5 of 1912 - Abolishing office of Land & Water commissioner. Date ) / Subject Ct - VOTING AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE KEYSER - - V- KORNS - - - LAWRENCE - - V# MORRIS - - iol MR. PRESIDENT Action Referred to the Commissioner of AN ORDINANCB An ordinance abolishing the office of Land and Water Commis- sioner, and transferring the powers and duties of the Land and Water Commissioner to the Superintendent of the Department 'o'R Water Supply and Water Works. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: BSCTION 1. That the office of Land and Water Qelmiias.,pner be and the same is hereby abolished. SECTION 2. That all the duties heretofore sm,oi* Yi the Land and Water Commissioner by law or ordinance ail .albal%keriOitter be performed by the $upe^rittenfitnt of the Department of WM$er 4ply and Water Works, and all pones heretofore given to the LanOnd Water Commissioner by law or ordinance, shall hereafter be exercis:d by the said Superintendent of the Department of Water Supply and Water Works. SECTION 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such con- flict. SBCTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,. tah, ! January 9, 1912. City Recorder. M ay o r . �� �'.� , •;_:.•‘• gOIARIgn0 IstAg bmsAboo.T. to oefelo set asidolloda esomalE/o AA oaf' to sotto* Sao owlet ea gakirsoloaret begs ,tonoto ,Tntny: 44,sog .it to toeSsetatoowS vat ot /orto/sofmmog 1E4AV .olsolf veto, boa xivia4 trot to rolootosAmooDIa 4boalakma 34 eit titan .04;1'7 "Sof foe Mood to :LT /fLot tr4 1 IOSTOSS zsb r at salsa edit Bea 1. F , t-011, oolnoi mats% 4 Irlijk w oN 01: .110101TOR4 t seassift• vs ss4 ,I9 eolnlyesse slift to el/ xd heandtlogi. o , 5 soregmts egeo•ved tr. oolve, Tatar/ bee od / tles.ed Sim" oressitato to I d veseteatmOo0 Teta P.10 7IxquE /etaIstweemPoosee odd lo tooDestitty4loS bias DOS V . *TOW lot4V .,nom4mitTo to ogvoit bno aeosantb,o Ira tAAT .g 7101MP • Aora to telotwat met ot gogOogov xdots0 eta dttworopst totrtmoo .tont •-t.t nogg tootle fialo ons/ntleto std? 4 SOIlORS .settattrdeit .:!'-7!leme,x110 eiptZ tree To evemotestarchl to bloog oat 'Id twoosii. .Sfitt .1 Ineossi. , ••1'7' otiree:Or ttlet z=•-•