49 of 1940 - Amending Section 875, Revised Ordinance 1934, salaries Police Department. ROLL CALL VOTING MT' Lake City,Utah,- N d 19 194� 193 AYFO)-' Goggin I move that the ordinance be gassed. Keyser /1 - k . Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - - rd• Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on November 10, 1936, October C, 1937, January 12, 1938, and December 5, 1939, relating to the police department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of halt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 875 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances gassed by the hoard of Commissioners on November 10, 1936, October 6, 1937, January 12, 1938, and December 5, 1939, relating to the police department, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 875. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The police depart- ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the foliowing officers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed by the board of Commis- sioners, within the limits specified: Not to exceed Chief of police, p-ho shall be 'head of the police department 94200.00 1 Inspector P940.00 4 captains 2.360.00 1 superintendent of first aid and safety . . . 27,60.00 1 superintendent of identification 2740.00 1 secretary to chief of police, 2360.00 4 lieutenants 2220.00 1 radio technician 920'0.00 12 sergeants 2100.00 3 radio operators 9100.00 Patrolmen, first grade 1980.00 Patrolmen, second grade 1960.00 Patrolmen, third grade 1740.00 Policewomen, first grade 174:0.00 Policewomen, second grade 16:90.00 Policewomen, third grade 1500.00 Clerks, male, first grade 1990.00 Clerks, male, second grade 1860.00 Clerks, male, third grade 1740.00 Clerks, female, first grade 1740.00 Clerks, female, second grade 1440.00 Clerks, female, third grade 1260.00 1 police matron 1140.00 49 1(. I'he following officers whose annual salaries shall be fixed by the board of Commissioner: within the Limits seeci- lied shall be ana become a part of the police department of said city: Electrician, first grade, not to exceed . . . PICPO.00 Flectri-cian, second grade, not to exceed . . 1500.GO SECTION P. In the opinion oh the Yearn of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that thig ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 'f. This l*inance shall take effect at once upon its first publi cad .;; ' ar- , w7 w Passed Y thef oarp of Comm spners of Calt Lake City, • Utah, this / 64d5, of15 , . 1940. Mayor. CityRecorder. • . .._ . ..... „X lb.,. .....4 a - 11 g- •( ..., .. _ 0 tl lif ,:\ { �, l ro .. E m W 1 . ug . -1,4z=„,,,,, .1v .n Zb .,,,K. • •.;_..tt �� 1 Ai \ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,l C•ounttof Salt Lake 1( At7 ORDINpNOR AMENDING.SECTION, 878 of She-Revised'Ordinances•of Sad! LBO xs Young Lake City;Utah,1934,as amended by owj - dlninces passed by the'hoard of-Com- • missionere on November-10, MM.October 8,.1037,,January 1a,,1038 and December 8, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- .3939;relating to the police department, ��9H9e-t'ordained by the Board of Com-Z - mSECTION 1,That Lake ctlont875 Utah: f the Re. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Wised Ordinances.of Salt Lake City,Utah„ 1039 amended by ordinances:passed byj the Board of Commissioner.on November, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State 10_103odp e6,October 0,1837,January la,1938,f And'A damp 5,1039 relating to thpolloia e Oebartment, be and the same is,hherebyerebyl of Utah. Amended to read followe: SEC, 878, ORGANIZATION AND SAL-( lti Lake City The ha Dolconsi consistdepart ment follownrd officers, w ose athe nnual ridrd of comshall be, That the advertisement 0txlinanoe-Hill.-No...49_A. wiUiln the limit,,specified: Chief bf pgilee,,'who shall be°head•B%Ceed!• Relating to Police Department, •17na the police.deportment b 8400000 4 Inspector 2360.00 1,.suiper nondent Of'first.aid.and a3690o Salt Lake City Corpopat-kon- C.ity..Reaarder.................. 1 superintendent of•identificatlun.•2340.00• 1 Secretary to chief of polies 1360.00 1lieutenants -yyaa0,00- .radlo te°hnidam 9a70,00 (1'serge'ant. a..,:!a100.00 3.radlo operator. • " 2100.00 -.Patrolmen, first grade 1980.00 , Patrolmen, d grade 1880.00 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Patrolmen, third grade 1740.00 -Ppllcowombn,first erade •1740.00 r': It;.3Dz.n,aeaond,graae -1020.00. ve 'thh3 ecrraaa°a. ' 1500.00' 20th day of November A.D. 19_4_0._ Clerks,male,second grade 1860.00 Clerks, le third grade ' 1740.00: Clerks,female,first grade...,., 1740.00, C1 k.f al r1d e a ,14400o and was published I.time CI k,4 1 -third g ads 1140 00 1 IifONm ids lficers b e q ina114;• al.. 'itke-shall b Axed by the Bard f the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 0 mmiesianer.s within:the limits specified department of ellen'be and osaid in°-city art of the police :Electrician,lust grade,not to ei. Else ddan,.emnd.gred ue5o,00; day of A.D. 19 e,not to ea•• ,IBOO.00 SECTION'1 In the opinion of the Board•.f-Commilisiooers,/it is necessary-to the. a--- • ace,health and safety of the Inhabitants' Adve rising Clerk. f Salt Lake City that this Orainance r .of t ire eff-Thi ord000telg. f'effect at once e.-Tole rdind publication.9 hall take t - ed h,oh tte brat Cemmissio, Sa.ed by rho Board of •19th day oil Noyem a r,A-.city,Utabi t..i-IBth day oil ovember,A.D.IB40, I AE,JBNRINS. ,, (SEAL) STEEL MACDO Mayor. NALD Zsth City R'''''"l r 11R1 No,48. • • to before me this day of e,P ebliMp ti Nrovenilmk.20th,1940. .. Nooejnber A.D. 194.0.... Notary blic. \ • VrW *Fs • l*a N.\ ' ••• 11) */• 0 r