49 of 1976 - Adding chapter 32 establishing Historic Districts and Landmark Sites. MULL GALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, April 7 ,1976
I move that the i ce be passe .
. .
Hogensen /
/ rf
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 51 by adding a new Chapter 32 of the
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to preserva-
tion and protection of historic and architecturally significant dis-
tricts and sites.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, be amended to add a new Chapter 32 relating to i `l'!
preservation and protection of historic and architecturally signifi-
cant districts and sites which shall read as follows:
51-32-1. Purpose.
51-32-2. Historic districts and landmark sites.
51-32-3. Designation of additional landmark sites and
additional historic districts.
51-32-4. Relationship to zoning districts.
51-32-5. Historical Landmark Committee.
51-32-6. Permit or denial planning.
51-32-7. Planning action upon application for permit within
five months.
51-32-8. Development standards.
51-32-9. Maintenance of consistent policies.
51-32-10. Structure defined.
51-32-11. Appeal of planning decision.
51-32-12. Hazardous structures; ordinary maintenance and
51-32-13. Severability.
"Sec. 51-32-1. Purpose. This chapter is enacted and intended
for the purpose of more fully preserving buildings and related
structures of historic and architectural significance in districts
and sites being among the city's most important cultural, educa-
tional and economic assets, and so that the character of the
districts and the landmark sites will not be lost through expan-
sion or change of commercial or other activity in the city, and
so that said districts and sites will be preserved for the use,
observation, education, pleasure and general welfare of the
present and future inhabitants of Salt Lake City.
"Sec. 51-32-2. Historic districts and landmark sites.
(1) The South Temple Historic District shall mean that area
on both sides of South Temple Street beginning at the intersection
of South Temple Street and Third East on the south side and the
intersection of South Temple Street and "A" Street on the north
side, thence east to the intersection of South Temple Street and
Virginia Street is hereby declared an Historic District.
(2) Each site located within Salt Lake City and listed on
the National Register of Historical Places or the Utah State
Register of Historical Sites as of the effective date of this
chapter are hereby declared to be a Landmark Site.
"Sec. 51-32-3. Designation of additional landmark sites and
additional historic districts. The City's Planning and Zoning
Commission, hereinafter Planning, may recommend additional land-
mark sites and historic districts. Prior to the designation of
such additional landmark sites or historical districts, the City
Commission shall hold a public hearing, notice of which shall be
published in a newspaper of general circulation and mailed to
owners of the property proposed to be so designated at least five,
but not more than fifteen days, prior to the date of the hearing.
Following recommendation by Planning and approval by the City
Commission, notice of the designation shall be mailed by Planning
to the owners of property so designated together with a copy of
this chapter, and appeals therefrom may be had to the City
Commission for a period of not more than thirty days from date
notice is sent, after which the City Commission's decision shall
be final.
"Sec. 51-32-4. Relationship to zoning districts. The historic
district and landmark sites regulations as provided herein for
zones within such districts or sites are intended to preserve
and protect the historic or architecturally worthy buildings,
structures, sites, monuments, streetscapes, and neighborhoods
of the historic area. In all zoning districts lying within the
boundaries of an historic district or landmark site, the regula-
tions for both the zoning district and the historic district or
landmark site shall apply. Whenever there is a conflict between
the regulations of the zoning district and the regulations of
this chapter, the more restrictive shall apply.
The zoning regulations shall be considered as minimum standards.
Planning may, subject to appeal to the City Commission, impose
such other conditions as may be deemed necessary to protect the
character of historic district or landmark sites.
Conditional uses may be permitted in historical buildings as
outlined in Section 51-13-7 of this title.
"Sec. 51-32-5. Historical landmark committee.
(1) Creation and composition. The City Commission may
establish and/or terminate an historical landmark committee, herein-
after Committee, which may advise Planning in matters pertaining
to historic districts and landmarks, however all final decisions
regarding the same shall be made by Planning. Said committee
shall be appointed by the mayor with approval of the Board of City
Commissioners and each person serving thereon shall be a resident
of the city, and, with the exception of the members of the City
Planning and Zoning Commission or of its staff, shall hold no
other office of profit under the city government or any other
state or federal office connected with historical preservation.
In making such appointments, the mayor may request and consider
recommendations submitted by and select members from the following
societies or organizations:
(a) One member from the Utah Society, American Institute
of Architects (Utah Chapter);
(b) One member from the historical societies of the
(c) One member from the Utah Heritage Foundation;
(d) No more than two members who are residents of or own
property in each area designated as an historic district.
(e) Two members may be citizens at large;
(f) Planning Director and a member of the Planning Commis-
sion or staff.
(2) Vacancies and term; compensation. The term of the commit-
tee members, except for those designated in subsection (f) above,
may be for not more than three years, provided, however, that the
terms of the first committee members shall be as follows: (1)
two members - one year; (2) two members - two years; (3) three
members - three years. Vacancies may be filled by the mayor with
approval of the Board of City Commissioners by appointment for
any unexpired term or for the full term as the case may be.
Members of the committee shall serve as such without compensation.
(3) Jurisdiction. The committee's jurisdiction shall be
limited to historic districts and landmark sites. The committee
shall be concerned only with those elements of development, re-
development, rehabilitation and/or preservation that affect
visual quality of the historic district or. landmark site. It
shall not consider detailed design, interior arrangement or build-
ing features not subject to public view nor shall it make any
requirement except for the purpose of preventing development
or demolition inconsistent with the standards set forth in
Section 51-32-8 hereof.
(4) List of historical buildings to be made and filed.
The committee may be requested to make a list of all existing
buildings in the city which it deems to be of historic interest
because of architecture, period of construction, persons who
have resided or events which have occurred therein, or for other
appropriate historic reasons. Such a list shall briefly describe
each building, the date of its construction, as nearly as can
be ascertained, the reasons for including it in the list and the
name and address of its present owner as shown on the records
of the County Recorder of Salt Lake County. The committee shall
file such list and subsequent amendments, or additions thereto
which may be made from time to time, with Planning. However,
with regard to any such list approved or made by Planning, a
copy thereof shall be filed with the City Recorder and the City
Building and Housing Services Department or the City Engineer.
(5) Organization.
(a) The committee may elect from its membership a chairman,
a vice-chairman, a secretary who shall serve for a term of
one year each and who shall be eligible for reelection. The
chairman shall preside over the committee and shall have the
right to vote. In the absence or disability of the chairman,
the vice-chairman shall perform the duties of the chairman.
(b) The resident and/or landowner members shall only vote
on those matters which concern the historical district they
(c) Two-thirds of the members of the committee shall consti-
tute a quorum and committee action shall require approval by
at least a majority of the members at a meeting at which a
quorum is present.
(d) The committee shall adopt rules for the transaction of
its business and consideration of applications not inconsis-
tent herewith which shall provide for the time and place of
regular meetings and for the calling of special meetings. All
meetings of the committee shall be open to the public and a
public record shall be kept of the committee's resolutions,
proceedings and actions.
(6) Meetings. The committee shall hold regular meetings,
at least monthly, to review applications for certificates of
appropriateness. At least five days notice of the time and place
of any meeting, regular or otherwise, together with items to be
considered at the meeting, shall be given as follows:
(a) In writing to any applicant whose application is to
be considered; and
(b) In writing to all persons or organizations who have
filed an annual written request for such notices and have
paid en annual fee, not to exceed twenty-five dollars to
cover the costs involved.
"Sec. 51-32-6. Permit approval or denial by Planning. A
building permit to demolish, move, materially change the exterior
appearance, by additions, reconstruction or alteration of a build-
ing or structure located within an historic district or landmark
site, or to construct a new building or structure within an historic
district shall not be issued without review by Planning consistent
herewith, and Planning shall have power to approve or deny issuing
such permit, subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth.
"Sec. 51-32-7. Planning action upon application for permit
within five months. Planning shall approve or deny such an
application within five months of receipt of the application.
If Planning approves the application, the application shall be
processed in the same manner as all other applications for build-
ing or demolition permits. If the committee disapproves the appli-
cation, the committee shall state its reasons in writing and a
permit shall not be issued at that time. The foregoing to the
contrary notwithstanding unless the owner of the property agrees
to an extension of time beyond said five months or unless means
acceptable to the owner have been found to preserve the structure,
or eminent domain proceedings have commenced, Planning shall,
upon the passage of five months from date of application, approve
the application provided the work proposed to be done meets all
other requirements of city and state law for issuance of such a
"Sec. 51-32-8. Development standards.
(1) In passing upon an application to demolish, or demolish
in part, or remove, or alter the exterior architectural appear-
ance of any existing building or structure located within any
historic district or landmark site, Planning shall consider,
among other things, the historic, architectural and aesthetic
features of such structure, the nature and character of the
surrounding area, the use of such structure, and its importance
to the city, and the feasibility and desirability of preserva-
(2) Whenever Planning disapproves or fails to approve an appli-
cation for a permit to demolish a building or structure located
with an historic district or landmark site, Planning must determine
that the building or structure is historically or architecturally
significant and that preservation is feasible and desirable.
Following its disapproval of an application for a permit to
demolish a building or structure, Planning shall take or en-
courage the taking of whatever steps seem likely to lead to such
(3) In passing upon an application for construction of
new buildings or structures in an historic district, Planning
shall consider whether the proposed building or structure will
be visually compatible with buildings and places to which it
will be visually related, and will also consider the following:
(a) Height. The height of the building shall be visually
compatible with adjacent buildings.
(b) Proportion of the building's front facade. The
relationship of the width of a building to the height of the
front elevation shall be visually compatible to buildings
and places to which it is visually related.
(c) Proportion of opening within the facility. The
relationship of the width of the windows to height of windows
in a building shall be visually compatible with buildings and
places to which it is visually related.
(d) Rhythm of solids to voids in front facades. The
relationship of solids to voids in the front facade of a
building shall be visually compatible with buildings and
places to which it is visually related.
(e) Rhythm of spacing of buildings on streets. The rela-
tionship of a building to open space between it and adjoining
buildings shall be visually compatible with buildings and
places to which it is visually related.
(f) Scale of a building. The size of a building, the
building mass of a proposed building in relation to open
spaces, the windows, door openings, porches and balconies
shall be visually compatible with the buildings and places to
which it is visually related.
(g) Directional expression of front elevation. A building
shall be visually compatible with buildings and places to
which it is visually related in its directional character,
whether this be vertical character, horizontal character or
other directional character.
(h) Off-street parking is required subject to Section
51-9-1 through 51-9-4. Location and type of off-street
parking lot are subject to Planning approval.
"Sec. 51-32-9. Maintenance of consistent policies. In order
to provide guidance and insight into the goals and objectives
for historic districts and landmark sites and for the maintenance
of consistent policies, Planning shall maintain a file containing
records of all applications brought before it for review, action
taken, drawings submitted and amendments of drawings pertaining
"Sec. 51-32-10. Structure defined. For the purpose of this
ordinance, "structure" shall include all buildings, walls, fences,
signs, utility fixtures, steps, or appurtenant elements thereof.
"Sec. 51-32-11. Appeal of Planning decision. Any person
aggrieved by any decision of Planning may appeal that decision to
the Board of City Commissioners; provided, petition for such
appeal is presented to the Board of City Commissioners within
thirty days after the filing of Planning's final decision.
"Sec. 51-32-12. Hazardous structures; ordinary maintenance
and repair. This ordinance shall not prohibit the razing of
structures which pose an immediate hazard to human health and
safety, nor preclude ordinary maintenance and repair not otherwise
subject to building department regulation. It is the intent of
this section to preserve from deliberate acts and deliberate or
inadvertent neglect, structures within landmark sites and historic
"Sec. 51-32-13. Severability. If any section of this ordinance
or part thereof shall be found to be unconstitutional or invalid,
such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of the ordinance."
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 7th day of April , 1976.
BILL NO, 49 of 1976
Published April 14, 1976
<as la'.au.V LL 4./1 ,L LLGJ111,0.(,1V11
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING-title SI by adding a new
Chapter'32 to Mo Revised Ordinances et Salt Lake City,Utah, Sharon Payne
196S relating to preservation and protection of historic and y
rchiroctu th led ho ant districts and sties.
Ee II erJahicd br ion board of Commissioners of Salt take
SECTION I.That Title 51 ofe de Revised add a new des of Sal!
Lake City,Vpre preset- nand protection
to Ilan ao�eh storic a� Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
ra l
r oNslnrnSvrrsnificantdistrit,.andsiteswhichshallreadas tisi.ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
HISTORIC DI SI RKY6 NO LAN(SMARR SITES newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
41=22 Purpose. culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
5,-32-2.Historic districts and landmark sites"
Si 323, Designation of additional landmark sites and County,in the State of Utah.
additional historic districts,
51.32,Relationship to zoning districts.
51.32-S.Historical Landmark Committee.
51-32-a.Planit ning actiondenial upplanning.pt That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
51 3rd Planning dentin upon appll[otlon for per,nit within
five morn hs.
sl-:f2"fl.Deselopmenl standards. . ..
SI 32-9.Maintenance of consistent policies. Pub an ordinance
rdince relatingtopreservation and
31,2-10-Structule defined.,
5`"32Y1.APpeal of planning decision. ----
51 32"12.Hazer dons structures:ordinary maintenance sod
'5,3als severantdo. protection of historic and architecurally sites etc
• p.Sec.51,52-I.Pm pose.'fhls chapter lsenaclad and intended __
•tor Me p of ore lunypreservingis ounainys and ista•ea
of historic and archtecsural significance In districts
and csites pbeing a the city's mostimportant cultural,
deducational and economic assets,and s ai t he character of the
istricts andandarmt k sites will not be i through
expansion changerm
of commercial or other activity in the city,
and so that said districts and sites will be preserved for the use,
observation,education,pleasure and general welfare of the
present and future Inhabitants°,Salt Lake
"Set"51.32-2 t Historic districts and landmark sues.
(I i line South Temple Historic f beginning
shall mean that area
on both sides of South Temple Street beginning at the Intersection
of South Temple Street and hird East on the south side and the
inter sectionthence of South Temple Street and'A°Street on the north
side,!hence ea St to the intersection of South Tempo,Street and
Virginia Street is hereby declared an Historic District.
National Relnislte9er/pf Historical Placen Sall s or the City
Utah Statea Regisd on ter
'of was published in said newspaper.on
'of Historical Sfts:as Of the effective date or this chapter are
hereby dec'arcd to be a Landmark SI)o.
sec.51-32-3.Dation of additional landmark sites one,/ April 14, 1976
additionaadditional onal historic districts.The City's Ploiming and Zoning 1
lansslon,hereinafter Planning,may reem nd come additional
dmark sites and historic districts.Prior to the designation of
such additional landmark sites or historical districts,the City
Commission shall hold a public earing,notice of which sh.rll n
published in newspaper of general circulation and mailed to ----" "'-
owners of the prpery proposed to be so designated at least five,
but not more then,item days,p o the date of tee hearing.
Following recommendation by Planning and approval by the
City C Ice of•the designation shall be Icd
o 1 Commission.
r ,appear Iy h ref rom tea together I e Legal'Advertising Clerk
f thischapter, tilt appeals theorem may he day t the
Y Commissionicsent,
t, ant which
or not more inns istan days loom
,date notice is sent,alter which Inc City Commission's decision I
,half Se tins..
ark sit Relationship to zoning ell provided
The reinfor
zones and landmark sites o regulations i fe p tj o preserve
servin for
wither taster,
districtsOr or sites aretu bate w to✓reserve ldana,
otrprotect the hisl Or monuments,sfretscane wprioY nuirhoos,
the hi,sties, . Ia oning s[apes,and neighborhoods within the
I the historic area. It all zoning districts lying wine,the
for both the zoning district or
historic site, ore me this. Z3xd _._ day of
,xiici„ark sire snag rosily-whenever More Is a conflict between
the regulations or me zoning district and the regulations of sirs
r.Mein°,re srrictive snail apply. _ A.D. 19_Jb.__.
z regulations salt be considered n rnhhim.;m-
slandards. Planning may. subi act taopea to tho Ci1v
Commission,rmoese such other conditions n tic deerned
secessary t t l h' f n. c district r
.lied Se '.5 2) tR Idle. s / f
oil Cs ti .H a II"i "Tamark h City c m ay \ is s i- ��-�_,!C-��:- =� ems_._:__-._.
est ab Is and nor terminate an historical landmark committee.,
hereinafter Committee,which may advise Planning in matters NotaryPublic
°historic districts and landmarks,however all final
regardingdecisions the Sderle
hall Ire made by Planning-Said
comittee ohall be,appointed by the mayor with approval of ins
Boa,of City Cummlasionars and each person serv'rg thereon
gal city,and,wit:the a of to
,Mrs of the Cdr Planning and Zoning Commission or o,Its
i'stab f, shall hold no other otfk:e of prom untie! the city
other r are w led spat°,lice[ ed wph
°ride svia c n ter eld rrynen nh on sudmitted mayor
request a consider racong loci anus s organizations(
by and
s Inners from Ilse l the Lim Society,or organizations:
fad One mother Chapter),
the Utah Soc ioiY,American Institute
of Architects(Umh Chapter):
lc,Ono member from me historical tage lofthecity;
(cl Ono member from o me bee Heritage Foundation.of
property in eac No h area two
as n who
mdstrici of or own
-op`e,Two members may be citizens at barge:
(ti Planning Director and a member of the Planning
commission or and
1 e members.
tarn-.-compensation.The term 1 the
n Mee members.oxnot for.nose designated in subsection
however,t may be far n more(Fan three Veers provided,
however, Iltc-forms°tome first eyear,(2 meo bestirs be
s'°t ors I11 two members -one veer:121 two members may be
'we years:f tit tree rwilt members-p three years.Vacancies may be
Cale° iss tie mayor itr approval of me Board of Crn or tor.
loll term
as Illeb.ase(nay re.hlMembers of theor ary ect committee shad
arm serve such without comnensahon"
(IP Jurisdiction. The committee's iurisdlctlon shall be
limited to histerlc districts and landmark Sites.The committee
shall be concerned my with those elements of development,
redevelopment,rehabilitation andeor preservation that affect
,visual quality of the hi:tonc district or landmarksife.It shall rot
consider di ail. design, interiorg l or holding
subject t hob!, leo M.!I iany
onlminnnt for the purpose of pen✓eah,development or
sistent with the standard;ext forth in Spsticn von.,.l n_reofca
Ill Lief of historical buildings to be made and lg..The
committee may be 'sled to make a lint of all existing oprlatetlass.At least live ears notice of the time and place.,
buildings in the city requested
it deems to be of historic interest meeting,regular or otherwise,together with items to 0e
because of architecture,period of construction.persons ho its pled at the meeting,shall be given as follows:
have resided orevent:which have occurred therein,or torOther considered
a I I silting to any applicant whose apptleatlon Is to be
appropriate historic reasons.Such a list shall briefly describe ntl
each building,the date of its co traction,as nearly as can be considered;(bl In writing to all persons or n OutI organizations who have filed
ascertain.,the reasons for including It in the list and the name in written r t for such }lees d have Id an
ad address of its present owner as shown on the records of the an annual
a er.uest for suflip dollars to h cover the costs
County Recorder of Sall Lake County.The committee shall fileannual
a list and subsequent amendments,or additions thereto which involved"sac.51-T1d Permit vat or dental by Planning.A
pv he made from time to lime.with Planning.However,with bulltling permit 0 rmit a5hroveve, e00110 fly change iho
re and to any such list approved or mode by Planning,a COPY exterior appearance,de olishon move,
matey historic
change of
andotsing be vices gnarl City Recorder 0100ndng)001)Building a building r structure located within n historic district or
and Housing Services Deuarhnent or the City Engineer. andmark site,or to construct a new building or structure within
(a) Ia Organization. an historic district shall not be Issued without review by Planning
lot Iha rom may elect from who
membership a nslslenf herewith,and Planning shall have power to approve or
term oft, a vice-chairman.00000) a u secretary who shoo serve fora deny h such permit,sub)act to the provlslans hereinafter
term of rye n ar each and who shall o eligible end s a shall
have set forth.0)
The right
te.In nesrse over the committee and snail have Sec.51.32-1 Planning action upon application for permit
hlc right p vote.In the form thor tiebill disability of hMe air airman,the adore,.vi c-chalnnansden perforhntndowner of Me members
within flue ins.Planning shalllec a deny such a U
c(o]the resident which
c ncern the members shall only vote Planning
nap tooveshin me manner as
the opplicationCshall l be
on tesea millers which concern the historical district may Proc sse p lire ma ne ed the all ocher applications for
e Iwv,ihirds of the members of the committee shall processed
or in
hermits.If the committee�Isepproves the
urn and committee action shall require approval application,the committee shall state its reasons in writing anda
constitutmolorily of the members at a meal,.al which o mil shall t be issued of that nra)e.The foregoing to the
notwithstanding unless the owner of tits property agrees
by of Inset ab c
moor Tse committee io an xtension of lime beyond said five months or unless means
lei) 1 nid shall adopt pplic for the al inconsistent
.tint a ciptable to the owner have been found to preserve he
herewith wa.l consideration provide.
tape meant not 0 o negular iradure, r eminent domain proceedings have commenced,
herewith o which shall cprovid0 for the time and place meetings
of Manning shall,apart the passage of five Months thorn date of
,u for all be own
of special meetings 000 Al)meet lneccoof ppllcation,approve the application provided.the work a low proposed
nmept shall be.Open ee the sot he and a ce di record fo be dune meets all other moulremente of city and state law for
sttail e c .kohl of the committee's resolutions.proceedings'and a cp of such a permit.
actions. leau"sac.51-32-8.Development standards.
Mc.tlnU!.. mml a:l h.ltl regular meetings,at Ill In passing upon all application to demolish,or dental].in
leas inuring,, to review anpllp'allnrls IOt certificates of part,or remove,OraItel'the exterior archltectLral appearance of
existing buildingstructure located within any historic
or landmark site, lanning shall consider,among other
thing0,the historic,architectural and aesthetic features of such
she eN se,use of hatrature ucture,na character its port nca surrounding
thedcity,and the
feasibility end desirability of preservation. a f
(2)Whenever Planning disapproves or falls to approve an
ousted ion far arm It o tle r god a bulltling gin Ing ust
.cared with ark kith building
dlstrlct or landmark site,planning must
determinerehit t that he significant an stp000to is his feasible o
erdrlable. ally wigIts and prof preservation is feasible and
desirable.e m lisp a Its disapproval of application for a
permit to demolish
taking building atever scture,Planning teps seem likely to read to
ake or
such preservation.
o w s o
3) n passing port n application tor constructloI of new
buildings o structures to anephisroric district,Planning shall
rsslatlor lly omepatible vl l the llrbolldings and placoes structure
It w111 be
visu11 be
vls a IIY related,and will also consider the following'.
(a)Helghi. The height of the building shell be vlslally
tibie with odlatent WIld1119,con fb)Proportion of tea building's front facade The relaflon-
shln of the width of a building to the height of the Irons elevation
shall he visually compatible to buildings and places to which It is
ally related
kJ Proportion of opening within the feel Illy.The relationship
of shallo width of be visually hcwlpatiibleewith buildings and places to wu to height of windows in a tl h ich II
is visually related.o Th
Id/ Rhythmof s f solids to Ids In bent facades.bu e
relationship or solids to holds In ma front facadeplaces
of which shall be visually compatible with bullCings and pieces to whlch'rt
.ally related.
s rot Rp ofa O of buildings n streets, The
shall he visual/1/o open carry,babbleewithuildings and plac it and es
t o wh ich It is visually related.If Scahe of a but lama.The size of a building,the building
of proposed building In relation too he
be cis
compatible l0R dOor the 000liding0tes and pa balconies laces to which ll it be
compaltibleression of with bolldl0us and places evation..A building
IwdhichslaiiZ. s
visually related in Its directional character,Whether this be
vertical character,horizontal character or other directional
through 51-9sir Locaegal flonl and type of o is required ff-street pct arking plot are
subject to Planning approval.
Sec.51-32.9.Maintenance of consistent policies.In order to
guidance d Insight Into the goals and objectives tar
provide historic districts and landmark sites and for the maintenance of
consistent policies,Planning shall maintain rile conteinlrw
ords of all applicationsv brought before it for review,action
taken, drawings submitted and a endments of drawings
pertaining thereto. u m
Sec.51.32-10.Structure defined.For the purpose f this
ordinance,"structure"snail Include all buildings,wails.tents,
Signs,utility fixtures,steps,CO appurtenant elements thereof.
"Sec. 51.32.11 Appeal of Planning decision Any person
ved by anv decision of Planning may appeal that decision
to theeBoard of City commissioners;pros(idea,petition for son))
anted to the Board of city Commissioners within
thirty ec 0)fierMe tilt.son of Planning's noel decision.
'Sec..51-3nl12.Hazardous structures:ordinary maintenance
and repair.This ordinance shall not prohibit the razing of
es which pose an Immediate hazard to human health and
safety, n rxl ae ordinary maintenance and r not
apt 1.
otherwise his se ate Cut preserve
erver troth deliberate
n Is the
df ant a this section nt n sera troth aril within actsand
saes and or 00015trienl neglect,structures within landmark
sites and historic.Seveea.
"Sec. reef h Sever ability.If any sachet this ordinance
art cheroot hall Co found to Covalidity
ofunconstitutional re Invalid.
such its decision shall her anecr me valmnv or the remaining
h d by the
'bussed by y Board or Comn,l sslon.rs of son Lake City,
u Stan,this)ill day of April,1976, TEC t..WILSON
City Necorder
BILL NV 1v0f1976
Published Aprl 11,1,OM 1 U-s])