49 of 1928 - Paving Extension No. 218-1st partial estimate ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Dec I:7,, 192a_ Burton - 'r I move that the ordinance be passed. • Fehr - - - ��1" f Finch - Moran - - y _ Mr,Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result - - AN URDINANCD LEVYING A. TAX end for the assessment of property in Paving District No. <P; (Paving Extension No. 218) for the purpose of grading, installing meter services and sewer connections to edge of pavement and. paving Almond Street from Second North Street to Apricot .Avenue. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the :Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving Dis- trict No. 35 (Paving Extension No. 218) for the purpose of grading, installing water services and sewer connections to edge of pavement and paving with. Portland cement concrete thereof, to-wit: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Elk. iS, and Lots 1, 5, 6 and 7, Blk. 14, Plat "ET, Salt Lake City Survey; aruttinr on both sides of Almond Street from Second North Street to Apricot Avenue, in Salt LA1.e City, Utah. This tax is levied to defray the expense of grading, installing water services and sewer connections to edge of pavement and paving with Portland cement concrete (said pave- ment to be seven (7) inches thick and said roadway to be sixteen (16) feet wide ket1amaxatm a.; the portions of said street opposite the property hcreinbefore and hereinafter 49 Ij { } J,7 1 described to be especially affected end benefitea by said improve- ' ment, and it is hereby aejuoged, determined anti established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby Levied, one saic6 parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal ono uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot, frontage upon and to the entire :Tenth back therefrom, end?_ the tax hereby levied ens to be assesses- upon :aid parcels of land is Tao Thousand Four Ilunl..roe Fifty-eightens- i /100 lore; Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-eight and 1/100 N% ,ao 8.lz) dollars or Two and 65/100 (;.6F;-.05) ' olla.r; per front or linear Foot of abutting property, there bein; `.P0,.95 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; Thirty and 00/100 (`;?aa0.00) iollers for _aer,er laterals, there being trio (t.) server laterals at.F'ifteen and 00/100 (/15.00) Dollars for each sewer lateral; Thirty and. P0/100 (V 0.80)', Dollars for water services, there being tv.o ( ;) .rater services at Fifteen and 40/100 (wh15.d2,0) Dollars for each ta.ter service, the cost of installing which water services and sever lr.terels and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of ahc lots, blocks and streets shove mentioned in said district, which is the total abutters' cost ens cost per free foot of said improvement, according to the contract enterea. into for the performance of sate v:or c one. making said i.msrove_Trent v:ith Mullins & Wheeler, Cents ctors, `:tea Oct. and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directee to assess in accordance with the ;provisions of this orsinance for the purpose here n men- tioned: SIhT'__L`Ni FOOT_ROaL4T. The westerly siCe of Lots 5 & 6 of ilk. 13 one the easterly side of Lots 1, 5, u & 7 of 31h. l_'-, Plat , a.lt Lake City Survey. PROPRTY !Sdi a1: F'Oi l;Ld LLTLRALS IN 1 L_'TION TO ToS_1 UL.!_R_ACCF5PPfiL,NT. Beginning at a 1,oint on the east g:roperty line of P_lmond; Street, saia point being 06.44 ft. southeasterly from the north-,! rt ' 7I 13 west corner of Lot ` , Block 16, Plat 1; thence southeasterly along : the east property line of aimond. Street 5.90 feet, being a part of Lot 6, Block 1r, Plat E; besTinnin • at a. point on the cast pro-- oerty line of Plmone -Street, said point being 1 9. feet south- easterly from the northvesl; corner of Lot 6, floc': 1' , Plat h; thence southeasterly q-1_on- the cast pro.-)crtp line of i.lmonc Street _ 71.10 feet, being ,,art of Lot 5, Slock is. Plat 'Er', Salt Lake ' City Survey. P1:OP1!RTY iP3 L CLla POE lE7 _ LPG'IC'S IN EI_-ITION TO THL (IES ;SSMENT. I3eginnin;_, et a point on the east :rrop>cri;y line of .lmond Street, said point bein;-. 0_;./ <, ft. southeasterly from the northe-est corner of Lot 6, flock l", i'lat E; thence southeasterly along the 'east property line of t_lmond Street '5.90 feet, Pain* a part of Lot 6, i3lock 10, Plat 1; bc:°inninf at a point on the cast property line of .Almond Street, said point being 1.69.rel feet southeasterly ' from the northwest corner of Lot 6, :Clock 1 , Plat I ; thence south- east rly along the east property line of CLe-onf Street 71.10 feet, being a part of Lot 5, clock 1: , Piet 1; Salt Lake City Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plots of said. city to the entire depth back from said street, and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list crude by the City Treasurer, as corr.ectec, approved and com_->letec- by the hoary'- of Equalization and Review of the property describes in Section I of this ordinance in Paving Lxtension No. _18, of Salt Lake City, for ; the purpose of grading, installing rater services and sever con- nections to edge of pavement and. _avi_ng with Portland cement con- 'crete thereof, is hereby confirmea, end the assessments made and,.. returned in said completer. lists, and, the report of the oar'. of Equalization and. Bevies, to the Bor-rf of Core- ecioner of Salt Lake ! City are hereby ratified, aprovec. and confirmed. SECTION 3. ;e.ia tax shall be payable in ten equal yearly ! installments as provided by la:-: and ordinance with interest on the ! whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent I,ar annum, payable aG 4 4 F 1 �.1 —4_ the time each installment is due. In the event any installment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest due, shall become due and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after: its publication. it. 1I Passe a by the Board of Comnissioncrs of,halt Ltke.(:i.ty, Utah, this f-_ day of � h• L• Mayor. City ecor er. • IiPavina Extension No. zlo, ! and C Final Estimate. I i • it First Publizatio • 1928 trytela I I it li It- k mll,*ari J.rievs 441 nl .-Quits eI n .1L ill rioss %ad' ef-re, a ss ac; smse sr{J Imo .Jrif ro -otst don as .31a acla .da3z-4-r i agJ TO' it---' ' ,his mid wit JstillallnJJ x.3J lal3 x 'Anal ;o om alor, aril sub c.,_ e_1ds trb slrod Illkfte ono f391m4 bns -r Ssd-ejal L flues r ,„" o x vl vd lq,_a, ,7 - n.� it b IId - - - r Esean xdn3ioxq eri _oarsa - r'> L trite mar arm doino Sind- IA 3riz 3otxvafiqo , r 140I10_ ar ,' , nO.LJ nil ,;(- "f!" .aC r G C r c__ x �itj.5.� -. 2irid -JP G 1 ‘-\\\ „_. Y.. ilk 1 P S ft Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH,}) County of Salt Lake 1 AN ORIIIDtANOE, AN OSDINANCE LEVYING op ttTAX being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal andPaw for the ct.No. n o listen- Paving, 313)ct No:Ny VP..(easing shin No,installing for the MVP..Of grad- rug,"ptions ng edge services m and e,end clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in paving Almond Street trout second Norw .- `Street to ADrlcot Avenue, He It ordained by the Doard f Com- missioners Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.. of Salt Lake'CItY,Utah: neronersN 1. It Lathe f:vafd of Com• isaioner tax Salt Lake a io does hereby That the notice . methe tax end provide,tar the asset.- - Q.K. - meat of the nano upon the Pro DertY -" - No .1 hereinafter(Paving ibedPlAt in n No, District5 for the purpose of grading,connections to edge ter fc 't f - ��Q}- s of pave and aewar paving with e .-.. - ..---. - - - --- --- 't✓' cement Pavement ana Dewing.with Portland �[�. dement concrete todG.thereof to 13, Tote'3a 4, 6 and G.Blip.at and Lotil p Lake CitynSul vey::'abutting`on bath sides, Almond street from second North, Street to Apricot avenue, In salt Lake CRY.Dtdh. This tax is levied to defray the ex- pense of grading.installing water serv- Mee and neu' c motions to edge of pavement and Dating with Portland to anent oolicrete (said pavement to be t p of which a copy is hereto attached,was firsublished in said been 479b inches thick and said ; tthe, �` ay to be slxtgen street feet site day o f way e said avast opposite ti Property of be Ue pec and ftedanhereinafter' newspaper,in • issuee.. benefited to to especially affected and p i is benefited by edge,determinedement, and it ll be es., _ A. D. 192�J la heresy at sold,determined and es- sold property reby to the ull at an ee benefited'l bathe niifor`e4°atte in Chef e neology of of tax he he levied,said parcels eland and was published... ... ......--- y aioraa ce° K p/ and t thetied depth / frm and theto hereby levied d t b a a p sold parcels of t a the last publication thereof being in the ins dated the Two Thousand Four RN d k*al 1 /J s ai ''"�`� � "a v:�r bet o ✓la��ln.(_,r"'� A.D.I92 y f FF tl 5 ) t..tp -. : [,i' i,}f a: ,-4 irtyt ran ttelg being two o(R) ew laterals at F,tteee and 00.160 ($15.00) Aollare for each sewet lateral:'Thirty and 80-100(8ao.80) Dollars Nonvoter service at there being 'nd //�/////�service (3) for exofaes t Fifteen disc 40-100 (t15.40) Dollars for each water ` ch wader service. and.erce. the goat e1 Installing the and the [terproperty the lots,dsthlts a fl1eeby is herein- `//7� d o e me cut, the ed in,all a looks end awhich above mentioned ba In co district,coat Pet fa the total abattoirs'ia'cost a eco fl• ergot foot of said Imnter e i nt, for the tag to the contract said worls'1nd making Performance i of nnia w an making h ImP Cement with 'Mullins and 1Vheel cf, Contractors, dated Oct, 25 1025, and the City directed to arson hereby on cmdonoe and directed to a s of this ofdnnne with the rrgv her of this �� nrditi^nos for the DurPoae.herein Man- tloned: day of Subscrib and sworn to before me this ,mot,' A.D.192-E-.- Notary Publ __�. d f _ti I SIXTEEN-FOOT ROADWAY The westerly side of Lots 3,4.5 and 6, of Blk.13 and the easterly side of Lots 1,6,6 and i.of Elk.14 flat"E,"Salt - Lake City Survey. PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR SEWER LATERALS IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESS- MENT, Beginning at a point on the east pro rty line of Almond Street, said point being-66.44 ft. au tlteaaterly tram the northwest corner of Lot 6,block 13,Plat ill, thence southeasterly along the east property title of Almond Street 46.90 feet, being a part of Lot 6, Block 13, Plat E,beginning at a point on the east pointproperty'line Almond sold• being tea.34 feet uutltetasterly from the northwest corner of Lot 6,• Bloelt 13, Plat El thence southeasterly_ long the eat property line f Ahnond Street,71.10 feet,being a part of Lot 6 Block IS.Plat"E,"Salt Lake City.Sur- nays PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR WATER SERVICES-iN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESS- MENT. Beginning at a point on the east 1 property line of Almond Street, said point being 66.44 ft.southeasterly from the northwest corner of Lot 6,Block 13, Plat E; thence southeasterly along the et property line of Almond street,45.90 i feet being a 13, I t of Lot Plat Si;beginning tpoint.oli Block the Pant I Prenerty line cf Almond Street, said 1 point being 739.34 feet southeasterly 1 feon- the northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 13. Plat E; thence southeasterly I. along the east property line of Almond Street 7110 feet, being a part of Lot 1,Block 13,Fist E,Salt Lake City F I vet; as the sat shown upon the ` official plats ofn said are to the entire i , depth back from said street,and to 1. leaf said tax, I SECTION 2, That the assessment lint de by the City Treasurer,at o concert- i the H ardpof Equalizatd ion nei t¢Redviehrprove an v f the 1 properly described In Section 1 of this ordinance in Paving Extension No. 218. 1 of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of �' grading. Instal/ins. water services and sewerconnections to edge of pavement and ee pthereof,iftet hereby a nnflrn:eo, and the assessments made and r.. ned to d mnietd Pete. and theereport r the 'bard of Fgaallentlrn and eP vinry to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake a ec City , are hereby rat/fled,approved an• SFCT?ON 3. Said tax shall be payable In ten equal yearly tnstallmen's,t.e pro. `ead*he b lave end'ordinance with interest on whole bum nn'aid at the rate qf. five per rent per n m payable at the time each'Installment 15 due. in the event, ny.Inetallmen• or. the Interest \. aforesaid Ye not e. on she..day eab becomes due, the whole t the eneelal tax paid et the time said 1 tdue ar,t and interest are doe.shall tote real dt'e a pays Ile,and shall draw Interest at unr 'ere of twelve Per o •(_•per assesannused. . tfltthe sale of the property do This ordinance .shall, I f[ect on 1 d y lido Ira a i3lo"; ' a P d by the .a`t , t moil day of Halt Lake A. N tali, this 20th doy of Dan rmbeT. 1 D,F. BOWMAN, JOHN F. ' PTYTPT,TfA,71,0Mof,ff,eyba City Iteeere';a' aE a. xt. I. emend de Final Estimate. 1 Published December 21st,1521. Mio.i , . 1 • '. f I 1 . _ . . • f . . . • _ . . L'..,,,,_ ?,.• : . _ [ . 1 € . . 1 .•or 1 , Imi• ' -,.....% .., g 3 `:1 g:...\- ' *I• . . . -. .-. . . .. . . . jr-Z_Cl . • , I . . , 1 , • , . , 1 .. . 1 _ . , f • • , . . p • - _ '--_ ' -•_._ - - I = -- • •'.-:- 1 _•'-.•‘._-‘1 ''•__P:' _ 'Z' . 1 :-_,-:--_--__---7.4_.-4 z.•-* . . '-'.'-fc----,- ._1 _ • . • =--,•_-_,- _:,-7•''''.-: .' ' II --•,1.- _- -'-,- - .:.- --- i E P Y k E I �- t1 I