5 of 1955 - Levying a tax assessment of property ( Curb & Gutter Extension No. 238 ), Kensington Avenue Third an KVLL I.HLL Salt Lake City,Utah,AN
VOTING Aye Nay .+
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . . •
Christensen . .
. . .
Romney . . . . '
Mr.Chairman .
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property
(Curb and Gutter Extension No. 235) for the purpose of constructing
roadway paving, roll gutter, sidewalk and private driveways.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City
. does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon
the property hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing roadway
paving, roll gutter, sidewalk and private driveways, to-wit:
The east 55 feet of Lots 1 to 4 incl.-, and all of Lots
43 to 56 incl., Block 6; all of Lots 3 to 15 incl.,
Block 7, Wasatch Heights, being a subdivision of part
of Block 16, 5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing roadway paving,
roll gutter, sidewalk and private driveways as follows:
Fronting on both sides of Kensington Avenue.
All of Lots 51-54 incl., Blk. 6;
All of Lots 3 4 and 7 to 10 incl.; Blk. 7, Wadatch Heights
of Block 16, 5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field ourvey.
Fronting on the south side of Kensington Avenue.
All of Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 7, Wasatch Heights of Block 16
5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the north side of Kensington Avenue.
The east 55 feet of Lots 1-4 incl.;
All of Lots 55 and 56; being in Blk. 6, Wasatch Heights of Block
16, 5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the north side of Kensington Avenue.
All of Lots 43 to 46 incl.; in 5
All of Lots 49 and 50; all being in Blk. 6, Wasatch Heights
of Block 16, 5 Acre Plat "U", Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the north side of Kensington Avenue.
All of Lots 47 and 4E, Blk. 6, Wasatch ,1eights of Block 16,
5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
Fro ting on the south side of Kensington Ave.
All of Lots 11 to 1E incl, Blk. 7, Wasatch Heights of Block 16,
5 Acre Plat "C", Big Field aurvey.
Fro ting on both sides of Kensington Avenue.
All of Lot 49 and 50, Blk. 6, Wasatch Heights of Block 16, $20.'1;
All of Lots 51 and 52, Blk. 6, " "' " " 20.'1;
All of Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 7, Wasatch Heights of Block 16, 40. 2
all being in 5 Acre Plat "0", Big Field Survey.
upoi the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore de.-
crimed to be especially benefited and affected by said improvement, and it
is ereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will se
espcially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levie,
and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform ra e
in .ccordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire dept
of :Ihe same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330 feet, and the to
herby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Four Thou.and
Fou Hundred Seventy and 24/100 ($4,470.24) Dollars; Two Thousand Six
Hundred and 10/100 ($2,600.10) Dollars, or Eight and 10/100 ($$$.10) Dol ars
per linear or front foot of abutting property for constructing 321.0 fe-t
yi, 36 iloot roadway, paving, roll gutter and Sidewalk; Three Hundred Twenty
4"($$3.10.00) Dollars, or Six and 40/100 ($6.40) Dollars per linear or fron
foo of abutting property for constructing . 0.0 feet 36 foot roadway, paving,
roll gutter; Four Hundred Five and 30/100 ($405.30) Dollars, or Three a d
86/ 00 ($$3.86) Dollars per linear or front foot of abutting property fo
constructing 105.0 feet 36 foot roadway and paving; Seven Hundred Ninet,
Six and 50/100 ($796.50) Dollars, or Five and 31/100 ($5.31) Dollars pe
lin:ar or front foot of abutting property for constructing 150.0 feet 3.
Fool roadway, roll gutter and sidewalk; Two Hundred Sixty Seven and 50/100
0 2,7.50) Dollars, or One and 07/100 ($$1.07) Dollars per linear or fron
fool of abutting property for constructing 250.0 feet 36 foot roadway a d
miscellaneous improvements and Eighty and 84/100 ($80.84) Dollars for con
struct ng 3 private driveways as specifically set out hereinabove; the
cost of which driveways and the property benefited thereby is hereinabove
set o and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets
mentioned, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of
said ilprovement according to the contract entered into for the perfor-
mance .f said work and making said improvements with W. W. Gardner, dated
Octobe 7, 1954, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to
assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpo-es
herei mentioned and to collect said tax.
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer,
as co ected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and
Revie , of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Curb
and G ter Extension No. 238) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of con-
strucUng roadway paving, roll gutter, sidewalk, miscellaneous improvements
and p Nvate driveways upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed,
and t assessments made and returned in said completed lists and the rep.rt
of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of 'alt
Lake C ty are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten (10) equal yearly
installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the whole
sum u aid at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at the time each install-
ment i. due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in
the o .er payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within
fifte= (15) days from the date this ordinance becomes effective. One or
more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole
special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first
installment becomes due by paying the same with interest from the date of
levy . the date sure first installment is due. One or more installments
in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may
be pais on the date any installment becomes due by paying the amount ther.of
and in erect to the date of payment. Default in the payment of any such
installment of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of th.
unp.id principal or interest to become due and payable immediately and he
who e amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at he
rat:• of 10% per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of
sal: or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid install ents
pas. due with interest at the rate of 10% per annum to date of payment -.n
the telinquent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon
be estored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same
man r as if default had not occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect'one day after its
fir, installment.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners ,of balt'Lak;e City, Utah, tlis
llt .ay of January 1955
'� /
via o r
City Recorder
( S E A L )
Bill No. 5
Curb and Gutter Extension No. 438
:,•.... ›Bao atcaobillat* 2
Thrd & Final Estimate '
Pu lished January 15, 1955
1rnnd of PnbfiraIinn
Thitteb i,tatria of Anirrirn
and foe the cut a erty
hb and Gutter 05 Extension C,op 2313)
t for the purpose of constructing rondwav, D� 1_'( f`cke y
vaienroc gutter,sidewalk and pu. e
Be it Ordained by the Board of Corm-'
r. of Salt Lo c City,Utah,
srCiooN 1.•Thal e nnnrd of ceps beingfirst dulyde.oses and says that he is the Principal Clerk of
of salt Lakr.City doer here,
sworn, 1` Ys= P
by levy t ! I I f the
assessment of He same.upon the pron.
hereinafter s1.. ''b d for the pu
Pose a roadway ipg, the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TEl a newspaper published in
r,i mete° „dewaur and private drive
The east 55 feet of Lots I to 4Incl..
6;all o�of
ts 43l to in'inei°`Isi Bloats... Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
Wasatch Heights,beind e subdivision
of port of Block 18,5 Acre Plat
Big Yield Survey.
•This tax is levied to defray the e
f epnstrnenr,n , noway n .� That the Notice
°f "An Ordinance"
,roll Agutter.sidewalk and private drive•
I ways as follows: i
P10510000 on bate WALK PAVING
Ltw?,r�nN a tax. for aaaeFslnent of n1-ouerty for
„ of
All"of lots a, 4 incl.,Blk. A;
Al) 4Ve.valah.Hcichts off B/eakr16, Curb fltxl r tter Extension
5 Acre Flat "C7 Ittrt Fist, Survey.
Fronting on the south side of Kenstng-�
All ofyLots°'5 and 6,Blk.7,wasalal, Salt Teske City bill Noe 5
Heights of Block 16,5 Acre Pont"C," _.
Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the north .side of Ken.s-
,fgtton"ag5sfeet of l,o� 14 inet,• of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
,Sit'oft lots 55 and 66:being in Blk.6, 15th
"Wasatch 14clgllts of Block 16,5 Aeon
Plat"C" Big Field Survey. 1issue dated the
Pippin 'ovaoho th,Ode of ]erns-! January 55
Al I Lot,43 to 46S.el.r an of Intl day of , 19
AO Lod 50; all being Ih 111k. 0.Wa-
satch heights of Block 16, 5Acre
all PC" Big F Field ownv' and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
Fronting on the north side of Hell.s-
n Avenue.
All of Lots 44 and 40,Rllc. 6, Wa- for
switch Heights of Block 16, 5 Acre - --
Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
Fronting on the south side of Hens
ington Avenue.
All of Lots a to 18 incl., 11I 4, thereafter,the full period of ore t 1nE _...__.__
Wasatch Heights or Block 16.5 Acl'e
Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
rting on both sides of Kensington
All of Lot,49 and 50.Mk.6.wasateh the last publication thereof
Ilntebts of IDmlc 16. 12021; all of
I Iota 51 and 52. B1k. 0, Wasatch
Heights o1 Break 16,S20.21, all of
lot• 5 'nil 6. 111k. W'asatrh
Heights of Work 16.$4042,all being bciog in the issue dated the ]_ti'th day of
no5 Acre Plat"Cs,Big II-lad Survey,
n the portions of said streets°PO,'
site the property herefited. n described C
to s csnaelov bentfitcd and affected January. A D.19 55
by said i, determined and it is hcrhed ----- --- - - - - ---- -- ,
determined and established
bent said properly with be l amount
to thereby levied the null 1 un.
e,the lax herebyreb assessed said n
ee of nand,e hereby Ico at,l equal and uniform rate 1n accordance
with the linear ptht frontage ue and
to owner-
ship hentire depth of the s hack therefrom not _d :I'to
toot, d thet hereby
parcels levied and f land before MC 1111S ----- _. day of
is I_assessedour Thousand VOW Hundred 17th
and 24S100 P4 n,lred)Dollars;',10n
'thousand six ]I and Eight
and 10 10n
(52,601 Do Dollars,or as or and 30fool,
OS0.10o sonars perBoras or trout tool 55
32 abutting ,rn sly for e aving. b11�y ,A.D. 19
3210,flat'30 lfoet roadway,h p rail
cuttar cs sno, all<: s. nenvBun/Ira/1nl
0 50 ^.pat napnr,. n. Air .and •
Dollars pm linear r 0 front
inot 0E•net3i f of roadway,
V,0 must,doll
gut gutter,
fact 36 foot roadway.Paving,roll t
Antler;lamp Dol Its rod ice and 80/100
fsa.s.) Dollars Ph, 1,iici•linear or front foot
Notary Public.
ting pronarty for
1osohfeett uutexpirest ��; Nov..2_C.1957
Advertising fee $
vaeven Honored Ninety Six and 50,100
($70650) Dollaii. or Five and 31/100
'h.311)Dollars pet-linear or fiord toot
Iof abulhn0 p op0rty for c nstructind
!MOB foot;id foot roadway,roll duller:
and sidewalk;Two Bundled Sixty Seven
50/100(S267.50)Dollars,Or One and
07,100.$i 07,Dollard per linear or front
Foot of abuttinz property for c tl'n0L
'250,0 feet 30 foot roadway and
ce4.1 0nas li84)Dolmen fs and Lights
tend 34 t100 to rini Dollars for cmtstruc4
ind 3 vote.driresv horel IS a t t of which
Idrir00)10s scl.out e and the ronertvl benefited
I thereby is hereimMovre.set out Anil all
within the boundaries of the lots.blocks
land streets mentioned,which it the total
abutters'cost and cost Pee front foot'.
Said improvement 0c0t'dinn to Inc
contract entered into for the a forin-,
of said work and making said
ants with W. W. Gardner,
dated October 7, 1051, and the Treas.
x hereby authorized and directed
CD ra accordance with the l
visions S hereinti entioned nandrto11col1ect
e our•
said tax. "
SECTI0N 2.Ti the as lent list
made by the City
Treasurer, a
ireread, wed and mnnleted aby
be to o yo'o of'Io II0 Equalization and Review,
of I.hn properly described i c trio I
of Ibis o e Corti and n('.ul'l,for'
tension No.2;18)of Salt lake City,for'
the PlingiO, of c natructink to Aiwa).
roll ...ilea, sidewalk, n eel•
linen is improvements and private drive-
ways -nid portions of said.streets,
is ale00 confirmed. and me
mad and returned h saiassess-
um,. .
Meted lists and the report of the Board
of Eaualizat ion and Review to the
Board of 0001/vCoinmissioners of Salt Lake
are hereby ratified,approved and
SECTION 3.Said tax shall be payable
n ten VIM as u:l y )installments as
ovided by law and ordinance, with
interest on the whole sum unpaid at
the rate of h'j, per a )able
time the tie each installment is due;
nvided, however, that o
1 of such installments in Ilc Order nn
able. or the whole lax, moo be Told
without interest within fifteen f161 days
from the date this ordinance becomes
effthere order Oin ne no which they are
r ve installments ryale.,'
the]hole special tax, 0 be paid
a may
said fifteen clays and before Um!
first installment becomes due by a-
Inc the p e some
with interest from the
date of levy to the dale such float in-
stallment is due. One o install-
ments n the order which limy are
yable�,or the whole special tax,mop
be p0id on the date any installment
becomes due by l in0 the amount
thereof and interest to the dale of
payment. Default in the pa v eat 01
�l w installment
a terest when inesh l ca
principal or
use u.seInc whole
of the unpaid principal and interest i
to become due and payable immedi-
ately and the whale ra not of the
raid principal shall lhcicaftcr draw
interest at the rate of 10t/-D
until paid, hot at time p nnio
Cho date of s or foreclosure, the
PAY the amount o all nib
midi installment, last 11due with inter-
est at the rate of 10% 1 to
date of payment on the Idelinqu nt In-
atallImmt,nd all accrued costs, and
shall thereupon be restored to the right
thereafter to PAy in installments in the
seine manner as 1f default had not
SeEctC'000 dae wT hast em'di f eh l'hpau11b ltiaekae
[IoPassed buy the Board of Commission.
ors of,Salt Lake City.Utah.this I1th
.ay of January,10E
City Recorder
Curb a Center rxtc.mien No. djal.
Third R Sinai
T rrokhtd.lanuary 1h,100b, rn•20)