50 of 1907 - Ordinance 50 of 1907 – Amending and re-enacting Sections 6 and 7 of an ordinance passed July 8, 19 •
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An nrdinanae arnetiding�Sectioiis 6 and 7 of the a i.nance pasxced
by the City Council of n^.lt t,rl City, Utah, July 8th, 1907, end
an7.roved by the Mayor July 9th,1907, repealing Section S of art
ordinance repealing sections 825, 826,[M 827,828 and 829 of the
Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City of. 190S, and i�r.nv:i.di.ng pro—
cedure concerning Teter extensions in lieu thereof, passed by the
City Council of Salt Lake City, October eth,1905, anti r eorovert btu
the rvb+wnr, October 11th, 1905, and selling five new sections to
said ordinance, to be 'known oe Ser^i3Oonfl : , 4,5,6, and 7.
lie it o d teed ',�, the City Council of Salt L.aite City, Utah:
Seo. 1. That said Sec. 6. be at ,nded to rear, es fo1:U we
Seo,6. After the deposit Hof the attount o. e toe end
expense of making said extension, the City Treasurer shell, when
authorized or die ected by resolution of the City Council, issue to
te person, flans or coesoeetion presenting said petition, and
depositing the amount of the cost end e^xi ottea ei' ;If :.ruc'ii o , A.—
sainn, sates scrip in such amounts as shall. l,e peovided in suob
resolution. Said water scrip shall be in the form of a certificate
signed by the City Treasurer, and shall show on its face the Amount
for which the scrip is issued, the date of issennce, the person,
firm or corporation to whom issued, and shall contain en aenerete
description of the extension on account of which the some is issued.
It shall also state upon its face that it is not assignable, except
to the owners, possessors or occljtants of. premises, ,..:�ic}�. may
adjoin or receive benefit or water from raid proposed extension,
and will be received only in payment of water rates for water
used upon premises, owned, oo upied or possessed by the person,
firm or corporation to whom the same is issued, Or to his or its
grantee or grantees, Or l.t'�:�nn presi:l0S adjoin es or Peceiii.ng benefit
or water from said propos;xt extra zo 1
Sect. That said Sec q' be alien e< , A read as fellow ,
7. The water scrip to be it owed ,,.,1,o ,;a rrc.1,1,1•1
'cable exempt as -a A provid®d,
of �%tis ordinance shall ;�e�'� be `.;=' ii;� e
ate., �","�d- �.0,.eta.,
hor bear interest or be received in payment of any fine, toll, tax,
feea, assessment or debt due Salt lake City, and shall be received
. . .
only in payment of water rates for water used upon premises owned,
oncupi-d and possessed by the person, firm or corporation.to whom
the me WITIM tArued or by his or its grantee, or upon 'promises
cik./yin- A adjoining, ore, laomtveWe' nefit or water from said proposed extension.
l'ent*Ixinutbutnans 1
Sec. 3. All ordinances and part*, of- ordinances in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
/nip, sw4inance shall take effect upon approval.
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