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49 of 1901 - Ordinance 49 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 73. •- ..........- ... ....,....- . . , Bill No. .A.- . .. for AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TIE TAX AND FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY ON B STREET FROM SOUTH TEMPLE TO SECOND STREET. • t BEAT)ORDAIN6 45. TBIE CITY COUNCIi*SALT LAYE CITY, UTAH: See. 1. That 'said Cif C°unzil doth hereby levy the tax and • provide fOr the aspessment Upon proice,rty hereinafter described, abutting / - * • op 1:19,h ii.derk of B. ptreOt from South'!memple to Second S6reet, in Sewer Dieoe4ct No. 1, 6 defray the expense of constructing a sewer upon said stree , oPHoSite .the property hereinafter described, to be expecially affeetpa ,andrbonifitted ' aid improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, P determined and•establiehed the same will be especially benefitted thereby 1 ,-‘ to the full.amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby asseseedrat ah equal and.uiiiform rate in accordance with the linear " !• foot frontage upon said street. The tax hereby levied and to be assessed !is Six Hundred Ninety-three Dollars, or1,70 cents per front foot, and the Treasurer is hereby directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, all of Lots3, Block 12, all of Lot 4, Block 13, all of lots 1 and 4, Block 16, all of Lots 2 an 3, Block 17, Plat "D" Salt Lake City Sdrvey,to a depth of twentyfive feet tack from said street. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. . . . _ Paz,-j, by 'll 05:6y ..-),:cil;ll of: .1,'3,16 LJ9, JiLy, ji(41, ,/,: iir 1.;),101, ,,,11 r73- 1...-Jrci c) un,) %,cor C3r. hi,. 'Amor) . ( -TILy -i,: 9r1-)r. U Aoc,,,,i oil, 4V,Pi'ly DL N'SW ,J7, 'WA. . . . 49 ----- "--1 514 • r • I • • • 1 i