50 of 1902 - Ordinance 50 of 1902 – Reorganizing the Police Department, etc. ORDINANCE .
An ordinance recrge.nizing the Police Department of Salt Lake City, prescrib-
ing the number of officers and men, defining their duties, fixing their compensa-
tion, and repealing all prior ordinances.
Sec.I.' The Police Department of Salt Lake City is hereby reorganized and
shall hereafter consist of the following officers, men, employees and agents,
whose duties and compensation shall be as hereinafter fixed:-
One (1) Head of the Department. who shall he known as Chief of Police.
Three (8) Desk Sergeants..
Thirty-five (35) Policemen..
One (t) Assistant Jailer.
One (1) Matron.
Sec. II. The Chief of Po h:ce shall he ex-officio jailer and have charge of
the City Jail. He shall receive and safely keep all prisoners properly commit-
ted to his custody. He shall file and preserve every process of commitment and
keep a record, in a book Provided for that purppse, of all persons committed to
the City Jail, shoeing the date of arrest, offense ohartn4 term of commitment
and the prisoner's name, age And dace of birth,
Sec.III. The Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall appoint a
competent person, to act as Chief of Police, end the Mayor, with the consent of
tla.,04as-Wbuncil, may, at any time, remove such Chief of Police without cause,
without charges being preferred, and without a trial, hearing, or opportunity
to be heard, whenever. in their opinion, the good of the servine will be subserved
thereby, and the action of the Mayor and the City Council in making such removal
shall be final and conclusive. The City Recorder shall forthwith notify the
Chief of Police in writing of his removal and from the time of such notification
the person so removed shall in no case he entitled to any salary or compensation
Sec.IV. The Chief of Police shall, by and with the advice and consent of
the City Council ant approval of the Mayor, appoint three (3) Desk Sergeants,
thirty-Give (85) Polpcemen, one (1) Assistant Jailor, one (1) Matron, and all
other men or employees in the Police Department. and in like manner fill all
vacancies.' The Mayor or Chief of Police, with the consent of the Council, may,
at any time, remove any subordinate employee, man or agent, without charges being
preferred, and without a trial, hearing or opportunity to he heard, whenever in
their op,imion the good of the service will he eubserved thereby, and such removal
shall be final and conclusive. The City Recorder shall forthwith notify in
writing the re oved parson of such removal; it sL ll not be nce:eeary to state
anv cause therefor and from the time of notification the person so removed shall
in no case he entitled to any salary or compensation whatever.
Scc.V. The Chief of Police shall within ten days after this ordinance goes
into effect, designate by notice in writing riled with the City Recorder,' and a
duplicate thereof filed with the City Auditor, one (1) Policeman to act as
Captain of Police, One (1) Policeman to act as City Detective, one (1) Policeman
to act as First Duey Sergeant, one (1) Policeman to act as Second Duty Sergeant,
One (1) Policeman to act as Third Duty Sergeant, One (1) Policeman to act as
Bicycle Policeman, two (2) Policemen to act as Mounted Policemen, two (2)
Policemen to act as Patrol Drivers, two (2) Policemen to act as Depot Policemen,
two (2) Policemen to ast as Prison guards, and twenty-one (21) Policemen to
act ae Patrolmen. Whenever, in the future, any ohange: shall ol2cur in the Polioe
Department by death, resignation, removal, transfer, promotion or reduction,
the Chief of Police ehall,in like manner, fill all veoancies from among the
Raining. force, or from appointments, as in his judgment he shell deem best for
the good of the service.
Seo,VI. The Chief of Police shall have power at any time,to transfer abY
policeman from one service to another, to promote an semher of the department to
any position of greater authority, or larger salary, or, in like manner to reduce
any policeman from any subordinate offices to u lesser office, or to an office
of lesser celery, or to reduce anypaordinate officer to the ranks, or to
transfer any member of the department, exempt Desk Sergeants, M2tron and Assistant
Jailer from one oosition to another in the department, as in his discretion shall
he hest for the good or the service, by notifying the individual affected by
any such change, and by filing a written designation of the change with the
City Recorder and City Auditor; m3Z3.1!sd that any member of the existing depart-
ment holding any positionAanove the rank of patrolman by permanent appointment,
shall not he reduced below his present position, while he shall remain in the
9ec.VII. The Chief of Police may, at any time, when in his judgment the
good of the service demands it, suspend any subordinate officer, employee, man.
or agent, in the Police Department, for a period of not exceeding fifteen (15)
days, and during the tire of such suspension the Jerson or persons so suspended
shall not be entitled to any salary or compensation whatever. Whenever the
Chief of Police shall suspend any subordinate officer, employee, man or agent in
the department, he shall immediately report such suepensel4ion in writing to the
City Council.
Seo,VIII.The Chief of Police shall make and adopt snob reasonable rules
and regulations for the goeernaent of the department and the uniforms of the
officers, employees, men and agents connected therewith, as in his judgment,
shall be necessary and most appropriate for the good of the service.•
Sec..TX.. The Chief of Police, with the advice and consent of the City
Council and approval of the Mayor, may at any time appoint special poldloemen
to serve without pay from the City.
$e.o.X. In the absence, of the Chief of Folio , the ".nptain of•Paliee shall
perform the duties of Thief, and in the absence of the Oaptain of Police, his
duties shall devolve upon the ranking Duty Sergeant.
3ec.XI. Pounted Policemen must provide their own borsesatom equipment
end horse feefLat their own expense, tut under the direction and subject to the
approval of the chief of Police.
Seo.X➢1I. the salaries anot compensations of the officers, employees, men
and agents of the Police Department shall bs as follows:-
Chief of Police and ex-otfioio jailer, Z1500.00 per year..
0tv Detective. 114o,o0/06510 per year.
Oaptain of Police, II qavoldiMMIN per vear.
Duty Sergeants each, 1020,00 per year.
• Mounted Policemen each, 1020.00 per year.
Desk Sergeants each, 960.00 per veer..
11 pthe olicemen each.(e,ce ( c1¢. 4.A--,..)9e0.00 per year.
Ass a. tan��ai�er, PF0.00 er Xtt
Prison Guards each, 960.00 per year.
Patron, 240.00 per, year.
S4.10.7(IIl.hot.hina in this ordinance Shall he construed to operate as a
removal of any member of the,police Department bat all officers and men now
eent Shall continue to boll under existing appointments until
reeovel as in this ordinance provided. except that hereafter all men, save
desk sergeants and duty sergeants permanently appointed as such. shall hold
simply as policemen until otherwise designated by the Ohiet of Police.
Sec.IIV. All ordinances and parts of ordinances, and all resolutions and
parts of resolutions in conflict herewith. and particularly an ordinance creating
and organizing the Police Department of. Salt Lake Dity, passed liarcb 21st,
1699 and approved by the flavor March 22nd, 1699, and an ordinance amending
said last mentioned ordinance, passed April 10th, 1900 and approved April 11th,
1900. are hereby repealed.
Seo.XV. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Passed by the City Council of sic fake City, Utah, May 27th, 1902,
and rerarred to the Mayor for his approval.
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