this 22nd day cf Joy 1906. J.BRACKEN LEE Mayor HERMAIV Jrder.HOGENSEN City ReO (SEIALV NO.43 of 1904. (A•92)Published dui),16,7964. 17/ (