50 of 1911 - Ordinance 50 of 1911 – Amending & re-enacting Section 290 fixing the salary of City Chemist at $60 .� \'� AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINACE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 290 OF THE REVIDED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY OF 1903 AS AMENDED AND RE-ENACTED BY AN ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE • CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR MARCH 13,1906. BE it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake. City , Utah; SECTION 1, That Section 290 Revised ordinates of Salt Lake City of 1903 as amended and re-enacted by an ordinate passed by the City Council March 12,1906; and approved by the mayor March 13,1906 be and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows; SECTION 290, City Chemist, Appointment, Compendation, Duties. The Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the ) City Council shall have the power to appoint a suitable person as City Chemist at a salary of $600.00 (Six Hundred Dollars) per amnum which shall be in Full For all services rendered, payable monthly as are the salaries of other city of'icers. It shall be j}is duty to make analyses ,tests and examinations as may be required by the Board of Health. SECTION 2 , All ordinances rr,nd parts of ordinances ..an,conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTIOT , This ordinance shall take eFfect upon oCcX,/ D9a Passed by the City Council f Salt Lak i 15th, 1911, and referred to the Mayor for hi ro el. 1911 0 , e or e . Approved this/`9�th day of May, J7 - nLs`''. aAYOR. • . • _1.= i. . ... . .. . . I f • . . .. . . . II' - i 7; . t . . - . , .... -lri . • _ .'. :3t7j ,.... • , k t . . i 9 'M- i s'.)t) cn .... I • (.7) 4.0 N ... if' i• ' .1tij 4 z,.. . V "'' • .i 1 ri° -'../41-----ri: . • , ,: - \ ,D I, t7t i . •C:x4 ik --- g '• S". Ills. ] A..--- 1-- . A . . 1., !§ - . , . . , .:, . 1.1_2 . . . , . . ..,# . .. :.„,-. . . . / . .,. ..- . ,- . . - = -,... --F. -:7 .-''''-'• -.. ,