5 of 1942 - Amending Section 846 of Chapter XXXVIII Revised Ordinance 1934 relating to Parks and Public Property KOLLCALL ( Ar-/e, A/Ay VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah, 1942 194 4/4e€ -A-ve I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson - - - 7Zaiesca _ Mr.Chairman - - - tet ORDINANCE :;11 im71C1, C. 1,i' 346 of Cia.: Dtcr Revisad ord:i nascniis o. filL Fa- rtob, , s 100(1 of by ; n :“0sr:1 of Co,,,,,lbssione:rs on J- 7, 1i-)77, rni• Li; - La ar.rty. Cc it oscii inad 0TC0L Co of ; ii Li City, Fit; ;o1C.11-, 1 . i',Act. ; cc' 7,-.1.; 8,2o -if c:1' ;Lon Fofflbl, "a.a/iscri Oro-in-races ol' nc; by en or— ice ainssc:aiLv :lib, Cc- rid of Co j iae .i-ir " rn1L,tIc. to aTone 111r; 100110 CC liLy, IC lI t ; iieefiid to tu-1 DL: IA'. 7-•••.f- "-harnmy erriat. 0 in tin- osa: strnnt ct •ib intl UiIIC: Yrot,c,-,-qy a aubor,-..L.n• taCe ^-f-', 'C,".1‘.411t ee the stir-di, s: 1,o Inct 00 c -Jo _Li t C. it City sinIC Lou ; COO TiFF lii. to Co it is •ry t0 Lin., 'an lii r• It o: tine II-in:Lit--lir ofLi.1..L sn• .e J,H "i ord ill. Tice et ,Dyse ucon Fs I ir:.t Int)] c: Lion. Cd( •I 00- d !C: ion :ss Ci L is:cc City, .D. -C1 ty Linco,:der • • • emoted to the Board of Cemmhdooel5 AND PASSED FEB^31942 AX,T444011 Orr',1fORD84 First Publication 1 rr 4/ 194alitetrititapp2�� ))nnjj t. YH ORDUtt Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake • Lao.H Young . .- AN.ORDINANCE • , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- '. 'MON 848 of'Chapter XXXVIII, Revised Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- - Ordinances of Salt Lgire City.Utah. 1934, • es mended by,an ordinance paroled by the Borygd bf'OommilielOnOra and public prope On a3GiriliT 7, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper 1937,relating to parks, r. . ,',. ft orane *the Board of Commis- ' loners ofdi Saltd Leila:City, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State . • . ".'9.bCp0b,j.._That Section.840 of Chao- , . ter XIIEVIII, Revined Ordinary.. of Salt . Iola•City,Utah, 1934,as amended by an of Utah. .,, •• „.... Ordinalre pageed by the 113.e.ard.ofCom- Inisatone.on January 7,1037,relating to . Parke and Dublin property, be and•the ' same-16 hereby amended to real all fol. • ' lowe: ' That the advertisement Ordinance relating to • SEC.846,SHADE TREE COMMISSION, . There ta hereby created in the department of parks and pnbilo property a intbordl• at department to be•known al the.ha.a. parks and pJblic property. • tree dePartment, the same to be under the direction of the Silt Lake City shade tree comtesion. ' SECTImON 2.-in the opinion of the Board S.L.C. Corp Bill i15 -.of Commissioners it is neceesary to the. Dear% health and safety of the inhabi.. tame pf Salt Lake City that this ordi- nance/Alp take effect immediately. SECB1oN 3. This ordmance shall take :effect a-t once upon it, first publica- .,Paasectly.the•Eoard of Conbnissioners was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the of Stilt Lai. Clig,• "Utah, tide Ord ..day 04 660bellary, A. %% .. . GUNS, 'I ETHEL MACDONALD, Mayor. 4tIa..day of Feb.ruary A.D. 19.4L... City Recorder. Bill No, 6. laribilabad Feb.4,1942. • • and was published Line..time the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the day of A.D.19 A rasing Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,F..i..1.th day of Febr.-d:Irry A.D. 19..4,2.. __— Notary u I' r-N - • • 14k 1:P 0 41"..,‘„. I 0 . 0 .- ,4'...' ” me' as. iv,.R ‘ I.,. 0 0 %? \