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50 of 1939 - Amending Sections 1523 and 1536, Revised Ordinance 1934, relating to weights and measures
• ROLL CALL ' DEC - 7 '139 Salt Lake City,Utah, , 193 VOTING AYE NAY Gcggin V I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser �` i • Matheson - - - - / Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - ' . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1523 and 1536 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to weights and measures. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 1523 and 1536 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to weights and measures, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 1523. TICKET, WEIGHERS. (a) Any person or any employee of such person selling or offering for sale within the city any coal, coke, hay or straw, shall prepare a certificate in triplicate certifying the customer's name and address when known, together with the gross, tare and net weight of the load as well as the date, time of day and address of the seller and brief description of the commodity, and which certificate shall bear the weighmaster's signature. A true copy thereof shall be kept by the weighmaster and shall be known as the weighmaster's certificate. Upon demand of the Sealer of Weights and Measures or his deputy any such person shall exhibit his original weigh- ; master's certificate. (b) It shall thereupon become the duty of the person delivering such commodity, upon demand of said City Sealer of Weights and Measures, or his deputy, to convey the same forth- with to a(public or private)scale to be selected by said officer and permit the weighing of said commodity, together with the conveyance and equipment, for the purpose of ascertaining the gross weight thereof, and shall after the delivery of such commodity return forthwith with the conveyance and equipment 50 • • • -2- used in the delivery of such commodity to the same scale and permit the weighing of said conveyance and equipment, for the purpose of verifying the net weight of said commodity as shown by said ticket. (c) All dealers in the above named commodities shall upon any vehicle used, display in a conspicuous manner/the name of such dealer in • colors contrasting to the color of the truck and in letters plainly visible. SEC. 1536. PERMIT FOR PRIVATE WEIGHING. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person in control or in possession of any scales in this city to use or permit the use of same for weigh- by others ing commodities offered for sal Iln Salt Lake City unless such Department of person shall have obtained a permit from th2iftitt Sealer of Weights and Measures as a prrvate weigher, whic J be is • - sued to all applicants whose scales are correct to weigh pro- others than ducts offered for sale the applicant. (b) Application for such permit shall be submitted in D partme nt Q writing to thEAMICK Sealer of Weights and Measures accompanied by a fee of One Dollar ( 1.00) and shall contain a full descrip • - �� tion of the scale, its location name and address of the owner Department of and such other information as ther( C Sealer of Weights and Measures shall prescribe. If said scale shall be found to 1 weigh correctly, a permit shall be issued as requested. The Department of Board of Commissioners may on request of tht/IYMM Sealer of Weights and Measures revoke any permit for cause after due no- tice to the permit holder and public hearing. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person having a per- mit to fail to keep a weighmaster's certificate for each article Departm>nt of or load weighed on file for Inspection by thOMISealer of Weights and Measures. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners • it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake•City that this ordinance become effective immediately. • • -3- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 7 (.day of , A.D. 1939. Mayor. City Recor r. di ._ • -',- dF,...,.1-:;-, 1 -.71,.,,, ..,,I.f,s:1- 1111,-1;,.!. f:-<.if.irillit,,,0 :..,-1-1! , v t,.;,3-':',..' ,..=LS?:?, .1.11-5-_-, -,:::. t.i.1-:ir,1,1,H-,,-..::,.. ;0:- 1, i.,--up.....,rt !:4rist IN .b. EaW-i k. . k , :,..,--4_ C., V',..)..).-,.. _ til.1- tti3JAL . f . 1 s•-'—9_24,—.J..,:-...i, ',...Lsi'•-..),'-,..i.„....,..ei.r.---- it t * I [ 4 4t, rn Imll *--, --`1 •0 M , ... ..:4t .,. w Li . . • ,,, ,:,,,, .i._ _ , 05. k -55, ca , 0 •,.1.:- z- © , ., •Pi sr trt . 1. , . . . „ . • . , r . , . , F oc, , . . t • . -- - :,-- - .----- ,,- -_-_, • Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF UTAH,} County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Leo li.Young AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'ONC- 'rION9 1673 and tat o tie Revised Oral- choRe o1 Belt Lake'City.Utah, 1034,(o- lame-to weights and:measures, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- He 1t ordained by the•itoatd of Co,hmlb- `eienare of Sattake CrtY Dtgh: vertisin clerk ofTHE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper BECTIDth 1. Thet'sectneri 1:of sad g lt Lak1 the Reviled 'relatingn t i Bats Lake Oley,Utahe 7ild the ge are here. and mended be aha the lama are hers published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County;in the State evd23(.o d as follows: SEC.person any TICKET, W fI (e) • Any Dling or a employee of stick.Dar- cin gang or occitt, for sale the - O to Prepare ▪ any0acer coke,•hay or straw,triplicate shall peg Dare u tomer s t in led ad r certif.), file the together customer's name end-address when net w ghtmof hwithe-1 the as•wllt tare the That the advertisement Ordinance.2111 Tdp,..$_9......_ et weight f the-load,"..as date, and of day Auld,nd of of the .egoist and brief de:cer 1 n o1 the nature, ana which':certificate shall cm. relating, to weights and measures (Salt Lake City the lghmaeer's ept4bd.'th A true coed I end hall be known as tide'f thmse seater certificate. and: demand o1 the Beeler Corporation) en Wuchts ape' .hail ee ib his deputq I such Darker'•shall ate. hie o sr• any / St shall tie r certifithereupon bec (t3 p mars el eriynt becomethe GOY of the demand ofivsaid. Cityd,comC of Weights ig.demand'eas emd cC h-Healey convey ney'and Measures, or hie daDUpu to D ey the game oorbe sal to pnsaid 0o DreVata scale'EO'be.selected'by said commodi together with the`convedm0 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the bud equipment,doe the purpose-of lean", y�tfaq 4he.roes weight` 0 9th day of December A.D. 1939 'turn tort a,ithltver9 of:. and turn Sent,nee n e veryeofO such equipment,teed e. the delivery-of each the weighing. Sr the.aid scale d permit and the welnt,f o: eald Bone of and and was published...1.time tOe nentwig the Osaid 1 verifying he net weight ticket.said commtldity se sh(01 Alby sde ers mom All dealers in the above.ns named commodities shall dl.Diey hiconspicuous .the last publication thereof being in the issue datedthe manner pan any vehicle sea the n of such dealer o colors'Wntreatmg to the color,of the truck end in-letters plainly. day Of A.D. 19 vt SEC. MIL PERMIT' VCR PRIVATE WEIGHING.(al It shall be unlawful for spyy person 1n tree or.,n possession.OSany "any.scales in'this city to se Or Dermot the of same.for eightng eoWm d,- SCes Off w Offered for eels d °there ,n 9e11 a A ertising Clerk. Lake,City unless push person.shall have 'obtained permit from.the,Department Of Sealer f Weights and pe issued to Drlvate weigher, ]l sigh nts nose Bleb a rr 1 to.we'tT n a p offend,ior-teals by oe t. (hi the the aDD oo se (bl 'Application ritin peT Dermot shall m uatSeal 1n wWeIg is the e ne'- ment of sealer of o18'11te'and Meaeurea day of • accompaNed to n fee 111 deeeriDtion�of the o be f ore me this 14th -scale, its lecatin, u d address of ale, ne]andElsn, name the nor nos.such oter f.Weights �9 Mon Department orSealer.gfIf eta°ecc c A.D. 19 shall be found to weigh cerrectly,a scale Boardmit n 1f be-Commieeiioonersa �ueat�lab. Tbe quest of the Department.01 Se f Weights 'and Measure. revoke env permitfor ld att .t oUe to the.,per S hoer a,�Public Tea ln8'• '. .{ ..- dl Itbhnit be^tmhdglul i w:Pew IV cry Public. ion'having permit.to San t -keep ✓ load Weighed))figs file ofor nsli tnebeeticie ion by the:.Department o1 Sealer of.Weights I and Measures. SECTION 2. It the, opinion 'of'the -Boardcardof health sioner it is necessary to the peace health an safety of the fahabi- tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective(immtecediately. SECTION 9. This ordinance a shall take effect upon He first publication. raeeed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lein City.Utah,this:Rh'day Ot ,December,A.D.1739. • JOHN M:WALLACE; Mayor,.. Kong. .MACDONALD,md • SEAL) BILL NOq 60 - .! °1 d F F ,1•