5 of 1954 - Amending Chapter XLVI, by adding a new section to be known as Section 4864, re: intoxicating liquors ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, VOTING Aye Nay JAN 26 1954 I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . . J �) ChristensenT y, . V Romney . . . . V _ Mr.Chairman �� AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER XLVI of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 11864 relating to intoxicating liquors. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter XLVI of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as Section 4864, which shall read as follows: SECTION 1{861}. INTOXICATING LIQUORS (a) ILLEGAL SALE, MANUFACTURING, STORAGE, ETC., OF INTOXI- La^' CATING LIQUOR. It shall be unlawful for any person, except as provided by the State Statutes, to knowingly have in his possession any intoxicating liquor or to manufacture, sell, keep or store for sale, offer or expose for sale, import, carry, transport, advertise, distribute, give away, dispense or serve intoxicating liquor. (See 10-8-42 Utah Code Annotated 1953.) (b) POSSESSION OF LIQUOR. Except as provided by the State Statutes, no person shall have or keep for sale or possession any liquor . which has not been purchased from the State liquor store'or package agency. (See 32-7-2) (c) TAKING LIQUOR UNLAWFULLY. Except as provided in the State Statutes, no person shall, within this state, by himself, his clerk, employee or agent attempt to purchase, or directly or indirectly or upon any pretense or upon any device, purchase or in consideration of the sale or transfer of any property, or for any other consideration, or at the time of the transfer of any property, take or accept any alcoholic beverage from any other person. (See 32-7-11.) - 2 - (d) DRINKING AND DRUNKENNESS IN PUBLIC PLACES. No person shall drink liquor in a public building, park or stadium or be in an intoxicated condition in a public place.(See 32 - (e) POSSESSION OF LIQUOR WITHOUT PERMIT. Except 13 as authorized by the State Statutes, no person not holding a permit for the purchase of liquor as required by the laws of the State of Utah shall have any liquor in his possession within Salt Lake City. (See 32-7-25) (f) ADULTERATED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. No person shall for any purpose whatsoever mix or permit or cause to be mixed with any alcoholic beverage for sale, sold or supplied by him as a beverage, any drug or any form of methylic alcohol or any crude, unrectified or impure form of ethylic alcohol or any other deleterious substance or liquid. (See 32-7-7) (g) SALE OF LIQUOR TO DRUNKEN PERSON. No person shall sell or supply any alcoholic beverage or permit alcoholic beverages to be sold or supplied to any person under or apparently under the influence of liquor. (See 32-7-14) (h) SUPPLYING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO MINORS. Alcoholic beverages shall not be given, sold or otherwise supplied to any person under the age of twenty-one years, but this shall not apply to the supplying of liquor to such person for medicinal purposes only by the parent or guardian of such person or to the administering of liquor to such person by a physician in accord- ance with the provisions of this act. (See 32-7-15) (i) SUPPLY OF LIQUOR TO PERSON WHOSE PERMIT IS SUSPENDED. Except in the case of liquor administered by a physician or dentist or sole upon a prescription in accordance with the State Statutes, no person shall procure or supply or assist directly or indirectly in procuring or supplying liquor for or to any person whose permit is suspended or has been cancelled. (See 32-7-16) (j) SUPPLY OF LIQUOR TO PROHIBITED PERSON. Except in the case of liquor supplied upon the prescription of a physician, or administered by a physician or dentist, or hospital in accord- ance with the State Statutes, no person shall procure for or sell, - 3 - or give, to any insane or interdicted person, any liquor nor directly or indirectly assist in procuring or supplying any liquor to any such person. (See 32-7-17) (k) PERMITS AND INTERDICTED PERSONS. No permit shall be issued to any interdicted person, and every interdicted person who makes appli- cation for a permit, or who enters or is found upon the premises of any state liquor store shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (See 32-7-18) (1) (POSSESSION OF FALSE OR FICTITIOUS PERMIT.) Except as provided by the State Statutes, no person shall have in his possession a false or fictitious permit purporting to authorize the purchase of liquor or a permit of which he is not the holder. (See 32-7-23) (m) PERMITTING DRUNKENNESS. No person shall: (a) Permit drunkenness to take place in any house or on any premises of which he is the owner, tenant or occupant; or (b) Permit or suffer any person apparently under the influence of liquor to consume any liquor in any house or on any premises of which the first-named person is owner, tenant or occupant, or, (c) Give any liquor to any person apparently under the influence of liquor. (See 32-7-24) (1) CANVASSING AND SOLICITING PROHIBITED. Canvassing or soliciting orders for alcoholic beverages by mail, telephone or any other manner is hereby prohibited except to the extent that such prohibition may be in conflict with the laws of the United States or of the State of Utah. (See 32-7-28) (n) UNLAWFUL IMPORTATIONS AND TRANSPORTATIONS. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to order or purchase or to ship or transport or cause to be transported into Salt Lake City or from one place to another within Salt Lake City any alcoholic beverages or to sell or furnish any alcoholic beverages to any person within Salt Lake City when such alcoholic beverages or any of them are intended by any person interested therein to be received, possessed, sold or in any manner used, in the original package or otherwise in violation of law. (See 32-7-30 and 32-7-31) (o) AIDING OR ABETTING. Any person who shall aid, abet, counsel or procure any unlawful sale, unlawful purchase, unlawful gift or other unlawful disposition of alcoholic beverages, or shall act as agent or representative of the seller in procuring or effecting the unlawful sale or purchase of any alcoholic beverages, is guilty of a misdemeanor. - 4 - Nothing in this act shall be construed as prohibiting any person from purchasing alcoholic beverages contrary to the provisions of this act when acting as the agent of the authorities charged with the enforecement of this act in the detection and conviction of violators thereof. (See 32-a (p) SALE TO INDIANS: Every person who sells, exchanges, gives, barters, or disposes of any intoxicating drink to any Indian of the whole or half-blood is guilty of a misdemeanor. (See 76-34-1) SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this z6thday of January , 1954- _ "rut T mpor ry Chai City ecorder. J BILL NO. 5 Published January 29th, 1954 FORM NO.ADM 35A Proof of 1nhltratton itt h tfat tt of An ertra COUNTY OF SALT LAKE so. STATE OF UTAH AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP- TER XLVI of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1944,by acid, i ° g thereto a section to be known as Section 4064relating to intoxicating liquors. De it ordained by the Board of Com, ( o'' mr m of Salt Lake City,Utah: ' s SECTIONr 1. 'shut es of LI of theCity, Revised 944.Ord b an of Salt Lac City, Utait amended be and the same la hereby a`newsectionntolbe known being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of fs Section CPA. which shall read as ollows: SECTION 4564.INTOXICATING LICL ORS ILLEGAL SALE, SIANUrACTUO' the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in ING,STORAGE,ETC..01a INTOXICAT- ING LIQUOR, II shall Uc unlawful for person,except as provided by the site statutes, to as have in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. his possession any intoxicating liquor r to manufacture,sell,a°nP p store ler sale, offer or expose for sale, port, carry, s transport, advertise, (�' :)'� i)1 (rive y eaway, distribute, ,dispense, re That the Notice intoxicating liquor. (See 10 8 42 Utah Code Annotated 1953.) (b) POSSESSION OF St LIQUOR. Ex- cept '-i,11� ii^ . ^•-(� �.(; ) (;'i'. cept as provided by the Staat t.. no Person shall have uor which has n 01- ie t - been°purchased any liquor they State liquor Tli,, - -I •11 r store possession package n (See ?2-1.2) . In)TAKING LIQUOR.UNl,AWl ULLY. Except as provided in the State Statutes, no person shall, within this .state, by himself, his clerk, employee or agent attempt ton rchase,or directly r indirectly or upon any preteens c or upon any device, purchase ° ray it lion f the sale or transfer°of any property,atyt her for time of Lire°transfer of der- a Non,or a oholic leverage from r any tother person. of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its (See 32-741) (d)DRINKING AND DRUNKENNESS IN PUBLIC PLACES No person shall drink liquor in a public building,park issue dated the..........._ or stadimn or be in an Intoxicated --"----'"-----""---"- "------"----'-"---"""--'"'- condition in a public place. (.See (el POSSESSION OF LIQUOR WITH- do of , 19 OthelSt tee Statues,no personExcept as not authorized by y hold- ing a permit it 'or the purchase of 1,11I0r as eq ired by the laws of the.State of Utah shall have any liquor in his and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Possession within Salt Lake Crtr. (See 32-l-25) ERACE.ADULTERATED shall foor an DEV- pose whatsoever n ¢ n miitp or for cause to be mixed with any alcohols° beverage for sale,soli or upplied be him tom slat bcvehylic alcohol rage. any g or any thereafter,the full period of alto tlucd of inert Scram of crude, cc i e sibyte alcohol or l or my outer deleterious substance L or liquid (See 3 ) (R SALE a ll LIQUOR TOslorDRUNKENsupp PERSON. No person shall soh]or supply the last publication thereof nanyob alcoholic of 10 o sold Pr suit t- ---""-'-'-"'--' Wolin beverages as to be a old o supplied to any person under or oparmSee undo the influence of liquor. (Sec 3z(hi beingin the issue dated the f n`" day of (A SUPPLYING ALCO Alcohol BEv- --"- erages S TO 1not b5.given, Alcoholic bev- erages e all et o s sold or the age peed tot der ,1�.m3)1--1 Cr, roc, ma age ritonic twenty-one supplying this - ,A.D.19__- t lava not apply a the supplying of .'.. ]furor to such person for or ton of pe le the parent or )and- insao suliqu o person or to me rsonln administer. of liquor to such person by a Vlivens o ace.dance .1.1 the pro- i5)S of this t.(See R 1 (i)SUPPER IT LIQUOR TO PERSON WHOSE PERMIT IS SUSPENDED. Ex- cept in the ease of liquor administered ba a ahKaciirtion or denust or Wirth the)before me this ^na:'I day of State Statutes,or n shall y Procure only no Demon s ng or in° 0 AT1y noting honor for our to person whose Sl' permit (Seeuarr}G)`I con-or has Peen ,A.D. 19 cow. --' Notary Public. My commission expires taae.. prrl Advertising fee S. (i) SUPPLY OF LIQUOR TO PRO. HIBITED PERSON. Except in the case ci liquor supplied upon the prescrip- tion of a physician,or administered by physician or dentist, or hospital In accordance with the State Statutes,n person shall procure for or sell, o give,to ainterdicted per any or directly directly any liquor in a or ins a v liquor tos any such person. (See 32.7-17) (k) PERMITS AND INTERDICTED PERSONS. No n mit shall be issued to interdicted person, and every interdicted person who makes applica- tion fora permit,or who enters or is found upon the premises of a state r'liquo store shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. (See 22.7-18) (I) (POSSESSION OF FALSE OR FICTITIOUS PERMIT.)Except a pro- vided by the State Statutes,n shall have in his n aofalseso fictitious permit purporting to author- s the purchase of rlgquor or a permit of which he is not the holder.(See 32- 7.23) (m) PERMITTING DRUNKENNESS.' No person shall: (a) Permit drunkenness to take place in v house or on premises of which he is the owner.ytenant o Occupant;o N)Permit i suffer a son a liquorly the influence of to c e y liquor in aal, house. o y premises of which the firstonamesdnn is owner,ten• - ant o ant o (c) Giverany liquor to any apparently under the influencers n of liquor.(See 32-7-24) ill CANVASSING AND SOLICITING PROHIBITED. Canvassing or soliciting orders for alcoholic beverages by mail, telephone or other manner is hereby prohibited a apt to the extent that such prohibition may be in con- flict with the laws of the United States or of the State of Utah.(See 32.7.28) (n) UNLAWFUL IMPORTATIONS AND TRANSPORTATIONS. It shall be unlawful for Rrly person to order or Purchase or to ship or transport o cause to be transportedplaceto Salt Lake City or from to another within Salt Lake City any alcoholic beverages or to sell or furnish e b0 alcoholic beverages to within Salt Lake City when such rs .i al- coholic beverages or any of then are Intended by person interested therein to be received,possessed,,sold or in any d,ill the original package or otherwise erwise in violation of law. (See 32.7-20 and 32-7-31) (o)AIDING OR ABETTING. Any per-' son who shall aid, abet, counsel or any unlawful sate, unlawful rchase, unlawful gift or other ) lawful disposition of alcoholic never- ages, or shall act as agent o repre- sentative of the seller in procuring or effecting the unlawful sale o purchase of anyalcoholic beverages cis guilty or of a isdemean .Nothing in lh s act shall ticconstrued as prohibiting any personm Fro purchasing alcoholic bey- - eyelet contrary a to the provisions of this act when tine as the agent of the authorities charged with the e forcemeat of this set in the detection (See conviction 2 of violators thereof. 9 52) (p)SALE TO INDIANS, Every per- son who sells,exchanges,gives,barters, or discuses of AI,intoxicating drink to v Indian of the whole or half-blood s guilty of a misdemeanor. (See 76- 34d) • SECTION 2. In the opinion ' of the Board of Commissioners. it is to the p n e,health and safety of the he inhabitants of Salt Lake City.Utah, that this ordinance become effective Immediately. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 26th day of January,1954. L. C. ROMNEY IRMA F. RITNERLemporary Chairman City Recorder, (S F.A L) BILL NO,5 Published January 29th,1954. •