50 of 1904 - Ordinance 50 of 1904 – Amending Section 306, re: employees in the office of the City Treasurer. • — 9 - AN 0 .11 DT AN . An ordinance amending Scion 306 of Chdt.:.: Xl of ti.e ne- vised Ordine,nces of Silt Lake Ci ;y. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Loin City, 7tah: Thar. SoctiOn 305 of Chapt:i II or %he Rovis,:d Ordieancoscif3903 be, fdid t-L,se;let e hereby is al:aindo.i.so de to read sif E-71JICTION TI-s.; City lreassn.:r c1c1J. have pc.v.hr to op- ' 1! point One e.,:41.oyeelti.no; azia.1.1 s•-;ir-qe 00/4-4; th,; ples..3hr's rit. said j Cit„y Tre,,,surcr, udc 0 i1li4r4rti3 ss4b tutie 31* ift 11j e ty" Ireasurer *nail dirleet Said dyployfJe e . 1 'have at. horitio - ipowid ualiconsed do an. to colloct do:1. Lases an.i_redersittion foes on impoundi.4 coloinfrati.c.1 (or his e,...-fvloos UIsyk;i1oxos shal.10 be --- paid a serocni .ge of fifty por cent upon all dog taxus and re- cieistion foes ol1ootci by hi . S t t.ployho sha:I furnish at his wan crisolhas all toarAs, wagonu atIL4. api,U.ances nocesndry for te porformance of his duties floi surlier. For tDis eestruction of i'...1Josa,, d dugs said eliiployou snail receive from it Cl tcy t,:y (50) cult.:i o.:Jimcits A1.3 or ch orc ahti pY.,r .:3 orainancos in conflict ho!-c;fiLU a ....ter,:-by repeal od o ro.y.tosit, of socl, t This or:23nanes shall taLe effect uoen A„o!,roval. 50 _ . Returned to City,Recomter For Piling. f c MAY 2 1904 CITY r...GOROE.. Presented to the City. Council, - . • - APR 1 11904 .Presented to to the City Council, APR 2 0 1904 , •)-747Pfkanx CITE RECORDER. Presented to the CitY Council, A6PR 2 5 1904 4,704 er CITY REE.ORDER. • _ _