5 of 1970 - Amending Title 20, as amended, by REPEALING Chapter 29, and by adding a new Chapter 29,, regarding t KOLL LALL )(/ VOTING Ayee Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, January 20 19670 Barker . . . . ✓ Catmull y% I move that the Ordinance be passed. i Gam . . . . Harrison . . . Mr. Chairman . ✓ / %i� _ AN ORDINANCE Result . / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 20, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, by repealing Chapter 29 and by adding a new Chapter 29 thereto, relating to licensing and business regulation of non-profit clubs and associations. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to licensing and business regulation of non-profit clubs and associations, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 29, to read as follows: Sec. 20-29-1. Definitions. Non-profit club. A "non- profit club" as used in this section shall be defined to be any social club, recreational or athletic association or kindred association whether incorporated or not which maintains club rooms, regular meeting rooms or facilities within the city limits. Sec. 20-29-2. Unlawful to operate without license. It shall be unlawful for any non-profit club to operate within Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license. Sec. 20-29-3. Classifications. Non-profit club licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be classified into the following types of operations and shall carry the privileges and responsibilities hereinafter provided in this chapter: Class "A" Class "B" Sec. 20-29-4. Application for license. All applicants for a license shall, at the time of application and each time the license is renewed, file with the license assessor a statement identifying the club, its location and general purposes and indicating the elected officers and directors of the club. Sec. 20-29-5. Class "A" license. A Class "A" license shall be issued to all non-profit clubs which do not maintain restaurant facilities nor allow the consumption of beer or intoxicating liquors on the premises. 5 -2- Sec. 20-29-6. Class "B" license. A Class "B" license shall apply to all non-profit clubs which maintain food service and restaurant facilities and allow the consumption of beer and intoxicating liquor on the premises. Sec. 20-29-7. Compliance with health regulations. It shall be unlawful for any non-profit club to operate without complying strictly with the health ordinances and regulations of Salt Lake City as set forth in the title relating to health regulations. Sec. 20-29-8. Compliance with fire regulations. It shall be unlawful for any non-profit club to operate without complying strictly with the fire code of Salt Lake City as set forth in the ordinances relating to fire prevention. Sec. 20-29-9. Application referred to Chief of Police. All applications filed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be referred to the Chief of Police for inspection and report. The Chief of Police shall, within ten days after receiving such application, forward a report to the Board of Commissioners as to whether such club is con- ducted in a lawful, quiet and orderly manner and the proximity of the premises to any church or school. Sec. 20-29-10. Application referred to health department. All applications filed in accordance with this chapter shall be referred to the health department which shall inspect all premises owned and operated by the club to assure sanitary compliance with the laws of the State of Utah, the ordinances of Salt Lake City and the rules and regulations of the health department. Sec. 20-29-11. Lighting. It shall be unlawful for any club to maintain any premises or facilities without complying with the following lighting and view requirements: (a) During business hours a minimum of 5 candle power light measured at a level of 5 feet above the floor shall be maintained. (b) No enclosed booths, blinds or stalls shall be erected or maintained in an area where food or drink is served. Sec. 20-29-12. Unlawful to sell, supply or serve beer or liquor. Hours of operation. It shall be unlawful for the club acting through its employees or managing director holding a Class "B" license and any employee, member, guest, club officer or director to: (a) Have in his possession beer or intoxicating liquor contrary to state statutes or ordinances of Salt Lake City. (b) Sell beer or intoxicating liquor in violation of state statute. (c) Supply beer or intoxicating liquor to any person under the age of twenty-one years. 5 -3- (d) Permit any person under the age of twenty-one years to remain at the bar facilities of the club. For purposes of this section, the term "bar facilities" shall mean the area in which alcoholic beverages are mixed or prepared by employees of the club and the area in which such alcoholic beverages may be consumed other than with prepared meals. (e) Supply beer or liquor to an intoxicated person. (f) Serve beer on or at the premises or facilities or permit any persons to consume beer on the premises and facilities between the hours of one a.m. (or two a.m. daylight savings time when daylight savings time is in force and effect by law in Salt Lake City, Utah) and seven a.m. of any day, except when New Year's Day falls on Monday in which case the foregoing may be permitted until three a.m. (g) Permit the use of the premises for any unlawful purpose. Sec. 20-29-12. Playing of cards. Each club that main- tains on its premises such facilities for the playing of cards or other games of chance shall so indicate in its application to the license assessor the number of tables and type of para- phernalia to be so used and its location on the premises. Sec. 20-29-13. Enforcement. It shall be unlawful for the licensed club or any member, guest, employee, agent, manager, director or officer to violate any provision of this chapter. Sec. 20-29-14. License may be suspended. Licenses may be suspended or revoked by the Board of Commissioners for the violation of any provisions of this chapter or any other appli- cable ordinance or law relating to alcoholic beverages. The Commission shall conduct a public hearing prior to revocation upon not less than ten days' notice to the club by serving notice of the hearing upon any officer or director thereof or by posting such notice upon the licensed premises. Sec. 20-29-15. License fees. Applications provided for in this chapter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter provided which fees shall be deposited in the City Treasury if the license is granted and returned to the applicant if denied: For Class "A" license $ 1 per annum or any part thereof. For Class "B" license $250 per annum or any part thereof. Sec. 20-29-16. Ordinances inconsistent. All ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. If any section or provision of this chapter shall be declared inyl.id or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the same shall not be affected thereby. a -4- SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January, 1970 this 20th day of i'tNie;X4V. VMAYOR -_ CITY (SEAL) BILL NO. 5 of 1970 Published January 23, 1970 5 'hus,d bV adding a tie Chimer R9 int0, rgla ling to Realising a.tl clubs a= associations. nnprn,l,l Affidavit ®f Publication clubs do.s 0 -Mons. ICo it ordained nbolt the Lakeard of Ci1Y, U tahml • Re lsetl OOrdindnces i°i'd SR Il eft the ' iltv.Utah,196 Q,r latinq io Ilcfnsing• l busine>a r gu1a110n f°°;tV+r fll ,� Ige°•: nag s oclahoeo.Ee�mad ihelhc.aAp� inle her b�Is,a dad pv. tldlaa 1 ow.a na chanter a9,to rend s SS. fa1Sec. Sec.RO-Rwl.Definitions. edgy t�Y.ak4 roe.A mon� ht cmb••a5 vsee l Zany social uhall br aetlal ro be let,c ssooratlon ore kindrred1 a don.r sheth Incorporated r no ion wnainer re not lilt T ar_Le.w_-- I'meeti 0 rooms gun rooms,regular _-'--- .ihe°f lily limits or taclbtic5•wilhig I Sec'. 20.29-2. Unlawful to operate itnoni license,I shall he untawaul or n o iota)t wbwm o to Bein r foist dr l'sworn,deposes and saps that he is legal ad ner- I fnin Sill nLake r90 haul¢first - lr 1 profit club licenses a slued under Nan< tivinn clerk of the DESRRE'f'NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) plait ie I t l issued sneer t h language with general cif-- operations of this chanter hall ref n.ewspapet' printed in the Ennlic hied an the following shall nSalt Lake glans and shall car,Ina IV•: cuLrtion in Utah, and published in .Salt Lake City. and responsibilities aptrr; herelnuft P nrovl doC In this haPler: 'i ua5s A" '�. County, in the Slate of Utah.. S¢a,R62:1;l CAnouc9B ion for IIcen0O Alt time Canis torucalloa5ean'a moor.: + ropy time the license°Is renewed.the @will, That the lenal notice of which a co is attached hereto me license assessor , statemedr identifying the club, location hne•- r l purposes a indicating,ryrypp.l Salt Lake city Corp. An ordinance amendinf, elected officers and directors find club..'20.29.5.Class "A"license,, Class•'A"license hall be Issued„q all -profit cwbn which od 1 title 20, relating; to licens.in�; and business amiel' res+durtl acigttes ncr --_._—_-- u,ntool Ise c acorn Olculn f beer . — SOxifatinpliquors the P o_ rgmi5e5; Sec.fit clubs Class"B"license,A Class"B"license shall ono,io ah f re Ulatiorl of non—profit clubs and associations. non-urofli clans which main[.sin food and re5laurent iJcillli¢s and ---"'"-- _" - -�---� service consumollon of peer allow the uremlses infox tip Il0.Ol'On the Until Sec. Com°Ilanbe --------- ---- health regulations.non'r It shall be drum, ful for o no,iofil lab to r i9110 malting od r00 l00 W¢ health ektlinances and regulations pf Self Lake Clty as set form h,MP ---- rifle re laling to nealrh regulations. -"�-----— sec.Ro s.It Cp 10 be en whh u _ -- coolali0ns,it shall be rate Crfp any norvo r hr club to operate with. ---- o t lama hmNy.pun,he wlhe was published in said newspaper on__-- 'code of Salt Lake Crel es s s forth p in the ordinances elating to fire COcf pion referred toJanuary ea 20-Po et floplications flied 23 r Chief of P011<e.Alll --' - _ Y0trr s wih,the theist too f Ch,t looter shall be referred+o Ilf Con,Tf Pollee for pelted ion and re- Port.The Chief of Pollee lyinn Ouch ----"-- whprcatior rorworO a deta so the eth of Commissioners coeds to / / _J rwful, such lab s orderly mine t -r lawful, quiet and a he premise, s manner ----- Jntl the p 1MSN M the pia 15ec to Igo Permit iFc use of in p a e 1'2n r naol, rot ny lawfulpurpose.0tcaul 1 dTrertlstng Clerk 5 RO-2910, Apet!Ail deterred Se. '11-29wf i OF ar�s to s file do accordance All :owl.- Each club Ina[ , to-tic oo [ions files l cOrtlderr with thisth Its rem,esl sa0de h r falller.s faster snail tie referred fo the he ola0lny . ri chapter ed department which shall of chance of so or ringliti aR s all pre 5 t owned astl occa'o to the license sin. its; coed pV the club tt ns f 0Ii the tie number.of tables and ;wets f.s n ort compliance ofUtah, with the taws of tad 1 ,the to he so used and i,:..' of State of Utah,the ordinances of Call liocac. .2 the premises. 8 ' Lake Gill'and the rules and resin°. Sec.,on td. orentiemenl.It scat-1 _____-._—�-- [ions o the health nrgi.mcnf, r• a Sec t20�29�11.ylghling. II shall be LL an umlemful fOr P5e li�nsed club unlawful for a tub to maithout sworn. t0 before 1ti.P, t tuts n bar, fe love, c t. ao-ecrer rotor<er+o°vial any to facilities without lfall air ofe this ate complying h0ih thesort following lighting`uarSet.o:419r15.sL hen aavrae.-ie d"e m rC9ulf A.D.y e Is: y _.—-_--- ,qr9 _.-pended. Licenses ,v be pendes1 a nitl'vi�uringa busineSNhours mint slope, evoked by thelation fs my fro, red' al 1e elletpb fee118hoeeathe for the violation ofCo ids floor shall be maintained. s f this chap. any afl.ir ib)No enclosed booths,blinds cable ordinance r law chit•, in hal.Dw retied grill tonil vial! i laic oevcrao es.The Comm,' in a area here food or'drink a to plc hot revocation e pThe ommi•. t0 cation O net le,l served. 2�R9-i R.Unlawful to II,sun Vllan ten gaol notice to iM1e club b �._ ,ply servebeer r liquor.Floors of servingnotice t the hearing up [operation. t shall be unlawful tot oficer o of thereof or 1' NotaryPublir, Me club acting trough Its posting such notice upon the been,. IOVes r h an,plan JIr CCtpi sec.20 29 16.License fees.',knoll employe,a etas'fin"ucensq m a v sans e sl'cO for m the's naps m IOVe,member,guest,club Officer hdll be a a ietl the i( 'e director'to: hereinafter provided which fees sf long)Have la,his possession beef be deposited in the ity Treasure Ii IOxicatieY IIquOY contrary to talc the license is granted and return i-tatutes ordinances of Salt Lake ip the plicaniif enied: Ci,i. Fo�arc "A" ices Sl e l)Sell beer or intoxicating IIq Vp! v art thereof• v oration o sea slat Ute. _ a,,%e Class"e" license, silo Nor)Suany person ¢o o he a9C to or p fit icensee 0 r iwfmrq-oerrn°errs.n antler ipg t Expires 'enscc l cr0ro oreman00 1,c font. (d) Permit any terms underi the ��t.nAll e d!rances nails !te•eal jape of,wcntv-ane very,t' a a repealed.tent lherew section hereby ih`bar fa<ili+les Il,c tub. Far 9/ ealed.If, h " 1p poses i Ihls acrron, Ith lirj ter shall be declaredOlrin..lijhap- "bar ,fgcll�ies"shall can the area. tie oft iurlsdi by a rero, cord.{ hich alcoholic beverages eaef ceable byn,ihfe cinder o I1°IxeE m lovasti li the same shall not be affected Mere- 'fne tub ra the area nln¢wnicn s , Mere- by. R,In the opined of the ,the le rtheLeverages V n e Board of N 2,In the on it I tie tl other than with oared sal,. once peace,ss health d safety • lm(e)s Su 1V beer or Ilguor to en of the habi ads° Salt Lake fety intox{caoed°Oerseg, 1'ral fh,s tlinance become effective 151 re sae hies or oral the p immediately SECTION 1 This ordinance hail. lIs¢ or facilities r perm' anour tat,effect u its first blication. 'sons one r consume or on the li.say „Passed by the Board of Commie l as meili wh between the hour of Snlr Lake'Ito,Utah,this an.for MO a a.davilpst say 2orhadav of.ia r.garv. 910 me when tl effect vans 3,BRACKEN LEF S s force and Utah, by law In rv,aecr time i laama.L1 ka City, d ay,exci and en HERMAN 3.NOGENSFN wN^nN^uv ^aU City Recorder Year't0fls o M1100i. which S-y Bit L N0.5 Oa 1970 ca.the iamgrninu JY he permli,fll hushed January 23.)970 fC it ,anal'.three --- Cif