5 of 1936 - Amending Section 1306, relating to Taxicabs . ROLL CALL Via" - VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, 193 Coggin I' I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Lee Mr. Chairman • - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE WENDING SECTION 1306 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on May 1, 1934, relating to taxicabs. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1306 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on May 1, 1934, relating to taxicabs, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1306. Before any taxicab license is issued the owner shall file with the Board of Commissioners a true financial statement verified by him, showing that he has as- sets subject to execution of the reasonable value in excess of his liabilities as follows: For less than ten taxicabs li- censed or to be licensed assets shall be $5,000.00 in excess of liabilities; for ten and less than fifteen taxicabs licensed or to be licensed assets shall be $7,500.00 in excess of lia- bilities; for fifteen or more taxicabs licensed or to be li- censed assets shall be $10,000.00 in excess of liabilities. Said statement shall disclose such information and shall be upon such form as shall be required by the Board of Commission- ers, and shall be referred by said Board to the City Treasurer and City Auditor, and to such other competent person skilled in auditing and accounting as the Board of Commissioners may determine, for examination and report. Upon the receipt of such report or reports, if said statement has been approved, the Board of Commissioners shall authorize the issuance or rejection 5 -2- of a taxicab license or licenses to said owner, or take such other action with reference thereto as said Board deems pro- per. Financial statements shall be filed annually and may be required by and shall be submitted to the Board of Commission,- II ers by any owner from time to time as may be directed by said Board when special circumstances arise. At.t@:e time of fil- rl '�' ing any statement said owner shall pay to the City Treasurer a filing fee in the sum of $10.00; provided that in lieu of 1 such financial statement the owner may file with the Board of EI Commissioners, and thereafter shall keep in full force and effect a policy of insurance executed by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Utah and approved by the Board of Commissioners insuring any person against loss or damage to his person that may result to him or his heirs from the negligent operation of any taxicab operated by or o behalf of said owner. The amount of such policy to be not less than the following sums: For injury to one person, or the death of any one person in and one accident, $1,000.00; and for the injury to more than one person, or the death of more than one person in any one accident, $1,000.00; provided, how- ever, that in lieu of said financial statement or policy of insurance any owner may file with the Board of Commissioners and thereafter shall keep the same in full force and effect a surety bond in such form as the Board of Commissioners may deem proper, executed by a responsible and solvent surety company authorized to do a surety business under the laws of the State of Utah, which bond shall be conditioned that the owner will pay all final judgments rendered against him for damages on account of injuries to any person by reason of the '' operation of any taxicab, which bond shall be in the sum of I $1,000 for the operation of one taxicab, and shall be increas d $1,000.00 for each additional taxicab operated; or in lieu thereof bond of the same amount and effect as that requuired if executed by a corporate surety executed by two good and sufficient individual sureties, each of whom shall be and red irL 1 I II -3- I I I and whenever required by the City Auditor shall take oath and Isatisfy him that he is the owner of property in the State of I Utah not exempt from execution of the value of not less than I III $1,000.00. Said bond if not executed by a corporate surety I! I qualified as aforesaid shall be approved by the City Auditor it and the person filing the same shall pay to the Cty Treasurer 1 a filing fee in the sum of $10.00. Each policy of insurance or bond, shall contain a provisio4 for cow t cuing liability:thereu'hdex uptiAo the fw f xti amount o vhe penalty thereof notwithst's ndi�ag any'"'reopyery. ,�.. IA thereon It �bhall fpe unlawful foi any owne1 to Q erate"or • f cause to .Ine operat&1 any taxicab wi out haying o file.;ax3„�, x; Y 1 approved ;,finanbial,,SIatement in goo&standiviii or'` . ppiicy ,,,, of insurance or bp Was described .n thisthis,4*iitionAin full I force and effect atall times during the operation of such 1 taxicab. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, I I it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediate- 1 li ly. II SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its ? first publication. 1 . 9,Z/Z‘r Passed by the Board of Commission@xf \a t fake City, Utah, this /8 d'ay of February, A. D. 1936. I� /, II CitO order. ____ . II II II I II I I . _5 , CR -1� c ,, B C 1 /2„...t.,,I. • pi4i ®to tM td.of alliilliille and 4.4-4.►., it-aw,i, FEB 1#1936 , 1 ,1 G frearigd tothe Board of COMMINIonN: ARID Passer) n- FE is i 8193E First P m - , Ak. cm wECONorw ANusurNANto, AN ORDINANCE .AMENDINO SECTION 1308 of the'ReviBed Ordi- nances of Baltlake Qty,MO,1934, amended by an ordinance'passed by-the'Board of Commissioners on ' May 1,1934,relating to taxicabs. Be it ordained by the Board oe . Commissioners of Salt-Lake City, Utah: -SECTION 1. That Section 130E Of the Revised Ordinances of Salt', ' Lake City, Utah,.1934, as amended' by an ordinance passed by the Board r s elating to taxicabs,be andsioners on May the same is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: SECTION 1308.. Berate'any taxi- Cab by-hie yi& i s the owners �o®� of Publication mmission•ent veri- rs has as- f the rea- f Ma lla b111tces as follows:For-less-than ten taxicabs licensed or to be licensed 11j1111j 1j111I1I assets shall be an.00.in excess liabilities;for tenen and less than Ili(- .teen taxicabs licensed per to be D. ceased,-assets shall be.$7,500.00 excess f liabilities: for fifteen or or OF AMERICA' more taxicabs licensed or to be li- censed assets shall be$10000.0-in 55. excess of liabilities: Oat&'stt shall disclose such Informationion and shall be upon such form as shall be Le.- requlred by the Board of Commis- toners,at l be referred by said Board to'thea Cif Ctty Treasurer and City- Auditor,'and to such other compe- tent p reon skilled in auditing and accounting es the:Board of Com- missioners may determine,for exam- Motion-and report.Upon the if receipt H. P. THOMPSON statement such hors r reports,- d sale 1 being first duly card of has been approval, the Board of issuance ore rejection au- a t taxicab the fence or i0or nsescto of a taxicab lftakee or]icemen to said owhwithere or terence thereto as said action sworn, depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE deems proper.Financialstatements shall be filed annually and may be general by and shall be submitted er TELEGRAM, a newspaper a of circulation, published every day to the Board of.Commissioners by any owner from 8 time oil time as may at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. be directed to said Board when time eel ling circumstances staarisetement said the ownerr of.flu pa any the Treasurer shall pay to leis sumcity $0.00; a filing fee in the of$to.9o;Pro- AN ORDINANCE BILL NO. 5. ,vtded that in lieu of such financial statement the owner may file with That the notice t the Board of Commissioners, and thereafter shall keep In full force and effect a policy usin ofe a compae ny SALT LAKE CITY.C.QRPORATION exe- cuted by n Insurance i omDaat li- censed to do pproved b tth State of oftah and Commissioners insuring any he oard - son against lossrson.ty or damage to his or Ms hfllrshat from the negligentresult tohopera- tion of any taxicab operated by or on behalf of said owner. The amount of such policy to be not less thanthe following rsonnogr tome death of any o to „one sop.to any one accident, $1,0 00; and for the injury to more than e Person,or the death ofmore than,one.person in any one eclat- of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- dent, $1,000.00; Provided, however, that in lieu of said financial state- owne wrypolicy i of Ih the any paper in its issue dated the ..19•th day of ,.Ti ebruary.•• 19...36 owner may file with the Board t keep thel same andthereafter shall keep the acme in fulln su airs as feet a a surety bond in such form as the'Hoard f executed ya Commissioners may ' deem ana esolevea ntew by a mae�ny and was published in each daily issue of saidnewspaper, on under teed to do surety su tat o Utah,ness'oned February 19th. under the laws of the elate of Utah, for which bond shall l be,c all that the owner will pay ah final age renderedcc againstn him for . 1 ay-pdamages on account of injuries to; any person at reason bond shah' thereafter, the full period of ..QL1e,.iris ert10A. t e i of any taxicab,. i be tl n sum of a ,0a for n obe ercreas ofone taxicab,and shall i ti - tionalaed$1,0taxicab .00 far each lieu • there tbondb tithe s: e m net the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..a,gtil thereof bond of the same amount and effect that required lt,exe- cuted by a corporate surety executed February by two good eand ach ofwhomt shall'individ- ualD.sureties, day and the ty and whenever th of by a CityAuditor he shall take oath d satisfy him that he is the owner'Utah r` of Dexparty,in the State of'Utah not exempt lees execution 0. the Value of not lees need.$1,000.00,y a �d ate a puked".so to surety qualified by -atyrAudi- 20th shell be approved athe City th ,some nor and the person Hung e a Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Yung fee in the tsum of Treasurer0.00. Each policy of insurance or bond a • shall contain provision for con- ' February A. IJy�19. .. timing liability thereunder up to \\ the full amount of the penalty thereof notwithstanding any recov- .. cry thereon. It shall be unlawful / for any owner to operate or cause /� //n� A to be operated any taxicab without -/ - vV'4 having on file an aDprgved financial C• statement to goad standing, or acNotary Public. policy of insurance or bond as de- ibed in this section.in full force and operatlontoftsurl chtimes taxtcab.`rng the SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Mycommission expire -Z''/ 7• Board of Commissioners,1t(s necety s�einha the bitants of Salt eace,health a Lake nd City that the ordinance shall take effect Advertising fee, $ • immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. • Passed by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City,Xtah.this {.� 18h day of FE.B.ERWIN.Mayor. (� Ethel Macdonald,City Recorder. (SEAL) BILL NO.5, . Published February 19,193a,- Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram County Entry No.