5 of 1945 - Amending Chapter XXV relating to sale or disposal of electrical materials and appliances ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay 'Salt Lake City, Utah,.. ...7 , 194�
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Mr. Chairman. .
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding in and to r.uid
Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 2518.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Sail
Lake City, Utah:
• SECTION I. That Chapter XXV of the Revised Ordiuu,.ces
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended
by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as
Section 2518, relating to electrical inspection, which shall read
as follows:
DEVICES AND APPLIANCES. It shall be unlawful for any person
to sell, offer for sale, loan, rent, dispose of by gift or
bremium, give or otherwise furnish, provide or make available
for use any of the following electrical materials, devices
or appliances:
1. Electrical materials and devices for use in mak-
ing interior wiring installations operated at 250 volts
or less between conductors exclusive of generating and
power consuming apparatus and devices which are a neces-
sary adjunct to the function of such generating and
power consuming apparatus if not included in items 2 to ILO.
2. Lighting fixtures and portable lighting equip-
ment, except the light bulbs or tubes.
3. Electrically heated cooking equipment intended
for household use, and other electrically heated appli-
ances in individual capacities of not exceeding 10,000
watts. `)
4. Electrically operated toys.
5. Radio receiving sets.
6. All other electrical appliances intended for
household use.
7. Electrical cords and cord sets.
S. portable electrically illuminated signs.
9. Portable motion picture projectors; and
10. Transformers operating at 100 volts or more be-
tween any two conductors and having a rated capacity of
not exceeding 150 watts.
designed or intended for attachment directly or indirectly to
any electrical system, circuit, or electrical service for light,
heat or power in Salt Lake City, unless such electrical material,
device or appliance as above enumerated complies with the pro-
visions of this ordinance.
(u) RIliNG. All electrical materials, devices and appli-
ances as hereinbefore enumerated, designed or intended for at-
tachment directly or indirectly to any electrical system, cir-
cuit or electrical service for light, heat or power shall be
only those which conform with the requirements of this ordi-
nance. Each such artitle shall bear or contain the maker's
name, trade mark or identification symbol, together with such
rating by the manufacturer as may be necessary to determine the
intended use. The correct operating volts and emperes or volts
and watts shall be stated and no person shall remove, alter,
deface or obliterate any such marling.
(C) ADOPTION OF STANDARDS. All electrical materials, de-
vices and appliances as hereinbefore enumerated shall conform
with the code of safety standards for such materials, devices
and appliances hereby adopted and approved entitled Code of
Standards for .electrical Materials, Devices and Appliances,
which code is hereby adopted by reference as though herein set
out in full. Three sets of such Code are on file for use and
examination by the public in the office of the City Recorder of
Salt Lake City. i;'
(D) EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE. Listing or labeling of elec-
trical materials, devices and appliances as herein-before enu-
merated by the Underwriters Labortories, Inc., or other test-
ing laboratories approved by the Chief Electrical Inspector as
complying with the Code of Standards for Electrical Materials,
Devices and Appliances, may be accepted by the Chief Electric
Inspector as prima facie evidence of the conformity of such
electrical materials, devices and appliances.
standards have been adopted for any such electrical materials,
devices or appliances, the Chief Electrical Inspector may re-
quire that such materials, devices or appliances be submitted
to a testing laboratory or laboratories for testing same. Upon
receipt of a report from such laboratory or laboratories he ma.
designate a standard for each such article submitted and test-
ed, which designation shall be in writing and shall be adopted
and promulgated as a rule and regulation,which written rule or
regulation shall be fileu with the Code of Standards for Elec-
trical Materials, Devices and Appliances with the City Record-
er of Salt Lake City. Any such standards so prescribed shall
be designed. to provide as a minimum the degree of safety of
life andaproperty as is required by the standards herein adopt
ed for materials, devices or appliances of similar or related
character or name.
(F) REVOCA.TION OF APPROVAL. Any approval grantee by the
Chief Electrical Inspector may be revoked by him If the elec-
trical materials, devices or appliances are found to be hazard
ous to life end property for the purpose used or intended, or
do not conform with the standards under which they were approv
ed for use. Notice of the revocation of said approval shall b:
given in writing to the person to whore approval was granted by
the Chief Electrical Inspector or one of his deputies,
(G) MATERIALS OTHERWISE COVERED. The provisions of this
ordinance shall not apply to electrical materials, devices and
appliances which are the subject matter of regulation in City;:,
building and wiring ordinances heretofore adopted ana ui ,iic•t
as of the date hereof; nor shall they apply to motor vehicles
or motor vehicle equipment; nor shall the provisions of this
ordinance apply to electrical material, devices or appliances
designed or intended for attachment directly or indirectly to
any electrical system, circuit, or electrial service for ligh',
heat, power operating at a primary voltage of not more than 2
volts and consuming less than 50 watts; nor shall the provi-
sions of this ordinance apply to electrical materials, device-
and appliances instailed by or for an electric utility for
its use in the generation, transmission, distribution, or met-r-
ing of electrical energy, nor the electrical materials, devices
or appliances installed by a telephone, telegraph or broadcas'-
ing company and used by them in the communication and trans-
mission of intelligence.
(H) EXCEPTIONS. SPECIAL APPLIANCES. The provisions of th s
ordinance shall not apply to those industrial or commercial
appliances which are to be used in a specific location and ap
pliances which have been submitted to a laboratory for approval
to determine their conformity with the standards herein provi•-
ed for but with respect to which final approval by such labor:-
tory is still pending, providing that an exception is applied
for and granted in the manner herein prescribed. The person
desiring to make such installation shall submit an applicatio
in writing for such exception to the Chief Electrical Inspect r
accompanied by written evidence satisfactory to such Inspecto
indicating that laboratory approval has been applied for. Suc
exception if granted by the Chief Electrical Inspector shall
continue in force only during such time as such Inspector be-
lieves that the testing laboratory will grant final approval
certifying compliance to the prescribed standards. If for an
reason the Chief Electrical Inspector believes that the testi g
laboratory has not made an adequate test of materials, device-
or appliances, he may require that the same shall be submitted
to some other laboratory, approved by him, for further tests., 7
(I) PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions
of this ordinance or of the Code of Standards for Electrical
Materials, devices and Appliances hereby adopted, or of any
rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, shall be guilty
of a misaemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punish-
ed by a fine in any sum not exceeding 4299.00, or by imprison
ment in the city jail for a period not longer than six months
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 2. In t� ouini l the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the uo e, heeit ant a£eltty of tkie inhabitants
of Salt take City that th rd Tian be nip fyect e immediately.
SECTION 3. 'This] inaealV°tal4 i upon its fir-t
publication. �„ y ."k • 14,
sr 4
Passed by the Bo rd of Conis' -•ex ai Lake ity,
Utah, this /4(/ day of !, i;. 9 f
:y ( i ,, / i
City i,ecorder.
Ire ,.�. 11 ,•L .�r :;�_u� 'd
11 6.
1` 1.'
c t j
;;�� �� f try. i.V
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake 5
Melba T. Stephens
•' •Legal Notices ,
AN ORDINANCE Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
CHAP ERces et Salt of air.Utah. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
1944, by adding In and to said
CChapter a section to be known published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Section 8610.
Be ft h
ordained by the Board of
commissioners of Salt Lake Cite,
of Utah.
SECTION 1. That Chapter XXV II GG
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the
sable isthessaid Chapterda b i�ewadding Sec- l hat the advertisement
,tlon to•be known as Section 2518,
relating•t electrical Inspection,
owhich shall read as follows: Ordinance Sill No. 5
SEC. 2518. L(A) SALE OR DIE _
It shall of er inn o for any pores' ddin Section 2518 to Chapter X:CZ of the
diepose• offer for tale, loan, rem. G p.
of ny gift .prim
glue ar otherwavailable
a provide'
or make electrical
for mean,any of the Revised Ordinances of S111t Lake City, Utuh. 1944
following appliances:
fc s materials,I.
vices Electrical apmalnC�: S• L. C. Cor)oration
1. ruse making
and do- t
vitles for a in making interior
latio s operated
at ex° was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
elusive of n
enerating and power
consuming' apparatus and devices
ihnliitnetten ey ouch generating6and 17tPi day of Jerllary A. D. 19 45 —
toind sin ematt onaretes if not
9n�9l.nded in lieme 2 to 10.
' hghtinggenuipaten uoxceani thheii0h, and was published 1 time
bulbs or tubes.
3. Electrically heated cooking
equipment tended for household i
and in
electrically heated the last publication thereof being in tite issue dated the
apPllaneee in individual eanimates'
of not exceeding 10,000 watts.
4. Electricanv operated tore. 17th January45
is Ali othdio er elecrricat°appliances ----.- day •o• A. D. 19
Intended for household use.
7. Electrical
t. Portable umin- ,/ ,.4 te-Z -\- .�...: /Y "4-C•
at d igns.D, Yonabla motion picture pro. Advertising ----
jectors; and
10. Tranmformers operating at
10e volts or more between any two
nnduct°. and harms a rated ca.
Parity of not exceeding 150 watts.,
dtre0tqs5al or intended ICt attachment
tricatAlSj,+tlr coircult for electrical
Salt I.' let or power
cal m" 1. 4.,c f��l.—ith the 'n to before me this day of
to ls: It ee nda 45
or in-1. k ..direct-of t /
ere _ t�Dr ` t 1 e
for lt�, 1the
be Y— /
MLlrlyW ,p�1S��mtl h tl J Y`.W
Each n�C,R 4 a e,p pytame __
t as eau .0 - k Notai y Pre
'th nek- ' lh
t .At tl1an fac
ins" 1 s de-
ed to.00
metvelf! Ilehalld be amperes
and n all nemova, alrk.tletace�: .' anY such mark Ipg,
IC)ADOPTION ON STANDARDS,All leetrteal materials,devfce and appliances as horelnbetore Cnus:"
Wed hall ronform with uho rode et gaiety standards for a .h
tensile,devices and apPlianeee here by doped end pproved nbeed
4Deviceee Sor El=ckiexl.
Toth catty la hereby adopted of terence as though herein et o t are Snll, le fo site nt slex Code
Lao for u and e
tin(tv the oRde°that";
n the 11i e`na•
the City Rectlrder o! Salt Lake
0• ro
R •
a; :
ANCE. Listing or labeling of elec-
trieal materials, devices and appli-
cea as
hereinbefore enumerated.
by the Underwriters' Laboratories,
Inc., or other testing laboratories
appr¢vtd by the Chief Electrical
Inspector complyingas with the
Code Of Standards
for Electrical
Materials, Devices and Appliances,
may be aceepted by the Chief Elec-
trical Inspector as Prima facts ev
donee of the conformity of such
electrical materials, devices,and can
Where no standards have been
adopted for any such electrical niez
terials, devices or appliances, the-
Chief.Eleotrlesl Inspector.-mug re
quire that such materials, devices
or appliances be submitted to a
testing laboratory or laboratories
for {eating Upon receipt.
of a report from such laboratory•
r laboratories he may designate e
standard for each such article sub-
mitted and tested, which shal designa-
tion shall be in writing and shall be
adopted and promulgated as rule
and regulation, which written role
• regulation shalt be filed with
the Cede of Standards for Electr-
cal Materials, DevicesR and Appli-
ances with the City Recorder of
Salt lake City. Any each stand-
ards r Prescribed shall be de-
signedto provide a minimum
the'degree of safety of life and
property as is required by the
standards herein adopted for mate-
rials, devices r appliances of s neonadopted pursuant thereto,shall
liar o related character or name, be guilty of.y,,.(oledemeanee and so(F) REVOCATION OF APPROV- upon conviction thereof shall be
AL. Any approval granted by the punished by a Sine in any sum not
Chief Electrical Inspector may be exceeding $299.00, or by imprison-
n the "t aa period
vokhd by him if the electrical are ant i city tail foe
o appliances a oat longer than s orison, en by
found to be hazardous to life and oath such fine and imprisonment.
prbpnety for the ',expose used o and of S. as,the rinion of the
intended, or do not conform with Hoard of Ctthe peoners. it isb n
the standards alder which they eafety tothe
peace, health and
• approved for use. Notice of 'feet' the inhabitants orris of Salt
the ovation of said anor0the Lake City that this ordinance be-
shall be given to welting t the coands ION vs,immediately.
person to wham approvalo tgkeSE effect
]. This orciven r shall
granted by the Chief Electrical Tat inks effect anon ire first publics-
. specter or one of his deputies. hon.
Passes the Loans d1 Commis,
(G) MATERIALS OTHERWISE of Salt Lake Ciy,' Utah.
COVERna Th Oatmaterials,shall tos s to else- ]945,
tricsnnee ha dthes and appit-
which are the City
lit mat- EARL S.GLADE,
ter Sol regulation in City building (SEAT.) IRMA F.WI Mayor
d wiring ordinances heretofore City Recorder.
Booted and in [they as of the date HILLNO. 6
hereof:norshall they applyto 1- Published January 171h, 1946.
ear vehicles motor vehicle
equipment:nor shall the o elstoos
of this ordinance d re apply t¢appliances
de▪] coed oil, devices n etachment
designed o intended for attachment
trical directly 0 indirectly to any rise.
anvil system, circuit.. o electric.
service for bohla heat, power open-
' aline At a primary voltage of not a
more than ft volts n consuming
fees than 60 watts: nor shall the'
Eetvleri of this ordinance army
to electrical malerials, devices and
appliances installed by or for an
electricutility use
for lie u the
ion, transmission, dislribtt-
shin,or metering of electrical e
yIC, theelectrical alb
appliances installed be
telegraph or brtadcasl-'.
companylng used
them in
the communication and�transinis.
Mon of intelligence.
APPLIANCES, The provisions of
this ordinance shall not annly to
those industrial or commercial ap-
pliances which are to be teed i
a pacific location and appliances
Which have been submitted to a
laboratory for approval to deter.
mie theirconformity'with t h e
standards herein provided for but
with respect to which final approv-
1 by such laboratory is still rend,
log. Providing that an exception is
applied for and granted In the m
ner herein preeeribed, The person
desiring to .make'such installation
hill submit an application in writ;
thefor such exeeptlon to the Chief
Electrical Inspector accompanied by
ripen evidence satisfactory to such
Inspector indicating that laboratory
s000nnal het been applied for.Ouch
exception if granted by the Chief
Isforce e
Electrical only Inspector shall
much time es
such Inspecor believes that the
testing laboratory will grant final
Pi/prove! rectifying mpliance to
the prescribed standards. 'If for
any reason the Chief Electrical In-'
erector believe. that the testing
laboratory has not made an ade-
quate test of materials, devices or
appliances,be may require that the
cams shall be submitted to NOME,
other laboratory, arPeoved by him,
ter further teats.
III PENALTY. Any Person v
11m, any of the Pravielonr ne
ordinance r of the Code of
nderde for Electrical Materiels,
Devices and Appliances hereby
adopted or of ano rule or regula-