50 of 1915 - Granting Franchise to Oregon Short Line Railroad Company for spur track across South Temple Street b Yes No 1 Salt Lake City,Utah, "v- --' 191 -
lhearman 7
Neils i I move that the ordinance be passed. 1
dr.Chairmen '
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An ordinance granting to the Oregon Short Line Railroad
Company and to its successors and assigns a franchise to construct,
maintain and operate a spur railroad track across South Temple
Street, between Sixth and Seventh West Streets, in Salt Lake City,
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
' Lake City, Utah:
Section 1. A franohise and right of way is hereby given
and granted to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, and to its
successors and assigns to construct, maintain and operate a spur
' standard gauge railroad track across South Temple Street, between
Sixth and Seventh West Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah, the center
; line of said spur railroad traok being more particularly described
as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at a point in the center line of the main
track of the Leamington Cut-off of the Oregon Short Line Railroad,
whioh point is three hundred sixty-eight and thirty-seven hundredths!;
:, (368.37) feet West and eleven and forty-five hundredths (11.46)feet
� South of the City monument marking the intersection of the monument
'lines of South Temple and Sixth Went Streets; thence Southeasterly
,along a curve to the right, having a radius of four hundred sixty-
one and seventy-three hundredths (461.78) feet, for a distance of
sixty-fire and ninety-one hundredths (66.91) feet; thence continu-
ing along a curve to the right, having a radius of two hundred six
and sixty-eight hundredths (206.68) feet, for a distanoe of one
hundred twenty-two and six hundredths (122.06) feet, to a point in
the North line of Lot Six (6), Block Fifty (50) Plat "G" Salt Lake
:City, Survey.
Said spur track being more particularly shown on the attached
-1- 5i1
print, whioh is hereby made a part of thin ordinance.
Sestios L. During the teas of this tranship the grantee
shall be subjpt to the foilowiag conditions'
(a) That laid spear track shall be laic aeon and conform to the
grade of said street, and if the said grads is afterward changed by
ordinance of the board of city oemssissien.ro, the grantee shall, at
its oaa ezpeass, change the elevation of the treks so as to con-
form to the same.
(b) Whenever said street where snob trash is constructed shall
be pant, the* said graatie, its saseessors and sseigns shall pave
betimes the rsails ant fora spew, of taro Sset outaite of each rail,
with the ewe netatlet as that need in the street pavement, and all
ties shell be laid upon • oemsat bees of sash thimte*sss M shell be
directed by the pity engineer.
le) roll greets* shall pat is ear asiata*a each crossings over
Said spas track as shall from time to time be reeuirea by the Board
of Cl p l � l,ssioaers, and sears shall not be permitted to stand on
sa d str�esp t.
(t) the said spar trash shall be laid and the road operated so
es to erase ae anaisessery ieplliaent to the Mammon and ordinary use
of said sure. apse which it is l•it.
(e) deed ant suffioisat **Malts to *saver water shall be laid
out maiataiaol is good eonaition at the expense of the sail grantee,
in all the water lush*, Pressed by sail spur track, so as to admit
of free passage of water.
(t) Sala grantee, its suseessors and assigns shall gravel and .
maintain is good oonditlon at the established grade, the street a-
lc which the track runs to within one and one-half inches of the
to nraile, affi for a distance o! twenty-five lest on each aide of
the outer rails, subject to the approval of the supervisor of streets,
(g) Halt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control
the upset of all trains, engines and ears operetet by the grantee,
its suoeeotors and assigns, upon the said track.
Stotioa M. Nothing is this grant shall be so oonstruod
as to pretest Malt Lake City or its aatheriset agents, ooatraotors
or person or oorperatioa to whom a franchise may have been or may
heroeftsr be pealed, from paviag, ssweriag, laying gas or water
mains, pipes or sondaits, altering, repairing, or in any manner im-
proving sail streets.
Settles 4. Sail grants• herein, its ssaosesors and as-
signs shall, and by the asaeptaxes of the pritilsgos anti franchises
horns gwe►tet, and is sonsileratios of the same toss bint itself,
its uaiessssesa ant assigns, upon its asoeptemee of this franchise,
to saw salt city harmless from all smite, claims, tenants and
jalgaestmafateateer, whether in lea or is malty, which shall be
assortat, fount or restored is any maser whatsoetss, against said
city for injury or damage to abatting property or otherwise, by
reason of the granting of this frasohise es by season of the opera-
lion of Said spur treat; sat that the g anatss hovels, itis saeosesors
ant aus1gal, will pay the amount of any judgment, dot•rmlaatloa or
adjudication whisk, in any snit or prossetings,aay be or shall be
fount against sail Salt Lake City; prevltil, helmets, that said
grantee, its saaeoseors ant assigns shall have hat notias of any
euah suits, sal an opportunity to appear to tsfeal the sane; and sai
grantes,its sai►seeeeae,atast us shall aas ant tfat fill Urs t against Malt Lae City omy injury or damage by
moos of the soastrastion, operation or saistsnamea of said spur
Station 5. This franchise is granted for the period of
twenty-fire (a*S) years from Ind after the passage of this ordinance.
Section 8. Unless this grant and all the terms and con-
ditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grants* herein
within thirty lays from the passage of this ordinanoo, and unless
;!such track be constructed within one year from the date of ouch
Ipassage, then this ordinance shall be null and void.
Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication. ��q o.G.V, - P- -°c--
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, April 13tn, 1915 1915.
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Cit 8 County of Salt Lake ) NI
I, Karl A. Scheid, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah,
do hereby certify that the above ant foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance granting to the
Oregon Short Line Railroad Company and to its successors and assigns
a franchise to construct, maintain and operate a spur railroad track
*arose South Temple Street, between Sixth and Seventh West Streets,
in Salt Lake City, Utah." passed by the Board of Commissioners of
I; !
Salt Lake City, Utah. 1915, as appears
of record in my office.
1W WITS7138 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix-
d the corporate seal of said City this day of
'' 1 Wd. U.. -) `City Reoorder
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