5 of 1940 - Amending section 161, revised Ordinance 1934, regulating fumigators. ROLL CALL / i , 15 19"s' 193
Salt Lake City,Utah,
Goggin - - - - _IJ I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson _ \
Murdock - - - -
Mr.Chairman - - - / AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDIiG SECTION 161 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on September 27, 1N9,
relating to the Board of Health.
Be it ordained ty the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. 'That Section 161 of the ievisea Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance :.assed ty the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on September 27, 1939, re-
lating to the Board of Health, be and the same is hereby emended to
read as follows:
SEC. 161. FUMIGATOR. (a) it shall be unlawful for any
person to engage in the business of a fumir<ator in Salt Lake City
without first obtaining a license so to do.
(b) For the purpose of this ordinange a "fumis:a.tor"
shall be deemed to be any person v,ho uses hydrocyanic acid gas,
cyanogen, chloropiCein, or any other poisonous, noxious or dan-
gerous gases or fumes, specified by the City Board. of Health as
liable to affect human beings by causing severe sickness or death,
for the extermination of household insects, vermin or rodents.
(c) 'Every person desiring a license to enl-,ec.e in the
business of a fumigator shall make application to the license
assessor and collector and shall with his application file a
sworn statement showing the experience and training tending. to
qualify the applicant for the business of fum,ivating with hydro-
cyanic acid gas end other dangerous and noxious gases.
(d),The application for such license, together with the
statement of the applicant shall ty the license assessor and col-
lector be immediately referred to the Health Commissioner
for inspection and report. The health Commissioner or his
deputy shall within five days of receiving such application
make report to the board of Commissioners as to the fitness,
qualification and responsibility of the applicant to act as a
fumigator and as to his knowledge and experience of and with
poisonous or noxious gases, and shall also report on his
knowledge and familiarity with the rules and regulations pre-
scribed by the board of health governing the use of poisonous
and noxious Eases used for fumigating purposes, and the Health
Commissioner shall add his recommendations as to the granting
or denying said application. Upon receipt of said report the
Hoard of Commissioners shall act upon the application as it
shall deem fair, just and proper, in regard to the granting
or denying of the same.
(e) The license fee for engaging in the business of
a fumigator shall he yj25.00 per year or any part thereof.
(f) No person shall be engaged by said licensee to -
work at the occupation of an exterminator or fumigator, employ-}
ing the use of hydrocyanic acid gas or other dangerous gases
or fumes without first filing en application and statement of
experience and qualifications with, and receiving the approval
of, the Health Commissioner.
(g) It shall be the duty of every person licensed
under this ordinance, intending to generate or release hydro-
cyanic acid gas or other dangerous gases or fumes for fumigation
purposes, before starting such generation or release, to notify
the health department, giving the location of the building or
enclosed space to be fumigated, and to secure from the health
department a permit, which shall state the hour and day when
the work will be performed. Each application for such permit
shall be accompanied hp a fee of 1.00.
(h) The Balt Lake City Board of Health is hereby
authorized and directed to prescribe rules and regulations
governing fumigation procedure not in conflict with the provi7.
sions of this ordinance as it may deem necessary for the pro-
tection of life and public health.
(i) When hydrocyanic acid gases or other dangerous
gases or fumes are used for extermination purposes, the amount
of gas to be used and any type of warning gas to be mixed rith
the fumigant and the method of procedure shall be that pre-
scribed by the rules and regulations of the board of health.
(j) The Health Commissioner and his deputies are
hereby authorized and 'drected to enforce the provisions of
this ordina.nc. aria the 'rules and regulations prescribed under
• SECTION IL rTn,th.e Opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and 'safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City Giat this ordinance shall take, eftect imradiately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Cor. sioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this WI day of , i.L'. 1940.
Mayor. -_ —
51 City Recor er.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake (L
- -Lg4�4f94"f e— — Leo FLYoung
'dal of the Raveled .as amen f Salt Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
siooe City,
basteed by ire as
Septe miler
of Salt Lake City.on September r
27,,n1939,relating to the•Board of Health.' vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
Be it ordained by rho Board 01 Commie-
61SECTION rs of Salt
That Lake Sections 191 o1 the
Revised'Ordinances,of-Salt Lake City, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Utah, 1934, as amended by.an'ordinance'passed F
Salt Lake City, d ot September 27.eioners of 1939,,r, o[ Utah•
lating to the Board of Health, be and
,-the same'is hereby amended-to'read as
follows: 0r
unlawful 161.FUMIIGpTOR.(on Lao:It shall bre• That the advertisement ordinance• re lnt ing to
the business t fumigator in Salt Lake
City without obtaining a license fumigation (Salt Lake City Corooretinn) Bill No.5
(hi For the purpose of this ordinance!
a"fumigator"shall be deemed.to be-aurl
person who noes hydrocyanic acid Ids,
'cyanogen,Chloropicrin,or any other poieon-
tout or dangerous gases or fumes,
,specified by the City Board of Health as
liable to affect human beings by causing
severe sickness or death,for the extern-.
rMaiden of household insects, vermin or
-(el Every person desiring a license to
shallga in make the business
nto the licenses as.
and collector and .hall with hie was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
epolication file a statement show-
ins' 99tshow-
ins' the-experience and training tending,
m°a tm 0_-�pi�s h le.tor nhe p Jt°tes; 16th day of February A.D. 19 40
and other dangerous and r saute scene.
(di The lhDpheatrta for . h license,
together lth by the the a Bemes assessor
the and and was published 1.time
collectors bed immediately referred pecteto the
Health The eaioner for inspection and
report. The Health Commissioner or his
epute halt within five days of a the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Mg- eh appcation make report to°the
Board of Commieei°mere as to the fitness.
nualification and responsibility of the
with applicant to at as a noxiousf gases.ra shalld day of A.D. 19
to hie knowledge acd experience of nd!
•wetloi report oon ne his kwledge seed faimia •
ity with the rules and regulations pre-I'
scribed by the'board of health governing Used
u of poisonous and noxious a ideas A using Clerk.
d.for fumigating shall d d the
Health Commissioner hall in hie ray- _
onda aens at to the nraeceip or deny-
ing said application.Upon receipt of said
• net up the a Board of Commissionersnoshall dhall
faerulust on flan andapplication proDer, in ae it shalldeem
regard tothc
.Far LLrR ordenying of r the.same.
lot The li a,f fie tor•a a§ll be in-the
bunnies•of a fumigator thereof.r ehall bo b$5.00
(No pet on shall ngged,by said I before me this 29th day of
licenseeo to work et the.occupation f an
exterminator or fumigator,employing the
use,of hydtoejenln acid gap:o other dam- A.D. 19 40
•herons gases without ithout first filing
an application d statement f expert- j
enca and qualifications °
a receiver. /
theapproval s 4,the dutyHelth Commissioner.
en It shall be the duty'of every person
to'ge a rider this ordinance, intending
Loge rate or release sees nor:f acid s sae 1,� I
dr other depushes sae or:fumes for V\'L ��
fumigation pushes.,release a tasting \`'
ial generation t. vigis notify the N r Public.
health department,enclosed
s the location of - l�
the building or esed oath to home- (il The o here CO1t Ltiodr°.ed°ra ad dlrer�ra y
gated, d to msecure from the health de-
partment d Duties hereby ai
ur permit,which shall late the edito end Oh the Drovielona of flits ordi-
hour and dayEach
the w-or will be per- manta-and the else and re.uletione pr•
formed.Each application far-rticli permit eerlbed'under,ft.
shall be accompanied by a fee of 4L00. SECTION';2.'In the oiDainenaion of the Hoard
(hi ThoSalt Lake City Board f Health ee C e y t the
le hereby authorized and di eeted'to pre-
scribe p health e d afety of th p hi.tiles and regulations R erninR f Salt Like- CI7Y thel Liz MI"dose
fumigation procedure not 1 'conflict with ,shall take-ifle°t 4rdsvedtdter
th provisions of this d e it SECTION. t Tb1 r'd man hall,Seke
Y deem'necessary for theprotection of effort upon its ft t publics.
1 P d public health Pa tl bY.16 B bad 1 C oil °°ors
Hi when hydrocyanic aid gases or'nth- f Salt Lake_C ty Utah.�t. 15tk dray.01
er dangerousmazer'In s used for Bebniafy,A.U.1940. . AB did,uaN0
extermination purposes, the antount of - MM r.
rag te be tied d.any-type'ofvibrning ETHEL MACDONALD.
IOW to be fixed with the hall rit add (9EAL) ' City Beeorder.
the method of procedure'and
of that
pipe ibed-by'the. and regulations BILL Ned b• J'
of the-board of healthy Published February 10.
, I ,