50 of 1901 - Ordinance 50 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No. 72. Bill No. *1,.'w for AN ORDINANCE LEVYING THE TAX AND FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF TEEKFAX SOUTH TEMPLE STREET FROM TITIRTEEbITH EASE STREET EAST. v/g�IT OR I1G B TAF �JTYYO NCIL 0'� T LAKE CITY, UTAH: ", ,Sec 1 - That-said City Council doth hereby levy the tax and r p•.rov)d¢ fer.ithe a 4Esxi nt upon property hereinafter described, abutting ,) th! soith Side q' South"Te4uplo Street from Thirteenth East Street to </r. r i s tl e military reservation liyae 'in Sewer District No. 1, to defray the ` t /' ,' .1 ex'pena.e of constricting a,,lewer upon Said street, opposite the property 4rein.fter described, to:be especially affected and benefitted by said improveme nt, and it ,.ie`1ere)y adjudged, determined and established that the same will be -earecidlly benefittedAto the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said 'street The tax hereby levied and to be assessed is Four Hundred Thir- teen and 40/100 Dollars, or $1.30 per front foot, and the treasurer is hereby directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, to a depth of twenty-five feet back from said street, all of Lot 5 and the west 153 feet of Lot 6, Block 33, Plat "F" Salt Lake City Survey. Sec. 2: This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. i. Jrr C i l.) b4;o 'A,1y7P i , q1-1 ''a�,ur,), L. �. ot;r)V91 LhivotO •3av ,L N)v. , r, Poi. ,p•i.y-r.... 50 , , ,. , : . i 1,\'\N'.', -- ilt, , . . . , c . , : - ‘ `, iA--\44k .\ 641 I I 1 ik tip' $, ‘ r� �, Q31 ,t� L Q r_ _ I ? !`1 •