5 of 1944 - Amending Section 252x25 of Revised Ordinance of 1934, relating to milk and dairy inspection and ice ROLL CALL Frr3 • VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . Romney `r Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . r" AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 252x25 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 25, 1934; November 8, 1934; December 26, 1935; September 2, 1936; and March 24, 1943; relating to milk and dairy inspection and ice cream. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 252x25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on October 25, 1934; November 8, 1934; December 26, 1935; September 2, 1936; and March 24, 1943; relating to milk and dairy inspection and ice cream, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 252x25. FEES. All milk produced for use as or in market milk, market cream, ice cream, frozen milk and cream products by any milk producer, dairy or dairy farm regardless of grade, which is received by any milk distributor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler or processor possessing a permit from the Salt Lake City Board of Health, shall be sub- ject to a fee of one-eighth of a cent per gallon. Said fees shall be payable on or before the 20th day of each calendar month covering the amount of milk and cream delivered by each c producer, dairy or dairy farm during the preceding month. Said fees shall be collected from the milk producer, , dairy or dairy farm by the distributor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler or processor of such market milk and market cream or by the manufacturer of such ice cream or other fro- zen milk or cream products accordingly as one or the other 5 shall receive the same from the producer, dairy or dairy farm and shall be paid to the Board of Health for deposit with the treasurer of Salt Lake City; Provided, That if any such distribu- tor, milk plant, separator, handler, bottler, processor or manu- facturer shall receive due notice from any such producer, dairy or dairy farm to the effect that said producer, dairy or dairy farm refuses to pay said fee or to have the same deducted from ; monies due him from the sale of suc,ymillwasaid milk distributor, f, 4 milk plant, eparator5andler, Ifo er, cessor or manufacturer ' shall, withiA tTenty-fear hour4,0feePi4orof said notification advise the Deli a' He th in t ggaof 11 , action of said milk producer, da or'dai Ram 4flt t 6? Soa •yof Health shall, ra co co ,, the r i upon receiptc2 ai si wren no&ee' imme tely revoke permit of said producer, dal o*+g dairy f4. fit. SECTION 0. In t e,6pinion of„the Board of Commissioners, e it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of S Lake City, Utah, this R day of , A.D. 1944 t/ 1I) j i Gt / Deputy City Rec rder. tr; Proof of 1ixtiltratinn 33ntteb*trite of Amertru 1 STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN PHDINANcp M.CONNOR AN ORDINANCE AiS9PN111t]Ci SW' 'p1QN-`db 0t5.of the NA.oho Ordinances aAces eof d altordinancOiles ny. t tl- a;,..,,end a .of Commissioner fr f being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk Ptah on 00t9b 1934 e3J De0 .'- 4:1" . DM; oars r 1$p Milk an ; of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, : tho H.e la . It Lake Salt Lake County,State of Utah. city,FFtail , dod by di- n -ears 01 COmmta- stoners �•,' aloe City, Utah on October ''.• ; Novemer A Isa4; That the Notice —AN-ORDINANCE ecember 26, Mt: September s, Isa; and March 84, 1e43; relating to milk and dairy inspection and ice cream be , and the same are hereby amended to read as 0l'We: SEC 26245. Or All milk pro, , @need for use as s or in Market milk, market dream, toe am, frozen Milk.nod erearB gy or dairy by any , milk producer,onds or dairy farm regardless of grad which 13 e. r by any milk grade, milk plant,separator.handler,bottler or p e pbe Ci y a,permit from the a a be Lake ctty Board vY of one, shall be subject to a tee one. I e a cent pe ngaor b mold teas s be payable o. or bero[e the of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper shallpth day of eaoh calendar month covering the amount or out and cream delivered by each producer, in its issue dated the 15th deiry or dairy farm during the pre- ceding month, Sold Yeee shall be collected from the milk prndtroer, dairy or dairy farm by the distributor,milk plant, FEBRUARY19..44 separator,handler,bottler or proses- dayof.... , ---. eor Of such market milk and market cream or by the manufacturer of such ice cream or other frozen milk and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on • one or the other ehallo re eivey the e from the producer. dairy or dairy farm and Shall be paid to the FEB. 15th for Board of Health for deposit with the treasurer of Salt Lake City;Provided, That if any such distributor. milk Plaht, separator, handler, bottler, 1 TIME processor or manufacturer shall re- thereafter, the full period of dive due notice from ellY such pros effecducert bloat said pr roducer,dairyrm t oc dairy have the refuses a ducted from the last publication thereof monies due him from the sale of such milk, said mill, distributor, ilk plant,-separator.handler,bot- tler,processor or manufacturer shall, 15th o t inaid twenty-four enty-f ur as m of receipt being in the issue dated the day of ; of Health In Writing of the aetton of said milk producer, dairy or dairy Fes. A. D. 19..44_.. 1 farm and the Board o1 Health shall, pen receipt of such written notice. ' saki prodIree revoke the permit of. /y ,. sobs pproducer, they pi dairy farm. J (`✓ ,.__,_ , ,r 9E.of Commissioners,2, In the itnlan mama y " L.. -' t Board oY eltha It is neC. t A to the petoe,health and City t t the ordinance b of Salt Lake a immediately, tris y, OY SECTI¢become a etoltive Smmedlatake SECTION upon 3 s fir tornados Shall take 16th effect upon its tiros d of,Commission. to before me this day of Passed the Hoard of,Co,Ws gt- ere Of Salt Lake.Qlty. SYtah.tills eEh day of _ FebruERA:D, 184S4.fd d _ _Meal) 9rards vI. iiel , -ubppuuty CityRecorder. A. D. 19 44 Hill No, 5. published February 16th. 1I44. ___ . • Notary PUbilc Nov.25,1945 My commission expires Advertising fee $ A Z >, ... 0 E 6' pg ts s4 so C.) .. ot -`,+-• , gel 9 q , PA g ta -.4.. r-T4 4—t -•... Z 0 . ts - t• 4 , r-Li U7 v..., .-., 0 ra t PIA •