50 of 1947 - Franchise granting to Oregon Short Light Railraod Company ( Union Pacific Railroad Company Lessee ) ROLL CALL •
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Affleck fr
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . . . (,,.
Romney k ��
Mr.Chairman . .
An ordinance granting to the Oregon Short Line Railroad
Company, (Union racific Railroad Company, Lessee), its successors
and assigns, a franchise to construct, maintain, and operate a
single spur track running on Third .:lest Street between Eighth
South and Ninth South Streets, all in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. A franchise is hereby granted and given to
the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, (Union Pacific Railroad
Company, Lessee), a corporation existing under and by virtue of
the laws of the State of Utah, its successors and assigns, to
construct, maintain, end operate a standard single spur track on
Third West Street between Eighth South and Ninth South Streets in
Salt Lake City, Utah, the center line of said spur track being as
Beginning at a point in the center line of the
main track of the Oregon Short Line railroad Company
which is 14.5 feet West and 2.1 feet worth of the
Southwest corner of Block 7, Mat "A", Salt Lake
City Survey; thence along the center line of proposed
spur track on a curve to the right, having a radius
of 942.29 feet, for a distance of 90.1 feet; thence
continuing along said center line on a curve to the
right, having a radius of 240.49 feet, for a distance
of 135.0 feet more or less to a point in the west
line of said Block 7, which is 223.0 feet North of
the Southwest corner thereof.
SECTION 2. During the term of this franchise, the Grantee,
its successors and assigns, shall be subject to the following con-
ditions, viz.:
(a) That said spur shall be laid upon and conform to the
established grade of said street, and if said grade is afterward
changed by ordinance of the hoard of Commissioners, the Grantee
shall, et its own expense, change the elevation of the tract so as
to conform to the same.
(b) h henever said street where said track is constructed
shall be paved, repaved, resurfaced or repaired, then said Grantee,
its successors and assigns, shall pave, repeve, resurface or repair
between the rails and for a space of two feet outside of each rail
wit'c. the same kind of material used on said street, or with such
other material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners.
In the event said Grantee shall fail to pave, repave,
resurface, or repair and surface any area as herein required for a
period of thirty (30) days after notice from the Board of Commis-
sioners so to do, the City shell have the right to pave, repave,
resurface or repair between the rails or said surface or area and
the Grantee agrees to reimburse the City for the total cost of said
work, labor, and material.
(c) The said spur track shall be laid, and the road op-
erated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and
ordinary use of said street upon which it is laid.
(d) Good. and sufficient conduits to convey water shall be
laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said Grantee
in all water ditches crossed by said spur track so as to admit of
free passage of water.
(e) Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and
control the speed of all trstns, engines and cars operated by the
Grantee, its successors and assigns, upon the spur track aforesaid.
deither the engines nor cars shall be permitted to stand on said
spur track.
(f) That if, in putting in said spur track, said Grantee
shall remove or in any manner interfere with the uavement sidewalk,
curbs, gutters or waterways on said street, it shall replace such
pavement with the same or such other material as shall be ordered
by the Board of Commissioners and shall replace such sidewalks,
curbs, cutters and waterways to the satisfaction of the Commissioner
of Streets and rublic Improvements and shall so construct the
gutters and waterways that they will allow the free passage of water
to the satisfaction of said Commissioner.
SECTION' 3. _eothing in this grant shall be construed so
es to prevent ;salt Lake City or its authorized agents, contractors,
persons or corporations to whom a franchise may have been, or may
hereafter be granted, from paving, sewering, laying gas or water
mains or pipes, altering, repairing, or in any manner improving
said street, but all such improvements shall be made with as little
injury es orac;ticable to said spur track and the operation thereof.
Phen Salt Lake City undertakes to place any utility under said spur
track, the Grantee shall at its own expense underpin and protect
its spur track while said utility is being placed under the spur
bECT'ION 4. The said Grantee herein, its successors and
assigns, shall, and by the acceptance of the privileges and fran-
chises herein granted, and in consideration of the same, does bind
itself, its successors and assigns, upon its acceptance of this
franchise, to save the city harmless from all suits, claims, demands
and judgments whatsoever, whether in law or in equity, which shall
be asserted, found or rendered in any manner whatsoever, against
said City for injury or damage to abutting property or otherwise by
reason of the granting of this franchise, or by reason of the
operation of said spur track, and that the Grantee, its successors
end assigns will pay the amount of the judgment, determination or
adjudication which in any snit or proceedings gray or shall be found
against halt Lake City, and the said Grantee, its successors and
assigns shall appear in end defend ell actions brought against Salt
La::e City, for any injury or damage by reason of the construction,
operation, or maintenance of said sour track, provided, however,
that said Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have had notice
of any suits and en opportunity to aepear• and defend the same.
SECTION 5. This franchise is granted for the period
expiring on the first day of January, A. D. 1975; provided, however,
that if for s period of nine consecutive months during the life of
this franchise said track or any part thereof is not used for the
purpose for which this franchise is granted, or if there is a
substantial abandonment of the use of said track or any part there-
of, this franchise shall be voidable at the option of the Board of
Commissioners, and if so ordered by the Board of Commissioners, said
track shall, nithin thirty days after notice, be by said Grantee
removed from the str:.et, and the street restored to e condition
uniform. with the balance of said street with respect to grade,
materials, and construction to the satisfaction of the Commissioner
of Btreets and public Improvements. In the event of failure of
said Grantee to remove said track and to restore said street upon
said notice and within thirty days thereafter, the work may be done
by Belt Lake City at the expense of said Grantee.
SECTION 6. Unless this franchise and all the terms and
conditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the Grantee
herein within thirty (30) days after this ordinance becomes effec-
tive, and unless said track be constructed within one (1) year from
the effective date thereof, then this ordinance shall be null and
SECTION 7. .herees in the opinion of the Commission an
emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect immediately after
publication hereof.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake City,
Utah, this 71 day of . 1 7.
wi \
//%2 .1. _��/.+ / / J�
City h ecorder
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
MAY 211947
First Publication in
Affidavit of Publication
_. ..County of Salt Yoko_
- ,.Legal Notices
Ad ordinance pelting to the Oregpon
yehorn Lme Itallr h =lenY, gi ,
_ auocessore
-- ikos@tRedni'fraecdl)ee itoe D Pii OCkey
construct,maintain,and operate a single
spur track running on Third West
Street be°wets,Eighth South d Ninth Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
'Utah. •
mief n°ere`of Salt L k°Bty,`dU oaf htom- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
granted and giv n to° ereb
thei Oregon se uShort
Line Railroad Company, (Union Pacific published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Railroad Company, Leeeee), a eo[pora-
f theggrate°Le..Utah,by its su of the
and a igns,to cadatruct,spur tin,and of Utah.
operate a standard single spur track on
,Third West Street between Eighth South
and Ninth South Streets in Salt Lake'
the cfolers line of said spur being low • That the advertisement
at in lino of thetrack of the Oregon
Short Line Railroad andofd Company which Ordinance Bill No 50
14.5 feet West 2.1 feet North
e SaSuatlbweltake corner Ciy sfSurr Block
along the center line of proposed upur Salt Lake City Corporation
track on a curve to the right, having
a radius of 942.29 feet, for a distance
of 90,1 feet; thence continuing along
said center line on a curve to the right,
having a radius of 240.49 feet, for a
distance of 125.0 feet more or leas to
point in the west line of said Black 7,
which is 220.0 feet North of the South-
westr thereof• was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
SECTION 2..During the term of this
granehlea the Grntee its successorsfo and
reigns,shall be.eubjeot to the follow-
-.:de )Thataaa
said spur eeaB be lard grade day of D. 19
and d street,
to the establishedaa
of rdichsanged and ordinance the Board May26 1947
ward own expense,Mange
Grantee Mall, at and was published
'it own xpens hnge the elevation of
the tract to conform to the same.
trek is Whenever
ddMalll°be where d,°aid the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
paved,resurfaced or reaired,then id
Grantee,its eumeeeore and assigns Mall
pave, pave, resurface or repair be-
tween day of /; A.D.19
feo the[Wile and for a pace of two
lest outside of each ail with she or
kind of material used op said street,or +_
with mob. then material may be ap- '/j //'/ ,/. //
proved by.other
Board f Commtaslutlers. L (.K.y �l�
In the event aid of
Mall fail �'-
w pace,repave,reea surface,or
required for Advertising Cler
surface any
tperiods of thirty (20) days'after no-
ice from the Board of Commissioners
,ea to do,the City shall have the right
to pave,t eon the repave resurface
or saidsurfacer°o`arm
and the Grantee agrees to reimburse the
Cityfor'the total oust of said work,
labr, d material.s ,to before me this 27 th clay o f
_afro)t saki spur track shall be laid,
-and the essar operated so to cause
¢a unnecessary y impediment to the upon
r°ch it is laidry use o1 sold street upon ly A.D.19 47
w(d) Good end ufficient dune to
tamed ins good conditl condition
at and main-
can expense
• said Grantee to all water ditches ,
.emceed by-said spur track so as to admit /
o f fret Passage of water. _
re Salt and onto l the the right —
to regulate and control the speed of all
trains, engines and cars operated by
- - -
the Grantee,Its sac art e assigns, Notary blip
son the spur track aforesaid. ite
the engines nor care shall be permitted
to stand on said spur track.
() That if, in putting in said spur
track,said-Grantee-°hall remove or In
any manner interfere with the pavement
sidewalk,curbs,gutters or waterways on
said street, it shall replace such Pave-
ment with the same or such other ma-
c Commissionere and ordered by
replace sunk
sidewalks curbs,guttere and waterways
off the Steete tt and tion of Public Imp}e Commissioner
,.hall so construct the gutters and water-
way.that they ill allow the free pas-
,sage of water to the entlefactlon of mid
SECTION 3.Nothing in thfc-esaat shah
be construed so ae to prevent Salt Lake
City or its authorized agents,contractors,
persona or corporations to whom a fran-
chise may have been',or may hereafter
be granted,from paving,a.veering,lay-
ing gas or water mains or pipes, alter-
ing,repairing,or in any manner tmprov-
-tag said street, but all such improve-
ments shall be made with as little in-
jury as practicable to said spur track and
the operation thereof. When Salt Lake
City undertakes to place any utility
under said spur track,the Grantee shall
at Its own expense Underpin n d pro-
tect its spur track while said utility
la being Placed under the spur track.
itsSE successorsCTIONand a a e m said Grantee hare ,
assigns,shall,and by
...he acceptance n f the privileges and
frakb)tieem-bSra1¢..gtgpted, and 1¢ -
lderation of the same.does Mad itself,.
Ste successors and assigns,upon its ac-
ceptance of this franchise,to'save the
city harmless from all suits,claims,de-
mands and judgments whatsoever,wheth-
er in law or in equity, which shall be
asserted,found or rendered 1n any man-
ner whatsoever,Agatha said City for in-
jury or damage to abutting property or
otherwise by reason of the granting of
this franchise,or by reasonof the op-
eration of said spur track,and that the
Grantee, its successors and assigns will
pay the amount of the judgment, de-
• termination m adjudication which in
any suit or proceedings may or shall be
found against Bait Lake City, and the
said Grantee,Its successorsand assigns
shall appear in an efd all actions
brought against Salt Lake City,for any
construction,d aoperae tion, bre amaintenance
of saki spur track, provided, however,
that said Grantee,its successors
and a
sign.,shall have bad 06000 of any suits
and an opportunity to appear and de-
fend the same.
SECTION 5.This franchise is granted
for the period expiring on the first
'day of January. A.O. 1975; provided.
however,that if fora period of nine con-
sentioee mosnths
during any the life of this
art there-
of tr nIs not a used for the pDurpoae Think this franchise 1s granted, or 1f
there is substantial abandonment of
the use of said track or any part there.
of, this franchise shall be voidable at
the option of the Board of Commission-
ere,and if eo ordered by the Board of
Commissioners, said track shall, within
thirty days after notice, be by said
Grantee removed from the street.and the
street restored to a condition uniform
with the balance of said street with re•
.poet to grade,materials,and construc-
tion to the satisfaction of the Com-
missioner of Streets and Public im-
provements.-In the event of failure of
•said Grantee to temmme said track and
to restore said street upon said notice
and within thirty days thereafter, the
work may be done by Salt Lake City at
the expense of said Grantee.
SECTION t.Unless this franchise and
all the terms and conditions thereof shall
be accepted in writing by the Grantee
herein within thirty(30)days after this
ordinance becomes effective, and unless
said track be constructed within one(1)
effective ih n this ordinance ehell be null and
SECTION . Whereas in the opinion
of the
this ordinance,.hail take effect imme•
diately after-publication hereof.
Passed by the Board Of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 21st day
of May,A.D. 1997.
(SEAL) City Recorder.
Published May 26, 1947.