49 of 1935 - Providing for issuance of $50,000.00 Refunding Bonds of Salt Lake City, Utah, Series of November 1, akitg > —,./Z ,l 935. RECEITJSD from the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, Cashier's Check No. 78679 in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (; 500.00) on the Utah Savings & Trust Company, filed as guarantee of bid by Snow-Goodart and Company on Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) Tax Anticipation Bonds. SNOW-GO & 0?.?PANY R L E I 0 0 1 I, :.Alton E. Lip,attin, the undersigned, Treasurer of Sell Lake City, Utah, hereby certify that I received i ro,r. 'novi, Goodart a Coiopooy, or their agents or assigns, the purc Jae price of _50,000.00 _:efendiug Bonds of Salt Lai,o hit;, state of Ut:.L, dated Sove:uber 1, 19bb bearing interest at the `rate of tiro ps-r cent (2jo) per annrr , payable ,:-10,000.00 on Lovor for is;; ee.ch of the years 19So to 194,0, inolusit+o, inoe est _o:;.yrble on the first days oi' ::tay and first day of ..ovo_i er, i each ar, nu::euered one (1) to fifty (S0) inclusive, sa:d bonds being in ' :e ue oriination of ,r1,000.00. The date of del:ia `" pvem or 12, 1935. I hn thercertify t fi Lo\i a one, and .Tilton S. hi , n'7n. .\,,,rer the officers . o si.ned s.xid bonds are still in office. / :"e purchase price v:as: T_'P Pri:.ciuo.1 $0,000.00 Accured inters:t..... 33.34 Total $50,033.34 Dated .1halo Oily, Utah this 12th 1 of taov , lb. :"reushrer of ai t LaUe Sit,;, Utah. I CrsiCN:LL:sTILN CIlaTIFICaTE I, the undersiued, 'Treasurer of dzlt Lake Cit1 , Utah do hereby Icertif.y that on the 12t.1 day of Lovetther, 1935, I paid in fall and cancelled ' the following described bonds of twit Lake City, Utah to-wit: : 50,000.OU Tar Anticipation Bonds of the deno:aination of •,,i0,000.00 dated July 1, 1935 and due Tiove.abcr 1, 1955, interest at the rate of two er cei.tair, _er annual (l�,) pa.able Bove/Aber 1, 1935, said bond. being numbered one (1). I further certify that I cancelled mad destroyed the satisfied bond above referred to in the aiaru1er following, to-v;it: Burned in the presence of the City Commission in a regular business session. my official sibnuture thisl2th day s'oa fiber, 1935. 2rcasurer, tal t Lake City, Utah. 1 Rec.103 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 7th 193 5 Goggin �'_ I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Y r Knight '/ v { Lee � �.+" .i Ma yor Mr. Chairman • - -1 Result The Board: of City Oormnissioners o_ deL Leb:.e City, Utah, met in r/gll f{r _ session at 10:OQ),cloak A.... at the regular meeting place of said Board in the city a;.d County Building, .Unit Lake Jity, Utah. The meeting was called to order by _Mayor Marcus On roll call Ofe following moMbers were present: Louis Marcus ; „ayor John M. Knight , commis s ioner Harold B. Lee , Commissioner P. H. Goggin , Commissioner Absent George D. Keyser , Commissioner Absent: Also, present: Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder Commissioner Marcus introduced the following ordinance and moved its adoption: AN GBIDI71=_idCE uhUIE IheV elibo for the issuance of ieif'ty Thousand Dollars (tir50,000.00) sief•unding Bonus of Salt Lake City, Utah, Series of ,I fNovember 1, 1935. '.LER.E0S, at a regular session of the Board of City vomrnissioners of salt Lake City, Bla.., held on the first day of -,uhust, 193b, said Board of City Commissioners by ordinance duly passed provided for the issuance and sale of lefty Thousand Dollars (.50,000.00) fax Anticipation bonds of malt Lade City, Utah, Genies of Jul;- 1, 1935 bearing interest at the rate of two per cent (Os) ner anno.s, in the denomination of .r50,000.00 and numbered one (1), and .I3.;.,'da9, said issue of rift' Tha,.sa::d nollarc (wb0,000.00) Tax anticipation bonds ins not in excess of tie ..stim ted revenues for the yer 1935 and said bonds w e 1_aly d lawfully issued ,;.nd so1"- sof. are now 1. oW lawful and valid outstanding obligations of Salt Lake City, and said bowls have never been adjudicated bo be invalid and there is no litigation lending or threatened involving the validity of said bonus, said bonus being the legal, valid end bi_iii.g oblitaLions of Salt Lake City, and said bonds are now due and there are no ands in the treasury of said City .with which to pay said bonds and is is necessary for the best interests of ualt Lake City that r.efunding bonds be issued to provide funds for the payment of said Tax laiticination Bonds, and 1SU , 'k7iMhliu , BE IT WeijAICED by the Board of Commissioners of I Salt Lake City, Utah: SEC'TIUS 1. 'That for the purpose of paying and redeeming Fifty 'Thousand Dollars (.;50,000.00) Salt Lake City 'fax snticination Bonds, dories of July 1, -1955, dated July 1, 1965 and due and payable +oveober 1, 1965, numbered one (I) and in the denomination of „;50,000.00, there shall be issued def'unding .5onds of Salt Lake City in the amount of eifty Thousand Dollars (.;:50,000.00) to be F dated November 1, 1935, bearing interest at the rate of two per cent (z; ) per arnnumn, payable semi-annually on ;,;ay let and l;ovember 1st in each year. corur.encing lay lst, 1936, said bonds being in the denomination of one Thousand Dollars (ri,000.00) each, numbered from one (1) to fifty (50), both inclusive, payable serially in numerical order Ten Thousand Dollars ( 10,000.00) on iItovember ist in each of the years 1936 to 1940, both inclusive. Said bonds and 'each of them, shall be, except as to Hunters and maturities, in substantially 'the following form, to-wit: UNITEll U'i';:_ a cl' ,e.:t.,:ICA S'Tef1 CF U1:.H Sn.hit luil;l: COUNTY SALT :J.(2. CI'i'Y Sill dcllll SERIES J2J. ,a)'f _jldn 1, 1935 No tip 1,000.00 Salt Lake City, in the County of Salt Lake, and Mate of Utah, Ifor value received, ac'linaled,es itself indebted and hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof, the sum of One Thousand and no/100 OOLL4i{S, (4i1,0l0.00) on the first day of November, A. L. 19 , with interest thereon at the rate of two per centum per CcllLc, pa„eble semi-annually on the first day Hof clay and the first day of November in each year, upon Ares-ntation arui surrender of this bond and the attached coupon:; as they severally became due, both arinci^al and interest being payable at The :national City Lank of dew Yorli, in flew York new York, in any coin or currency which, on the respective dates of payrent of the .ainci ,1 of and the interest on this bond, is le6c,1 tender for the x:;..cci of public ail- ,private debts. • :'his bond is one of an issue cmde by_ the City of salt Lace City, Utah, for the purpose of' refilhainL a lime amount of rutstandinh indebtedness of said city under and by virtue of and in full conformity with the Constitution of the state of Utah, the provisions of Title i5, Chapter u, Sections o and 7, Revised Laws of Utah 1933, and all other statutes thereunto enabling and parsua nt to an ordinance duly adopted and made a law of said city prior to the issue of this bone, and it is hereby certified and warranted t'jai all the requirements of law have been complied with by the proper officers in the issuing of this bond. It is furt.er recited, certified and warranted that the total amount of the issue width includes this bond, noes not exceed any liaait of indebtedness or other limitation prescribed by the constitution or statutes of the State of Utah or the ordirrau.ces of said city of Sall Lake. Tile faith aid credit of the Cis,% of Salt Lace are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the princihal of and the innarest on this bond. In `l.- I.clt eE0Y, the Board of City Cousaisstoners of Salt Lake City h.:rs caused this bond to be signed by its i. yor and its City Treasurer, ard its corporate seal to be here.nto affixed, attested by its City .iecorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile sigreture of the City 'Treasurer, as of the first day of ovember, A. u. 193b. if hayor. Cit„ Treasurer. City iecorder. ( auL) 3. To each of said boards shall be attached a coupon for each installment of interest cont,ompl_ibed by said bond, which coupons shoill be numbered. consecutively, beg junta1 .,i th i o. 1, vita the several dates of payment and number of bond and shall bear the fox-simile sihnature of the City Treasurers, anu said coupons shall be in substantially the following for.,,,-to-vrit: ito. ;q,10.00 day on the first day of itovember, 19 , Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, will pay to -the bearer hereof at The sational City Bank 'of New York, in hew York City, the stun of 'Pen and no/100 Dollars (•e10.00) in I any coin or currency which, on the date of payment, is legal tender for the Torment of puulic and private debts, being six months' interest then due on its aefunding Bond, Series of hlovember 1, 1955. (Facsimile si}rature) .Bond no. Olty 'Treasisrer, There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the following: (City .iuuitor's Certificate) "I hereby certify that this bond is within the lawful debt limit of Dalt Lok:e City, Salt Lake County, State of Ut h, and, is issued accordant; to law. City atu itor, halt Lake City, Utah." •1.11 the -covenants, statements, re.,resentations and agreements contained in said bonus and coupons cod all recitals =.tnd representations of .this ocuin.,u.ce, are hereby consio_ercd and tet erscoon add it is hereby ordained and declared that said covenants and :promises bison are the covenants and Dresioei of said Salt Lake '0ity anti that the represent Lions clad statements tfsrein are the representations son s tw..tc.:,ents of said City, _.-t it is furt,er stoma adj. r(p)resented. that Sal i nu.' so a ,nun.ic:cpal corporation of -the irst close ender the Constitution --.:is hems of the State of Utah.. _ud ?. The principal f allina i ber 1, 1936 and the: interest falling due on sue Lends on .,,ny 1, 1936 and Covc;,aiber 1, 1936 s dll cce raid out of t .e general t`a=ul of said Jit:, Loui for the purpose of r ibfo'a•sin; 0eneral fade for said _ ,e,_t ., ,r'inci s—I dad i_terr--st :dad to meet the 01,ei2d1 �;,1.1ic it:_e est ,iovcaber 1, 193? and te pay tl;e corost _lion come on said. bonds on 1, 19o'r .rot aovumber 1, 1937, there shall be levied in the yoar 1936 on :all tamable ro-ocrti;: oithin said City, in a addile on to all other Fixes, a direct tax •urfisient to „i<meduce the sac of i ,;21,800, being C0,000.00 for r-riucipal and -„1600.00 for interest. And thereafter in order to raise the necessary funds c;i'ta r+5ica to Puy the interest rop,,t1,y, .s the s..,e falls due, .,n, also to constituted sinkiri0 • fcusi for tne _ede:notion of so,ia bonds .L en eue, there shall be levied in each of the years 1937 to 1939, inclusive, a direct annual tax on all taxable ,property in said City, in addition to all other taxes, sufficient to produce subs :.s follows: • Y' it P 3Ii,.:i'rd'ih INPNbEST .'U'TAL 1937 r 10,000.00 600.00 10,600.00 1933 10,000.00 400.00 10,400.00 1939 10,003.00 200.00 10,200.00 Said. taxes, ,lien collected, shall be applied solely for the purpose of paying the interest and principal of said bonds respectively and for no other purpose whatever until the indebtedness so contracted under this ordinance, principal and interest, shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharged, but nothinp herein contained shall be so con— strued as to prevent said 'City from applying any other funds tint may be in the treasury anti available for the purpose to the p ynent of said • interest or principal, as the same respectively nature, _aryl the levy or levies herein provided for may trereupon to that extent be diminished, and the sums itereinbefore provided for to meet the interest on said bonds and to aischarpe the principal when due, are hereby appropriated for that purpose, and said amount for each year shall also be included in the annual appropriation bills passed by the Board of Commissioners of said Salt Lake City in each year respective]y. SfC�,'IOii 3. Said bonds and each of therm shall be signed by the Mayor and the City Treasurer and attested by the City hecorder and the coupons attached to said bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signature of the City 'r'reaserer. The ..apor and City 'Treasurer are r_ereby authorised and directed to sign, a,'ul the City .lecoraer to attest and affi;_ the seal to earn of said bonds and the acts of said ..,ayor, City 'Treasurer and City L Recorder in so doinrr are and shall be t-_e act and deed of daft Lake City. • SIC'i'I.-iu 4, Said bonus shall be issued in place of the bonds to be ' refunded and simultaneously with the cancellation thereof. SECTION 5. T1Lut all ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict witit the provisions hereof, be end the sante are hereby repealed, and after said bonus are issued, this ordinance shall be and remain irrepealable until said bonds and the interest thereon shall have been fully pain, satisfied and discharged as herein ,provided. ShCYIUi 6. The City hecorder is hereby instructed and directed to cause copy of this ordinance to 'be published immediately in one issue of Salt Lake Tribune , a daily newspaper of general c irculat ion in and printed ant published in Salt Lake Cify, i7tah. SEC'PlUN 7. fhat an ewer„eucy is hereby declared and in the 1 opinion of the Board of Commissioners because of the necessity of raising funds with which to meet suturing dnli rmtions em said ci.a;;, it is necessary i 'or the peace, health and. safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. ) SLCi'IOIV B. NOV, PIiN"{131'1:nF., B_li I'1' UI.UAI�:ED that an emergency is hereby declared and this ordinance shall tahe effect are be in force upon the day of its fa ssa;fe, approval and. pu' pca 'on. Passed by the Board of bomnissioners of halt Lake City, Utah, and =i.nproved this 7th day of Liovember, n. U 935 -ri7 r - � �j,]ST-1 Iusasyo City Recorder (SEAL) BILL 1d0. 49. The adoption of the ioregoinsi ordinance eas seconded by Commissioner Lee and the same on being put to a vote was unanimously carried. by the affirmative vote of all Commissioners present, the vote being as follows: Louis ,.arcus, .;ayor - Commissioner "Aye° P. _h. Noggin, Commissioner "Eye" Geo. L. Keyser, Commissioner "Aye" John ..... ;;ri{ht, Cormnnissioner "Aye" Harold Lee, Commissioner ' ye" 1 / Al r R: Mayorrsorder.J�� -- I [SEAL) ,or,;,E THE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OF UTAH e �T' STATE CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS ry <' o.F.MCSHANE sSALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WM M.KNERR '� S.U.NESEKER llll• 'aaa November 7th, 1935 CAROLYN I.SMITH SECRETARY Honorable Board of City Commissioners City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah Re: $60,000.00 Salt Lake City, Utah, Refunding Bonds Gentlemen: Referring to the .i50,000.00 issue of SALT J. Kd CITY, UTAH, REFUNDING BONDS, Series of November let, 1935, authorized at a Meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Luke City, Utah, held on November 7th, 1935, said bonds being numbered 1 to 50, both inclusive, in denominations of $1,000.00 each, bearing interest at the rate of 2% per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of May and November of each year, said bonds being due serially, $10,000.00 on November let of each of the years 1936 to 1940, both inclusive,- The Industrial Commission of Utah hereby waives any and all rights and privileges it may have for the purchase of these bonds or any part thereof, under and by virtue of Section 42-2-14, Revised Statutes of Utah, 1933. Yours very truly, INDUSTRIAL�CCOBMISdION OF UT CHA-IRF43A'.1 PR0 T'I AT AST: ,.-:, 0„ ' J 6> SNCRBTARY lii! -C''FAH ( 63. Cii`HiT cr' SALT iEEE) I, Ethel lacdonala, the duly. appointed, Q alified ana acting ecorder of Salt Lake Cii::, Utah, do hereby certify as follows: 1. _,gat Salt Lake City*, Utah, is a city of the first class, duly organised and existing under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah. ff 2. That the names of the uaabers of the Board of Commissioners and llothei municipal officers of said nail Lake Oily are as follows: Mayor - Louis Marcus - fern expires January 0,1936 Commissioner - a. H. Goggin - :.'soon expires January 3, 1938 Conmrissioner - George D. Keyser - Term expires January 6,1936 Commissioner - John .i. l;nilht - Term expires January 6, 1936 Commissioner - Harold B. Lee - Term expires January 3, 1938 City iiecorder - Et>;.el Macdonald - •Pena expires when successor is appointed and confirmed. City 'Treasurer - Tilton u.Lipr.ar: - Term expires when successor is appointed and confirmed. dit- Auditor - Samuel i', hi.cholls - Meru: expires January 3, 1938 S. Chat the regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners are held as follows: Each Tuesday at 10:00 o . and 5:15 Each .'ednesday at 10:00 A.M. Each 'Thursday at 10:00 A.M. Special meetings are called by the :.ayor or by the three members of the Toard of Commissioners giving three hours notice. 4. That there is no litigation pendin;, or threatened affecting in 'any way the to;_ality of the Fifty Thousand. dollars (yp50,000.00) Issue of Salt Lake City kefnnding Bonds, aeries of hoveaber 1, 1936 or any similar issue of bonds issued by Salt Lake City or the boundaries of said City or the title to office of any of the officersthereof. 6. 2 ,,t the said Lh;iiel .:acdoi .ld as Oil -•ecor�i.er and :,Elton E. Li}man, City Treasurer, are each oi' the.a now in office performing; the duties thereof and treat the right of then or either of them to hold such office has never been questioned and is not non being contested. IC ' Id1ESS Elder I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the 'coreor;.te seal of said Uit;;, of chit Lake this 7thlay of 'ilovesber, A. D. 1955. 21,01._ iy to or 4r r. (meal) I i l SS. I, E t::el :acdonald, ti:e daly chose , ;ra1.. yeJ-, "0 i�i i±eccr_ie: of E-xit La- e ''ty, ',fief, do, hereby t-,;:t all oraiso 00s :,i:u '_eerl..'_oas irise a the oara of i:oottlissiohes of Salt 1,1-c jitY, utt,a, in coxulectioo vritet, referred or relatinf; to tive ..ssaal.ce by said wait hoe Uibp Of _'as ilfc; novsar:. (tr5d,000.00) fo11a.v hofundi,k; 0onds to ate dated hoverther 1, lift add n.clxi ;i10,000.00 hoveZher lot each of tie years 19ed to 1940, inclusive, were _gassed at 1eyfa1 iseetings of said JOoard caked add held in accordao.ce with law and the rules and o:rain,c;ces o: said City and have beer duly recorded by ,ae in boos .ept ±or that u.r ose in oU- office. Il fli i y1; 1'y I have hereunto set iv hand and affixed the cor,�ora.,te soul of said Cite this 7th day of ioveiabcr, lift. .00001'//el'. (i ,eL) STaTE SY U'_'d',I ) ( CS. 0UAIY Of SAwf LAKE ) I, Samuel .0'. Nicholls, the duly chosen, qualified and acting City _zuditor of CalU Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify as follows: 1. that the total assessed valuation of the taxable property of Salt Lake City as shown by the last cunplete assessiaent for City purposes, being for the year 1934 is as follows: (a) 'total assessed valuation of real estate 'e 115,062.,053_ (b) 'Total assessed valuation of personal prorerty _.33ft566,304. _- Total ,148,628,,357 . 1. total assessed valuation, 1930 186,380,650 2. That the total bonded indebtedness of said City is 8,.377_,000, ,• _, C. That the aggregate a;oant of floating indebtedness of said City is „X,353,,998._ .f. 4l. That the total aiiount of .iaterworks Bends included in the total debt is ,4•056,000 _ __ _, 5. What the total ancient of 'tom caner bonds included in the total debt is ,• 706,,Q00 6. that the total amount of aanitar;- Caner Ronde included in the total debt is 500 OOQ, 74 that all oi' odic, eater coca Sewer Bonds were issued for the _purpose of supplying said cit,: with water and sewers, coca all of said eorl_s w.e. owned anct controlled by said ...unici_ality. 13.i.lat the total a,aonit of Jiwking Fund for cedel.lttion of catstandin, fonds is ___ $75,,0c0__....,_ _. 9. at J,alt Laic Ci,.y was daly incor;oraLcd in t e ,war idea, 10 at tbu ..,opal Lion of le L e %it s shown by the ensus of 13n is 140,050 I.c'CCC3 my official i5n a .re to . ,ova u Iorei;oif sect,,e1,t is 7th dtr,e of _'cve_'oer, P. 19. . ri . Cit„ .uditsr, , wit Lake y, 1. f S1Gl ._ u 110:.:z: I, S:U_UILL a. PICIIOLLO, do hereby certify that 1 an the duly qualified and acting City auditor of Salt Lake City, state of Utah; that on the day of vovenb:r, 1935, I registered in pity office Fifty lousa:.d Dollars ([,50,000.0u) liefundin;; Bonds, series of November 1, 1935 of wilt Lake City, State of Utah, said bonds numbered from one (1) to fifty (CO), beih in the ' denomination of One thousand Dollars ( 1,000.00), dated 1;ove::Ler 1, 195; with interest at the rote of two ,per cent (2;1) per annnm, ua;iable November 1, and ,.ay 1, of each year, said bonds :,,aturinL as follows: Ten 'thousand Dollars (p,r10,000.00) on November 1st in each of the ;,ears 1910 to 1940, inclusive. I AIRTUNR CERTIFY that there is a certificate endorsed on the back of each of said bonds in the following form which certificate has been signed by me. "I hereby certify that this bond is within the lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City, Utah and is issued according to law. City aaditor5 'jI ,1 SS my official sinatare this day of November, 1935. 4itra1ceoih. :LIGfi 'iU:th Vie, the undersigned, officers of the City of llait Lake Oity, State of Utah, indicated b• the official title opposite our nines, do hereby certify that we did on the day of hoveofoor, n. L, 1955, officially sign 450,000.00 ([efunding Bonds, Series of ldovember 1, 1955, of the City of Salt Lake, State of Utah; bonds numbered from one (1) to fifty (e0), inclusive, in tile denomination of ,,1,000.60 bearing interest at the 'rate of two eel cent 1;2%1 per arnium, payable on the .st day of d;ay and iiovember, principal beicy payable serially as follows: 010,000.00 on the first day of hove:aber in each of the ,;'ears 1926 to 1940, inclusive, beirz-_ at the date of such sitnatures the duly chosen, qualified, and acting officers indicated therein and authorioed to execute the sa:ue, .;e f_rtlier certify tint he L1.IG.1'Ihi; of any n;.eure is now i iliLI G or or btIJvll;IhG the issuance and delivery of said bonds or the levy and collection of taxes to nay the principal and interest, nor • in any ,canner cuestionin the proceedings and authority under which the sa;e s made or affectin• the validity of the bonds thereunder; that neither the OUd7rOR:1'ya EXISt.'d(X0 or BOUii.)dliiUS nor the TITLE of the ()resent OFBICEHS to [their respective office io being contested; and that no authority oriirocecdi.io for the issuance of said bonds have been repealed, revoked, or rescinded. Soon each of said bonds is endorsed the following certificate: "I hereby certify that t.. s bond is within the lawful debt limit of salt Lake Cto , Utah., and is issued according to law. tit; Huditor."'•• Lone ana delivered at Salt Lale CiLey, Utah this da of November, 1955. y IOLil TITLE Louis hareus, .iayor, Salt cake City, Utah Ethel _licdonald, 4 recorder, Salt Lake Cit;., Utah da duel s'. aicholl duii r Salt Lake City, Utah. Milton E. Lipman � (� �`,t44_�",', Treasurer, Salt Lake City, Utah. I hereby certify irdst the signatures of the officers above subscribed are true and gonuine. first c t; urity` ul iae-hiex�� �sak.C3�u1U,i STAT_f OF UTAH • ( SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAt{1;) I, Ethel Macdonald, the duly appointed, qualified, and aoting Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attaohed and foregcing is a full, true and correct copy of a complete transcript issued through this office authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of $50,000.00 in Refunding Bonds, heries of November 1, 1955, setting out excerpts from City Commission minutes, copy of ordinances and resolutions, proof of publication or ordinance and various City Auditor's financial certi- ficates and miscellaneous certificates therein included and as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS UH"fEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Cit this 7th day of November, A. D. 1935 6 // City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah. RECEIPT — —— Milton 2. Lipman, the aildersigiled. Treasurer of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby certify fiat I received from Snow, Goodart &: Company, or their •4 "gents or assigns, the purchase pries of 050,000.00 Refunding Bonds of 'Salt Lake City, State of Utah, dated NteMber 1,Y 5 heariogri*tert 4.•ate of two per cent (2.4,-) per annum, p4able 1a.A.00 on No 61...yt e. 7 of the years 1956 to 1940, inclusive, Wcirest p*,:tule on theyaly of Lc?. llay and first day of Novem Cr, in eachlroptr,,nwabdi one (1)lit i0tY yr, Inclusive, said, bonds being in the denrtiliatt* of?1,1:4,000.00. The date of deliver s , fd ther certify that Louis marca, ,V;ayort1. k afts.cdonaid, Necorder, sad :.ilton L. Lipman, Treasurer, the officers who signed said bonds are still • I in office. The purchase price was: Pr inc ipal Accured interest Total Ihted at Salt Lake City, Utah this day of November, 1935. Treasurer -- bait Lake City, Utah. w i _.... , ' . section 1 The principal failing due on November 1, 1936, and the intereet falling due on said bonds itration on Mlil' l' 'n11Tbe 8,sel beVeidott November gee- oral fund of said City.,and for the purpose of reimbursing said general fund for said payment Of prinMPal and interest and to'Meet the prin- cipal falling dlle-on Said,bonds.on - November 1, 1937,and to pay'the ' Ituttab *ides of A interest falling due on said bonds on May 1, 1937, and Notember 1. STATE OF UTA ;93.ji itor on oil btaxlaeigT.edpgpotrht; .., within said'City,In addition to all COUNTY OF SALT 1 other taxes,a direct tax sufficient to protium the.eum of$21,800,being ,''----..r.'------12N ORDINANC,, A,-'..,' '14VM°11(gref:l''rrn6dP'itherTaftler?r! it .: ".„mance Providi.,ti01? ''''', ' order to raise the necessary funds , rift,T1040:4.,i., e with which to pay the Interest , Ire promptly, as the same falls due. a -($5. ., '[..' . .Intsis r'".4' of and also to constitute a•sinking d s. ...e .Al', .--..--'. -4,180- fund for the redemption of :said THOMPSON bones when due,,there shall be , - Of levied in each of the years 1937 to ' the/3..•,, ,. ', " ' ,.,.", ..Of 1939,inclusive,a direct annual tax Salt Lak',•'' _.4. ''''.'''',"the .on all taxable property in said City, ' ritet.clay of , "y1,. ,i .. , ' ,tard in addition to ises and says,that he is the Principal Clerk of City Comm.‘....-, '.'..'. Q,.. • ' cleat to produce sums l‘t follows:, duly passed provid;7, .....: -,^,t,..-.., Year Principal Interest Total and sale of Fifty T-.; _ 1,, '.,,.,..:i 1937 $10,000.00 $600.00 '610.600.00 of Salt Lake City, :•',,, LY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in •',1•.-:!i Plf:3 1939 10,000.00 200.0D .10,200.00 Jn1Y,1,1935,hearing Intense '''., ,,,e Said taxes, when collected, shall rate of two per cent(2 per cam per be applied solely for the PUrPCse of I‘ annum,in the denolnination of 850,- paying the interest and principal of .000.00 and numbered one(1),and mild bonds respectively and for no County,State of Utah. Whereas said issue of Fifty Thou- other purpose whatever until the sand Dollars ($50,000.00) Tax An- indebtedrtme so'contracted under ticipation Bonds was not In ogeesc this ordinance,.principal end in- of the estimated revenues for the terest, shall hare been fully paid, RDINANCE. year 1935 and said bonds were duly satisfied end diseharged,but unto- and lawfully isetied and sold end log herein contained shall-be sO are now lawful arid valid outstand- construed as to prevent Cold City , hag obligations of Salt Lake City, from applying any other funds that NO. 49 and said bonds have never been ad- may be In the treasury and:walla- Indicated to be invalid and there Is ble for the purpose to the payment no litigation pending or threatened' of said interest or principal,as the Involving the validity of aaid bonde, same respectively mature,i ovid and„thfore LAKE CITY CORPORATION said bonds being the legal,valid and levy Or leves'herein,pred. binding ObligatiOns of Salt Lake may thereupon to that extent be City,and diminished, and the some herein- Whereas,said bonds are now due before provided for to meet the in- and there are no funds in the trees- tercet on said bonds and to dis- ury of said City with which to pay charge the principal when due,•are said bonds and it is necessary for hereby appropriated for that Pur- the best interests of Salt Lake City pose,and said amount for each year that Refunding Bo be teemed to shall also be included in the annual provide fund. fornds the payment of appropriation Wile passed by the attached,was first published in said news- said'Pax Anticipation Bonds,and Board of Commissioners of said Salt Now.therefore,be it ordained by Lake City in each year respectively. the Board of Cominissioners of Salt Section 3. Said bonds and each Lake City,Utah: Of them shall be signed by the 9th Section 1. That for the Pur- Mayor and the City Treasurer and pose of paying and redeeming Fifty. attested by the City Recorder and Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) Salt the coupons'attached to said bonds Lake pity Tax Anticipation Bonds, shall be signed by the facsimile ;SR , 1935 , aerie.of July I,1935,dated July 1, Mg:nature of the City Treasurer.The 1935, and due and payable'Novem- Mayor and City Treasurer are here- her 1,1935,numbered one,(1) and by authorized and diretted to sign. hi'the denomination of ing$50,000.00 affix, and the City Rethe eeal tocorder to attest and 3ach daily issue of said newspaper, on there shall be hunted Refund each of said'bonds Bonds of Salt Lake City in the and the acts of said Mayor, City amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars Treasurer and City Recorder In ao , (850,000.00) to be dated November doing are and shall be the act and 1,1935,bearing interest at the rate deed of Salt Lake City: ' , for of two per cent (2 per cent) per Section 4. Said bonds shall be • annum, payable semiannually on issued In place of the bonds to be May 1st and November let•in each refunded and simultaneously with Year.commencing May 1st,1938,said the cancellation tereof. INSERTION bonds being in the denomination OI Section 5. That all OrdMances ' of..ONE_____„ One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) and resolutions or parte of ordinances each,numbered from one(1)to fifty and resolutions in conflict with the (50),both inclusive,payable serially provisions hereof.be and the mime in numerical order Ten ThOusand aro hereby repealed,and after said the last publication thereof Dollars($10,000.00)on November Oat bonds are issued,-this ordinance in each Of the years 1938 to 1040, shell be and remain Ireepealable both inclusive. Said bonds and each until said bonds and the interest of them shall be,except as IF num-' thereon shall have been fully paid. 9TH day of hers and maturities,in substantially satisfied and discharged as herein he the following form,to-wit: provided. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Section 13. The City Recorder is STATE OF UTAH hereby instructed and,directed to . SALT LAKE COUNTY cause copy of this ordinance to be ,A.D.193.5... SALT LAKE CITY REFUNDING published immediately in one issue BOND of Salt Lake Tribune, a daily SERIES OF NOVEMBER 1,1E5 newspaper of general Circulation In No— $1,000.00 and printed and published In Bait Salt Lake City,in the County of Luke City.Utah. Sall Lake, and State of 1/tah, for Section 7. That an emergency Is value received, acknowledges'Itself hereby declared and in the opinion indebted and hereby promises to pay of the Board of Commissioner.be- te the bearer hereof, the sum of cause of the necessity of,raising 9TH day of One Thousand and .no(100 Dollars funds with which to meet maturing ($1,00000),on the first day of No- obligations of said City,it is maces- vember, A. D. 19--, with intereet sary for the pesee,health and safety thereon at the rate of two per, .of the inhabitants of Salt'Lake City • centum per anntim, payable semi-. that this Ordinals beta effect Ira- annually on the first d,ay'Of May" medlately. , and the first day of November in Section 8. Now, therefore, be it each yem, upon presentation and ordained that an emergency is surrender of this bond and the at- hereby declared and this Ordinance teched coupons es they severally shall take effect and'be M fen. -----3.--w---x--/ become due,both principal and'in-: uPon the day of its paeeage.ePProVel terest being payable at The National and Publicati om City Bank of New C.in New York Passed by the Bo.ard.of Coramis- .}r Notary Public. City, 'New York, In any coin or, stoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,and currency which, on the respective approved this 7th day of NOVEMbar, dates of payment of the principal A.D.1935. LOITISEIARCUS, of and the interest on this bond, Attest: Mayor. I is legal tender for the payment of ETHEL MACDONALD, public and private debts. . (Seel) City Re"rder. This bond is one of an Issue made ' BEI No,4D. by the City of Salt Lake City,'Stab, PUblielied'Noted:ober 9,-1931. Advertising fee$ 41(.1 4.^' 1 ' for the purpeae"of refunding a like - amount of outstanding indebtedness of Bald city Under and by virtue of and in full conformity with the Con- stitution 01 the Stare of Utah,the provisions of Title'13, Chapter 8, ' Sections 8 and 1,Revised Laws of Utah, 1933, and an other 'statutes thereunto enabling and pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted and-made a law of said city prior to the issue of this bond,and it 1s hereby certi- fied and warranted that all the re- 4 quiremente of law have been com- plied with by the proper officers in. 1 the issuing of this bond. It 1e fur- ther recited,oertified and warranted l that the total amomit of the Issue which includes this bond.does not exceed any limit of indebtedness or Other limitation prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of the State ' of Utah or the ordinances of said city of Salt Lake. The faith and credit of the City of �9 Salt punctual payment of Lake are hereby, f theprin 1 •cipal of and-the interest On this bond. In testimony whereof,the Board of City Commiesionerer'01-'Salt Lake City has caused this bond to - be sighed by Its Mayor and its City Treasurer,and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed,attested by its City Recorder, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile signa- ture of the City Treasurer,as of the-----" Wet day of November,A.D.1935. Mayor. City Treasurer. Attest: City fiecorder. (Seal) To each of geld bonds-shall be at- tached a coupon for each instillment i of interest contemplated by said bond,which coupons shall be bum- i bared ooneeoutively,beginning with No.1,with the several dates of.pay- ment and number of bond.and shall • bear the facsimile-elgnature of the City Treasurer, and said coupons shall be in eubetantlally the follow. Ing form,to-wit: ,10.00 `, On the Met day of May( ovember, 19—, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,State of Utah,will pay to ] the bearer hereof at The National 8 .City Bank of New York, in New York City, the gum of Ten and no1100 Dollars ($10.00) 1n any coin A or currency which,on the date of menment,Is t of public and private debt tender for the s, being being six months'Interest then due i on its Refunding Bond, Series of J November 1,1935. ! (Facsimile City Treasurer. Bond N There shall be indorsed on each of said bonds the following: (City yuk Y thatNthis�bond le within hereby the lawful debt limit of Salt Lake City. Salt Lake County, State of Utah,and le leaned accord- I Mg to law. i "City Auditor. Salt.Lake City, 7 Utah." All the covenants, etatenients, representations and agreements con- tained in mid bonds and coupons and all recitals and representations of thle.ordinance.are hereby con- I Mitered and understood and It fe. hereby ordained and declared that ' said covenants and promises therein are the'covenants and promlted Of , said Salt Lake City and that the representations and st atemants . therein are the representations and statements of said City, and It fa furthr ated and ithatSalt LakeCity is a represented c ostiatothee the cntiutonnd Wu of State of Utah.