5 of 1903 - Ordinance 5 of 1903 – Limiting height of fences and similar structures. AN ORDI NA „ . . An ordinance limiting the height of fences, walls and other similar structures, and repealing inconsistent ordinances. Be it orakkmod by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to eriet or maintain within the limits of Salt Lake City any fenoe, wall or other similar structure at a greater height than seven (7) feet, provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to affect or apply to existing stone, concrete, adobe or brick walls, to bill beards standing upon vacant ground, or to structures constructed principally of wire or wire netting; and Rr•rided further that fences enclosing public parks or amusekent grounds, or yards used for the storage of lumber or Deal may be erected or maintained at a height S set greater than eight (3) feet. SECTION 2. It is hereby made the duty of the Building Inspect- or of said City to notify any person, firm or corporation who has heretofore erected or who is maintaining any fenoe, wall or other similar structure prohibited by this ordinance, to remove or to so alter the same as to bring it within the provisions of this ordi- nance within twenty (20) days after receiving such notice. If such person, firm or corporation shall fail to comply with the terms of such notice, the said Building Inspector shall cause such fence, wall or other hailer structure to be removed, and the expense there- of shall be paid by such person, firm or corporation so notified. SECTION 3. All fences, walls and other similar structures,the erection or maintenance of which is by this ordinance prohibited, are hereby declared to be a nuisance, unsafe and a menace to the community, and a hindrance to the proper performance by the Fire Department of said City of its duties. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine •Cu in any sum not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not to exceed one hundred (100) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SNCTION 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and particularly an ordinance "prescribing the height of tenses within a distance of less than ten (10) feet from the side- . walk line", pasded by the City Council October 2nd, 1894, and ,approve$ by the Mayor October 4th, 18Sf4, are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Q_.t t1—V XI ( _. The anave ordinance havin�e been raf;rre7 to the „f -or for his anarovaf on January 20th, 'i'9(3, and he having fair to approve or disapprove of ft with- in the Statutory tdee. five days, the - a it cane lie fuH force and effect. ttp Record- r. P • tea_ 'td To ,+taFtio a (OO.00.t*) balbaad Nq aaaM.ome tea MVO Nam al Drib (OW lisp ant b..exe s1 sae tta'a; 010 ada at tarawssttod .lasomoroptt irut sit dtri'rued 1046 **those .t Sisilliileti 11► s M SIONNOIRO L Al WPM !s Matta odit.lpentoilotir 400.0tirte :. tun, -af►:. nett , 'tc ) iMN s. tpe *al •at . ice. *-0, >f « a , *" • ,dlb t a tit - �\ • c A re famous* err +st lom 1 *AI e# teNeetee reed *river meotalbet @moos edc elfr it fie evefesssft it @velars 93 telisfi erfvsd col trs .I<®PI .st©e vrserat .itttfie tr, peed' fiat rf emoted ens, art .evsb evil .sett 'nettles*" ev4t e! .leteso oil! 'tt